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by Shade
Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #1566200
Episode V. Cyl comes out with a personal secret towards her best friend Ayana.

"Today, I assigned work for Aliijah. Since some of the work isn’t as hard as the things he does outside in Albida, I assign an enormous number of chores instead. The guy that always disrespected me, I finally have him as a slave, but for some reason it’s not as satisfying as I expected. I don’t know, but it seems like I need more from him. I just can’t find out what and why, but I’m also certain that I will have the answers soon. For now, Kendrith awaits me soon as his new wife.

"What do ya think they’ll do to ol’ Ali?" Samp asked emptying his thief bag.
"I really can’t say and imagine," answered Khanti, "I don’t want to really know. But I do know that he killed an Emparian, and for that they won’t take mercy on him. I think they might kill him."
"Not Ali! They can’t kill Ali!" Samp cited.
"I new his time would come sooner or later. He’s always a hero in someone’s life. It’s just that Emparia is too powerful for being a hero in these days."
"I won’t stand fer it!" Samp said stomping his foot. "I know Ali will get outta there alive n’ well. He’s way stronger to be killed be some ol’ Emparians."
"Well we can’t sit and worry about it," Khanti said. "I don’t think Ali would want us to knowing him."

After all the what seemed simple work Aliijah had to do, it was off to more harder work. For the rest of the day, he had to work on maintenance through the entire kingdom. The maintenance work was very hard, but to him it was better than working in the dark and dangerous mines.

While working in the corridor in one of the palace buildings, Aliijah got glances outside the windows which had some beautiful sights. Thoughts of escape did run through the mind, but it was nothing more than thoughts, no intent of action. Other palace workers, who actually got paid for what they did, were very fortunate that Aliijah was doing their jobs instead. Aliijah, fatigued and frustrated, discontinued his work and sat down on the floor against the wall. He gave himself a long sigh and rubbed his bushed and matted hair. A soft voice from one entrance caught all of his attention suddenly.

"So you’re finally getting what you deserve I see?" Said the voice.
"Oh, I remember you. You were with the princess when we were arguing down in Albida right?" Aliijah said, meaning as to refer to Ayana’s best friend, Cyl.
"Yes. And I also remember you to." She answered. "Were you captured the reason you’re personally working in Emparia’s empire?"
"Yes I was captured." He answered.
"So she sent guards after you because of what you said to her?"
"No, I killed someone."
"Killed!?" Cyl exaggerated. "Then you should be executed by now. I know the king wouldn’t take kind to that."
"Ayana suggested that she forms me to her personal slave instead of killing me." Said Aliijah.
"You could say that she saved you then. You should be thankful for that."
"Well I’m not thankful!" Aliijah interrupted. "Besides all she did for me, she’s still supporting the slaving of my people. Pretty soon, when she becomes a queen, she’ll be off slaving another country of her own to make this empire stronger ignoring the living of decent people."
"So you wanted to die?" Cyl asked while confused.
"Do you support the slaving of my people, Emparian?"
"…Why asked me such a question? I’m not the princess or queen."
"But I didn’t ask if you were royalty or not, just if you are a supporter of the slaving and slaughtering of my people. Well, do you?"
"I don’t have to respond to such a question! If I were you, I’d not be lazing about on the floor now. Punishment seems to follow daily." Cyl stormed off to the other entrance of the corridor way. By her not answering his question, Aliijah assumed that she was a supporter just like the rest of the Emparians.

Ayana and Kendrith went for another date with each other. This time Ayana was more dressed for captivation rather than normal beauty. She wanted to impress Kendrith the best way she could. On first sight, he commented on her beauty and what she was wearing. Even though it wasn’t the nation’s colors, the dress still was very attractive. The dress was a creamy pink color, and she wore her hair in a different style to shape her face. She even wore the gloves this time, and the priceless necklace her mother gave her that was passed down from her grandmother.

This date was like no other. They both were extremely compassionate for each other, and because of that, it resulted in a time-stopping kiss. This kiss was much needed. The kiss insured that they both were into each other, and also possibly ready for the future marriage. Both of their cheeks were as red as cherries. The next meeting between them has potential for great anticipation. Kendrith, had to return back to New Tapan upon request from his parents. He promised Ayana he would be back again for her.

