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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Death · #1567387
Just read it you'll understand it
Part 1
To Tame The Beast Within The Bone Keepers Golden Rule
A Short Story By Savanna Ewing

The room was filled with a musky smell, and a soggy wet feel.
There was a off and strange setting to this small room, were Quinn Frinksonton
dwelled. He came here on cold and lonely nights. He came here to view his collection.
He did not collect stamps, or coins or even baseball cards. His shelves were not filled
with books or collectable, but they were stacked with something, yes something indeed.
Quinn passed back and forth, his thoughts were running loose tonight. They had escaped over dinner with his ex girlfriend. Diana was harping over what she always did, she wanted to move in together and then down the road marry Quinn. How ever what Diana did not understand was that Quinn as not the settling down type of man, nor was he the kind of man who wanted someone living with him. His home was his sanctuary from the judging world. A place were he could keep his prized possession's, and not be judged. If Diana were to move in with him, he would have to sneak, and he had no intent on sneaking in his own home. Diana was a sweet girl, she was not pretty but not ugly. She was plain by all accounts. She was good enough for him through, she was there when he needed her. If only she would leave when he did not need her, she'd be Lil' miss perfect for the strange and dead Quinn. Now Quinn was not dead in literal since. No not at all, he was just depressed deeply. And so he called him self the walking dead Quinn. Diana had always thought he should see a doctor for it, but he had replied "I have my home made meads' in my basement...." That was not a lie, he did have some home made meads that helped him cope with all his sadness & anger. How ever Diana would not stop, lately she harped on everything. Quinn was growing tired of her she was becoming more of a problem than solution. As Quinn marched from one white wall to another in his basement, he became enraged by diana insistent bickering. The more he thought about her the more, he wanted to end it. Quinn thought as he sat on his work bench, he thought to himself "Mother always said I would end up alone." The less he walked the more he calmed down. Quinn was acting like a caged animal, a man eater who wanted out of it's earthly bonds. To run free in the wild, and eat who ever it pleased. Quinn stood and walked to the stairs, he went up them slowly. When he came to the door that lead out of the basement he made a remark aloud. "Well Ol' boy O' you held the beast at bay for one more night, at least one more...." With that he exited the basement and went to sleep. With Quinn's absence one light that hung from the ceiling, flickered shortly then went out and the room was pitch black.
When dawn came Quinn was awoken by the door bell. Who On earth could it be a this hour? Quinn wondered to himself. He stumbled out of bed and made his way to the front door. When Quinn came to the door he opened it with caution. A tall thin police officer was standing there with a look that might say "Ok you Son Of A Bitch opened up the damn door." Quinn smiled welcoming, "Good morning officer may I help you with something?" The cop did not smile back, he seamed to be collecting himself. He then cleared his throat and spoke words that would haunt Quinn. "Are you romantically evolved with Diana Parker?" Quinn only nodded to say yes. The cop continued "Were you with her last night as spunky;s bar?" Quinn again only nodded to say yes, this time the cop spoke up. "Look sir answer don't nod your head like you deaf & dumb." Quinn was deeply angered by the cops hottie habitude. "Yes Sir" Spoke back a frustrated Quinn. "Are you aware she's dead?" Asked the cop. Quinn's heart stopped it missed a beat. Dead, Diana dead? How could this be, how on earth or in heaven or hell could this possibly be true. The cop studied Quinn's face and every move. As if he were watching for some sign. "Yes Sir, dead. She was found this morning at the kiddy pool in brook hollow. Some sicko's who the hell would kill a woman and then leave were children would find her. Man the bastard that did this is going to fry when we land him."
Quinn stopped for a moment and tried to retrace his steps. He had yelled at Diana and they had not left one another on good terms. Quinn then came home, and that's were I've been all night. "Look, Sir. I am heart broken by this news. Diana was the love of my life. And now she's gone. Dead and I 'll never see her again.... I wish I knew something that could help catch the monster who hurt my darling.... But the last time I saw her was at Spunky's around 12: 00. that's the last I herd or saw from her. Honestly." Quinn watched the cops face now, trying to see if he believed him. At last the cop said "Well, if were find anything we'll call you then. Thanks for your info my condolence's to you." Then the man turned and left Quinn shut the door.
How could this be, poor Diana....... He would miss her.

July 1, 1990
It had been two months since Diana's death. Quinn had fallen back into his normal life. He worked were he had always worked. Same dead end job, same ass whole boss. Same blah blah everyday crap. They had long since buried his ex. Quinn came in from work it was late in the day almost dark out. He found himself drawn to his basement. As if a voice were calling him to it. It seamed to plea and beg. And Quinn was not one to turn down a invitation. As Quinn made his way down the steps to the basement he felt a cold shutter that went up his spine like a clitoral blot. The air turned cold. He could see his breath. The old window that lead the the top side world banged against the house. It was stormy outside and windy. The wind threatened to rip it off it's hedges. Quinn stood still looking up at him collection..... He had always collected bones. Of animals,humans and so on... He felt bones were a history of a life. A stripped down version of there former skinned selves. He had never thought anything of his hobbies of collecting bones. All through he knew others would think him crazy, or off. Bur Quinn saw it do different than some one who collected old magazines, or old cars. It was Quinn's way of collecting a piece of history. That was that and that was all.
Quinn had never told Diana about his shelves of bones. He felt it was his right not to. Just like it was her right to cheat on him with her boss. Oh yes Diana I knew.... I always knew, and then you begged me to call you wife? Women Quinn would never understand. They never found Diana's killer, I think they should look at that boss she was screwing. I am sure he was not the only one hell he knew the boss was not the only one...... How did Ol' Quinn know that? Because he was the other one, and if there were two men why not be three men or four. The more he though about it, Diana was a simple girl not a beauty queen or a model. She was average on her best day. How ever the more Quinn's mind wondered back to those unholy thoughts of how Diana was a cheap whore. Quinn grew anger all overly again as he was the last night he saw Diana alive.
Thinking back on Diana's funeral there were allot of men, bet they all had a go with her. She would spread em for anyone..... I don't know what ever I saw in that tramp. The more and more Quinn went on with cageful words that only he could hear. He became furious, that Diana had been so loose and expecting him to marry her, like she was lady. And then she got mad at him because he refused, what a dumb broad.
Tick tock Tick tock, the clock went that hung above a pitcher of Quinn & Diana. They seamed happy in that photo, well of course they did that was when they had first met. Everyone's happy when they first meet, it's not until later you find out what a skank you baggen. Quinn knew his thoughts had escaped once more. He knew they were running loose and he needed to catch them before they did something. Quinn knew this feeling the beast was clawing at his innards to come out. It wants to be receded from Quinn's human carcass.
Quinn ol' boy you can get control of yourself, keep the thing at bay. Quinn seamed to be speaking to himself, trying to give himself a pep talk. Telling him that he was in control of what ever he called the beast. But deep down Quinn knew..... That the beast that dwelled inside of him was the true puppet master, he it alone pulled the strings.

End Part 1
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