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Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1566117
A love story will always have a continuation.. :D
"She's dead.We did all that we can but her body didn't fight." the doctor told Ashlee's parents.Her parents began crying and her brothers started to mourn.

Ashlee Madison lived a typical normal teenage life. She had good grades at school, she had great friends and a supportive family. Her parents were great people. Her parents were teachers who gave her a good life. Her father taught in a known university while her mother taught in a university abroad. Ashlee was a sister to two brothers and a good example to her friends. Her life was almost perfect. Others tend to get jealous but she didn't really mind.There was only one thing in her life that didn' give it all. She did not have the perfect love story.

Every morning, she looks what her "dream guy" was up to and every night she tends to dream about him and that's a part of her everyday routine. What she didn't know was that her closest guy friend,Crandall Stewart, liked her so much that he secretly gets jealous. Of course Ashlee won't have a clue because once Crandall already told her that he liked her best friend.

"Hmmm his eyes are too dreamy and his face is so gorgeous." That's the everyday thing that she says whenever Crandall is with her. So one day, Crandall cant keep his feelings anymore so he told Ashlee what he really felt. Of course that was a very awkward moment for the both of them. So for the past few days they never bothered to talk to each other and most of their friends noticed that too. "Hey what's up? you are acting really strange lately" her friends would always ask of course she tells what's up.

"aww that's nice" that's the usual reply they give her. But Crandall was somehow nice and dreamy that some of her friends liked him too.

Day after day after day Ashlee fell for him too. One time while walking along, they talked to each other after a long while.

"So how's your life?"

"It's fine thank you"

"So what are you up to?"

"Nothing much"

That's the usual part of their conversation.

One time they were walking and most of their friends noticed that they were always together lately.

"So are you two together now?" that's the common question they would often ask Ashlee and Crandall

"well no.. it's not really possible" that's Ashlee's answer

One time while talking to Chiah, Crandall cut in and asked Ashlee if they could walk. Ashlee agreed so they walked around the campus.

"So what's your type of guy?"

"hmm let me think"

"Oh I know just look at that guy and I'll know" Crandall said

"No, not really"Ashlee replied

After a few days,

"I asked you this before but you never really gave me an answer" Crandall said


"what do you say if I asked you out?"

"Uhm I'm sorry but I cant give you an answer.. I really like you but m parents won't allow me to have guy friend who's more than just a friend" Ashlee replied

"Okay then, I can wait" Crandall replied

It hurt both of them but they had to.

One time, Crandall needs to review and he asked Ashlee if she could help him. Ashlee helped him but unknowingly, another guy gets hurt. Scott, a friend of theirs cut himself upon seeing that. Because of that, the group had different opinions that hurt. Some sided Scott others Ashlee.

Dismissal time came....

"You know you should think before you make your actions" Drianna told Ashlee

(but Ashlee thinks that she's only saying that because Drianna liked Crandall)

"But it's not my fault"  Ashlee replied

and that was  a start of a bad friendship among the group

Ashlee was really depressed because of this so she called Adrienne, one of her friends, to tell everything

"Hey Adrienne its Ashlee"

"hey whats up?"

"I just thought you have heard about the group's problem"

"Yeah why?"

(Ashlee crying)"Well it's just that I don't know what to do.. It's not my fault but they seem to blame everything on me. Its not my fault Scott did that.'

"I know. You see, Scott can destroy us if he wants to. he's kinda evil"

"Yeah I see what you meant before"

(Scott was obsessed with Adrienne before)

"well I'm always here for you we know that most of them were just jealous"

..they talked about a lot of stuff until they already hung up"

"well thanks"



It has been weeks and Ashlee was still depressed

When Ms. Smith ,their adviser, noticed this...

"Hey what's goin on with the group?"

So the group decided to tell everything

"Oh that's bad" Ms. Smith said

"yes it is"

so Ms Smith had an idea..

" we can fix this with an open forum"

so they had an open forum

after a long time the group fixed their problem and things went back to normal.

