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Rated: 18+ · Other · Animal · #1565371
Chapter 4 of my home made story.
Daniel looked up to a 3rd story hospital window. A strange man had told him what had happened to Kilik. He walked inside and up to the receptionist. "I'm here to see a light tan-furred fox that was brought in earlier today. The receptionist looked at Daniel. A cautious expression on her face. Daniel thought it odd that a raccoon would be wearing a cautious face.

"Are you of any relation to the patient in question?" She asked. "No, I'm just a friend that's worried."

She stared at him some more, "Do you have any legitimate identification?"

"I do." Daniel dug around in his pocket and pulled out a Learner's Permit. He was embarrased that he had failed the driver's exam so many times.

The raccoon eyed him some more and scribbled something down and handed him a badge. "He is in Room 362. Have a nice visit."

Daniel thanked the receptionist and quickly walked to the elevator. He stepped inside and pressed "3". The doors shut and Daniel sighed. Why hadn't he just left to begin with? Daniel remembered the hooded figure that had told him what had happened. He was tall and was clearly a feline of sorts. His shoulders were broad and his fram was massive. He appeard to him by jumping out of an alley and dragging him into it. Daniel panicked at first. He became completely entrenched in the moment.

Daniel struggled with his assailant. The fur easily held him in place. It leaned close and said, "Be still. I have saved the fox you met earlier. Had I not been around, he would have died. He asked for you specifaclly in his daze. Go to the address I have given you. Once you arrive there, you must give a brief description of him. How much can you remember?"

Daniel swallowed as the grip was loosened. He took a breath and replied, "He had light tan fur and a white stripe extending from the tip of his muzzle to what appeared to be all the inside areas of his body." The male released him and said, "Good enough. Now go. He awaits you. I'll be seeing you again."

With that, he flipped himself over a chain-link fence and disappeared into the darkness of the night. The shepherd didn't marvel but a moment because he was running to the location on the paper.

The elevator doors slid open and he stepped out to see another receptionist. She looked directly at the badge and noted the number and pointed him to the right. It didn't take Daniel too long to find Kilik's room He opened the door and stepped inside.

Kilik looked up from the paper he was writing on and his hears drooped while his heart leaped. He watched as Daniel crossed the room to the foot of his bed and grabbed the clipboard that rested there. He read over it and walked to the bedside and sat down. Daniel looked at all of the tubes and machines and then back to Kilik. The fox noted that David's eyes were becoming glassy and his breaths starting to turn irregular.

Daniel rested his elbows on the bed and leaned forward to prop his forehead on his folded hands. Only to replace it with his chin and he was flexing his fingers and shaking. A tear started its march down Daniel's cheek and Kilik just stared at the black and brown shepherd. Trying his level best to start a conversation.

Daniel finally said, "I should have gotten there earlier. I-I-I just..." His voice was lost in his sobs and he placed his face in his hands and just cried. Kilik set the paper down and reached out for Daniel, with a wince. He wrapped his arms around Daniel's head and inched it carefully towards his chest. Daniel lurched out and wrapped his arms around Kilik's neck and continued his crying. Kilik rested his chin on his head. "Shhhshhshh shhhhh. It's alright. I'm still alive and it's not like I hate you. I appreciate you coming to see me. Although," he said with a glimpse to the clock, "we don't have much longer than an hour.

Daniel withdrew from Kilik and stammered, "H-h-how can you say that? Y-y-y-y-your in a hospital bed. Recovering from being raped. I basically stood you up. It's my fault that you're here and you say that you don't hate me. If I were you I wouldn't have let me through that door. I j-" He was stopped by a paw on his muzzle.

Daniel looked at Kilik somewhat confused. Kilik removed his paw and started getting really close to Daniel's face. "Well guess what?" He leaned in closer. "You're not me." Something clicked in Kilik's mind that made him lean forward and plant a kiss right on Daniel's lips. They stayed there for a few moments and Kilik pulled away to see a mystified Daniel sitting by his bed.

He chuckled a bit and started writing on the paper again. He picked up the remote and pressed the "Call Nurse" button and a few moments later, the receptionist poked her head in and asked, "Can I help you?"

"Yes ma'am. Could you send this to Officer Brown from the precinct that visited me earlier today." The greyhound smiled and took the page and walked out.

Daniel finally snapped out of his daze when the door shut. "What just happened?" This made Kilik laugh, with a wince again, and he replied coolly, "That was the receptionist sending my report on my assault. And this," he said drawing out a note, "is what I'm giving to you to read."

Daniel reached for it but Kilik flicked his hand back, "But first, you have to promise that this stays between you and me. And you have to tell me the results of my examination WITHOUT crying. Deal?"

