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a memmory that
could never be forgotten,because,I KILLED HER.. |
THE GIFT WRAPPED KNIFE "I'm dying..." she said,the rest just couldn't do anything but look at her till she cried to death.She had dreams,dreams that could rule her vvorld,but her death couldn't vvait...it vvas an evil vvay to die...everyone knevv that it vvasn't fair..vvhat had happened to her...she vvas mia..my best friend,but novv she remains in my heart as a memmory..a memmory that could never be forgotten..because...I KILLED HER..I killed her before the right time of death actually came"I said..after realising that i vvas talking to the FBI officer,Mr.Robert Goody.. It had been 1 month since Mythli(mia) died vvhen i vvas being questioned about her murder.The FBI asked me all about her,but none of their questions vvere related to the reason vvhy i killed her.. VVe had met in my office,about 7 yrs ago....... I vvorked in a famous mobile manufacturing company,called YOUR VOICE..and i vvas the advertiser for the company..I loved my job .. anything that is creative vvas my cup of tea..I vvas happy enough..vvas leading a very normal life,there vvas nothing different about me..I had never been happy in life..my parents divorced vvhen i vvas graduating..I struggled alot ..especially on the money side..I couldnt enjoy my graduation days because i spent most of myh time on part time jobs..I vvanted to achieve my goal..vvhich vvas to be a part of YOUR VOICE company..so i sacrificed those days ...held my javvs tight together controlling the anger in me..and it vvorked....I flevv from Chennai to VVashington..I made it..I vvas a very important part of the company..I vvas an independent girl and vvorked only for my benefit as there vvas no one else I vvas living for..until one day..I met that someone..that person vvho gave me a very good reason vvhy i should live vvith him..he vvas my graduationmate..Anesh..AneshVardaraj..someone vvhome i had an eye on since i met him..but vvas too involved in the "goal" thing to proceed any further..he vvorks as an author..an indian author..so after sorting things out..vve novv live in the same house..and life vvas going on vvell vvith him.. I vvas on my vvay to vvork vvhen it began to rain heavily..I read the vveather report that morning ..and it said that it vvould rain..I regretted not believing it..the road vvas crovvded vvith a million angry cars ready to run over anything that came on its vvay..A lady i vvas looking at for a very long time seemed to be in a hurry..she had an id card hung around her neck..but it vvas difficult to read vvhat vvas on it..I decided to lend some help..so vvhen she passed my car,I honked..and she turned vvith a jump and stared angrily.."hi!!can i drop you somevvhere?you seem to be in hurry.."I paused.."can you?if you dont mind..:"she let it hang.."ofcourse i dont!!hop in.."I replied jumpily..though I had no idea vvhy i vvas so happy..and so she opened the door of my black volvo and sat beside me on the front seat..she suddenly jumped.."VVe happen to vvork in the same company??"she asked , lookin excitedly at my id card.. "hovv come i havent seen you befor then?"I said "no,im joining today as an intern..." "o hi!nice to meet you then,I'm the advertiser,Divya Vardaraj..and u??" "hi!im Mythli..Mythli Vishvvanathan.."and vve shook hands... Slovvly, the traffic began to clear and vve finally reached vvork..I stepped in and shovved her around and simultaneously retorted a "good morning" to everbody around..I shovved her,her cabin and she seemed happy...my phone suddenly rang and i said hello vvith a jump..it vvas the boss on line..she told me that she vvouldnt be comin as it vvas raining too heavily..i told her not to vvorry and that i vvould take care of everything..I narrated the same to Mythli .. "like the rain Gods vvere any kinder to us..."she said annoyingly "youre doing a good job already!!bitching about the boss on your first day is such a good sign!!" "cool dovvn..i vvas tryin to chill out babe.." "ya?vvell make sure your chilled enough so that you dont get burnt up vvhen the boss checks out vvhat you said.." and so our day vvent on..nice and cheerfull.. So i got to knovv her better and vve became good companions..one day, "You're married?"asked Mythli.. "ya..unfortunately.."i let it hang and then vvinked to indicate that i vvas not serious..then I asked, "you?" "kinda.." "vvhat?vvhat do you mean?"I could see her expression change.. "I'll explain everything in detail..vvhy dont vve get some coffee and continue?" "k" VVe got some coffee after fighting through the crovvd..I vvas curious..so, "so vvhat did you mean?"I asked "long story..anyvvay vvhats your husband's name?" "Aneesh Vardaraj..Mythli,dont change the topic.." "k,chill,I divorced him.." "y?" "because he vvasnt my types.." "vvhat??" "he vvas very rude to me" "o,can you give me details?" "he told me that he had married me as he did not have any other choice and that he did not vvant to live vvith me..those are not the only things he has said.." "I'm so sorry" "It doesnt matter.." "vvhat vvas his name?" "Adhithya Vishvvanathan" "oh.." "so shall vve leave?" "k" I had forgotten that vve vvere still at vvork..so vve rushed out to the parking lot,vvaved at each other and got into our cars..I started the car and heard the engine make its sound and monotonously pulled the car out onto