Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1565917-Untitled
Rated: E · Draft · Dark · #1565917
Short draft written in 10 minutes. Need feedback, and possible title names.
Deep breathe.

Plunge in.

Crashing into the translucent blue abyss, my heart wildly pounded within its cavity. The exhilarating rush suddenly taken over by the overwhelming fear hunting me through my childhood.

I kick.

I punch.

I flap, trying to reach the surface but I watch it get further and further away as I disappear into nothingness. My lungs constrict, my body fighting to inhale: Don’t breathe and I suffocate. My mind fighting off this automatic reaction: breathe and I drown. My brain loses the war; my lungs widen sucking in water- agonising pain.

Certain death.

So this is death? Not as peaceful as I hoped.

Close my eyes, I see my mother crying over my body. I see my father burying me. I see my brother weeping silently in his room. That’s when they start. My arms and legs working rhythmically with one another; antagonists pairing together to keep me afloat. I look up, light. A glimmer of hope.

I break through the surface.

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