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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1564284
Something I've been working on for awhile...
~*~CHAPTER ONE-The Escape~*~

Once, a long time ago in a forest village known as Damaskus, two twins were born… but they were not ordinary twins, no, not at all… one was a boy, the other girl, but it was hard telling which one was which besides the tattoos on their left arms. They were in fact born with these tattoos, and each was different. The boy, Salem, was born with a red, swirling dragon while the girl, Nagase, was born with a black, spiraling dragon on their left arms. Through age, their personalities started showing, and it worried the parents. The girl, Nagase, at age nine, would practice with wooden swords against her father, Perra while the son, Salem, would learn how to farm with his mother. Nagase was younger then Salem by only minutes, but she was fiercer and more aggressive then Salem.

Salem, on the other hand, was gentle, ever caring, and cautious. Nagase, at age thirteen, was given the nickname Wolf Bringer, for one day, a pack of wolves were stalking the woods and Nagase had gone out of the house in the outskirts of the village that she lived at, sat out in the middle of the family’s corn field, sat down, and called for the wolves. They came out, hungry from famine, but didn’t attack the girl, oh no, they sat at her feet and acted like puppies. They nipped playfully at her feet, licked her face, even cuddled with the girl.

She went and fed the wolves raw meat and befriended the them. Little had she known that villagers had been watching from the other side of the woods, and when she found out, the wolves were killed. She wept, and Salem had tried to comfort her, but to no avail. Soon, at age fifteen, she disappeared and wasn’t heard from after for some years. Salem, stricken with the supposed death of his sister, soon went the same way as his sister did, but wasn’t the same. At age sixteen, he had the nickname The Knowledgeable One for his knowledge that he had and the knowledge he was seeking. He also, unfortunately, knew a prophecy of twins that would fight till one is dead and the other mortally wounded. It also told not the names, but the initials of S and N…

Salem woke in the middle of night, shooting up out of his straw bed. He looked around wildly, thinking of his dream. He silently groaned to himself, then shook his head. “It’s alright, Salem, it was only a dream,” He muttered to himself, then shook from the cold. His chest was bare, but he didn’t mind. He had black pants on, for he always slept like that. His raven black hair touched his eyes, and he wiped it away. He had a earring on his left ear, a marking in the land that he lived in of his seventeenth birthday. He had piercing brown eyes and pale skin, and his figure was dangly and loose. He silently laid back down, thinking of his sister, Nagase.

She had always been different then him, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he liked knowing that she was different, because though they looked alike, they had two different personalities making them unique. When she was alive, he and Nagase used to go to the village together to retrieve items for their parents, but got glared at constantly. Nagase had also been there to fight for Salem, but when she died, he had no one but himself. He rolled around in his bed, thinking, of where to go. He was soon to get kicked out because of his age, but he had no where to go.

He looked out his window to the darkened night, wondering what was beyond those woods and Damaskus. He wondered if the Outside World, as they called it, held many promises. Besides Nagase, only four villagers had walked out of Damaskus to the Outside World, but never returned. Salem pondered, wondering what knowledge was outside of the village, and soon it was too much. He got out of bed, then looked around. His only chance of heading out was to sneak out, but may be deemed hard to do since Nagase’s death, his parents had been more alert. He silently sneaked up to his wooden box in the corner of his small room. There were books all over the floors, and Salem never bothered picking them up.

When he got up to the big wooden box, he flipped it open to reveal a cloak and white shirt stuffed in there along with an ordinary sack at the bottom. He put on the shirt, then tossed his cloak around it, then picked up the sack. It clinked against the bottom of the box, and Salem’s arm shot out to grab the dagger before it made more noise. He sighed happily, not hearing footsteps downstairs coming up to yell at him. He slid the dagger in his cloak, then got up and started walking to the door. He slowly opened the door, knowing that it creaked loudly which would give him off.

It was about halfway open when Salem slipped out of it, then he slowly walked down the staircase, not putting all his pressure onto it, fearing that it would creak badly. When Salem reached the bottom of the stairs, he crept to the kitchen, keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings. He practically was a leave in the wind, moving quickly and gracefully. He got to the kitchen quickly, then looked around for some cheese, bread, and salted meat. He knew exactly why the meat was always salted, it was to keep it from rotting so quickly. He crept around, eyes on the look out for any sign of food. When he spotted a loaf of bread, he shot out his arm, grabbed the bread, put out his other arm out of the cloak holding the sack, and dropped the bread into the sack. one down, two more to go, Salem thought to himself smirking with pleasure. He began his little search again, now looking for any cheese.

