Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1567126-The-Corruption-of-Flesh
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1567126
A short story were an unspecified beast attacks and violates a lone maiden.
Authors Note: This story was intended to be longer with more of a plot, but a couple of people told me less is more. I'm really craving feed back good and bad, don't be shy. Also, I don’t really have many editors who will read this sort of material. Contains adult content, don’t read on if your under 18.

The Corruption of Flesh

By John "Lynx" McAlister


         The savage howl of the perusing beast echoed through the mist shrouded mountains, forcing the unaware prey to give pause and gaze across the moonlit field to the dark forest. The lone girl stood in the tall grass scanning the distance for the unseen. She was of medium height wearing a long canceling cloak. Her dark red hair, contrasting her deep green eyes, flowed down to the small of her back; tide off at the base of her neck. Her face reflected an almost ghostly glow in the bright moonlight.

          A cold breeze swept through the brush causing the tall grass to dance to and fro. Crouching low she pulled her heavy animal hide cloak tighter around her to shield her from the cold to little avail. She cursed her stupidity insisting on traveling alone through the strange area, and now her foolishness has found her lost. The howls that she absently dismissed as a stray wolf were getting closer. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, and labored to keep the childish fears from overcoming her reason. Yes, she was lost, but the full moon beamed in the sky illuminating the landscape. The howling that she feared was only a wolf, and wolves rarely attacked humans. Her face took on a look of serenity and she opened her eyes. In spite of the wind, she stood and set out with newfound confidence across the field.

          Her confidence was shattered altered a blood curdling howl, Her face now taking on terror she instantly turned in the direction of the lupine roar. Her expression turned from one of mortal fear to one of immortal terror. Facing her in the darkness of the thicket were two crimson red eyes. As she gazed upon them they pierced her very soul, invoking the most basic dreads. She stood frozen only able to hear her own heart beat. The lonely sound stopped as the eyes moved forward, and a monstrous form emerged from its sanctuary of darkness. Still in the grip of terror the girl could just watch in awe at the creature coming towards her.

          It stood as tall as a mule on four massive legs, its body covered in a shaggy gray and white fur. Its broad head was obviously wolf, but much more massive. The eyes, which she originally thought were merely catching the moonlight, were actually resonating with an evil glow of their own. Coming within twenty feet of her it stopped and quickly stood up on its hind legs, which she could now see was manlike. Stretched out its mighty arms and arching its back, it let out the most fearsome cry she had heard yet. At first transfixed on the rows of razor like teeth in the demonic beast’s mouth, a slight movement from the creatures growing pulled her gaze. The creatures massive unholy phallus was snaking out like a python from it protective hood, standing firm and glistening in the moonlight. Now knowing that death was not what this minion of hell had planned for her, she finally found the strength and resolve to turn and flee.

          Seeing its prey flee the beast quickly dropped back to its animal crouch. One might kick with its hind legs propelled it into a mighty gallop of pursuit. Though she fought to gain ground against this daemon it quickly overtook her. Not even slowing down it scooped her up and threw her over its back. With its quarry securely in its grasped, the beast hoped into the black forest. The girl’s screams died quickly leaving only the slight whistle of the breeze over the quiet field.

          Finally unable to scream any more the scared girl turned inward. Images of bestial violation flooded her mind, she longed for the death she feared so fervently before. Being forced to look back she saw the beast’s mighty tail swinging, against the backdrop of rapidly disappearing trees. Creature’s travel finally slowed and came to a stop and the girl was thrown to the ground. She looked around desperately seeking escape. She was on a small outcropping high on the mountain, she could see across for miles as the land spread out bellow her.

          Another of the beast’s howls broke the night and she whipped back to see the Lupine taking up its earlier pose, arching its back, presenting its manhood to its intended victim. Beyond her fear now, she broke into a run for the edge in a final attempt to protect her virtue. In the midst of her leap a massive hand seized her by the throat, pulling her back and forcing her to the ground. The wind knocked out of her she gasped for breath. Her mind wheeling from her situation, she pulled at the arm in a vain attempt of escape. In the struggle her cloak had parted, revealing the red, tight peasant dress she wore beneath. Her ample bosoms heaved under the tie bodice she wore.

          The beast came to one knee, towering above her pausing as if to admire her form. The beast’s musty scent began to touch her senses, while it was quite strong, it wasn’t as repulsive as she would have expected. As she breathed in more of the beast’s essence her mind began to wander. She looked up at the looming figure noticing his broad, hairless manlike chest and the powerful muscles that lined his abdomen. She quickly turned her head in revulsion at her own weakness.

