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by Shade
Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #1566203
Episode VI. Aliijah saves Ayana from assassination. Now becomes a nobleman for her.

Two months has now passed since Ayana had that talk with Cyl. Now through the lands of both Emparia and Albida, the cooler season started to come in. That meant more rain and less sunlight and blazing hot days. This was a clear positive for the slaves, but this didn’t mean it was all the easier for them. All previous constructions were all completed finally; mine and other productions doubled and were producing good, but still strenuous work on the people. The Albida lands also seemed to have stretched and expanded. Lion brought this to attention and concerns surround King Lapheus. Lapheus urgently wants to rush the engagement between his daughter and the prince of New Tapan, but New Tapan’s advisors convinced the king also not to make serious connections with Emparia until they’re royalties can be tied together first. Ambridella convinced Lapheus not to rush the marriage based on demands to New Tapan. Kendrith was sent to stay at Emparia’s palace not long ago, just to build more chemistry with Ayana. Both empires predict that this will make things better for both the princess and prince.

King Lapheus had other sinister plans in mind. He put a valuable plan of action together that exposed the evil clever side of him. But some may think the plan wasn’t that evil, but rather just very smart on his behalf. No one, not even Lion, knew that Lapheus and his noble squire was related. Only his wife Ambridella knew even before they became king and queen. The ties are so consanguineous, that it is secretly known that Lapheus was kin to two legendary sages that were still alive. Zhan Zhi, "The Ice Master" as people labeled him, was the cousin of Lapheus. He was the leader of the infamous gang known as The Obliterators. It was a gang that raided prestigious lands and dominantly overran other gangs that consisted of all types of variety. The majority would be vigilantes and peacemaker groups. Then there was Lord Anteriaz, King Lapheus’ elder uncle. Lord Anteriaz ruled all of the northern lands discreetly and massively. His legendary rule was core to the liquid hot magma mountains up north, and was instantly hostile to any country within range. The squire and Lapheus were half-brothers. It was Lapheus’ idea to make Kinnias the squire to blind those of suspicion.

The world is beginning to dramatically change, and the lands of Earth have shifted since the past months. Uncharted nations are beginning to revolutionize against every and any other nations that waved oppression. Since the Emparia’s and many other powerful nations couldn’t stretch critical authority across Earth, Lapheus thought to form an organization that would connect some serous players for an alternate plan. A meeting was going to be proposed as it said in the letter that Lapheus sent out to 6 subjects, 2 being Zhan Zhi and Lord Anteriaz. This meeting was to be held just in a week and all was expected to arrive. Ambridella was the only one who new that Lapheus had some type of collateral in mind.

A new morning has arrived in the skies. Ayana and Kendrith spend much time together through the days. Lion appealed frequently to King Lapheus that Aliijah should be killed or banished from Emparia, but Ayana would always flow her words and stay by Aliijah’s side. The relationship between Aliijah and Ayana took a mysterious turn. She doesn’t write in the diary about him anymore because they even start to have conversations with each other. He still slaved around the palace, but she made it a top priority to look out for him. Cyl couldn’t help but be pleased that their actions towards each other weren’t as shallow as before.

Turns out the morning wasn’t so pleasant. An assassination attempt was to Ayana. A young woman dressed as a maid serviced Ayana in her living room. Aliijah was also there attending to the windows of the room, while she sat on the lavish sofas with Cyl. The woman truly scouted out by Aliijah when he took one glance at her. Those large green eyes were slanted and her face did a lot more than frown. She set down the serving trey that was set with tea cups. She put the trey next to Ayana on a fancy stand near her. The woman politely bowed her head and stepped away from the two. She then walked gently around the sofa connecting eyes with Aliijah for a short moment. She then ended up behind Ayana, which both her and Cyl paid no attention to her. Aliijah’s body reacted quickly when he saw her draw two daggers from the nylons she wore swiftly. Cyl cried out her name.

"Racial bitch!" The woman yelled raising both daggers above her head ready to stab Ayana.

Aliijah leaped forward and tackled the assassinator quickly to the ground. Large thuds rumble the room as both Cyl and Ayana shouted consistently. The assassin ended up on top of Aliijah attempting to kill him out of anger.

"You traitor! Traitor to your own kind! Bastard!" She said savagely.
"Leave her alone!" Aliijah defended.