His family were poor, so they didn’t have much, and it honestly pained Salem knowing that he was stealing what they had left. He caught sight of the cheese in the dim light, only guided by the crescent moon. He slid up to the huge slice, then pulled out his dagger and cut half off, stuffing it in his sack when he was done. Again, he smirked with satisfaction, then looked at where the meat was kept. He knew that he would need something to carry the meat, not just his potato sack, so he looked around. He spotted a couple of tin cans lying on the table, then got a great idea. what if I cut up the meat, then stuff it in the tin cans for later use? Yeah, that is a great idea, Salem thought, then stuck to that plan.

He walked up to where the meat was held which was a box with Salem’s family crest displayed proudly on it. Salem sighed, wishing that Nagase had been around to sneak out with him and escape to the Outside World, but she was dead and gone forever. Tears formed on Salem’s eyes, but he wiped them off. “Do not weep for the fallen, for their time has come and they now rest in a better place, right next to Ra’Vera, the dragon god, and they would not want you to weep, for they are in a much better place,” Salem muttered to himself, then opened the box showing venison and much more different types of meat that was salted stacked on each other.

Salem picked up three chunks, then got up and walked up to the table, sat down, then placed the large chunk of meat in front of him. He then conjured his dagger from his cloak, started cutting the meat, then smiled. He had cut them into slices, then cut them again making them smaller. Salem picked up the sliced meat, placed it in the cans, closed them tightly, then carefully placed them into the potato sack and sighed quietly but happily. Finally, I’m going to go see the Outside World, Salem thought, then got up and walked for the door. He opened it slowly and quietly, then remembered one thing that he was missing… his boots.

He turned to a spot next to the door, then grabbed his leather boots, placed them on, then continued his way outside. A cool breeze hit his face, much better then the humid, small space that he called his home. He started walking, his boots making the fallen leaves crunch. He didn’t like the sound, it was too loud tonight, and if it were possible, would’ve woken his parents by now. He looked around, the hood of his cloak on so if he were seen, they wouldn’t be able to tell who it was. He walked down the trail that his house connected to the village, looking at the woods around the trail. “I’m going to miss you, old woods,” Salem said, then smiled slightly. “bring my dad a lot of food, you here me now?” He asked it, feeling silly.

A noise ahead of him brought Salem silent and he stopped, looking at where it was coming from. He wasn’t sure if it was a kid sneaking out past curfew or not, and he hoped that it was just a wild animal. A bush started moving, and Salem started getting more worried every second. Suddenly, a little fox came out and stared at Salem, petrified. Salem sighed deeply, then tried ushering the fox away, but it didn’t move. Salem sighed, then started walking, and the fox ran back into the woods and didn’t come back, which didn’t surprise Salem one bit. He continued, then saw the top of the church tower which meant that he was getting close. The church was small, for Damaskus was a small village, containing around seven houses in it itself. Within minutes, Salem could see the village street, then started running. It was essential for the other villagers to not see him, especially Valker, the blacksmith.

Two kids had once attempted to leave the village only to be stopped by Valker, and were told to work for him for a year. Valker was a kind man, he only feared that the fellow villagers might die from something out in the Outside World. Salem passed his house, looking at it to see if the blacksmith was awake. He had grown insomnia from early days, and was usually awake and watching over the small village. Salem chuckled to himself, happy that the blacksmith wasn’t awake when he hit something hard, then fell onto his back. The person that Salem bumped into laughed, and Salem recognized it instantly and froze in terror. “what are you doing up, lad?” the burly man asked, and Salem looked up slowly. “no-nothing si-sir,” Salem stuttered, then felt a hand on his shoulder lift him up.

“oh, wee little one, it looks like your doing something,” Valker said, flipped off Salem’s hood and stared, then shook his head. “Salem, Salem, Salem… what are you doing?” the man asked, then started walking towards his blacksmith shop. “oh well, a good work will shape ya up,” Valker said in a cold tone, and Salem had to react or else his plans wouldn’t work. He looked at the burly. Valker had a beard that hit his chest, no hair on the top of his cranium, and scars aligning his face. Salem was one foot smaller then Valker, and Salem himself was six feet. Salem threw a punch at Valker, hitting him right in the face and nose. Valker staggered back, then dropped Salem, grabbing his nose. “you little! You broke me nose,” Valker yelled, then charged Salem. Salem got up, then bolted for the woods. “Salem, get back here,” Valker yelled, chasing the teen till Salem disappeared under the brush. Valker stopped, then sighed. He couldn’t chase Salem, it was over…

Salem continued running, the crescent moon now gone and tree tops covering him. He couldn’t see anything, and it scared Salem badly. He continued running, unaware of anything or anyone. He had heard in story tales that kitsunes, fox spirits bound to humans making them a new species of mix between fox and man, used to live in those woods along with their others, elves and dragons. Salem also read about vampires, suckers of blood, inhabited the forest as well. Salem didn’t think of those at the time, and he kept running as fast as he could. He heard a twig snap, then turned around. He couldn’t see anything, and he whimpered. “he-hello?” He asked, then a light came up. Slowly, torches were being lit, showing men standing right at him. They were in a circle, all around Salem.

