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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Animal · #1565370
Chapter 3 in my home made story
Warning: This story may contain items such as Violence, Sexual Content, or Suggestive Dialogue. The content of this story Parent's may not find suitable for children under the age of 18. But since NO BODY obeys those laws. Please enjoy yourself.

Chapter 3


Kilik stepped out of the shower and looked at the clock. It was 7:00 p.m. He had made good time. He turned on the radio. It was a classic. From the age of Spider-Man. He really hated those days. But then again, Nickleback was a really good band. So he decided it wouldn't be so awkward if he sang along with the song that played.

I am so high. I can hear heaven

I am so high. I can hear heaven.

No heaven, no heaven dont hear me.

And they say that a hero can save us.

Im not gonna stand here and wait.

I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.

Watch as they all fly away.

Someone told me love will all save us.

But how can that be, look what love gave us.

A world full of killing, and blood-spilling

That world never came.

And they say that a hero can save us.

Im not gonna stand here and wait.

I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.

Watch as they all fly away.

Now that the world isnt ending, its love that Im sending to you.
It isnt the love of a hero, and thats why I fear it wont do.

And they say that a hero can save us.
Im not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as they all fly away.

And they're watching us
As they all fly away

The music continued and Kilik looked back to the clock again and again. Anxious about his date. It was nerve-wracking. Wondering if he would show, thinking how the night might end, where would they be going? Kilik tried his hardest not to panic but to no avail. A half hour had passed of pure hell and he looked at the clock again. He grabbed a coat and walked out of his apartment. Thinking that he couldn't take much more of this. It was way too unbearable.


Daniel glanced at the clock. It was 7:45 and his boss still would not let him go. He would deserve serious over time for his troubles. Daniel sat a table, awaiting customers and he sat there and lost track of time. He silently cursed to himself and finally decided that he would leave regardless. There wasn't anything happening in the eatery anyway. So why was he being detained? The shepherd crossed the building and entered the Staff Room where he changed into a more casual attire. It felt good, but his gut was telling him that something bad was going to happen. He brushed it away. Thinking about his date. And the future of his employment. He walked out of the building unnoticed by his employer and he glanced once more through the glass at the clock. It was 8:15. "No. This can't be happening. Not now." He turned and began a fast run to the bus stop. Hoping that the fox would still be there.


Kilik looked at his watch again. 8:15. His heart was shattered. Daniel had stood him up. Even though he was gay and got off of work a little over an hour ago. He looked towards the corner and his heart sank even lower as he didn't see ear nor hide of that shepherd that had made his day utter hell. But in a good way. He looked around at all the passing furs to see that they were all in pairs. He started to cry but he didn't lose his composure. He turned and started making the long trek back to his apartment. Where he would sit, cry, lay down and cry himself to sleep. He sighed and said to himself, "I should have listened to the demon on the right."

He stopped at a window where charms and other knick knacks were sold. He peered through the window and noticed that it was closing. He caught sight of a paper weight with a German Shepherd and a fox frollicing around in a meadow and he cried even more. His eyes locked on the object. He kept his gaze there even after the steel plates had been pulled down, shutting off the view of the store. He stood there a moment and turned to walk away again but was stopped by someone grabbing his left paw. He silently hoped it would be Daniel but was disappointed when he turned to only see a drunk lion in a coat he didn't know.

"You lookin' for somethin'?" he asked. His voice dripped with a certain tone that led Kilik to believe that this guy was bad news. Kilik had thrown caution to the wind and he truly didn't care about anything so he answered the feline's question.

"I though it was just something missing. But now it's something that was never there. The one I thought could give it to me just stood me up. So I guess that I'm looking for something that kills everyone in their quest for it. Love." He laughed to himself and thought about his philosophy. It sounded pretty good. But something brought Kilik back to Earth. A paw was placed on his shoulder and he picked up the faintest scent of an all too familiar smell. "It's alright. You don't have to worry about any damn date you might have been planning on. If you wanted love you should have just went and got a hooker or something. But still, it's your choice."

The breath of the feline blasted Kilik in the face and his eyes watered. This fur was truly drunk. Kilik felt the paw creep over and now an entire arm was over his shoulder and Kilik felt alone. He just kept thinking about how he was just stood up. He turned his gaze to the ground and let it hang there. A tear rolled down his cheek and fell from the tip of his nose. As the salty liquid hit the ground, Kilik felt prick in his side. A knife. Hidden by the jacket.

"Just cooperate and you don't die."

These words sent a chill down the vulpine's spine. He also let a few more words roll out of his maw, "I got all the love you need right here." Emphasizing his point by using his free paw to grope his own groin. Using the vulpine's paw to roll his balls around. Kilik felt disgusted. The lion turned to him again and said, "C'mon. Time to have some fun."