The woman couldn’t manage to successfully stab Aliijah during their clinch of arms. Aliijah relieved himself from her buy thrusting a knee to her body and then gave her a spring kick to get himself free. She landed on her feet and quickly retaliated flinging both daggers at Aliijah. He dodged them easily but only to fall into the distraction that she had planned. She then equipped herself with spiked knuckles around the fist and charged full speed at Aliijah. He saw her coming, but couldn’t react because she struck first, the only choice he had was to defend himself. She threw her punches with such velocity and style that Aliijah realized that she wasn’t any type of slave in Albida but yet a rebel. He was able to dodge each one until she closed in tighter on him. This time she connected with an unseen hook to the left body. The spikes ripped into his body followed by him grunting and grimacing in pain. The wound she created was horrific, the blood escaped fluidly. Aliijah hit the ground in pain. The woman then turned attention back to Ayana and approached her slowly while giving a sinister smirk. Ayana was terrified, but Cyl stepped in front of Ayana to protect her. She was fearless and brave but with her heart pounding. Before the assassin could enjoy the final blow, an arrow from the entrance shot for her and struck her in the left arm. The guards overcrowded the door and was ready to attack again. She removed the bloody arrow from her arm and gave Ayana a vengeful glare. More arrows were shot, but she evaded them without any problem and escaped by leaping through the window.

Aliijah still remained to the floor attending to the wound with much agony to go along as well. Both Cyl and Ayana ran to him. Nearly half of his shirt was soaked in his own blood.

"There’s a lot of blood! Too much blood!" Cyl cried.
"Aliijah will you be alright!? I’ll try and stop the bleeding quickly!" Ayana cried also.
"There’s…no use." Aliijah struggled. "I know this cause of bleeding. She used Sand Poison."
"Poison!? What!?" Said Ayana.
"Not to worry much though. I’m Albidan, so the poison doesn’t have much effect because our bodies are used to being exposed to Mountain Sand. Had she have stabbed you, it would’ve been fatal. The sand increases blood to flow from an open wound even worse. This makes chances of recovering and living hopeless."
"Are you alright Princess!?" Asked a guard.
"I’m very much okay Sir. Get some bandages for Aliijah! I don’t won’t him to lose any more blood."
"No need to at all." Cyl interfered. "I know a secret healing technique from my old country. I’m not very powerful, so the wound will not completely close, but it will stop the bleeding and you’ll feel much better."
"Well don’t just stand there!" Barked the veteran guard leader. "Set up a parameter to insure this will never happen again! King Lapheus will have our heads! Get out there!"

The minions acted on the veteran’s words immediately scrambling around trying to fortify the princess. Cyl attended to Aliijah’s wound with her healing ability. She kneeled to him and asserted her hands just above the oozing wound. She spoke her language, and then her hands lit up brightly with a gold aura. The wound stopped bleeding and it began to close. This came to mind to Aliijah that Cyl wasn’t in fact an Emparian, but some other race. When all was done, Aliijah was healed, and questions arose.

King Lapheus surely wasn’t at all pleased to hear that his daughter was nearly assassinated. Upon worry, Lapheus suggests to his wife that she distances herself from Albida’s secret attack range. Lapheus however, went to see if his daughter was safe for himself. Lion issued a more broad defence system for Emparia and King Lapheus agreed. Ayana, still worrying and covered with the aftermath of the previous scenario, continued to stay by Aliijah’s side. They were still in the same room the assassination attempt had happened in.

"Are you alright my Daughter?" Lapheus asked approaching her and giving her a rub on the face.
"If it weren’t for him…Father I would be dead." She answered.
"He saved everyone Sire. The assassin was a woman." Cyl added.
"Where did she come from? Where is she from?" Lapheus asked.
"I haven’t a clue Sir." Answered Aliijah, even though he truly did know what race the assassinator was.
"I owe my life to him Father. Now you see…you can’t think of killing him are you?"
"Of course not! I wouldn’t dare try and slay a man that just put his life on the blade for my only daughter. In fact, I’m well into granting you a position Albidan. For you to protect my daughter, as her nobleman. Lion has convinced me that I’m not to be surprised that they will attack again. I’m not implying that I don’t have faith in my defensive military, but I’m self-confident that you’re trustworthy enough for this profession. You have killed before am I right? So I think this shall be perfect."

Ayana turned to Aliijah and smiled with an included thank you. Aliijah’s thoughts were somewhat puzzled, and more of a thousand pieces. In the rear of his mind though, it never escaped that he still assumed King Lapheus hates the Albidans.

"It may be true I could say. But you’re the only Albidan that seems to have a reflective mind. Thus also, my daughter has been saying some positive things about you. Meanwhile, let’s not drown Kendrith with the events that happened. I want him to be able to have delighted thoughts while with you. Need not I need to explain more as to why I should say much more, but it’s best not to say anything drastic."
"Never worry Father, I will never say more of it. I’m very happy that you see Aliijah as a good person rather than just some Albidan. Thank you."
"I owe you my daughter’s life permanently of course. Kendrith shall be here in a short matter of time. I suggest you get ready for the arrival."