He turned, then gulped. “wh-who are you?” Salem stuttered, then one man laughed evilly. “I am Greg, the vampire of the forest… it appears you, my lunch, have stumbled here in the wrong place at the wrong time,” one of the men said, then the others started laughing evilly as well. “va-vampires?” Salem asked, then felt a hand grapple against his neck and toss him to the ground. He went like a little rag doll, smashing into the ground hard. When he started getting up, Greg put his foot on Salem’s back and started pushing down with surprising power.

“Feel the pain, you little runt,” Greg hissed, then started laughing evilly again. One of the other vampires started laughing, then suddenly gasped. He fell, an arrow sticking into his back at where his heart would be. Half way through the fall, he busted into flames. Ash took his place, it settling where he would’ve fallen. The other vampires growled, then pulled out their swords. Salem looked at where the vampire had combusted, seeing only a sword and metal objects that the vampire had been carrying lying there. Greg pulled out a sword too, then stepped off of Salem. Suddenly, another vampire fell, then busted into flames. Screams came out, and one by one, the vampires fell. “Greg, the kitsunes found u-” one of the last surviving vampires left off before he was killed, then busted into flames. Salem wished that he could see what was going on, but he was still on the ground, hoping for the best to happen. “Over there, another ki-” another vampire left off, also dying. Greg looked around, then took off running.

An arrow pinned him against a tree, and he dropped his torch. The ground was bare, so the fire couldn’t go anywhere, and the torches left enough light for it to show four kitsunes walking in. They were wearing light battle armor, just a few plates covering their clothing. They had fur all over their bodies, and had fox ears and a fox tail. In fact, they looked like foxes only with a human figure. One had white fur, then another had black fur, the other two had red fur like ordinary foxes. “tsk tsk tsk, Greg, you old fool,” the black furred one said, then shook his head. Greg growled, then tried to move. “you didn’t pierce my heart,” He yelled, then started squirming again. “of course I didn’t, I want to end it personally,” The kitsune said, then stepped over Salem. The white furred kitsune walked up, then grabbed Salem and lifted him up. “don’t worry, your safe now,” it said in a female tone. It was apparent that the kitsune was a female because though she was nearly a full fox, she had human female parts.

“th-thanks,” Salem stuttered, looking at the beautiful kitsune. A scream came out, then the three kitsunes looked at where the vampire, Greg, was to see ash. The black furred kitsune pulled his sword out of the tree, then smirked. A red sword was lying next to him, and he looked down. “no need for the Blood Drainer, right Tera?” he asked, and the female kitsune nodded. “yes, no need for it, Fox,” Tera agreed, then walked up to the Fox. “wait, wait, what is going on?” Salem asked, then looked around. “we were chasing Greg, that vampire, and his little band of followers, for they were killing local villagers in local human villages,” Fox said, then picked up the sword, Blood Drainer, and turned to Salem. “here, your unarmed, take the Blood Drainer, and please, change the name, we need it’s old glory gone,” Fox said, then looked at it. In the light of the torches, Salem could see Fox swipe his hand past it, and it slowly changed colors. “you have magic?” Salem asked, then Tera and Fox laughed.

“yes, human, we do,” Tera said soothingly. Fox then walked up, then shoved the sword into Salem’s hands. “here, it is black, what you do to it changes the color till it is permanent… so if you kill for fun, it’ll be red like it was when Greg had it, and if you use it for good, hopefully it will be blue,” Fox explained, then started walking forward. The two kitsunes followed him, and Tera was at his side. “come, human, you’ll need our help,” Fox said, and Salem nodded, following quickly. The kitsunes had taken the torches and were now using those to guide them.

“so, I heard that you used to be human before you were given a fox soul… is it true?” Salem asked. “yes, it is, in fact true… I used to be a literate before I killed a fox while hunting, then it’s soul fused to mine, and now we live as one,” Fox said, then continued walking. “and your name, why is it Fox?” Salem asked, then Tera laughed. “It is because he was named by his parents that name, young one,” she said, then looked behind her to Salem. “anymore questions?” She asked, and Salem shook his head. “good, because, well, we’re tired right now, we’ve been awake all day and night chasing those bastards down,” She said coldly. Salem was surprised that he had actually been found by some kitsunes, and he never believed that they actually existed. Fox suddenly stopped, then turned around, staring at Salem. “wait a minute, your… Blaze brother,” He said.

