Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1564319-Project-Reject
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1564319
This is the story of a young man whose love is taken away.
Project Reject

She was 16, her name was Rebbecca. He was 19 his name was Ace, he hated life till she turned his world upside down. Then he hated it all over again.

He had attempted to hang himself several months previous after his girlfriend Kathy broke up with him over a stupid pop band called A Nine Volt. He had been pretty depressed and had tied a rope to the rafters in the place he worked. Fortunately for him that beam broke and the worst thing that happened was he got fired. At that point his parents had stepped in they sent him to a shrink. The shrinks name was Matt Cergon. He had two kids who sometimes helped him with his work. His son is named Tommy Cergon and his daughter is Rebbecca Orion. When Ace asked why she had a different last name he explained that he had a her with his first wife and Rebbecca had chosen to retain her mother's maiden name. So twice a week he would see Matt. Once Matt would come over to Ace's apartment and once Ace would drive his pickup over to Matt's office. He liked going to Matt's office because when he went there he got to talk to Rebbecca. She was really nice and really cared about his problems. Matt did too, but it just wasn't the same. Soon enough He started going to Matt's both times. Matt noticed the growing attraction and he didn't like the idea of to two seeing each other romantically. So he told Rebbecca a little story to make her fear the young man. He told her that he was a rapist and that what he told her was all a lie used to gain her trust so he could rape her as well. She believed her father, after all what reason did he have to lie to her. The next day when Ace arrived she wanted nothing to do with him and when he asked Matt all Matt said was that little girls change their minds all the time.

This however is the past and the present is what I came here to tell so shall we begin three weeks later...

Ace is not doing well. When Rebbecca stopped seeing him he stopped going. He has refused to let Matt in all three times he has come over. He has taken to burning things mainly himself but also more material things like furniture and photographs. He thinks of times when they talked, when they laughed. "How could she do this to me!?" He shouts the question at the ceiling of his nasty apartment. "The smell is really getting hideous Arthurian." His only friend, the one in his head , says sitting down on the edge of the bed. "And your sheets will never be a clean white with all the blood you are losing." Ace looks at the jagged line across his wrist. He isn't trying to kill himself oh no that would be too easy. He is just filled with pain and needs to relieve himself somehow. "You should go out for a little while. Take a trip to the doc's place." Suggests Craig, the voice in his head, standing up and opening the door to his closet. Ace nods, he wants to get out. He stands up and feels his bowels release themselves in his dirty as sin trousers he drops them and walks naked over to the closet he looks through the door he left open several days ago. He reaches in and pulls out a handgun which he doesn't remember buying. He puts on a white button up shirt which he leaves unbuttoned. He walks into the bathroom and cleans off his ass then pulls on a pair of boxers that was in the sink he finishes off the outfit with a pair of grey cargo pants. He tucks the handgun into the back of his pants and pulls the shirt over it.

He walks out the door and sees his landlord coming up the stairs. His landlord is this nice little Asian man named Eric who speaks with a southern accent. He has a yellow sheet of paper in his hand. "Ace you better have your rent money, I don't want to evict you but you aren't giving me all that many options." He says as he comes to the top of the steps. "Sure Eric." He reaches back and his fingers brush up against the gun. He reaches into his front pocket with the other hand as he pulls out the wallet he tosses it to the man. At the same time he pulls the gun out he realizes that he never even checked to see if the gun was loaded. He aims and fires four times at the man. Ace knows he is dead before he hits the ground. The man falls backwards and cracks his neck as he falls down the steps. Ace walks over and picks up his wallet. he take out the matches and then walks down to the dead man. "So sorry Eric. I guess I need a little more time." he takes out the wallet and cigarettes of his dead landlord. He strike the match and lights a cigarette he tosses the match onto Eric and laughs as it quickly catches in his hair he tosses a few more then walks off.

