Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563714-Unrequited-love
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1563714
Poem taken from my first anthology, how often is this suffered??
You elude me, confuse me, and stay out of reach
Even though I’ve learnt so many lessons life has to teach
You hold yourself within realms of possibility
But this is seemingly nothing but foolish fantasy

If I could know you just for one day
I could bottle you up as a memory; store you away
Then you would no longer spike this curiosity
Or fuel this yearning to feel you freely
But that being my ideal and not plain fact
Everything I now handle with skilful tact

Sadly I’ve come to live without you calling at my door
Even now accept you may never call at all
My faith in you once burned bright
Now it’s but an ember
Your failed visits
Being all my heart is capable to remember

So I sit and I wonder is it really you that I desire
Or is this preserved ember
My proverbial funeral pyre
It’s not that I need you here by my side
Nor that I need you as a constant in my life
I guess just for once I need to feel you without anxiety
The ultimate freedom only you can bestow upon me

Copyright 2009
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