“what? I don’t have a sister named Blaze,” Salem said, then Fox shook his head. “yes, you do… well, now it’s Blaze, The Demon Warrior…” Fox left off. “…she used to be Nagase, The Wolf Bringer, but it was changed, she changed her own name, then got the nickname for the way she was…” “No, it was because of what she turned into, Fox,” Tera said, then the other two kitsunes nodded. “yes, it is because of what she became… see?” One of them said, then pulled out a piece of paper, put his torch near it so Salem could see. The paper had a detailed drawing of a girl that looked exactly like Salem, only more feminine and had wolf ears instead of human ones. “she joined the Crescent Moons, and the Dragon’s Core, though not too many people have seen her with her dragon wings,” he said, then the other one nodded.

“Juton is right, she joined two clans, then became a commander in an army known as the Dragon Regions… insulted the dragons that aren’t evil, and pleased the Dragon’s Core and Crescent Moons,” The other the second kitsune said. Juton rolled the paper up and slid it back into his armor, then looked at the kitsune that had just spoken. “yes, Rora, they are pleased at what she did, and well, we have to stop the Dragon Regions,” Juton said. Rora nodded, then looked at Fox and Tera. “ok, we’re ready, let’s go,” he said, then Fox and Tera started moving. Suddenly, it dawned upon Salem. “wait… Nagase is alive?” Salem asked loudly and excitedly.

~*~CHAPTER TWO- Blaze~*~

Blaze woke, then raised up out of her sleeping bag. She yawned, then looked around the tent. There were her soldiers moving around outside of the tent, trying not to wake her and get her mad. When Blaze was furious, everyone around her was punished. “Zeplin, come in,” Blaze yelled, and a man in second-in command armor shuffled in, looking at Blaze. “you look good this morning, mah lady,” He said, then bowed.

“enough, Zeplin… are the troops ready?” Blaze asked, getting up, then tossed on her armor. “yes, mah lady, they are ready,” Zeplin replied, watching the lycanthrope cross the huge tent, retrieving her sword. “good, tell them to march to Nevermore… no rests unless the commander is tired,” She said, then started walking out. “but mah lady, you could out march everyone here, they’d die from exhaustion,” Zeplin said. “fine, breaks every two hours, no less,” Blaze said, and Zeplin bowed again, took Blaze’s hand before she exited, then kissed it. Blaze had always been aware of Zeplin, for he was in fact a man to get what he wanted, and she sort of liked that in him, made him different then the others. She went out of the tent, then looked around at the men. They were all marching, their tents now in their carrying packs on their backs and armored for a surprise attack… if one happens.

“ok men, we move out now,” Blaze yelled as one of the troops brought a horse up to her. She got on, then started moving past the ranks of men. They all looked up at her, afraid that she might decapitate them for not being a higher rank. One soldier, at a young age of only fifteen, Xera was obsessed with the commander, Blaze. He wished that she hadn’t been such a fierce warrior, but a normal woman so he could ask her for marriage. Surprisingly, Blaze had a whole different personality also, one that she shared in common with Xera. As she passed, he stared, not scared for the fact that she had a wolf tail and wolf ears… no, they made Xera curious. Blaze ushered the men forward, and they obeyed like obedient dogs.

They started marching, not speaking unless it was whispering, down the long, narrow road. Soon, they were away from their previous encampment, and there were trees and shrubs on either side of them, making it nerve racking. Blaze kept going, oblivious to the men around her, begging for her to stop. “ya know, I don’t want to be a martyr,” Eris, Xera’s friend, said. “neither I, my brother, neither I,” Xera said. All of his friends he considered brothers, and Eris had to be his most favored friend. One of the men in the back looked at the woods, then screamed and fell. The others looked down to see an arrow sticking through the soldier’s chest, and they gagged. “man down,” One of them screamed, and they all pulled out their swords. Another man fell, then another.

“their taking us out with arrows,” Xera yelled, then pulled out his sword. Screams soon came, and a battle cry formed. Men charged through the woods, slicing the Dragon Regions’ soldiers that were in the rebellions way down. A soldier pushed Xera out of his way, and his friend, Eris, disappeared with a horde of Dragon Regions soldiers. Blaze stared at the deformed army, not surprised. She pulled out a scarlet red sword, it twisting and turning into an elegant design, and halted her horse. A rebellion soldier appeared, cocked his hammer back, attempting to break Blaze’s leg.

Blaze was quicker, beheading the man. The body fell, and Blaze moved her horse forward into the battle. It’s flank soon was hit three times with arrows and it fell over. Blaze jumped out of the saddle, then rolled in the dirt. “Damn it, get those rebellion scum,” She yelled, raising to her feet. “we’re trying, mah lady,” Zeplin yelled out before impaling a soldier with his rapier. “well, try harder,” She yelled, then raised her hand at three rebellions and two Dragon Regions fighting.

