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Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #1566575
Fantasy erotica of a shapeshifting elf's inner animal breaking free
The air felt thick with tension, for the fifth night in a row the windows of the hut were open and yet she couldn’t sleep. Her skin covered in a thin film of sweat she tossed and turned beneath the thin white cotton sheet. With each night it had gotten worse and now she could feel the air charged round her. She had been through it before a feral was staying in the woods which mixed with the lunar cycle was trying to let her animal side take over. It was something she had known would happen when she let the animal enter her, you can’t confine an animal and not expect it to try to break free.

This was much worse than the previous times, maybe because the feral wasn’t moving on, maybe she had been caging the animal too much and the tension had built up. Soon the moon would change, it would lose its blue glow and she would be in more control even if the feral didn’t move on. Maybe next month she would run wild through the trees more often. But she needed to make it through one more night, maybe 2.

A cloud moved from the moon and the room flooded with the light, she threw herself onto her other side. Staring out at the moon her nostrils flared and suddenly she could smell the feral, his scent strong, hanging in the air. A faint image formed of him almost black in the moonlight, his hair with a slight silvery edge unlike anyone she had ever met.

She threw the sheet out of the way her dark skin exposed to the air and raised to her feet. She crossed the short distance to the window and took hold of the shutters. She paused, half of her wanting to leap through the window and run into the trees. She slammed the shutters closed and turned back to the bed.

Under the sheet once more she thought it might be better but with the window shut the little breeze that been blowing through was gone and the room seemed to heat up very quickly. The scent of the feral seemed to intensify in the room and all she could think of was tearing out through the window.

Unable to control herself she decided her only choice was to try to appease her animal nature. She turned over onto her back the sheet falling off the bed. Her hand slid down her sweat covered body. Her hand slid between her legs finding the immense heat that had been building throughout the night. Her fingers slipped between the fleshy lips to the moistness within.

Her fingertips slid into her easily then withdrew covered with her own juices. They moved to her pulsating bud, sliding over and around it easily with it so wet. Her fingers moved fast and she could soon feel the satisfaction she needed approaching.

As she stroked faster she suddenly realised that her animal wouldn’t be calmed, she could feel it trying to burst free and she would soon lose control at which point it would have free reign. Knowing what she was doing would release the animal and once released would not relinquish control easily, risking turning feral, wasn’t enough for her to stop. It wasn’t just her animal side that was driving her fingers, she needed it as well.

Her hips lifted off the bed her fingers moved from the wet bud and slid inside her. Her fingers slipped in till her hand was pressed against her body straining to get deeper. Her hips pumped in time with her fingers and as she felt the climax ready to take over her body. Outside a loud howl came from the feral and her body convulsed around her fingers. She screamed with the release of 5 days worth of tensions and her hips fell back to the bed. Her scream changed as she felt the animal emerging a process which when in control would be quick, seamless and beautiful. When forced upon her it tore at her taking longer, the pain unbearable. She rolled over onto her knees her arms pulled under her as she screamed again.

Her spine arched, she could feel it stretching her legs pushing out behind her, bones contracting while her muscles rearranged. Then she felt her face changing, her skull deforming her jaw pushing out and she let out a long scream that morphed into a howl as hair covered her body.

The window shutter splintered as she dived through it. As a jet black panther she disappeared into trees.

She had become a passenger, not able to control where she ran, she shared the senses and could on some basic level understand the animal’s desire. She knew she was speeding towards the feral. Her legs made her fly over the ground with ease.

She stopped in a clearing knowing the feral was close, off to her left, not far away. She waited, her body preparing for the chase, she knew what would happen. She knew what the animal wanted her to do when she was with a mate, a natural animal behaviour.

She suddenly launched to her right and broke into a sprint. A crash of branches behind her told her that he had taken the bait. Branches whipped past and her body twisted as she thread her way through the dense trees.

The sounds from behind her showed he was closing but she knew her legs would take her faster if allowed, but they were waiting for the right moment. A bird woken by the chase took flight its call screeching into the night.

He was nearly upon her and she took a sharp turn to her left and utilised the reserves within her muscles to open the gap. He was no longer behind her but now running behind and to her right.

Soon he was gaining on her again. All her energy was pumping her legs but it wasn’t enough. She knew that her animal wanted to be caught but it was a strange ritual taken on when an animal’s spirit is taken in, it wants the chance to feel alive and the longer the chase the better.

Her paws dug into the ground her claws scrapping over the stones that covered the floor, she started to lose control and her body twisted. The sudden stop confused her but then she saw the edge, the trees stopped and then 5 yards later the ground dropped away.

As she passed through the tree line she was moving sideways and her front claws dug deep catching a root, her hind legs flew round to behind her sending a shower of stones over the edge.

She stood looking at the trees she had just left no sight or sound of her pursuer. She panted and looked round, he had not gone over the edge she would have heard the crash as he rolled down the steep slope before the drop.

There was no sign to her left where she expected him to be to the right there was a bit more rocky edge and then the cliff curved round cutting into the trees.

Looking at the big blue moon her muscles trembled from the chase and she could feel the disappointment. Then suddenly an impact on her left flank sent her sprawling over the ground. He had caught her.

She tumbled onto her back then flipped round onto her paws again. Turning to face him she hissed a challenge. He was a magnificent animal much larger than herself, the silver edges to his hair blue in the moonlight. He looked sleek and stealthy, completely in control of his body.

