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by Shade
Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #1566197
Aliijah meets Thaddeus A'Tydan for the first time in his young life.

"Do you remember me Aliijah?" The princess asked. Khanti looked as if it wasn’t possible for him not to know who the princess of Emparia was. Aliijah wasn’t at all happy, as it looked, to see her neither.

"Yes I do, and why isn’t it important that I do? You’re not important to my life." Aliijah quoted.

"Um, Ali you may think about what you’re saying there friend." Khanti cautioned.

"I don’t care," Aliijah continued, "she slaves my people right along with King Lapheus himself. Why should I attend to her?"

"That isn’t the way to show respect to loyalty peasant!" Cyl defended in. "You will address Princess Ayana with upmost respect here!"

"I don’t have to address her as anything!" As Aliijah raised his voice to a tone higher. "I will show respect to know one that sits and watches an innocent person get slain and do nothing. This isn’t Emparia. This is the deep end of Albida and as you can see, you have none of your guards with you this time. Just go back to your royal palace before the king sends an army."

Ayana grew irritated and felt insulted. The boy she saw six years ago was as strong as she remembered, but for an odd reason this angered her. Maybe it was because she too couldn’t deny that she demanded respect from him. Khanti warned Aliijah only a few times, but gave up once he knew it wouldn’t hold an effect. Ayana and Aliijah had words back and forth, but it was Ayana who grew the more furious.

"You will submit to me, I don’t care how I do it!" Ayana promised.

"I think it would be wise for us just to drop this situation Princess." Cyl requested.

"No!" Ayana yelled. "I can’t…I won’t let this Albidan step over me like this! This is ridiculous! He won’t even obey my orders. You just wait and see."

"It’ll never happen Princess." Said Aliijah beginning to walk away.

Still enraged by his rebellious acts, she followed after him snatching his arm forcing him to stop. He ripped his arm from her grip and insulted her yet again. It took for Cyl to hold Ayana back from attempting the same thing again. Aliijah and Khanti continued walking their ways, but Ayana kept the same look onto her face. It really surprised her when she saw how others reacted to how Aliijah defended himself towards her. Cyl and Ayana went back to Emparia grounds after that.

"I can’t believe there’s guys out there like that." Said Cyl.

"Not guys Cyl," Ayana followed, "just him. I remember him from a long time ago when he refused to do something I commanded him to do. Even though the guards beat him thoughtlessly he still refused. I wondered how can he be so resistant. It was until Lion threatened to slaughter a little girl after the mother, he changed his will. It seemed like Lion recognized his answer right away and did that. I won’t threaten to kill anyone, but for my father, and me in the future, this will be a real problem."

"What do you mean by that Princess?" Cyl asked.

"Think about it, Cyl. How will I be able to run my own empire when he does such things? I’m already indefinite enough as to if I have the power to rule a nation."

"What? Do you suggest to kill him? That looks like the only option Princess. He completely disrespected you back there." Cyl said.

"I don’t think I should worry now, but he made me so mad that he did that. He just has not any type of order in his life."

"Well I don’t think you can expect such high pedigree from an Albidan, Princess."

"I know," Ayana answered.

Khanti was sure surprised at how Aliijah acted towards the Emparian Princess. Those who also witnessed it, the rumors began to expand. Since the night was in, it was time for rest. Aliijah and Khanti were going home, also, along the way they ran into Samp. When they saw him he was overexcited, jolly and full with energy. Both Khanti and Aliijah both wondered and asked questions until Samp finally gave it up. As supposed, Samp was in Thaddeus A’Tydan’s chamber in the middle of Albidan lands. He went as low to loot everything within grasp. He didn’t steal anything too extreme, but the fact of him stealing from the legendary abolitionist in the first place set alone a problem background. He swore to both Khanti and Aliijah that he didn’t steal anything too important, but when searching through his thief bag a book fell out. The book was written by and all over by Thaddeus himself. Samp claims he didn’t mean to steal that but Khanti arranged not any sympathy for him.

The book seemed to be a journal, which Thaddeus wrote in continuously. Reading it was expected, but Aliijah stated that it would be disrespectful to do so. Samp agreed to leave the book with Aliijah since he volunteered that he would return it in some type of creative way without upsetting Thaddeus.

The next day, is the day Kendrith Allen IV is supposed to arrive. Not any other nation besides the two involved knows the soon prepared marriage of the Emparian princess and the prince of New Tapan.

This was a special kind of day and deserved different occasions for Ayana. She wore different and more styling attire to represent her country. She even had her best friend Cyl mend her up a great hairstyle, and applied her make-up. Thoughts raced across the mind as to predict how he would look. After her appearance was finished, she headed out for the front entrance of the palace. The prince was being escorted inside a royal city crafted motor vehicle. The vehicle drove a very low speed so the guards were within distance. There was 6 of them, 3 on each side carrying spear staffs, and two in the front carrying long rifles. When the vehicle arrived in front of the palace stairway, the door was opened for him to step out. The first person to step out was an older man, probably in his mid 60s at least, who was dressed in well to captivate others of his veteran war achievements. He gave Ayana a grateful wave greeting her as she waved back, but it wasn’t as enthusiastic as his because of the anticipation of seeing Kendrith. The next person to step out was Kendrith himself. Ayana was in awe capturing the glance of him. She first noticed his brown hair wasn’t short anymore, but to a shoulder length. His skin looked more healthier, eyes were still as green as ever. He grew more taller as well, and his attire captured more attraction than hers. The both of them gave a wide smile at each other and a wave afterwards. Kendrith and his follower approached the steps to enter the palace, as Ayana guided them to her father’s chambers.