Muttering some words in Elfin, a blue orb came, gaining energy from the dead souls around her. The orb got bigger and bigger, then with a flick of her hand, it shot out. One Dragon Regions soldier fighting a rebel accidentally got in the way of the orb before it could hit the five men, and he was blown to pieces. It killed everyone around him, and the five went flying away. One hit a tree and was impaled. He was the only survivor that had been around the orb’s impact distance. Blaze smirked at her work, then turned to see that the battle was dying down.

She went to check on her horse while Xera walked around, checking the bodies. “Eris?” He kept calling out to get a week reply. He looked around to see the man impaled to the tree and ran up. “Eris, is that you?” He asked, and the man replied. “aye, it is me,” Eris replied weakly. “Eris, no,” Xera yelled, then pulled off Eris’s helmet. Eris had blonde hair that stuck out in different angles. His eyes were dull and not moving. Xera sniffled, then started crying. From that day on, he hated Blaze with all his heart for killing his best friend from child hood.

Salem saw the light come through the trees as Fox, Tera, Juton, and Rora kept moving without so much as a yawn.

Salem was beaten down, tired as hell. “we’re almost there, human,” Fox said, and Tera looked behind herself and passed Juton and Rora. “come, young one, just a little bit more,” she said, her voice like wind chimes in the wind. Salem nodded, then rubbed his eyes. He was carrying the sword, Blood Drainer, in his right hand, getting used to it’s heaviness. Juton laughed, looking at Salem from the corner of his eyes.

“Fox, looks like the boy can’t carry the sword,” he said, then continued. “no, I can, I just need to get used to it’s heaviness,” Salem replied, then shrugged. “plus, I’m tired, so it’s harder,” Salem added, then coughed. Juton laughed some more, then Rora looked back. “wow, you didn’t fight with weapons much, did ya?” He asked, wiping some red hair out of his eyes. “no, and why am I coming along?” Salem asked, then reached up and scratched his chin. “we’re bringing you to Hroth, the main city… in fact, the only city,” Fox said, then looked around at the woods around them.

They were thinning out, the trees weren’t as thick and close, making it sort of open end terrain. The trees were in rows, but they weren’t planted that way. “well, we’re close, that is for damn sure,” Fox said, then started moving again. Salem had then realized that he was more tired then he thought, then the ground started moving. “ugh,” is all he said as he crashed to the ground and blacked out.

Blaze moved her troops out, careful to make sure that they were in position. She had the ranks that lived not fill in the spaces of the fallen comrades, so there were some gaps in the column.

She didn’t care that the men were tired, now that in the beginning of their campaign they ran into a group of well armed rebels worried her. Xera was behind her, two rows of men back, clutching his sword, wanting to charge and kill her for taking his friend’s life. But, he was not going to attack, it would be suicide for him to do so…but that would make him a martyr. Blaze was forced to walk do to the fact that her horse was killed in the fighting, and that made her extra angry. She moved faster, causing her to go farther then the rest, and then they started marching faster, trying to catch up. Little did any of them know that they were going to hit another trap in a little while. That night, they set up their tents and started fires. Many sat near the fires, trying to warm their food.

They, in fact, took up much land since their army was huge, about more then a thousand men… and they were all under Blaze’s command. Xera sat by a fire next to his last friends, Borrin, Vora, and Erik. Erik was the cook of the group, and a damn fine one. Above the fire was venison, sauce and spices dripping off of it and into the fire. “poor Eris,” Borrin said, sighing. He shifted, his armor clinking against itself. “yeah, he was a good friend and a great fighter,” Vora replied, shaking his head.

Xera kept quiet, his legs up and resting his arms on them, then had his head in between his arms. “well, guys, he had a great life, and we must remember that,” Erik said, shifting to put some more spices on the venison. “just shut up, all of you,” Xera finally said, then looked up. “I knew Eris, and he didn’t like to be talked about, good or bad, unless he was around,” Xera added, then got up. “Blaze was an idiot. She knew that there were some of us around there, she just wanted death,” He declared, and the others looked up worryingly.

“Xera, shut up,” They all yelled at him, then Xera nodded. He looked around at the tents around them, then sighed. these men are lucky, they are resting and having fun while Eris’s body is lying where it was… Blaze, you will pay, Xera thought, then sat back down. “there, now everyone, remember, we had a horrible day, but tomorrow is a new day for all of us, we’ll be fine,” Erik said. A scream went out, muffled slightly by the moving men around the encampment. But flames could be seen, and it worried all the others. Erik, Borrin, and Vora looked up and let out little gasps.

They grabbed for their shields, then stuck them up. Xera looked to see the arrows coming straight for him, then jumped for his shield… he was too late. He felt arrows land all around him, missing him by inches. He looked around, noticing that the arrows were on fire, and burning everything that they had hit. Screams came out from the unfortunate souls in the tents or ones hit by the arrows. Xera got up to see Erik and Vora running, trying to help others while Borrin lay on the ground, arrows sticking out of him from his back.