He isn’t scared although he probably should be he has killed a man and he plans to kill again. He open the door to his pickup and gets in. He drives down to his ex-girlfriend’s place. He parks in front of the drug store next to her house. She still lives with her parents and luckily he knows where they hide the key. He however walks into the drugstore instead. Inside he walks over and buys a porno magazine whose cover depicts a large breasted woman tearing open a tight white button up shirt. The header states bursting free from stuffy work clothes. He also buys a bottle of lotion, a bottle of glue, and a pair of sunglasses.. He pays for it and asks if there is a bathroom the guy nods to the back opens to door for him. Ace nods to him and looks around as he locks the door. He looks happily at the window as he opens the magazine he slams his elbow into it and grabs a large shard of glass which he sets on the sink he watches the blood run down his elbow. He pulls a couple of paper towels from the roll and wipes off the blood. He opens the porno and looks through till he finds a woman with suitable breasts. He takes the glass and cuts circular shapes each containing one of her massive breasts. He takes the glue and applies it to each lens of the sun glasses. He takes the circles with the breasts on them he places them on the sun glasses one on each lens. He remembers quite clearly that Kathy hated porn. He had always loved that, but now he plans to use it to his advantage. He takes the lotion and sets it in the sink for later use then opens the broken window. Now he feels lucky he isn't fat as he barely squeezes out the window. He drops down and jogs over to Kathy's home. He checks the cellar door and finds it unlocked as it always has been. He takes the key from its usual hiding place in the cellar then goes up to the front door. He walks up, unlocks and opens it. He takes out the sunglasses with the breast pictures on each lens and check to see if they are dry. Finding they are he places them in his breast pocket. He walks in and over to weapons closet. He opens it. He takes out the silencer and attaches it to his pistol he then takes two clips and loads them before going up stairs to find Kathy's door open a crack. He peeks in and sees her naked body laying on the floor a hairy leg is hanging over the edge of the bed. She turns to it and says something unintelligible to him. He feels jealousy and rage build up in his heart. He crushes it and slips on the glasses before kicking open the door. Kathy starts and covers her small breasts and the guy sits up. He only vaguely notices that the man is the guy he once considered his best friend Rick. He pulls the gun and shoots Rick's dick before shooting the last two bullets in the clip into his head. He drops the clip and puts in a new one from Kathy's father's collection. He glares at his naked ex-girlfriend. "Kathy you dumped me for him?" Ace aims the gun at her and fires one shot she drops to the floor he walks over and puts the sunglasses onto her face. He walks out of the house and climbs back though the window he coats the toilet seat with lotion then tosses the bottle out the window. He unlocks the door and walks out. He tosses the useless porn into the trash and climbs into his pickup.

He drives along the main highway. Craig is sitting next to him. "Dude she was your girlfriend once and you just shot her." He shakes his head and laughs as his dirty black hair falls into his eyes. "Did you see her face? It was fucking priceless!" he reaches out and turns on the radio. Oddly enough it starts playing the long conversations with Matt. He hears them talking about girls. He hears himself the naive fool he was telling Matt that he was, no is attracted to Rebbecca. He then sees Matt talking to Rebbecca.

"Rebbecca?" Matt asks as the sound of a door opening is heard. "Yeah dad, I'm in Room 2. I'm just getting ready for Ace. I'm going to see him first thing tomorrow." She sighs and then grins happily to her self and says more to her self then Matt, "I think he likes me. He keeps bringing me chocolate and flowers and stuff like that." She smiles and hugs herself. Matt turns around to hide the look of rage and fear on his face. "Rebbecca, honey, I have something I need to tell you. It's about Ace." He looks down the lie will definitely end the relationship that is starting to form. "What about him dad? Is it bad?" she asks the concern in her voice sickens him "He is a rapist. He has been telling you nothing, but stories meant to ensnare you in his net. All he wants to do is rape you. He doesn't care about you at ALL!" He watches as fear crosses Rebbecca's pretty face. He watches sadness the anger follow suit. "I know it's hard to hear, but..." He shrugs and sits down next to her. "I don't want to see him." She says then she starts to cry. Matt hugs her and comforts her. He is about to say more when a bullet blows the radio apart. "Too sad?" asks Craig laughing darkly. He opens his mouth to say more, but is shut up as Ace sticks the gun in his mouth "Bye Craig." He says as he pulls the trigger 6 times emptying the remainder of the clip into the phantom of his mind.

He loads a the third and final clip into the gun and turns off the truck. He is front of Matt’s office. He takes a hand rolled fuse and sticks it in the gas tank. He lights it and walks to a safe distance away before drawing the gun and waiting. He watches his truck explode and flip over landing on the cab or what’s left of it at least. He sees the door open and Matt come out. Matt looks at him and sees the gun. Matt turns and as he does he realizes he is too slow he also sees his kids both came out to see what caused the noise. They both scream as his body jerks several times before collapsing in a heap. Rebbecca reacts first she moves out and puts two fingers to his neck she feels nothing. She looks at the injury she sees two bullet wounds in his head and two more in his back. She knows her father is dead. She stands up and sees Ace standing with the flames blazing up behind him. He is walking toward her in his hand is the gun that killed her father. She turns to go inside to call the police, to call her mom, to call somebody anybody to come and help her. She hears him talk " One more step Rebbecca and your step brother dies." she stops and turns around he is holding the gun up pointing at Tommy. "I won't move." she says looking at the young man she once loved. "Your father lied to you." Ace says moving forward. He is standing maybe five feet from her. "I never raped anyone in my life nor did I ever plan to. I love you Rebbecca. I hope you have a good life. Goodbye." She watches tears stream down his cheeks as he raises the gun to his head he pulls the trigger. She watches the gun as it drop from his life less fingers. “Ace.”

The Epilogue

Rebbecca staggers over to Ace's body. She fall to her knees before him. She cries and cries. Her father and the man that she loved. Both of them died that night. She will never forget the last words Ace said to her "I love you Rebbecca." Not loved you not wanted to love you, but love you. She sobs into his body. She cries for all the injustice everywhere all over the world.
© Copyright 2009 Panda Blackhawk (pandablackhawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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