Daniel nodded and picked up the clipboard again and read aloud, "Slight internal bleeding, two broken bones and epidermal bruising. Doctor's Notes: I don't know how more damage was not sustained. Considering the lion to be a serial rapist and a violent one at that. There is a 35% chance that he won't completely heal physically. I am ordering a psychoanalysis of the child's emotions and I expect a full report on my desk by Monday." Daniel set the report the foot of the bed again and raised a paw finger and spoke in a knightly manner, "I, Daniel Leary, promise to keep any and all secrets that are to to me by this fox."

He lowered his hand and looked to Kilik and held out his hand. "Gimme." Kilik dropped the paper in Daniel's paw. "I never knew your last name was Leary." Daniel laughed and told him, "I try and keep that under wraps. So let's keep it that way." Daniel unfolded the note and read:

"To Daniel:
�You're reading this because I had you make a promise. If you break that promise, THEN I might hate you. As you might have guessed, I like you. A lot. Since I still can't bring myself to hold a decent conversation with you, I'm still writing notes to you. Well for starters, I'm not exactly someone who can be found. No, I'm not a criminal. I just never told anyone where I was going. So you could call me a runaway. But I do plan on going back at the end of summer. Don't take that too harsh. We have two months with which to get to know each other. I'll start off by signing my name.
���With love,
���Kilik Odagawa"

Daniel looked at Kilik and the fox tilted his head to the side, a little confused. "You wrote "love" here. I hope you weren't thinking I'd miss that."

Kilik formed an innocent expression and stated smartly, "Alright, I'm busted. Now, could you tell me why exactly you wanted to meet me anyway?"

Daniel looked at Kilik like he was stupid, "I'm gay and I like you. You're hot." This made Kilik blush. "Now, I'm sure Mark told you all about me, except maybe my age, 17, so spill the beans boy."

Kilik took a breath and started, "I am Kilik Odagawa. Forgive the name. I am 16 and I am unemployed. I like J-pop, some rap and I love certain rock bacnds. I live in the States. I only have a slight build with some extra weight. That I'm losing with DDR. I'm in the Outcast clique. I also play soccer and here's an issue that only my friends and mom don't really seem to care about. Everyone else blows it out of proportion. I'm bi. I also play guitar and have yet to join a band. I'm in a martial arts academy. I'm still very inexperienced though. I also believe that I love you. That's it until I know more about you."

Kilik looked at the clock. Only 5 minutes left. He looked at Daniel who had switched his nonchalant expression with a very mischievous one. Kilik thought about what could be going through his head right now.


Daniel stood up and Kilik noticed his bushy tail swinging back and forth.

"What?", he asked again.

Daniel leaned over the bed and propped himself up with his hands next to Kilik's shoulders.

"What?", he asked, getting impatient.

Daniel reached to Kilik's nose and removed the hose that rested there.

"WHAT?!" he asked just under a yell.

Daniel leaned in close. Really close. Something click in Kilik's mind, except this time it was louder. He leaned forward and they simultaneously closed their eyes and kissed. Daniel cracked his lips and let his tongue brush across Kilik's maw. Kilik allowed Daniel access and the feeling was overwhelming. He had never done this before. He liked it. He noted the sweet taste of Daniel's tongue. He decided to go further. Exploring the roof of his mouth and towards the back before retreating back to massage Daniel's tongue with his own. He felt Daniel move along the roof his mouthe and then settle back into himself and he pulled away.

Shortly after, there was a knock at the door and the receptionist poked her head in and said, "Visiting hours are over. It's time for him to rest."

Daniel looked upset.

"Can't I take him with me?"

The greyhound chuckled, "He's up for release tomorrow morning at 10:00. You may come and get him then."

Daniel still looked defeated.

"Alright. See you later Kilik. Oh, before I forget. I brought you something. He tossed a note at Kilik and the fox caught it. With that, Daniel left.

The nurse replaced the nose piece and asked, "Is that the boy I've heard so much about?"

Kilik looked at her and grinned widely.

"Yep. That's my boyfriend."

She smiled and walked out. Kilik unfolded the note and read it. It was lyrics. He knew them well.

No rush though I need your touch
I won't rush your heart
Until you feel on solid ground
Until your strength is found, girl

I'll fill those canyons in your soul
Like a river lead you home
And I'll walk a step behind
In the shadows so you shine
Just ask it will be done
And I will prove my love
Until you're sure that I'm "the one"

Somebody else was here before
He treated you unkind
And broken wings need time to heal
Before a heart can fly, girl

I'll fill those canyons in your soul
Like a river lead you home
And I'll walk a step behind
In the shadows so you shine
Just ask it will be done
And I will prove my love
Until you're sure that I'm "the one"

Trust in me and you'll find a heart so true
All I want to do is give the best of me to you
And stand beside you

Just ask it will be done
And I will prove my love
Until you're sure that I'm "the one"

He disregarded the gender identification in the song and went to sleep. Feeling much better than he had when he left home.
© Copyright 2009 Jake Long (foxmccloud at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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