Xera gagged, then ran after Vora and Erik. “Rebels,” One soldier yelled out, running past them. Another ran into Xera, and they fell over. Xera got up, then looked down to see the soldier lying still, blood all over him and an axe sticking in his left shoulder. He jerked, then looked up at Xera. “run… run while you have the chance… they… killed… almost every… one…” He left off, then went still. Xera’s eyes widened with horror, then he looked around for Erik and Vora. They were putting out a fire, and he ran to them. Vora looked behind, then ushered Xera over quickly.

“we have to help these men so-” he left off because a man popped out of the burning tent, his figure distorted by the flames that had engulfed him. “someone help me,” he screamed, then fell over dead. The night sky was now illuminated by flames that licked the sky’s blackness, and ash flowed everywhere like a river. “No, we’re getting out of here, now,” Xera yelled, then grabbed Vora and Erik by the back of their armor and pulled them away from the flames. Soldiers ran past them and to the area that wasn’t being attacked. Soon, some came to where the others were running holding weapons. “get to the fight,” they yelled over their shoulders… but Vora, Erik, and Xera ran. Blaze, on the other hand, was in the middle of combat, which was the right side of the field. Bodies of both side filled the field, casualties of a surprise attack.

She raised a hand, a blue orb in the middle, then she released it. It traveled, ripping through men of both sides before impacting in a mound of dirt, blowing away rebels near it. “mah lady, there are too many,” Zeplin yelled. “we fight no matter what,” Blaze yelled back. “Take this, Dragon Regions scum,” A rebel yelled, raising an axe at Blaze. She twirled her red sword in her hand, then drove it through the rebel. With a gasp, he went down without saying a word. Blaze turned, then held out her sword, blocking an attack from… one of her own soldiers!

“Fool, what are you doing?” Blaze yelled, then noticed that along with rebels, her own troops were fighting each other. “traitor,” She screamed, then stuck her hand into the man’s stomach and yelled something in Elfin. Her hand vibrated blue, and the blue sparks ran down her arm to the hand. The soldier’s eyes widened, then he screamed as he jerked, then fell. “

kill all that oppose us, no matter what the cost,” She screamed. She rose her left hand, more sparks running up it. She had a limited amount of magic after this spell, but this one was powerful. She muttered the Elfin spell quickly, then a red orb appeared. It formed into flames, then sparked to life, shooting itself everywhere. It spread onto any one unfortunate to be near Blaze, and they fell.

The battle was a blurry, no one knowing what side was winning. Blaze screamed, then charged two traitors with two men at her back. The followers ran in front of Blaze, one being beheaded by a traitor before he himself was killed by a stray arrow. Blaze tightened her jaw, then moved the sword back. Suddenly, a spell hit the ground near her, blowing the ground up. Blaze was tossed into the air, and she landed with a loud thud. She passed out quickly.

~*~CHAPTER THREE-Raven and the training~*~

Salem woke in the morning lying on a solid cot. He looked around to see a kitsune female drinking from a cup on a table. She was also looking at him. She had black fur with white stripes, something taboo for an ordinary kitsune. “oh, your awake,” she said, her voice soothing and calm. “who… are you?” Salem asked, and the kitsune smiled. “my name, young one, is Raven, The Maker Of Tea here in Hroth,” the kitsune said, getting up and walking up to Salem with a cup of tea in her furry paw.

“and you are?” she asked, and Salem got up slowly. “my name is Salem, The Knowledgeable One,” Salem said. “Or was, but my knowledge is little to what we called the Outside World in our village,” he added. “ha ha, I bet you were,” Raven said, then handed Salem the tea. He thanked her, then took a drink. It was cold and felt good going down his parched throat. “this tea… tastes like the tea that they make in my old village of Damaskus,” Salem said, then Raven got tense. “Da-Damaskus?” She asked. “yes, Damaskus… something wrong?” Salem asked, and Raven shook her head. “no no no, not at all, it’s only… I used to live in Damaskus,” Raven said. Salem’s eyes went big, and he gasped.

“oh, don’t worry, I wouldn’t know you, it was well over one hundred years ago,” Raven said, then went back to the small table. Salem looked around to get a better view of everything. Shelves were lined against the walls, herbs and other tea ingredients littered on them. Leaves were littered on the ground, and the floor was nothing more then dirt and leaves. A fireplace was in the middle behind Raven and the table, cackling with a fire in it. “your place is so… soothing,” Salem said, then heard a giggle. “thank you, I try to keep it like that,” Raven said, giggling.

