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Rated: 13+ · Other · Inspirational · #1563850
MY unedited approach and thought on true bliss and the real question I should be asking..
Life is what we as individuals make it.....we have to uphold certain duties and must exercise great patiece in all of our daily affairs.......trials and tribulations in life can equate much heartache and utter despair if not properly weeded and tended to......life is so strong yet so fragile all in the same instant....what makes sense one moment can be lost in translation in the next.....we must be ready....we must be prepared....we must face fear and rise above all negativaty and bitterness.....they will no doubt bring us lower then we ever though plausible or possible....we must lear from past defeats that we and only we can change our direction with a little help from our higher power....higher power being whatever it is that gets you outside and off the current track of all knowingness in our heads......its hard.....impossible to master and decode....but we can still study and try to learn to react without truly reacting....we must remain steadfast and nimble to persevere through the fog into the warmth of the light.....day in and day out unfold as they will with seemingly no pattern or warning of anything....life can change your direction with no signal.....you can be left feeling down and out but you gotta dig in yourself and grab tight to the goodness in our hearts....we must not become bitter and faceless to true beauty that cant be bought in this life we all have come to love and hate.....its beautiful.....all of it....existence.....on a whim we can shift gears if we want and are open to real change......change can be and will be scary, but with a little faith and hope the sky is the limit.....the only thing that can limit you ultimately is yourself.....dig down.....search for that inner you beckoning and trying to release from your heart.....start small.....but dont stay small....learn to cope and vent and have real ranges of emotion.....dont ever stop pushing ever ahead with enthusiam and good nature.....life will leave you behind if you lag.......life does not care.....it can be cold and it can be warm.....that depends how we as individual choose to see our own perseptions of this desolate plain of existense.....hold tight and dont lose sight of the big prize.....true happiness and never ending understandings of patience persevere all tragedy.....let go of resentment that pollute the waters of your pure heart......allow love to conquer all and for life to work its own kinks out as it will.....act on value intead of instinct.....grow and nuture your soul like a newborn infant so strong yet so vulnerable.....but if given the right chance to succeed can grow and shape a nation.....true wit cant be bought or taught by none other then its own maker.....i walk the path alone if i allow myself to become alone......deception can occur if we are not careful....but love will unite real with real......real reckonizes real and well real also reckonizes fake.....but fake cant identify real.....its a grimm view of things but that's what makes it fun....no fear means no improvement.....learn to build off fear in healthy manners that are condusive to success and bliss....today is as good a day as any to turn over a new leaf and unlock your inner being.....be open.....be honest....be kind.....and the rest will fall into place as always has......~JA
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563850-The-True-BEAUTY-resides-inside-us-all