They stared at each other for a while before simultaneously deciding it was time to attack, they raised up on their hind legs, their claws on their front paws catching the moonlight. They met in what looked like an embrace and fell down together. His teeth were against her neck and he pushed her down, his heavy body pinning her down on her side.

Pulling back his teeth she lowered her jaw to the ground making sure not to look at him. As he pulled off her she rolled onto her stomach keeping low to the ground gathering her hind legs beneath her, her front legs on the ground before her.

She could hear him stalking around behind her, sniffing at her. She raised her tail, now completely submissive that he had won the fight, that he had won her. He climbed up on her and she felt him enter her.

It was such a different experience when an animal, she felt her body being rocked beneath his large body. The sensation was strange a feeling of being powerless, it was more emotional than she had ever guessed. The physical pleasure was present but the mental so much more important.

He howled above her and she joined in and then it was over.

With her animal satisfied she felt her control being regained. He was still inside her but she was changing, not the painful change that she had gone through on the bed but a sliding from one form to another. He was also changing, she could feel skin against her not soft fur.

The ground shook, she hadn’t noticed how close they were to the edge, the fight had pushed them to the corner and now it was cracking. She screamed and grabbed out at the ground as it started to break apart.

The corner broke off and slid down over the rocks it had stood upon until it was above nothing but air. It toppled over throwing them both off.

She hoped that her mate had also taken in other spirits, a hawk might be able to save her.

The rock splashed into the cold water of the lake, she hit the water just after and then her mate hit the water behind her.

The water was cold and it closed over her. She pulled herself to the surface, both parts of her hating water. She gulped at the air as her arms flailed to keep her head above water. An arm wrapped round her and she was slowly dragged to the shore, her chaotic attempts to stay afloat slowing them rather than helping.

On the shore they collapsed, she looked at him for the first time. She was expecting a rough looking, wild, crazy elf beside her but instead found a clean shaven, dark skinned elf with long well kept hair. His smooth chest rising and falling as he looked up at the stars. As she expected he was almost a foot taller than her, nearly half a foot taller than the tallest elves she had seen.

What she wasn’t expecting was the nubs of horns poking from beneath his hair, there had been no signs of them when in cat form but she hadn’t met a horned elf before, other shape shifters showed theirs through the transformation, there were stories of horned elves still, closer to the ancient immortals than she was. Maybe his purer blood explained the height and running as a cat through the woods.

She turned to face him and placed her hand on his chest, a spark of energy hit her and she pulled back. He quickly grabbed her hand and pressed it against him again. She could feel power pulsating within him, flowing into her arm. The gentle thrum of his chest resonated up her arm and entered her own chest.

She moved her head closer, unable to resist his body. Her lips pressed against his chest and her mind was filled with the pulsating energy driving any thoughts from her mind. The pulsating waves began to form into images, images of herself in the moonlight. Each image slightly different from the next stayed for a few seconds.

Her tongue slips out to lick his smooth skin and the images begin to change. She is no longer alone, there are dark shapes that she could not concentrate on. They could have been elves, men or spirits. The only thing she knew was what they wanted with her. Each image showed them closer the numbers changing each time. Then they were touching her, their hands on her naked body. More and more shapes appeared, they crowded her, both in front and behind her but she was still visible through them.

The images sped up, she could not see each clearly. She was no longer standing she was on her knees, the dark shapes crowding round her, she still couldn’t see who the shapes were but she knew what they were doing. She could feel them inside her mouth, hands on her head forcing her to carry out acts. Then she was on her hands and knees multiple shapes being inside her in every image, her face showing pain.

She pulled back from him, the images stopping. The final image staying in her mind, unable to fade. It showed her surrounded by the dark shapes, they were filling her and she could feel them, every opening stuffed. Even her hand encircled one’s member while her other arm propped her up. She was in pain and yet she also yearned for it to be real she desired to be a slave to their desires.

She blinked the image away and found her leaning on him again, her hand had moved down his body and held his erect member. She let go and moved away from him. He turned towards her his hands grabbing her waist. She turned her back to him trying to get to her feet. He pushed her down onto her front and pushed himself into her. She gasped at being filled by him so suddenly. Her mind was filled with panic she wanted what was happening but also wanted to get away from him. He forced himself hard into her, her face pressed into the wet mud. The image kept coming back into her mind taking a lot of effort to clear it.

Unlike their first joining as cats, their second was purely physical, every thrust seemed to make him grow. And each time the image filled her head she could more clearly make out him behind her.

With a huge roar he rose to his feet lifting her in front of him impaled upon him. She was too far from the ground, he shouldn’t have been able to lift her this far. It was the image coming back that answered the puzzle, he had grown much taller and his skin no longer the bluish grey it had been, but red. The nubs of his horns had grown into long curling horns. His eyes were fire and his mouth filled with sharp teeth.

She was terrified but he had more than doubled in size inside her and she could not control her body, it began to shake and her cries came with every thrust as he moved her up and down like a rag doll in his great claws. She could not stop her body from betraying herself and she climaxed as he impaled her harder onto him. He laughed a deep evil laugh as he filled her with his seed.

She fell to the ground as behind her she could hear the air ripping as the demon tore through into the netherworld leaving her cold, naked, covered in mud on the floor. As she closed her eyes to fall into a sleep of exhaustion the image came back into her mind. Now all the shapes had form, demons of different types crowding her. It was just before oblivion took her that she realized it wasn’t her she was seeing. It was the daughter she now carried that was to be a play toy for the demon world.

© Copyright 2009 MidnightStalker (midnightstalka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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