The links between Aliijah and the Princess grew stronger. It hasn’t reach yet to full potential, but it was still the more satisfying to the mind. No more insecurities, or small hatreds. Aliijah felt this is what Thaddeus was talking about, this is what the painful marches and inspiring speeches meant. But this wasn’t the conclusion to the curiosity, but yet more than just the advancement through the journeys.

No more labeled as a slave, but a protector. No more labeled as peasant and filthy Albidan, but a nobleman. It was faintly sought that Aliijah would end up being excepted as an Emparian, and soon rejected as an Albidan. All he could think about was the speeches Thaddeus made and the scriptions in his book as he put on the attire to be recognized as a nobleman. The light armor and stylish clothing were all of Emparian color, but he kept the scarf given to him by a fallen young woman he had feelings for. Ayana smiled at him and gave him a compliment to the armor. It the depth of his mind he is confused, but don’t even know it as sort to explain. He looked at himself slightly ashamed of the colors he was wearing. He kept convincing himself that as long as he thought about his people, there shouldn’t be total fear of facing himself. The bright look of Ayana’s face strayed him away from all obstacles. The celebration between the both of them led to outside the palace to the Emparian Gardens. Nighttime was set to rule the skies and this time the stars were out early as it was a full moon also. The sun was on the break of ending and had such a change in color that effected the flowers around the gardens, and gave them different colors. Then all the more beautiful when the Bloom Flowers awake from their bulbs and host a popular grouping place for the fireflies. Aliijah’s face lit up. This wasn’t a new experience for him but he had never seen so many fireflies in one place. Their paces came to a halt when Ayana stopped and spun in place happily staring into the sky.

"It’s hard to believe that so many stars can appear in the sky like this. It’s lovely and beautiful." She said.
"I see them all the time down in Albida. The best place is the Pegs when it starts raining. The stars seem to have some type of ambient to them." Aliijah replied.
"I really can’t get out of my head…when you saved me from the assassin. Personally I thought you hated Emparians."
"Don’t get it mistaken, I do. You still forget that you enslave my people as well betrayed them too. The love for Emparia will never come from this person. I only saved you because…it was the right thing to do of course. I’m sure you wouldn’t have done the same thing." He gave her an obvious look.
Ayana sighed to the comment. "I have no choice…not any I can see at least. This is just the way life is and you’ll have to except it."
"You wouldn’t belch that if you were in my position at all! I strongly believe life is not about forcing slavery and poverty onto others."
"But you’re not a slave anymore. In fact, you’re a royal nobleman to me. A fellowman to Emparia. Face it, you can’t stay mad about things you can’t change Aliijah, it’s not progressive."
"…Who says it can’t change? Anything could happen years from now."
"I know," Ayana answered. "But I’m starting to see what Albidans are now."
"You can see us, but you’ll never understand us…Why don’t you just give me the ability to go free from here? Go back to Albida?"
"You’re a nobleman now. You’d have to stay here now. You should make advantage of this opportunity."
"I don’t know if you found this out Princess, but I’m not very fond of protecting you at all."
Ayana’s eyes grew angry and glared at Aliijah. "Well! Well maybe I should let my father know that you aren’t so trustworthy at all! I can’t believe the words you speak out to me! I try and feel sorry for you but I’m not anymore!"
"I never requested of such a thing Princess! You brought it upon yourself!"

After the arguing Kendrith showed up. Kendrith, who has seen Aliijah many times before, now sees him in different and more patriotic clothing which didn’t flatter him. With such hastiness Kendrith cuddled Ayana and gave her a warm kiss to the neck. She gave a weak smile, but still blushed.

"So you’re dressed as a nobleman now? An Albidan? Protecting my Princess?" Kendrith spoke with a sarcastic tone. "You don’t even know to bow to your superiors when they arrive. This is no nobleman Princess. I’m the only nobleman you’ll need. Wouldn’t you agree? Albidan? I still see past that flashy armor to the Albidan you are!"
"I’ll leave now." Aliijah said gently holding back anger. He went a separate way back to the palace.
"Do you think that was much needed Ken? He is protecting me you know." Ayana said.
"An Albidan will slay you without hesitation Princess. All Albidans have a dark side and it is eternally exposed. I can’t believe your father would trust his daughter’s life to that Copperskin."

When Aliijah went back to the palace, he was infuriated. He then thought about Khanti and all the orphan kids scattering about in middle Albida. The thoughts of escape was drawing in on him. He was positive on an attempt the next day no matter what. Quickly that was off the mind. The other guards had great respect for what Aliijah done, and shown that to him. It was unexpected, but also it was completely comfortable. One thing Aliijah did find out was that he told a lie this day, to himself and another person. Though it was the right thing to do, he can’t deny he wouldn’t do it again.

© Copyright 2009 Shade (iiishadeiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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