“well, how’d I get here?” Salem asked, then realized that his new sword was propped up against the door. “well, when you passed out, the warriors Rora and Juton brought you here… they carried you far in only hours, I laughed, you’re a light little human,” Raven said, giggling. “you don’t act that old and mature, that is for sure… no offense,” Salem said, then laid back down. “no offense taken, I like it… I mean, if I were in your human stage like before, I would’ve just been seventeen,” Raven said. “really?” Salem asked, and Raven nodded, black hair getting in her eyes. That is something Salem had just noticed was that though she did look like a human in fox fur, she still had human hair.

“soooo, I bet that I have to go now?” Salem asked, then Raven shook her head. “no, you can stay, I want company,” she said and Salem nodded. “ya know, your really nice,” Salem said, then though not noticeable, Raven blushed. “yeah, I know, but hey, it’s who I am,” she said, then took a drink of her tea. A knock on the door made Raven and Salem jump. Raven got up and went to the door and opened it. When she did, she saw Fox staring at her.

“we need the human,” he said, and Raven nodded. “Salem, we need you,” Raven said, and when she said those words, Salem jumped up and walked to her side. “yes?” He asked, and Fox laughed. “your sword… Salem?” Fox said, and Salem reached, picked up his sword and nodded. “well, now that you are ready, we will get it so you’ll be able to easily use that,” Fox said, then turned. Salem nodded, then looked at Raven.

“I will be back, I promise,” He said, and Raven nodded. Salem walked out of the door and followed Fox, looking at the huts around him. Some were in the trees while others rested on the ground. Salem then noticed that he was walking on a paved road that was covered with leaves that had fallen over the years. Kitsunes walked the streets, each different sizes and colors. Salem noticed that a white fox was crawling on Fox’s shoulder, and Salem wasn’t sure if Fox knew. “uhm, Fox, sir, did you know that there was a fox on you?” Salem asked, and Fox nodded.

“yes, I did in fact know, and he’s my… as we call them, brothers or sisters,” Fox said, then smiled. “Thanks for asking though, it honestly made me feel better,” he added then turned around. “well, do you even know how to use those?” Fox asked Salem, and Salem nodded lightly. “yes, I used to practice with my father for some time, but mostly just did farming,” he said, causing Fox to laugh. “you farmed and you can barely carry that sword? That is quite sad,” Fox commented, glad to have some laughs today. “well, it was little work since we didn’t grow much,” Salem commented back.

Fox just shook his head, then looked around. “well, here is where your training will take place,” he said, then Salem looked around. “but there aren’t any warriors around, so how am I to train?” he asked, and again Fox laughed. “your not fighting till you can at least carry the blade easily, no… your carrying those rocks around,” Fox said, pointing a furry paw at a pile of big rocks. “you carry those around the village and then bring them back, you’ll do it for several days, then we put you on a new task -if- you can’t carry the blade easily, but if you can, we’ll train you,” Fox said, then pointed to a kitsune laying in the middle of the road, staring at the trees overhead. “Frell, come here,” Fox called, and the kitsune popped up and walked up to him.

“Frell, retrieve Arctic, we need him,” Fox said, and Frell obeyed, running fast through the street. Fox sat there, waiting for Frell to return with Arctic while Salem tried lifting up the sword. Soon, Frell came back with a pure white furred kitsune. The kitsune had armor on, fully armored in fact, and had a huge sword, about as tall as Salem, on his back. He was in fact taller then Salem, about as tall as the others which is six feet and three inches. “yes, Fox?” Arctic asked, and Fox nodded. “good, Arctic, train this human, Salem, till he can carry that sword,” Fox said, pointing to Salem and the sword. Arctic laughed, then frowned just as fast as Salem blinked. “you have to be kidding me, right?”

he asked, and Fox shook his head. “no, your going to have to teach him things, you’ll be his mentor,” Fox said, then walked up to Arctic, moved next to his fox ear and whispered something. “you can’t be serious?” Arctic said, then looked at Salem. “but how are we going to spare one?” he asked another question, and Fox pointed to the fox on his shoulder, then nodded.

He left, and Arctic shook his head. “ok… what is your name again?” Arctic asked, and Salem told him. “ok, Salem, you heard what Fox had told you, start moving those rocks,” he said, then watched as Salem picked up a rock, then started moving. “this is going to be fun,” Arctic said to himself as Salem dropped the rock a few times.

Week after week, Salem would be brought out to the same rock pile, told to move the rocks farther distances each time. Day after day, Raven would be over him, putting wet clothes on his aching arms, and the strenuous task took all of Salem’s energy. About four months after starting the training, Salem woke up. He startled Raven, and she jumped out of her chair. “oh, your awake early,” Raven said, and Salem nodded, his raven black hair now down to his shoulders.

“Indeed I am, Raven,” Salem said, then yawned. “maybe you should go back to sleep… for me?” Raven asked him, and Salem nodded. she likes me, that’s strange, Salem thought to himself, then laid back down onto the bed. “ya know, thanks for everything, it’s made me happy knowing that you care,” Salem said, and Raven blushed.