One night at Ashlee's house,

"My head hurts a lot" Ashlee complained to her father

"Just take an aspirin and rest" her father replied

now and then this was the scenario until one night, Ashlee's headache became worse that her father took her to the hospital. Then a very shocking news came.

"Ashlee's suffering from a severe head cancer"-The doctor told Ashlee's father

"What?! are you sure you are not wrong?" Ashlee's father said in shock

"No I'm not.. and to be honest her illness is getting worse and she may only have 2 months left" the doctor said

her father had a deep sigh then closed his eyes

"okay then 'doc can we keep it a secret to Ashlee until then?"

"okay then" the doctor replied

so for weeks Ashlee had been in the hospital

"When are we going home?" Ashlee asked

"soon" her father replied

So for weeks  she had been absent and her friends noticed her absence

"What happened to her? This is so not like her" Leanne said

"Yeah. Certainly" Crandall replied

Another week has passed and still no signs of Ashlee

'til the shocking news came to Adrienne..she knew this from her mother who was a nurse in that hospital where Ashlee was.

"hey Adrienne have you heard about what happened to your friend Ashlee? Adrienne's mother asked

"no,what is it?"

"She has a severe cancer but it is still a secret to  Ashlee"

Adrienne started to cry

"everything's going to be alright" Adrienne's mother said

meanwhile,Ashlee's father called Ashlee's mother and told her about the horrible news.

"So when are you coming home then?" "Ashlee's father asked

"I'll do everything to come home as soon as possible" Ashlee's mother replied

The next morning,

"Hey guys now I know why Ashlee has been gone for so long" Adrienne said to the rest of the group

Adrienne told the group what her mother told her... So they visited Ashlee one weekend except for Crandall who cannot come

"Hey Ashlee how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine"

(but in her eyes she's already weak)

"how are you guys?"

"Oh we're fine"

after a few chit chats they went home.

After another week Crandall visited her

"hey Ash what's up?"

"well I'm fine"

a long period of silence came until Crandall start to cry

"why what's wrong?"

"nothing it's just that......"

..."well I gotta go, bye"

after that, Ashlee's mind has been filled with a lot of questions.

Now and then Crandall visited Ashlee

After a few more days, the school already called. So her parents told the principal about Ashlee's condition

The next morning,

"Let's pray for Ashlee Madison's recovery"  the principal announced so they prayed

After a few more weeks Ashlee's condition had grown worse and worse until one fateful day...

"She's dead.We did all that we can but her body didn't fight." the doctor told Ashlee's parents.

Her parents began crying and her brothers started to mourn.

"Let's pray for the soul of Ashlee Madison" the school principal announced that got her friends mourning.

Her parents came to her school and gave a letter to Ms. Smith it was a letter Ashlee made for her friends.

During the Lunch break, Ms.Smith informed the circle about the letter. The letter said:

To all of my friends,

I think that the moment you have read this letter, I may be gone already. Please don't cry coz I'm not really a fan of sad endings.

Special mentions:

Adrienne-thanks for being there for me especially during that part of my life where I have been weak.

Elaine- Thanks for being a friend no matter what

Ms. Smith-Thanks for everything. Thanks for helping us rebuild our circle


Crandall- You filled my thoughts with a lot of mysteries and you showed me what no other person had showed me before. Next time tell your thoughts to others. Don't fear anything because someday it will all pay off.

and to the others, I wish you all the best


that made the circle cry.

When someone came to guide Ashlee's soul, the messenger told her that she had at least 40 days to wander and give her last farewells to the people she loved.

So she came wandering off to school, at home and everywhere else. Everywhere she went butterflies and sweet smells followed. This was a symbol of her saying goodbye.during her second week of wandering,

She visited everybody's dreams to tell her message. One night she visited Crandall to see how he handles Ashlee's death and he handles it quite well.

A week after, a news came that during Crandall and his family's trip somewhere they had a car accident where Crandall was the only one who died and his family had bruises and wounds.

Now the circle mourned more for they already lost two friends.

When this happened, a messenger also came to Crandall granting him 40 days to stay just like Ashlee. Now both the wandering spirits gives their messages. Until one day, while wandering, they saw each other (in spirit forms of course) . This was already Ashlee's last week to stay so they decided to visit the school chapel where their group hangs during the daily school masses.