As Kendrith’s follower went ahead, Kendrith stayed back with Ayana followed by Cyl who also joined them. Cyl too was amazed at how handsome Kendrith has gotten.

"It’s been years since I’ve saw you two again," Kendrith said in a most graceful accent. "You two have certainly gotten much older."

"You’ve gotten quite older yourself Kendrith." Ayana commented. "You are the same age as me. Remember?"

"My father has told me about the marriage proposed for us. I don’t know very much about you Princess, but I’m filled with nervousness."

"Nervousness?" She replied.

"Having an opportunity of becoming engaged with the legendary King Lapheus’ daughter, I think would render any young man nervous. But I still look forward to it."

"I believe it will be beautiful." Commented Cyl.

"Why don’t we settle at fancy place to catch notes with each other. Like you cited, it has been years since we’ve seen each other. I think best would benefit us both."

"I would completely agree with you Princess Ayana. We shall go later within the evening. My uncle Boran needs to speak with your father, so I’m sure he wouldn’t want us to leave off now. I’ll look forward to this. And nice to meet you again too, Cyl." He took Cyl’s hand and gave her a proper greeting. She blushed noticeably, and giggled.

"I can’t wait! See you later!" Ayana yelled as Kendrith walked up the stairs.

Boran discussed further connections between his nation and Emparia’s. Once Ayana and Kendrith get married, the two nations will be merged into one and share lands to profit together. The marriage was arranged to be soon. The aftereffects of this marriage to other countries were no of concern to King Lapheus and New Tapan.

"I hear that a famous leader by the name of, Thaddeus, has put forth a combine of anarchy within your city’s limits. Is this true may I ask?" Said Boran.

"I believe so Sir Boran, even though I strongly want to deny. Since his activism our worker’s production has took a terrible downfall. But this is something rather small to worry about Sir Boran."

"I want to believe so your Majesty, but this is also something needed to being taken care of. Queen Alloris won’t approve her son merging to a nation that can’t grasp authority over it’s minor citizens; or more like peasants may I say. I’m sure she doesn’t mean much disrespect you Majesty."

"It’s quite alright Sir Boran," Queen Ambridella added, "she is correct after all. I’m not surprised at her concerns at all. My King I suggest we should get a council onto our side to overrun Thaddeus’ acts of activism. Once we thwart his leadership, Albida won’t have much to look up to."

"As right you are my Queen. But it isn’t as novice as it sounds, this will take precise actions on our side. But this is something not to worry about Sir Boran, we will have this in line before the wedding is made to happen. That I can promise as king of Emparia."

"I’ll continue my business with you people as added. I’ll be going back to New Tapan for now, but will be back to see my nephew again. It was nice meeting you again King Lapheus."

After Boran’s leave, Lion approached both royalties as well to state an opinion. He was in the chamber through the entire conversation between King Lapheus and Boran.

It was none other than the interest of relieving Emparia of Thaddeus’ troubles. King Lapheus already suspected Lion’s theme of the whole problem, but he made it clear to Lion that he wanted this handled conservatively and without stress. Surely, Lion did not approve, but wouldn’t dare argue with the king himself.

Aliijah searched all over for Thaddeus, but couldn’t find him. He wanted to hand him back over the book Samp stole from him. He went back to the middle of Albida, which had another culture festival going on. This one was more lively and seemed more bright than the previous ones. They even had dancers this time, and more food to eat which Aliijah did.

"It’s him!" Someone pointed. "Look! The boy who hasn’t no fear to the grips of Emparia!"

More pairs of eyes lied upon Aliijah as he hadn’t a clue what was going on. The older man and a couple more people came to Aliijah, and praised him of how his courage enters their hearts and minds. Another fellow overhears the commotion, and also approaches the small crowd. He was a rather tall and lanky guy, who wore humorous battered clothing, almost like a jester.

"So you’re that person that stands up to Emparia in spite of being beaten nearly to death?" Asked the man.

"Um…." Staggered Aliijah.

"Yes Sir, it is him. The copper-skinned young boy with the wild hair, and ocean blue eyes." A woman added.

"Hmm? Come with me young man. Someone has been waiting to meet you for a while now, and you finally show up."

"Someone wants to meet me? Who?" Aliijah asked.

"None other than Thaddeus himself of course! Come with me! Right this way!" The man replied.

Aliijah followed the man as he pleaded into a nearby tent set up at the festival. The tent was heavily guarded with pikeman soldiers that let the man and Aliijah through.

