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by Shade
Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #1566199
Episode IV. Aliijah ends up killing an Emparian. He's finally made slave to Ayana.

Upon reading the book that Thaddeus gave him, Aliijah began to gain more knowledge, but was also far from finished. Reading this book improved him to another level and gave him an uncanny type of confidence.

Both Khanti and Aliijah were still working at the mines. This time, certain stones needed to be gathered to perform certain magic for the scientists. The orphan rating were beginning to climb the charts because of parents either dying in the mines, from getting killed by another, or from simply just abandoning them. One good thing was, they actually had two roads to go down. Thaddeus conserved currency to provide an orphan organization that provides shelter and decent living conditions. The second road was a gang of abandoned and rebelled kids ran by a younger boy by the name of Lambert. These group of kids were the usual; very mischievous, relentless and full of energy and potential. King Lapheus would do every method of getting rid of them, even killing them. The kids were very swift minded and evasive in bad situations, so capturing them was beyond an arduous difficulty.

Ayana has already been on one small date with Kendrith, but they both urge to learn more about each other before getting married. It was more like, one-sided. Kendrith seemed more willing to marry Ayana. Ayana didn’t have much of second thoughts, but more like doubts and lack of self-confidence of her ability to run a country. Ayana’s parents wanted this marriage to happen so bad, so they would always suggest time together for them.

Both Ayana and Kendrith went outside of the royal castle into the flourished gardens of Emparia. Judging by the look of the flowers and green grass, the healthiness proved that the gardens were well taken care of.

"So how do you really feel about us engaging together Ayana?" Kendrith asked her. She turned her face away for a brief moment and blushed, which was incredibly visible on her pale face.
"…I’m really not faithful of this, but I’m willing to try for you." Ayana stated.
"What do you mean not having faith? Why so much mistrust within yourself?"
"It’s just that…how would you think of me as a ruler? I observe my father ruling countries, and his achievements will in no question become legendary. I want to run a dynasty as equal or better than his."
"But my Princess, don’t you know that you’re not alone in this matter? When you rule, I’ll be right by your side. We’ll take over the middle lands of Albida and so on, and I’ll be next to you so you can erase all of your skepticism."
"How could I be so selfish," Ayana beaten herself, "All this time I’ve been only thinking about how I could run a country, but forgot that I was getting married to you. I’m terribly apologize for this."
"No need to apologize Ayana," Kendrith accepted. "This came sudden to you quickly and I wouldn’t expect for things to connect together right away. I just want you to stop worrying so much. Don’t forget that I’m no stranger to you; childhood friends we are."
"How could I forget Ken? Which will make loving you more easier shall I say." She said.
"Love? Love should be wonderful." Said Kendrith.

Another day comes by, and the sun was on a blazing streak every hour. Unluckily, King Lapheus demanded more production for factories and more roads to be built on double-time. Those who worked in the mines were very brave, because temperatures were no different down in the mines. Sooner, the heat irritated the mine creatures and resulted in one mine worker getting brutally killed. Because of that threat, the mines were temporarily forbidden until the creatures were calmed down. Aliijah and Khanti were fortunate, and didn’t have to work into the deepest parts of the mine.

Khanti and Aliijah weren’t so fortunate after all though. After closing down the mines, the workers were transferred to even more strident work. Because of the blazing heat, nearly everyone was unclothed. Women didn’t even cover their breasts, children had not anything on at all, and the men who worked were also naked. Older slaves were easily fatigued by the merciless sun, and the youth tried to uplift them as well. The shifters cared less, but to only meet the deadlines that the king has set, and that Lion has enforced too.

Because of where Khanti was born, it’s so abnormal that his body was used to the heat, so he didn’t remove much clothing. Aliijah removed his shirt revealing the scars of past whippings he’s received. Khanti glanced over at the scars and that took affect to him.

"This is ridiculous Khanti," Aliijah said over to him. "This heat is unbearable, and they have kids younger than us working out here. Why?"
Khanti finishes putting all his weight on the level to complete lifting the heavy stones. "It’s got to be because of the business, Ali. The more we get done, the richer Emparia gets. Lapheus also keeps distant control by taxing other cities and increasing the prices on needy products such as, Powder Medicine."
"Powder Medicine I know is a common in the world. But tell me one thing, why is the price of Darcelp Sand dropping so rapidly? It’s like a drug, and I think it was outlawed around the lands. But since the price drop, it’s convincingly more legal now and will most likely be absent from the black markets."
"I can’t help you right there," Khanti answered. "It seems like his plans are getting bigger and bigger everyday."
"Why is the middle and the out lands of Albida not in Emparia slavery?" Asked Aliijah.
"Because the lands are filled with rebels and former war soldiers, warriors and dragon slayers. Lapheus’ armies my be strong, but he wouldn’t rather risk sending them out there not knowing what he’s up against."
"I don’t get it," Aliijah said to himself. "Why don’t the rebels come and help free Albida’s capital?"
"Don’t be stupid Ali," offended Khanti. "The rebels think we are completely weak and won’t waste strength trying to free us. I kind of see there point see people here rarely stand up for themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re too aren’t supporting Thaddeus’ methods. And the rebel armies stretch out further and further. So I also think Emparia and it’s allies are gonna try to rid of them soon. I think they have no choice but to fend for themselves."
"I beg a differ on that Khanti," Aliijah opinionated. "I wouldn’t even call them rebels. I just see them as a bunch of lost cowards! If I led a rebel gang, I would free people from this tyranny without question because it’s wrong."
"I’m pretty sure they’re good men and women Ali. They just have to defend themselves." Khanti said.
"Defend themselves?" Aliijah repeated. "That’s selfish and no better than King Lapheus. Like Thaddeus said, ‘Good people who stand by and do nothing, are nothing more than ghosts in a pawned world.’"