Going back to her level of the empire buildings, Ayana was in pure bliss. The feeling was so astonishing that she couldn’t hold it in, and needed some way in releasing it. So she would turn to only her best friend, Cyl. But Cyl was at an unusual spot at this time. She was out on the balcony to her room staring at the setting sun. When Ayana approached Cyl she was in sort of small despair, but Ayana was blind to Cyl’s feelings in being overwhelmed in her own.

"Ayana." Cyl called. "May I ask why you really saved that slave’s life from the execution? I thought you despised him."
"Well…I really wanted to prove not only to myself and other people, but definitely him that I can rule a nation. He said that he would never obey my commands, but now I make him."
"Why don’t you just let him go? I don’t like him here." Cyl said uncomfortably.
"Why Cyl? Did he do something to you? What happened?" Ayana asked.
"It was nothing much like that. It’s just that I’m not very comfortable with him here. I would appreciate him being locked in the dungeons at least."
"Well I can’t let him go I think. My father would certainly have him killed for the body of the slain Emparian. Just give it time Cyl, I’ll confront him about this. I’ll have no one disrespecting my best friend."
"I’m thankful for that Ayana." Thanked Cyl.
"Don’t ever be surprised. I love you very much Cyl." Said Ayana giving Cyl a firm hug. Cyl wrapped her arms around Ayana as well and hugged back.

Aliijah upsetting Ayana’s best friend made her furious. Maybe she thought that she had full control over Aliijah, but the times seemed to stay the same. Hearing that from Cyl, she blames Aliijah for ruining the rest of her great day. She sets a certain time for him to be done with his work. He is then to report to the imperial guards at the near-end of the day. He is then escorted back to the room after reporting. Ayana raged up to his room where he remained imprisoned. When she walked in, he was seen shirtless exposing his filthy body facing towards her at the door. Her eyes were slanted, and her expression was with anger.

"What did you say to my friend Cyl? Whatever you said you made her very upset and she’s never like that!"
"You mean the woman that walked up to me at the corridor hallway?" He asked.
"I’ve known Cyl since childhood. And I know she wouldn’t do anything to provoke you assaulting her."
"I never did such a thing!" Aliijah’s voice heightened.
"Lies!" Ayana refused to believe. "Then why was she so unhappy? And why does she not want you here?"
"I’m sure she’s not the only one that doesn’t welcomes me here! All I asked was if she was in favor and agreed of the slaving of my people. If it hurt her feelings then that’s too bad!"
"Why do you act like this after I saved your life!?" Ayana yelled over him in super frustration and anger in the voice.
"Because I don’t care for people who don’t care for me! Why should I?"
"Maybe I should just have you executed. It would be for the better of the nation I see."
"Then I guess that’s the best option. I slave for you no more Princess. I’m stupid for doing it in the first place because you gave me such a threat."

Aliijah turned his back to Ayana to avoid face vision. Once he did that, the horrendous scars that painted his back was exposed to Ayana. She gave a heavy gasp and her face was straightened. She put one hand over her mouth and her eyes began to water as a flashback settled into her mind. Aliijah turned back and noticed the actions she did, and saw her facial expressions.

"Why you cry Ayana? There’s kids younger than me with worse scars around their body that won’t go away for the rest of their lives. Or is it that you remember that day you say and watch Lion slay that child’s mother?"
"Don’t speak of it…I’d rather not see that picture again." Ayana pleaded.
"You’ll create it everyday when you rule your nation! Whether you deny it or not you will. What have I ever done to you? Aren’t you ashamed of your country? We Albidans years ago helped you Emparians provide for your lands, as your allies, gave you advanced hospitality. You silently wait and slaughter us as if we never aided you. I would never claim such a country! This poor and foul excuse for a nation!"
"That isn’t true!" She denied. "Don’t say such a thing about Emparia! That isn’t true! It can’t be!"
"But it is!" Aliijah countered. "Why don’t you ask your father about the history of your nation? I’m sure he’ll hesitate, but he definitely knows. Remember what happened Ayana?"
"…Why do you continue to remind me?" She started to cry.
"Because it is needed. Imagine yourself like me. Can you?"
"I’m sorry, I can’t. It’s hard to do."
"I can’t remember my family or if I had any at all. I had no clue why 6 and 7 year olds were working and being lashed across their backs for lame reasons. I would never enslave you even if I had the power. Can you look a kid in the eye? Remember that girl? Her mom slain right in front of her. What if it was your mom?"
"Why explain things like this to me?" She asked gesturing to herself.
"Because it is the truth. I never asked for these scars at all. But I only hoped that you would understand."
"I’ll be honest with you." Said Ayana in a lower tone. "I’m really not self-confident in ruling a nation. I don’t approve of little kids being killed. I just want to be seen as a legendary queen, just like my mother. And I want to be able to impress my king with my royalty."
"I only see that as a weakness. People should accept and respect you for who you are. Why try to impress them by doing something you know that’s wrong?"