Once he entered, he saw Thaddeus A’Tydan for the first time in his life up close and in person. The man looked very much younger than his age was stated. It’s stated that he’s 39 years old, but didn’t look a bit of it. His skin was a bit dark, but the lightness evidently showed his nationality. His attire was more of the modern times. He was dressed almost like a wizard, and his movements and body actions were so serene. He gave Aliijah a greeting look and guided him to have a seat. A much larger man stood beside Thaddeus with heavy armor on, and had two broad axes that were strung up beyond his back. He didn’t give Aliijah such a good greeting at all.

"This is none other than the man you’ve been looking for Thaddeus." The lanky man explained.

"So you mean to tell me you’re the one that has been starting so much turmoil?" Thaddeus stated with his weary voice.

"What?" Aliijah questioned. "I haven’t done such a thing."

"Haha," Thaddeus smiled again, "I was only pestering you there. You’re so young, see, I predicted you being at least a bit more older. But I guess I was in for a shock I see. What is your name, young man?"

"Aliijah," he answered.

"That’s it? Not a surname?" Thaddeus asked.

"I’m afraid not Sir," he answered back, "I only just remember being called Aliijah. That’s it."

"It’s okay then, for all, it is your name. I see you’ve already met a brother of mine, Axeus, and his twin, also my brother, here who stands next to me, Axis. Axeus was right, I have been looking for you. I was mighty curious to see the man that is spoke to have such a big heart. By the look of your face, color of skin, and hair, I would say you’re Albidan. But…the look of your build and color of your eyes strike a detour in me, as if, you aren’t Albidan."

"Oh, you must be mistaken Sir. I’m full Albidan just as I look." Aliijah stated.

"Hmm? Well what do your parents look like?"

"…I really don’t know Sir. I have no past memory of my mother nor my father. I just remember a stitching, on one of my clothes that had my name on it. That’s how I figured my name is Aliijah. I don’t remember anything else."

"I’m sorry I put so much affliction to you. Truly in your mind you’re asking why I wanted to really see. Me and you are definitely alike, but our beginnings are different."

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Aliijah.

"I mean by the scars around your body symbolizes your kind of will. The demons badly beat you physically in the past. But with me, I never understood such racial, and tyrannous acts when I was just about your age. But as I grew, so did my wisdom, and the fire that was kindling inside me. You to had the tiny fire, but it isn’t so small anymore. Isn’t it?"

"I don’t understand neither." Said Aliijah. "But how did you know the scars on my body, but yet I have them covered up?"

"Your soul spoke it all for me young Aliijah. You see, everyone’s soul casts a past image for them. Your soul was much damaged and was ready to depart from you, but your passion for righteousness regain you back an even stronger soul. I see something in you, but I can’t explain it. Maybe the unleashed potential will explain everything, but I well know it is for the good."

"I kind of understand now," Aliijah answered. "When I would see my people slain, or whipped with those lashes, it inflames me. I’ve yet to understand why Albida must live beneath Emparia. Why must we be slaves and can’t rule our own city? This is not how the world is, or should be! I literally hate those Emparians!"

"Now just wait there!" Thaddeus exclaimed, then signaled Axeus to get something for him. "Hate will never solve a thing young Aliijah. Remember anything if I told you that. Hate only darkens the world. Hate is what has Albidans where they are now. Vengeance isn’t always the answer. I used to hate just as well as you are now. But when I observed around, I learned that wisdom and great leadership could carry understanding in others’ hearts."

Aliijah reached for his bag which he carried the book in. Axis grabbed one of his axes on reaction of thinking Aliijah was armed. Before his action was made, his brother Thaddeus stopped him.

"There’s no need for that my brother! He’s an honored guest, so treat him that way!" Thaddeus scolded. Axis apologized and withdrew his weapon. Upon hesitation, Aliijah took out the book. "I’m sorry for that young man. You see, many Albidans don’t approve of what I do. Some think I only make things worse by standing up for this country. Assassination attempts have been made."

"I have this book for you," explained Aliijah, "I think it’s yours. I haven’t read a thing about it."

"Wow! Where did you find it? I’ve been looking for this. It’s actually a philosophic diary I write in. But, I think fate has brought this book to you for a reason, for the both of us. I want you to keep it. Read everything in it. I’m sure what I just implied to you won’t liberate the hate within your heart, but reading this book is a guarantee that it will. I can personally see this in you."

"It’s an honor to receive this from you, Sir. I’m sure I can share your visions and wisdom." Thanked Aliijah.

"My boy, our visions are entirely diverse, but follows the same paths. I had a dream yesterday, it was a sign. I had a dream that every nation was side by side, and there were no more acts of tyranny. The children are able to play freely, and enjoy the flourished lands without darkness. I dreamt that Emparia had a different king and queen, but had no rules of slavery and torture. This dream was very pleasant, but I only found out that this is the ending to a beginning. I’m positively sure that you are the cause to this ending, but I didn’t have that dream, I think that dream is yours alone. Your dream will lead to mine. I’m not saying that Albida is in your hands, because you still have a choice in your life. But just think about it."

"I’ll read this book Sir. I will learn." Aliijah stated.

© Copyright 2009 Shade (iiishadeiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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