Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563120-Chapter-4
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1563120
A messenger delivers a threat to Master Cho.
Prompt for Chapter 4 Use the word half in dialog. Have something or somebody be of medium size. Use the word middle in reference to a location. Show your character or characters eating their favorite dessert. Remember to make the prompt words bold and the name of the dessert too.

Master Cho sat contemplating his favorite dessert, honey covered toast sprinkled with poppy seeds. As in all matters regarding food, presentation was half of the enjoyment. Master Cho’s taking the time to appreciate the visual side of the last course of his evening meal was a compliment to the chef, who beamed with pride as he observed from a respectful distance.

As soon as he finished and the table was cleared, Master Cho nodded to his housekeeper that he was prepared to receive the visitor that had come galloping into the village only an hour earlier. He knew who the visitor was because Lyn Nu was predictably following the same routine as those others that came before him; young men filled with reckless ambition and a misplaced sense of destiny.

This visitor would be a final warning. A gesture meant only to justify Lyn Nu’s ultimate intentions. The Chieftain would rationalize, “I gave them fair warning. What more could I have done?”

Master Cho rose to his feet and greeted his guest with a respectful bow. His guest was obviously very nervous to be in Cho’s presence and made great efforts to bow deeply. He eventually raised his head and was surprised to find the village guardian to be of medium height and very slight of build. From the stories he had heard, he expected Master Cho to be a fearful giant capable to tearing a man to shreds with his bare hands. Instead, the man before him could be his grandfather. He looked old and weary; certainly not something to be feared.

“Master Cho. I have been sent by Chieftain Lyn Nu to offer you the opportunity fall under his protectorate. As you are well aware, the land is large and the Emperor’s arm is short. He cannot protect all of those that he should to the extent that they deserve. My Chieftain is offering to protect you and your village from those that would do you harm. In return, all that he asks is for a mere half a month’s income from each member of your village for each year of protection. Of course, as the village guardian, you would be exempt from this modest gesture.”

Master Cho smiled at the young man. He could see that his stature had given the visitor a growing sense of importance and confidence. “Appear weak where you are strong,” ran though the back of his mind as the Art of War’s wisdom dictated his actions. He did not mind playing the role of an elderly man in spite of the fact that he would end the life of the messenger with little more than a flick of his wrist. What purpose would that serve. Let the man return with his tale of the elderly guardian. It would only strengthen Master Cho’s advantage when the confrontation actually took place.

“Please tell you Chieftain that the village thanks him for his consideration. Tell him that I will dispatch a messenger of my own in the morning to ask the Emperor if we have been forgotten. I will be sure that your Chieftain is given ample credit for brining this Emperor’s cited lack of ability to my attention.”

The messenger turned white at the implied threat. Who was this old man to be threatening his chieftain in this hardly disguised manner? He considered striking the old man down himself right then and there but something in the guardian’s eye’s flashed briefly causing the younger man to change his mind. Lyn Nu would put an end to him soon enough.

Master Cho thanked the messenger for his time and efforts, even offering to put him up for the night. The young man declined, stunned that the man could offer accommodations to someone that had essentially just threatened his way of life. Crazy old man, he thought. He probably doesn’t even remember our conversation.

As he rode down the middle of the street on his way out of the village, the messenger found himself being greeted time and time again. These were good people. They were happy and free of fear. There was little doubt that they knew who he was and what he represented and yet, they clearly intended no ill will for him.

The messenger coaxed his horse into a run as he departed the village and headed back towards his master, Chieftain Lyn Nu. Had he dared to look back, any observer would have seen his cheeks burning red with shame.

Word count 746
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