There was a long pause, then Ayana turned out the room and shut the door. She locked it slowly as thoughts entered her head again. She went back into her only to find Cyl waiting for her next to the window. This surprised Ayana a bit.

"Cyl? Did something else happen?" Ayana asked. "I talked to the young boy and I made him sorry for what he’s done."
"Why must you lie Ayana?" Said Cyl with a friendly smile and small laugh at the end.
"What do you mean Cyl? I did it." Ayana claimed.
"I overheard you two arguing when I hid at the corner of the way. What he was saying…it kind of affected me Ayana."
"What are you saying Cyl? What he was saying…"
"Was the entire truth Ayana." Cyl added. "I have something to tell you that I’ve been hiding from you from a very long time. Please forgive me, as I am your best friend and don’t ever want to lose you."
"What your saying is scaring me Cyl. I’m afraid I didn’t want to know."
"But what he said, I will go to sleep thinking about it. But I have no feelings of vengeance within me."
"Vengeance? For what?" Ayana questioned.
"I’m not Emparian Ayana, I’m from the country Pyrilla just north of Emparia."
Ayana’s unclear expression explained all. "…What?…Pyrilla? But, that’s the country…it can’t be true."
"Yes it is, the country Emparia conquered not long ago. I have proof right here." Cyl loosened the top of her dress and revealed her breast. There was a design on the left breast that she showed her. "This is the sign of my family tribe. We get it drawn on us, during our 5th birthday. It’s right around when I met you. Remember? I didn’t have fancy clothes like always."
A tear would shed from Ayana’s eye, as she in her mind still refused to believe what she just heard. "That means you were a slave?"
"Well I’m not now, but my people are. My family was killed and I was out on my own, so I’m fortunate to be a part of your life. It’s just that when I heard Aliijah say what he said, things told me to be truthful to you and tell you about my past. Most Pyrillans can look a bit like Emparians, that’s why with me you can’t tell the difference. Pyrillans are natural kin to Emparians, it’s just that the Emparians decided to expand instead. I don’t want this to change anything between us because I love you too, but don’t tell anyone about this or I’ll be exiled from here."
"You can always trust me Cyl. I won’t put your secret in jeopardy. I still want to stay friends with you too. You’re the only person who seems to understand me, so I really wouldn’t want to lose you. But now, I’m having second thoughts about ruling a nation. I don’t want to enslave people, especially the ones that are racially related to me. I’m not sure my father would agree with my opinions, but it also seems impossible to change everything."
"You never know Ayana. You could probably change a lot by being the new queen, but it does seem a lot. But let’s just make a promise, okay? Let’s promise never to let these racial situations to control our relationship."
"I absolutely promise Cyl. I always believed that Albidans were just thoughtless monsters and peasants. But it looks like we’re the monsters. I feel kind of, no completely embarrassed about the whole thing."
"Why feel so embarrassed?" Cyl asked.
"Because I’m so blind to this whole situation. You should have seen the scars on his back, they never went away. After all these years, they’re still there."
"Scars, are forever Ayana." Said Cyl.
"But I still don’t want to be seen as a weak leader for the future. Having slaves for a nation seems like a tradition now. I’m afraid to break such a thing, but I have a feeling that it needs to be broken."
"Let’s just have some rest for now Ayana." Cyl smiled at her. "The things we’re talking about seem way ahead of us for now. I’m sorry I put such pressure on you, I’m really am. It’s just that what Aliijah said, gave me some memories of my past."
"Don’t apologize for that Cyl. I’m kind of mad that you didn’t tell me before. As your best friend I want to know everything about you, and what you just told me was very important."

It was both surprising and shocking for the princess to find out her best friend was not the same race as her, but instead the race of who her father has conquered over the years and currently. Even though Cyl seemed to have somewhat of a humble emotion to the notice, Ayana’s royal confidence was shattered with second thoughts. Clearly, Ayana was fortunate to have Cyl as a friend, because it seemed like Ayana’s confusion was too much even for her to handle for the time being. For now, it’s all in the matter of how she’ll handle things.
© Copyright 2009 Shade (iiishadeiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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