Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1563014-The-Fallen-Sons-Of-God
Rated: E · Short Story · Religious · #1563014
Giants among men, half fallen angel, half man
                  They spoke his name in the solitude, deep beneath a cold and damp

earth. Scowling at the very sound of his voice. They hid beneath the nightmare, away

from it all. Down a spiraled staircase they descend with only the quivering of a

lamps-worth oil. It Is he who drove them to insanity, it is he who would call them to the

throne bound for injustice. And when I say he I speak of the only and true God who

heaven lends home to an eternal city of gold and honor.

              Their presence left a dark streak in the day, the fallen sons of God arrived

on Earth but of no good could come the growing curiosity of gods  now sin-natured

creation on Earth. The fallen let their faces sink beneath the hanging cloud cover

piercing the sky above, they called to their victims in sweet voices. It was one sick act

that separated them from the rest of the angels and the rest of this world. An

impregnation of disgust and mal-content forbidden to commit but yet the product of

their deceit lie in the children of the fallen. These hybrids now roam the earth, giants

among men, half fallen angel, half man. Forgive them God they threaten society for they

do not understand their purpose and mistake in creation. Created in Lust for divinity or

maybe I’m wrong, just a sick desire to be joined with the women of men. Taking as

they pleased during the night and sleeping away from the light the city was not even a

safe haven anymore.

            The world was a wicked place in these days it became filled with violence and

corruption. The Nephilim, championed in the many wars of men, drank the blood of

their enemies and pillaged everything in sight. The blind crawled in the street weeping

and crying proclaiming the ends of sky our upon us. For no one could tell them the

truth but offer them as a sacrifice to enemy. The kings of the world dipped the quills of

righteousness in to the blood of the common and inscribed the names of these

creatures on the walls of the city. The Nephilim became men of great renown, It is no

mistake as time went on these city walls floated with blood down the streams that feed

this mighty ocean around us. It was at this time the spirit of God left man, just as the

moon disappears before the morning. Left alone, I was ashamed of the atrocities that

men were creating and one day would be shed by a new light.
              And it came to pass that a great message be brought by a great messenger.

A simple man with a magnificent feat ahead of him lay at the foot of a gopher tree

praying in silence. His name was Noah and he walked with God for as long as I could

remember. His prayers were quick, he didn’t plead or ask for another way. From his

mouth poured praise from his eyes an upward gaze for in seven days the very mouth of

heaven would pour down on everything man had built. From within the very last brothel

to the corners of the blood stained battle field, it would live no more. The anger of God in

these times at what transpired along his ancient shores has truly shown God a new

time was in order.He did everything as he was asked never biting his tongue, he cried

out as his only good wood knife slipped too far cutting deep in to his hands but never

cursed above. For with only 7 short days did Noah look up from what labor gave birth to

a massive arc made of gopher wood and made in the Lords name.     
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