The heat was still scorching hot, and shifters still demanded completion. Now Khanti and Aliijah were on road duty and had to help build new roads that also lead to the fronts of Emparia lands. Khanti had the hard part, but also had the most experience in it. He had to place out steel under the roads for decent upkeep. The cement would be applied after the steel was done. Aliijah would have to carry the loose and unneeded stone out of the area and to the dumps. He would have to go back and forth carrying a large sack full of stones and old steel to the dumps.

When Aliijah was making his 3rd trip to the dump, he saw a little boy he knew who had became a recent orphan child. He was about 7 or 8 years old, and knew him because he would forge food for him sometimes. Ever since Lambert got to the boy, Aliijah didn’t have to forge food for him anymore.

It was a glad sight to see him again, but not so glad to see a tall shifter in front of him harassing him endlessly. When Aliijah saw them, his walking pace slowed down. The shifter was shouting at the boy and threatening him. The boy was stepping back, but bravely stood up to the man. The boy shouting something back at him with all the strength of his lungs which angered the man. Aliijah felt the intensity rush with each pump of his heart, he was anticipating, but at the same time hoping the little boy would just be quiet. Suddenly, the tall shifter raised his arm and gave the little boy a sweeping back fist across the face so hard, that the boy did a 720 degree spin and made a thud to the hard ground. Thankfully, the boy wasn’t clearly knocked out, but just dazed. He was bleeding heavily away from the nose and it was probably broken. The shifter approached the boy closer reminding that he will obey his orders. His eyes watered up and tears flowed fluidly.
"M-m-mother!!" The boy cried out loud.

This angered the man more and he was closing in on the boy to teach him more of a lesson. Aliijah’s eyes were swallowed up in flames and his body shook like an earthquake. He dropped the sack and charged forth quickly, he ran faster and quicker than his body ever knew. He reached the shifter in no time flat, and the man was only able to capture a vision of the raging Aliijah from the corner of his right eye. Aliijah’s fists were covered in flames, and he was even crying a bit while charging, but his tears weren’t normal at all, wasn’t even filled sorrow nor anger, but rage and memories. Maybe it was some sorrow that were in them, but one would not know. His tears were nothing more than fiery flames.

He lunged a massive quick, right jab to the shifter’s chest. His chest caved in around the fist, and his body folded with his feet off the ground. His jaw was dropped and the eye pupils were dilated the indicated he was already dead with the punch alone. He flew about 12 feet back until he hit a carriage filled with broken wood and destroyed it. His body hit it and lied there like a rag doll bleeding from his mouth with his eyes open. Aliijah’s flames were gone and he was panting heavily. The boy didn’t know wether to be scared or amazed at what he just saw. Aliijah gathered himself and asked the boy if he was alright, the boy was too shocked to answer.

"Ali…where did that come from?" Khanti said with space between each word. "I saw that punch…"
"I don’t know Khanti!" Aliijah yelled. "But I had to do something!"
"What the hell happened here!?" Another shifter yelled.
"I seen him! He flat out murdered the man! He killed an Emparian!!" Said the witness shifter.

Lion and a group of followers come to the scene also. When Lion saw the dead Emparian, he wasn’t happy at all, and he already knew who did it.

"Your life is at an end as of now! I assure and promise your death will be painful." Lion threatened. "Tie this bastard up!!"

Khanti ran to Aliijah’s aid, but to only get wounded by one of their weapons. Aliijah tried with all his might to resist, but the final blow by Lion rendered him defenseless. The guards arrested him, and hauled him all the way to Emparia’s palace.

Killing Aliijah sparked excitement in Lion, so instead of taking him to the courts of Emparia, he decided to bring him to the king. Surely, he told King Lapheus before bringing Aliijah before him.