Kilik was led down an alley and tossed headlong into a garbage dumpster. His dazed form being towered over by the lion. The next thing Kilik knew, he was pinned. Kilik knew exactly what was happening to him. He was being raped. Every thought about losing his virginity pleasantly, vanished. Reality thrusting them into darkness. He whimpered and the lion got real close, the alcohol blasting him in the face, "Go ahead. Scream. Act like the little bitch you are. Just know it gets me...excited." Emphasis was added by Kilik's paw being twisted to the lion's groin. The fox winced as the pain shot through his arm. The lion then flipped him over and used his right paw to hold his victim's arm on his back as he attempted to get his pants off with his left. Which he succeeded in doing after a moment.

Kilik whimpered. This was not how he had imagined his virginity being taken.. Not by rape. This couldn't be happening to him. He let out a very loud whine, making the lion cackle. He reached around Kilik's waist, so that he could get a better feel of his prize and remove the only thing blocking it. The pants came off with his boxers and Kilik cried. He needed help. All he wanted was a night with Daniel and this is what he got. Rape. Talk about bad karma.

He didn't have much time to ponder on the subject because there was a prod and then a searing pain I his backside. Kilik cried out for two reasons. It hurt, and his most precious possession was gone. Never to return. This infuriated the vulpine and he took his free arm and launched it towards his assailant with every ounce of energy that he had left in him. Why hadn't he thought of that before. It would have made much more sense.

As good an idea as it seemed, it only caused Kilik more pain as this arm too, was twisted into his spine.The lion slammed into him again. Picking up speed. He leaned in real close to the vulpine's ear and whispered, "Try that again and I'll be sure to kill you when I'm done." He recieved the desired effect. More tears. He wanted the fox to know who was who and the fox was his bitch.

The feline was now growling and moaning but it turned rapidly into a ragged gasp. "Mmmmmm...So....Tight...so...warm...Unhh....Mmmm...Never....had...a...virgin...before...Perfect...Fuck your tight." Kilik didn't hear the lion's words, he was too busy hurting and crying, his vision was also starting to blur. Now he had to fight to stay awake. If he didn't, he could die.

The lion slammed into him again Kilik thought about how he could get out. He despaired as he realized he couldn't. "DANIEL!" he cried. The lion smiled as he continued his thrusting, "A little fag we got here eh? Then this shouldn't even be hurting for you. It should feel good. Now, I'm gonna pull myself away from this." He did as he said he would and Kilik collapsed. He sat down next to the dumpster and hauled Kilik up unto his knees. "Suck it." He pressed the knife against Kilik's throat and the fox cried some more. Kilik did as he was told and the lion spoke again, "Bite and die." Kilik faced the member that throbbed before him. Bloody. He opened his mouth and took it in.

The taste of blood was the only thing that saved Kilik from truly dying. The salty taste of it kept his senses going. He slowly went all the way down that he possibly could without choking and receded. Only to be pressed all the way to the base by the feline. He choked and gagged and spluttered. The lion knocked the fox to the ground and pulled out a gun, "You wanna try again, or should I just kill you now?" Kilik rose and approached the cat again. He took the dick into his maw again. No longer crying because the only way he could get out was to make sure the lion got his nut.

He dragged his tongue along the bottom of the throbbing piece flesh. The lion mewled and Kilik continued, determined. Kilik raised a paw and placed it below his muzzle, stroking it. Also using it to keep the lion from gagging him. He twisted his hand around the manhood and used his other hand to roll the balls around. He needed to get this guy to cum soon.

The lion stopped him and threw him against the wall and slammed his head into it. Rendering the fox sensless. Literally. Kilik could no longer feel anything. His vision blurred once more and all he knew was he was being lifted and pressed against a wall. He couldn't feel the lion thrusting into him he could only hear his murs and grunts. His life began to flash before him and he raised a paw to his head and pulled it away. No blood. So the most he could have was a concussion and the least, a bruise.

The lion was now panting in a very odd way. "Mmmmm...Ahhhh...Ohhhh...I...think...I'm gonna..." He gasped and Kilik felt a stillness in the alley. The lion slowed and stopped. Basking in the afterglow. He pulled out with a loud slurp and there was a gush of white and red coming from the fox's rear. He let Kilik fall to the ground.He pulled his pants back on and put away the gun and the knife.

He stood over the limp form and laughed. "Thanks." He turned and walked away.

Through blurred vision, Kilik watched as a white figure turned the corner and rushed his assailant. He heard a scream and his vision was now only a haze. His thoughts turned to home, and to Daniel. He just watched as white and gold mixed and he whispered his deeper of the two desires before losing conciousness, "Dan...iel..."
© Copyright 2009 Jake Long (foxmccloud at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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