“it’s ok, I needed the company…” Raven left off, then took a sip of her tea. A knock on the door sent Salem up out of his bed. He looked around, then tried hiding under it. When he failed, Raven giggled. “your silly,” she said as she went and opened the door, revealing Fox and Arctic. “Salem, come, and this time, the sword will be needed,” Arctic said, then Salem nodded, then picked up his sword and slid it into the sheath strapped onto his back.

He went outside to feel the cool wind of morning hit his face, and smiled slightly. “so, I may be able to wield the blade easily now?” Salem asked, and Arctic nodded, then looked behind his shoulder. “and why do you call it the blade?” He asked, and Salem frowned. “name of the sword, it used to be Blood Drainer, but now it is The Blade,” he explained, and Arctic nodded. “oh, ok then,” he said, then looked straight ahead. “Salem, let me see The Blade,” Fox said, and Arctic nodded, pulling it out.

In his touch, it glowed emerald green, sparkling in the sunlight that got through the canopy of trees. Fox took it, then slid his right hand across it, violet sparks coming from his hand onto The Blade, then stopped at the tip. He handed it back, then smiled. “there, now it’s been blessed so it won’t break unless extreme force is put onto it, so there is no wear and tear,” Fox said, then Salem nodded. “thank you,” he said, and Fox laughed. “no need thanking me, it’ll save your life, trust me,” he said, then nodded. Arctic shot his hand to his sword, then pulled it out, turned around to Salem, then drove the sword over his head.

Salem reacted, pulling up his sword, it hitting against the cold metal of Arctic’s sword. Sparks jumped from sword to sword, and Fox grinned sheepishly and wisely at the same time. “Well, there is your answer for if your ready for the next stage of your training or not,” he said, and Salem growled. “I could have died,” He yelled, then Fox shook his head.

“no, my sword is dull, I put a spell on it making it dull till I put the anti-spell onto it,” Arctic said, then pushed on his giant sword. The sword hilt dug into Salem’s palms, and he flinched. Soon, he felt the hilt slide out of his hands. It flipped, then stuck into the ground deeply so nearly only the hilt was sticking out. Arctic smiled confidently, then put his sword back and laughed. “that was fun, Salem, re-match?” he asked, and Salem growled. “no, not with you,” he said coldly causing Arctic to laugh more. Salem then walked up to the sword, and with his hands burning from the sword slipping out of them, pulled it out slowly.

It was stuck good, and it took a good five minutes getting it out. Salem turned to Arctic, then sighed. “how do you dull my sword?” he asked, and Fox extended his hands. “give it to me, Salem,” he said, and Salem handed The Blade over. This time, Fox muttered something, then slid his furry fingers over the sharp side, it becoming dull with his touch. He handed it back to Salem quietly, then looked up at the foliage of the forest. He sighed, then thought of how fun it would be to be able to see the sun at it’s greatest, but the dull forest terrain took that from him.

“I wish… that sometimes I hadn’t killed that fox and I was still at my home village… but… I’m happy the way I am now,” Fox said slowly, thinking of his past. Arctic sighed, then nudged Fox with his left hand. Fox stumbled, then snapped back to reality. “sorry, I was thinking,” he said, looking at Arctic then Salem. “c’mon, Fox, quit thinking about what you lost, it isn’t healthy,” Arctic said, then smiled and whipped his sword at Salem.

Salem tried countering, but he was too slow and felt the sword as it hit his leg. He yelled out in pain, dropping the sword and grabbed his leg. “damn it, Arctic,” he yelled, then felt blood come down from a scratch. He wobbled his leg, then picked his sword up and swung at the white kitsune. Arctic easily countered, knocking away Salem’s sword and hit him on the arm. Salem again yelled, then started moving his arm. “your not suited for this, might as well go with sticks,” Arctic said, sticking his sword into the ground then walked off next to a building. He came back with two sticks, both the same size.

He tossed one to Salem, it dropping short of Salem. As Salem was picking it up, Arctic swung at him. The hit got Salem on his right arm, causing Salem to retract it and howl in pain. “you get the stick only if your fast enough,” Arctic said, smirking. “but that isn’t fair,” Salem protested, but Arctic shook his head. Salem sighed, then waited for Arctic to lose a moment of concentration before reaching for the stick. This time, he got it seconds before Arctic swung at him. Now holding the stick, he got into his form of defense status, then waited for Arctic to attack. When he did, Salem tried to counter, but felt a burn against his stomach.

Arctic smiled fiercely, then laughed. The stick had been snapped in half on the defense, and Arctic still got hold of Salem. Salem howled, then jumped around. “ha ha, looks like your going to have to try harder,” he said, laughing. Fox sighed, then shook his head. “train him till he’s good,” he said, then walked away.

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