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by Shade
Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #1566193
Episode II. Princess Ayana is to be married. She meets Aliijah for the first time again.

That wasn’t the last time Aliijah stood up for himself in such ways. Khanti was in deep trouble one time, and Aliijah defended for him with no hesitation. They both were punished severely of course, but Lion settled them to work in the depths of the mountain mines. This job was more difficult than the previous work they were doing. This kind of work was also more dangerous and many has died working in the mines. It got easier as they both gotten older. Surprisingly, Aliijah grew much taller than Khanti who only grew slightly. Aliijah was over 6 feet tall, and his muscles got more definition and became stronger. His hair was overgrown and matted from lack of a haircut and personally taking care of it. He still had the same face and same color of the skin, and his eyes were still as blue as ever. Khanti hasn’t changed much, except getting stronger himself.

King Lapheus still triumphs over the Albidans; but not only them, he also rules many other countries. His nation has become more powerful and world threatening. Other leaders had no choice but to either become alliance to him, or fall before his massive armies. One nation was quite equal to King Lapheus’ power, but they are only kin to him. Being kin to that nation only makes things worse in the world.

As Khanti and Aliijah changed, so has Princess Ayana. She still wore her country’s colors and attire. Her face became more beautiful and soft looking. The eyes weren’t so big as they were before, they now fit to her face. Her body as also developed with revealing fashion, which had every man lust for her. She still took the swagger of her mother and father, ruling the slaves around almost like a shifter. King Lapheus has made more diplomatic actions between another country. It sparks the nation as they anticipate a smart decision by him.

Ayana approaches her mother and father upon calling for her. They’re in the royal chamber within the building built for royalty. The king rises from his seat to sit at a lavish dining table. The queen, Ambridella, who’s just as beautiful as her daughter rises as well but doesn’t sit. Lapheus removes his royal cap as he smiles at his daughter and complimented her beauty.

"I’m sure you saw those people here at the meeting did you?" He asked.
"Yes Father. Who were they? They looked very important in my sights."
"They are the leaders from New Tapan, from the Colony Continents." Ambridella answered.
"Yes. And I have some great news. It’s much of a surprise but it won’t be because we’re going to tell you now." Lapheus said.
"Oh I can’t wait Father, tell me now! Is it good? Tell me!" Begged Ayana.
"Yes it quite is. See, you remember Kendrith Allen IV? Me and your mother knew you guys had a bit feelings for each other when you were young." Said Lapheus.
"We want to link and combine our nations with New Tapan so we can promote more growth within our cities with resources and things. What better to join by marriage?" Explained Ambridella.
"Marry Kendrith?" Ayana said surprised. "I haven’t seen him in a quite while of years Father. What if he’s not the same? I would rather save myself for someone I can understand and that has a lot of royalty."
"Oh but he is quite handsome my Daughter." Said Ambridella. "He’s changed a lot since then, and you guys have great history together. He’s the prince of New Tapan and will be the first married prince by blood."
"Royalty wouldn’t be a problem Ayana," Lapheus explained, "he’s most highly positioned as royalty as you are. You two together, you will be on the beginning of you’re own empire sooner in your later ages."
"This is kind of fast for me though Father, Mother. I just want to think about this. I want to see him for myself." Ayana implied.
"Don’t worry yourself my Daughter," spoke Ambridella, "I personally spoke to your father about not forcing such matters on to you. You’ll have plenty of time. He’s coming here tomorrow in fact. So be ready for him and give him a great welcome."

She did have thoughts on how sudden this was, but she still couldn’t get over the half excitement and anticipation. She hasn’t seen Kendrith in a few years and in her mind she couldn’t wait to see how much he’s changed. She ran into some of her best friends she hangs around through the cities. They’re too indulged into the higher royalty of Emparia. Many envied Ayana and wasn’t so true to her, unlike one. Her name was Cyl. She was most noble to Ayana, and would never let false statements soak behind her back. Though the same age, Cyl seemed a bit more wiser than Ayana and wasn’t afraid to tell her the right thing. Ayana considered Cyl as a best friend as she would only confide to her only. After speaking with the others, Ayana couldn’t wait to tell Cyl the news about the soon arrival of Kendrith.

"It’s been long since I’ve seen him too, Ayana." Cyl said. "Do you think he’s changed since then?"
"I know he’s changed since then," she answered back, "I just feel that he isn’t going to be the same at all. I’m…supposed to have his hand in marriage. Cyl, I don’t know how that will be or how he will feel about me. I haven’t ruled or conquered anything yet, and I’ve heard some great things about him. He’s already fought in some battles, and at his age? I’m just worried that I’m not a good queen or something. I want to rule my on country some day to prove my royalty."
"We don’t even know how he is Ayana. Let’s just wait. And I’m sure you’ll make a great leader Ayana. I’ll always approve of you in the future." Said Cyl.
"I wouldn’t know what to do without you of course." Ayana spoke back with a laugh.

Back in the depths of the mountain mines, it’s dark and threats of underground eruptions leaves the slaves and the mercy of the mines. Both Khanti and Aliijah take the elevator to leave the mines once enough work was done. Things changed since six years passed. The righteous activist and abolitionist, Thaddeus A’Tydan. He gave Albidans hope, justice, and spirit. He was the sign of the Albidans. Other nations were inspired by his acts that they supported him without question. King Lapheus still had power over his slaves though and still had vicious methods of reminding them that. The way Thaddeus’ relentlessness kept going, people began to find their strength.

