Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1565122-Vampires-Kiss
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1565122
Naruto is the biggest punk in Konoha and accepts a dare to stay at an abandoned mansion.
Chapter 1: The Dare

Naruto sighed as he sat in the principle’s office for the fifth time that week. Honestly, he saw no reason to be there. It was not the first time he played a prank on the health teacher, Kakashi Hatake.

“Naruto, do you have anything to say to defend yourself?” the blonde haired principle asked knowing she was about to receive a smartass remark.

The blonde teen ran a hand through his hair only to have the blonde locks fall back into place. He smiled his famous grin and answered. “I don’t see what the problem is. It was a simple joke. No harm done.”

“You call dying the teacher green, burning his grade books, and then having him hung upside down by his ankle using an invisible wire harmless? What do you think you are? A ninja?”

Naruto shrugged before pulling out a cigarette from his black cargo pants and putting it into his mouth. He ignored Tsunade’s threatening look and proceeded to search for a lighter. “I’m no where close to being a ninja, but honestly, was the grade book thing really that bad? Would any of the other students actually care?”

Tsunade reached over the mahogany desk and took the cancer stick right from his mouth. “For the students trying to graduate, yes, they would care.”

“What about the students who had to write a health report on the facts about sex that IchaIcha Paradise provided us and causing them to be scarred for life?”

“I . . . uh,” Naruto did have a point. “I hate you.”

“Love you too, Obaa-san.”

Tsunade rolled her eyes at Naruto comments and sighed. “This has got to stop, Naruto. You have been in school for two months, and you have already received 9 warnings, 5 referrals, and 2 suspensions. Normally I would have had you expelled by now, but since you are Minato’s kid, I have put it off as long as possible. If this continues, I can’t guarantee that I can keep you here for much longer.”

“Who said I wanted to stay here? Besides, it is not like I knew my father. He was never home, and when he was, he was sleeping. When he died, much didn’t change.” Naruto’s previous grin had been lost and a bit of resentment replaced it.

Tsunade looked at the boy with sympathy. Every time when Minato was brought up, Naruto just seemed to shut down. Ever since the police found and brought back Minato’s body . . .

Tsunade leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. “I’ll let you off with another warning Naruto. Your pranks have been a lot worse than this, so it should be okay. Next time it’s another suspension.”

Naruto stood up from his chair. His usual grin was slapped onto his face. “Thanks Baa-chan! See you at dinner.” He picked up his bag and turned to leave as the bell rang, signaling the end of second period.

“Don’t call me that! And tell that dirty old man to clean up his house once in a while.”
“I’ll tell him, but it doesn’t mean he’ll do it.” Naruto ran out of the office, running past the school slut, I mean Sakura.

Sakura fell to the ground, dropping papers and . . . was that birth control pills. On second thought, Naruto didn’t even want to know. “Watch where you’re going, you assho-, oh Naruto-kun! What a pleasant surprise.” Can you say two faced? You can’t? Well good neither could Naruto because she definitely had more than two faces.

“Yo, Sakura-chan! What’s up?” Why was he nice to her again? Oh, that’s right. It was in hope that he could get laid. It was kind of sad how he was the school’s, no the city’s, best prankster/punk, yet he was the only one out of all his friends that had not been laid. What made it worse however, was the fact his friends taunt him about it.

“I was wondering if that date for this Saturday was still on.” She gave a cute smile loaded with fake sugary goodness. Naruto almost wanted to cringe.

“Yeah, sure babe.” Naruto watched as the pink haired girl giggled as he called her “babe”.

“Great, can’t wait ‘til then. See you later Naruto-kun.” She smiled one last time and practically skipped out of the office. Scary.

Naruto let out a big sigh as the pink whore known as Sakura was out of view. He walked down the hall as the loud chatter of students filled the hallway. As he approached his locker, he saw his rivals stand in front of his locker. Great just what he needed.

“Hello, dickless.”

“Hello, Sai. I see you are as flamboyant as ever.” Naruto noted the belly shirt and the low, leather hip huggers that the pale man wore.

“At least I know I’m gay and have gotten laid.”

‘Dammit! Why won’t people leave me alone about that!?’  “So what if I’m a virgin! Is there a problem with that?! Everyone knows it already, so I might as well scream it! I AM A VIRGIN!!”

Everyone stood silently and all movements and chatter in the hall stopped. Naruto, realizing his mistake, began blushing out of embarrassment.

“That’s very nice to know, Uzumaki. Anything else you like to tell us.” A brunette with pale grey eyes walked up behind Sai smirking.

“No, thank you. I’m fine. Unless you want to tell us something yourself,” Naruto glared at Neji.

“Come on, Uzumaki, shouldn'y tou try to face reality instead of picking fights with us. You should work on realizing the fact that you killed your father.”

“Take that back, Hyuuga,” Naruto clenched his fists at his sides.

“Why, Tsunade won’t save you, and your father definitely won’t.”

“Why you son of a bitch!” Naruto slammed Neji against the lockers. One hand was around his neck while the other one pinned him against the lockers. “I swear I’m going to kill you this time.” His voice became rougher as his once azure eyes turned red.

Neji did not show any emotions. If he did show fear, he would never surpass the great Uzumaki, but it did not mean he was not scared. Only Neji was brave enough to cross Naruto, but every time he saw Naruto like this . . . he never got used to it. It was scary every time.

“Uzumaki, let him go.” A red head kid placed a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. “He’s not worth it.”

“Gaara, he-”

“I know what he said, but you know that you can’t.” Gaara leaned in and whispered into Naruto’s ear. “Jiraiya can’t keep you out of that place forever if you keep getting into fights at school. Wait until later off school grounds.”

Naruto hesitantly let go of Neji and gave a small smirk of satisfaction as Neji coughed from lack of air.

“I guess that means that you won’t take us up on our dare than,” Neji gasped out as he tried to regain his normal breathing.

“What dare?” Kiba, who had recently showed up, asked.

“Nara, explain it to them,” Neji said in his usual slightly superior voice.

“So troublesome,” a boy with pineapple hair mumbled. He leaned against the lockers not that far from Neji and yawned. “Two nights ago a rival gang entered the abandoned mansion down by the port and didn’t return until today when the police found their corpses in a cemetery in the next town. No one knows how they died or how they got there. The dare is for you and one other person to go into that house and stay there for one night inside it. Of course you have to take a picture inside the house to prove it. If you accept the dare and do not stay the whole night, you have to give up your title as toughest punk to Neji. If you do stay, it boosts your reputation. If you don’t do the dare at all, people will question you. If you accept, two of our guys will stand guard somewhere nearby out of sight. Choice is yours, yada, yada, yada, I believe you get the point,” Shikamaru finished lazily watching the ceiling.

“So Uzamaki, will you do the dare?” Neji, who had finally regained the rest of his composure, asked.

“On one condition,” Naruto’s eyes narrowed.

“What would that be?”

“You buy me ramen for the next month if I complete it.”

“Deal.” Neji stuck out his hand, so Naruto could shake it. Naruto accepted the hand quickly as they both tried to squeeze the life out of each other’s hand.

“He has no idea there is going to be a hole in his wallet for the next month, does he?” Kiba smirked.

“No, he doesn’t. I almost want to say ‘poor soul’ . . . almost,” Gaara glanced at Neji who glanced quickly at Gaara.

“See you at midnight tonight, Uzumaki.”

Naruto smirked. “Tonight then, Hyuuga.”

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