"so what will happen to us after our 40th day?" Crandall once asked

"I really don't know" Ashlee said

"This is already my last week here and maybe I can tell you haha" Ashlee told Crandall

"So we're going to be separated again" Crandall said

"I guess so" Ashlee replied

"But someday we'll see each other again" both of them said

After that incident, Crandall's family moved to another city to forget everything that happened. While Ashlee's family moved to another country.

After a year , Ashlee's mother gave birth to a baby boy they called him Edward and after a week of Ashlee's mother giving birth, Crandall's mother gave birth to a baby girl they called her Taylor.

After several years, Ashlee and Crandall's family moved back and the two children who were older now went to the same school but they didn't know each other.

One first day of school,  Edward and Kristen bumped into each other making Taylor's books fall.

"Oh I'm so sorry let me help you with that" Edward said

"Oh it's okay" Taylor said

"By the way I'm Edward Madison" offering his hand to shake

"Taylor Stewart" while giving her hand

so they shook hands

"So what class are you in?" Taylor asked

"I'm in Class 3-1"

"No way!" Taylor said in excitement

"Huh?! why?"

"I'm also in that class!"

"really?! I guess we're classmates!"

"so do you mind me walking with you to class?" Edward asked

"No not at all"

In the classroom...

"Good morning Junior class.. I'm Ms. Adrienne Brown and I will be your adviser for the rest of the year"

"Now let's get the attendance shall we?"

So now Ms. Brown gets the attendance. Until...

"Ms. Taylor Stewart?"


that last name started to ring a bell so she continued..

"Mr. Edward Madison?"


during that time the surprised teacher started to think about that coincidence. Adrienne Brown was Ashlee's friend whom she asked for advice during the group fight.

The way the two students sat beside each other gave Adrienne thinking and reminiscing. There was just something about the two. Like she had seen it before.

She shared what she had seen to the other teachers who became a part of their group a long time ago and they have observed the same thing.

Just out of curiosity, Adrienne asked if how they were related to their friends who died a long time ago. And she discovered that Taylor and Edward were the younger siblings of Ashlee and Crandall. She also learned that their birthdays are a week apart. Just like the time of the death of Crandall and Ashlee.

Everytime she sees the two together it always reminded her of her two friends. One day, she observed that the two weren't talking to each other and so she wondered why..

"Taylor, what's up with you and Edward?"

"Nothing really maam" Taylor answered softly

"Taylor, I know something is up, I can see that" Ms. Brown gently said

"With due respect maam why do you care?" Taylor asked

"It's just that I don't want my best students to be fighting. I have seen you work and you make a good team"

"Oh I see. It's really nothing maam"

"Okay then you may go"

days passed and Ms Adrienne Brown noticed that the gap between the two were getting bigger and bigger. So she knew she had to do something. She did not want to see again what hapenned before with Ashlee and Crandall.But what can she do?

One night...

"What can I do? What to do?" Adrienne kept asking herself  until she fell asleep thinking.

then she had a dream. In her dream, she saw the past.. She saw the group fight and she saw the solution.... Ms. Smith's solution

when she woke up

"I know what I can do"

"Taylor, Edward tell me what's up.."

at first there was a long moment of silence 'til Adrienne broke the silence.

"See you two remind me of my friends before. They were actually your brother and sister and I know what happened before they died and I think you will continue what they had started."

"Well see Edward asked me out and its just that I really feel awkward" Taylor said

"Oh I see why didnt you say so?" Edward said

"Because I dont want our friendship to be destroyed" Taylor answered

"See if you feel right and you know its right about stuff then do it .Don't let fear come in your way because it may be too late"

After a few years an invitation came to Ms. Adrienne Brown.....

Dear Ms. Adrienne Brown

  You are cordially invited to our wedding on July 17,2019. The reception will be held at Riccache Hotel.

Thank you for the advise :)


Then they all lived happily ever after

>>> Taylor and Edward did continue what their older siblings started ^^<<<

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