"This is the worthless, Albidan who slain the fellow Emparian your Majesty." Lion reported. "That man had a family I hope you know."
"And that kid also had a family!" Aliijah yelled.
Lion struck Aliijah to the face, "Don’t speak out of turn! The king is right here!"
"How was the man killed Lion?" Ambridella asked.
"Ma’am…scientists say his entire rib cage was crushed. All lungs broken with a dent in the middle of his chest, as if he was struck with a cannonball." Lion described.
"This, Copperskin, delivered such damage? Processed such a murderous act?" Followed Lapheus.
"Yes my King. That’s why I exert such methods onto the Albidans, because they’re nothing more than barbarous scum! He killed our citizen in cold blood! I’m sure you’ll enforce the penalty for this my Lord."
"Right you are Lion," King Lapheus agreed. "Lock him under the dungeons and prepare execution for tomorrow in the day. Apparently he will cause a great deal of trouble for Emparia if he’s slaying our shifters."
"No! Wait!" A voice echoed through the room.
"Ayana?" Ambridella said.
"I don’t think we should kill him father, not at all. I think he should receive a greater punishment. I will make him my personal slave father, and make sure he suffers." Ayana suggested. This had Lion’s eyebrow raised.
"I can’t do such a thing my Daughter," denied Lapheus. "A murderer? With my princess? I’m not sure you could regulate such a thing."
"Please father you have to!" She begged. "This manslayer vowed that he would never take orders under me in his entire life. I want to remind him of who one of his future rulers will be, and yes I will authorize this. We’ll keep him here, he won’t dare lay a hand on me or I’ll have him slain myself."
"You seem very confident about this Ayana, and I’m proud that you’re taking progressive steps forward." Ambridella said.
"Very well then," agreed Lapheus, "I think this will be great experience for you Ayana. But, he will be watched throughout this kingdom. We can’t forget that he’s a murderer and we have to stay for that."
"Tch! I wanted him dead." Lion spoke.
"Don’t worry Lion. You’ll get to shed more blood during the upcoming battle for the next land. For our kin countries." Said King Lapheus.

The king ordered the guards to take and escort Aliijah to Ayana’s area so he can await her orders.

"Doesn’t it seem strange to you that his eyes are blue as the ocean, but he’s Albidan?" Ambridella stated.
"I thought I was the only one who thought that my Queen," answered Lapheus. "Albidans don’t have a color of eyes as pure and healthy-looking as that. They’re eyes are either a black color, brown, or could be green sometimes as I remember. But it would be a dark green. But the eyes aren’t what puzzles me Ambridella, it’s his face. I could sware on the heavens that I’ve seen his face before and it’s very familiar, but I can’t seem to remember."
"Maybe it isn’t meant for you to remember." Ambridella said.
"You’re probably correct." He agreed.
After the escort, Ayana led Aliijah to a cold and dark attic-looking room near her room. He was used to sleeping in cold weather, but not as cold as the room was. Ayana looked at his face, as his eyes were still slanted and then closed them.

"I totally saved your life." She said.
"…Whatever. You wasted your time." Aliijah said bluntly.
"It doesn’t matter now, because now…you will comply to my orders."
"I’m not the life you should’ve saved. It’s a shame you don’t realize that." Aliijah said.
"Tomorrow you’ll start the work I assign to you. So you’ll need to sleep now."

As Ayana turned away and began to walked out the room, Aliijah stopped her asking her something.
"Do you have a blanket here?"
She wanted to give him one because she knew how cold it was in the room, but the mind of authority came in.
"You didn’t address me as royalty! No I will not give you a damn blanket!"
"I’m sorry! I didn’t know!" Aliijah apologized angrily.
"I’ll…I’ll give it to you this time. But you’d better address me as the princess. I’m higher authority to you and it’s only right."

She went and got a blanket for him and gave it to him. He curled himself up in it to trap heat and make himself warm.

"And don’t bother escaping Aliijah. It’ll do no good and you’ll bring more danger to your friends and family, that I can promise."

When she left and shut the door, Aliijah began thinking about Khanti and the little boy. He wondered what were they doing at the moment. And he then began to fill his head with a vision of the woman that helped him six years ago.

Ayana said her night greetings to her friends and prepared herself for bed. She thought long and hard about Kendrith and the future marriage. But then, thoughts of Aliijah went into her head and she wrote about the first moment with him as her slave.

"Today I got that rebellious peasant Aliijah to become my slave somehow. I saved him from execution, but it looked like he didn’t appreciate it at all. Could he have wanted to die? And what did he mean by, ‘My life isn’t the only one you should be saving,’ or something of like that? He’s cold-hearted, seems ruthless and doesn’t have any order in his life. But I’m going to change that. But the tone of his voice when he asked for that blanket. It was so different and had me questioning myself. He’s an overall abnormal person, but what strikes me is, those eyes. How could an Albidan have eyes like that?"
© Copyright 2009 Shade (iiishadeiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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