          The beast leaned its head to her neck and took a series of mighty breaths with its nostrils inhaling her scent. The beast’s attentions traveled down the captive body bringing his nose to rest over her woman hood its breaths becoming very quick. Tears welled in the girl’s eyes as she became aware of the moistness and warmth welling up between her legs, enticing the beast.

          Its free hand quickly tore the front of the girls dress eliciting fresh screams from the girl’s mouth. Staring down she could see the exposed flesh and the angry welts left by the clawed digits. Her breasts fell free of her bodice and the lupine had completely torn away the bottom of her dress. To her shame she had always been sensitive in the sinful areas of her body, and now exposed to open air her body was responding despite her wishes. The Lupine noticing the change in her hardening nipples began to drag his tongue across the nubs of flesh. The roughness of the bestial organ sent a jolt of alien sensation through her body, forcing her to squirm under the caresses. She instinctively tried to push the head of the beast away, forcing him to pin her arm down with its free hand. She swung with her free hand and screamed angry curses with no effect. Deep in the back of her mind she felt the low echo of forbidden desire inching forward. Alternating between his new mate's breasts, the beast dragged its tongue down across her stomach, then forcing into the folds of her woman hood. Her eyes opened wide and a moan escaped her lips as the beast manipulated her. Her mind tried to rebel against the wicked sensation attacking her resolve, but she was becoming drunk on smells and emotions she now felt. She looked to see the member of beast throbbing below its stomach. Possessed, she reached for it and gently began to stroke it. Feeling her probing the beast’s efforts increased in speed and ferocity. In her hand it throbbed with power, soft, warm, and moist; a single drop of glistening fluid appeared at the tiny opening of the massive organ. She felt down the shaft to the furry sack at its base. She began to which filled her hand.

          Lost in the exploration she began felt a powerful feeling rising like a wave waiting to break on the shore. Though her body was tired she began to squirm and thrust against the Lupines tongue, forcing the wave to grow. No longer fully aware of her surroundings, her mind began to drown in the miasma of sensation. Then she felt the wave break and she felt as a liquid ecstasy poured over her body washing back and forth. Her mouth contorted into a silent scream, her eyes rolled back into head, and her body became rigid.

          Like a rag doll the beast lifted her off the ground and held her facing away from him. The tattered remnants of her clothing had fallen to the ground leaving her totally naked to him. She was barley aware of what was happening, but in her shame decided she deserved whatever happened to her, and put up no further resistance. Feeling the moist tip of the beast’s manhood probing her dripping crevasses, she tried to prepare. In a single thrust he had entered her. Feeling like she had been split in two, her hands flew to the powerful claws suspending her in the air. Looking down she saw blood dripping from the obscenely spread opening were he ended and she began. The obstruction had been barley felt by the intruder and he began to savagely take her. What began painful gradually turned into mind numbing pleasure.

         Tilting her head back and closing her eyes, she let the sensations flow over her. Again she began to feel the wave building within her, but there was something different. She felt a heat inside her, a building in conjunction with the wave. It was subtle at first but was quickly building in intensity. Opening her eyes she turned her head back to her partner and noticed his crimson eyes transfixed to the air, following his gaze she saw the full moon. The tempo was becoming more intense, she knew now the fire she had been feeling was in fact the creature’s juices dripping from his mammoth organ. With every drop she felt the heat rise and impending wave grow, she began to grunt in time with her lover. The moon began to turn the same crimson as her beast’s eyes; she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. Feeling the wave desperately close, she began to stroke the sides of her breasts encouraging her own inner animal to grow. Fur sprouted all over her body as her now appendages lengthened and swelled with new found muscles. As she felt her growing power, she began to thrust against her mate, milking him for the fire she had become addicted to. With her newly formed claws she reached back gripping her beast with animal need. The moon filled her vision pulsing like a blood engorged artery; flowing through her eyes and feeding her now corrupted soul. With a massive thrust violating her deeper than before, the massive phallus erupted, filling her with the delicious liquid fire, forcing the wave to explode over her completing immersing what she once was. Each thrust of her mate’s seed seeped into her being, feeding her new animal desires. A final howl of triumph echoed through the landscape below, the howl of the new beast.
© Copyright 2009 Lynxdom (lynxdom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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