Khanti and Aliijah went to The Sanctuary, a place where Thaddeus supplies free food for workers, and supplied themselves with some food of their own. They sat in The Sanctuary to eat food with another friend they met over the years, Samp. Samp was no more than a mischievous teen and a thief. So what that it was all he knew, but he still had a good heart. The food wasn’t much this time. There were some vegetables, and a couple pieces of meat. Aliijah gave most of his food to smaller children that he felt needed it most.

Khanti took a swallow of his food, "You’ll never get stronger giving your food away like that you fool. Don’t forget we work at the mines now and we need strength."
"Oy’, don’t ya tink the world’s gon’a change?" Samp mentioned. "That man Thaddeus is one a guy, aye?"
"Well I can’t say you’re wrong," opinionated Khanti, "or right neither. Things has changed a lot lately, but we’re still under Emparian rule. Just how long can Thaddeus keep this up?"
"I believe it is going to change," Aliijah said. "I think fate brought him here to us for a reason, and that reason is to rid us free from this tyranny."
"We should still face the reality here. King Laugh-a-Lot owns damn near half of this world, and some small activist is gonna change that? I have a lotta respect for the guy but he should just focus on the little stuff first."
"Anyone can change the world Khanti." Aliijah commented.
"That lashin’ from years ago still hasn’t woke you up? Maybe if you get the torture chamber or something, then you’ll see my vision. Nobody ain’t changin’ no world, Ali."
"King Lapheus change the world himself, you see. He just did it in an evil way."
"King Lapheus has armies, guns, and war lords. What do you have Aliijah? What does Thaddeus have?"
"He has his spirit." Aliijah argued. "I expect you to know this Khanti with everything you’ve been through and all."
"You have no idea Ali," Khanti replied.
"Oy’ guys, you’d a better be gettin’ some sleep now. It’ll be some double time a’ the mines now." Samp warned and left both Khanti and Aliijah alone.
"I wonder though Khanti," Aliijah spoke, "Thaddeus has those same healing abilities as that woman that healed me years ago. Remember? The one I spoke about. I’ve seen him do it to some children, almost every day now."
"That woman you spoke of was one of a kind it seemed. Wish I woulda met her sometime. She’s probably older now." Said Khanti.
"Or probably dead," added Aliijah.
"I hope not," Khanti expressed, "we need great healers like her. It seems like she’s the best, because what she did to your scar was quite something I think."

Cyl and Ayana continued to spend the evening with each other, leaving the other girls behind. Growing entirely bored, Ayana would always lust for opposite ventures to fulfill the boredom. Surely, Cyl would express her second thoughts, but Ayana would praise some reasonable persuasion. This time Ayana wanted to get a glance at the famous Thaddeus A’Tydan himself. She expressed strongly to Cyl how she never saw him before but always heard of him. Her ears being filled with his name sure would spark a curious moment within her. This would also be Cyl’s first time seeing Thaddeus. It wouldn’t be easy even for an Emparian princess. Like King Lapheus, Thaddeus is protected heavily with noble people that believe in him. A line divided Emparian rule and Thaddeus’ showers of understanding greatly. It seemed no bridge could link this gap.

Ayana and Cyl made their way to the centers of the damaged Albidan. These parts were much closer to Emparia and was the first land King Lapheus struck during the Copper Massacre. The slaves were put to work to build roads that link the lands together. The parts Ayana and Cyl were walking in were considered very dangerous. The streets were rigged with thieves and thugs that had no feelings for nearly their own people. Emparia took over Albida, but couldn’t take over nor control the corruption. Even though they were thugs and thieves, they weren’t mindless enough to try and invade the princess. The young women trailed through the town searching for the man Thaddeus. Searching for what it seemed like hours; it seemed more interesting seeing the people that she would be ruling in the future. Some of them pranced around happy with smiles on the faces; most were planted on the ground and weren’t so happy. The sight of the princess wowed some, but many gave her vexed looks. None of these faces impressed her, but worried Cyl. Finally Cyl spoke up telling Ayana that the skies were beginning to get darker, and her mother and father would scold her badly if not back in Emparian lands. Still, Ayana was determined and Cyl wondered why. Maybe it was because this was the only man on Earth that could make her father sweat. He doesn’t use swords, guns or any type of violence; but only his mind it seemed like. Albida now has a king itself, King Thaddeus.

They’re now in a more vibrant part of the small area of the city. It was more lights and more markets, so it seemed like this was the more active part of the land. Cyl became more less worried since being in an area with more lights, but something else worried her. Ayana came to a complete stop and her feet were as still as a statue. Her eyes became as big as they were as a little girl, with her jaw half-way dropped. Not one face impressed her, but this face is one that was filmed into her head. Despite that he’s a natural young adult now, it’s a face she’ll never forget. Cyl’s words became nothing more than false sound. She kept calling for her and tapping her shoulder asking what’s wrong. The young man’s eyes and Ayana’s soon met each other, but his toward her were different. This struck her because he was smiling before he saw her, so something had to be wrong. He suddenly turned away and started to walk.

"Wait!" She called out. She ran after him, Cyl followed.

He stopped and looked at her. Her eyes were nearly still the same size. His face changed at a closer sight of her.

"It’s…you isn’t it? I remember, don’t you remember?" Ayana asked the young man.
"What are you doing Ayana?" Cyl scolded her. "Let’s stop talking to them right now!"
"I just want to know your name. After all those years, I wondered your name. I would think you’d be dead by now, but you’re not. Can I get your name?"
"It’s Aliijah." He answered.
© Copyright 2009 Shade (iiishadeiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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