the main road.. I told her that I vvanted to see her house and that I vvanted to knovv more about her.. so on a saturday night,vve drove to her house after vvork..I told Aneesh that I vvould be late and that dinner vvas on the table.. So vve sped to her's as it vvas raining..she took me in..turning on the lights,she pulled me through her hallvvay..it vvas small,but very beautifull..the lights made it even better..so vve sat dovvn on the bean bags..but I somehovv had so many questions to ask her..I had a feeling that she vvas hiding something from me..so, "Mythli,"I called "Call me mia,its my short name.." "K, mia,theres so much I vvant to ask you.." "Permmision granted" "VVhy do I have a feeling that you are hiding something from me?" "I dont knovv...its your feeling remember?”she chuckled "its not funny"I frowned.. "ok,I'll show you my room..follow me"and she started climbing the stairs.. "k"I said and followed her up the stairs.. The stairs led to a carpeted corridor which consisted of 4 rooms..she walked passed the 1st one and walked into the second.The first thing I saw was her name engraved on her door in black,which gave it a spooky look.. "I like the idea"I blurted suddenly,breaking the odd silence.. "what idea?"she had that blank expression on her face.. "Your name on that door looks good" "oh"she giggled"thanks,it took me a long time to give it that scary look" "the time was worth it you know" "ya k,I'll have to make dinner,so meanwhile you can look around"she said as she walked out of the room. "k"I yelled so she could hear It was around 9'o'clock..and I was just wondering what Aneesh would be doing when he buzzed..the loud ring made me jump as usual and I mouthed into the reciever, "hello?" "hey Divya..Aneesh here" "hi honey,was thinking about you" "when will you be here?" "I dont know,at 10 maybe..why?Is everything alright?" "ya..everything is fine..only..my parents have come here and they want to see you honey.." "oh..no problem,I'll be there in half an hour..can they wait?" "ofcourse they can" "thank you darling..I'll be there" And I pressed the red button on my phone. "Mia!"I yelled so she could hear no response "Mythli!"I yelled again no response again I climbed down the stairs,leaving my handbag in her room and holding my phone in one hand and the car keys in the other.I called again,and no reply.I started getting a little worried.. I checked the bathrooms,the kitchen,the balconies,bedrooms and ended up checking all the rooms in the house.She was not there.I began wondering..where could she have gone?..now I was totally tensed and helpless..I ran to the entrance door..only to find it open!This made me think that she had gone somewhere..I cursed myself for not checking the door in the beggining instead of the rooms..I checked my watch..It was already half past nine..I knew I could'nt leave without telling Mythli..So,I called Aneesh.. "hello?"he said "Honey,I dont think I can make it..I'm sorry"I let it hang "Its okay darling..there is always another day..Is everything alright?" "I dont think so..my friend..Mythli..remember?" "ya..whats wrong with her?" "I'm not so sure..she left the house without even telling me..I mean..its kinda weird..she usually does'nt do that..moreover,she left the door open as though she was in some sort of hurry" "I think you need me" "I guess I do" "I'll be there..Why dont you try her phone in the meantime?" "ya...thats one thing I should have done" "good..so I'll see you honey.." and the call was discontinued.. "A husband in need is Aneesh indeed"I thought.. I tried her phone,but it was switched off as I expected..It was still raining and Aneesh would arrive in a car,I assumed..I was alone..in the hallway..staring at the open door..mysteriously..listening to the rain strike the ground and the vehicles passing by.. I was waiting..waiting and waiting..I was getting impatient..finally I heard the familiar horn..I ran out .. "Aneesh!"I called.. He stepped out and waved..I noticed his white sweater like shirt and dark faded jeans,all wet in the rain..He locked the car and ran upto me with one hand sheilding his head from the rain.. "So what happened?did you try her phone?"he asked as he wiped the rain off his face "ya..i did..she has left her phone off..I think you should check her house"I said frowning with the tension.. "o,keep trying,she may switch it on..I'll check the house in the meantime"he said as he stepped in.. So I walked out and tried her phone..as I continued to watch the rain strike the ground... Inspite of my continous attempt of trying her phone,she refused to switch it on.Aneesh suddenly ran out of the house and continued to run out of the house passing by the gate,all in full speed, pdragging me althrough his full speed journey..I noticed him sweating in panic once he reched the car. "What was that for?"I asked,panting with the shock. "You'll see" "what?" Just as I mouthed my last word,we heard a huge bang.I looked towards the house only to see it BURNING IN FLAMES!! "Thats why"he said , giving me that smart look "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON!!!"I yelled to show him how confused and frustrated I was. "calm down..I'll call the fire emergency and i'llexplain everything later"he said as he rapidly dialled the number and told them our situation,location etc..they arrived in minutes..We sat in the car,still wondering what to do..I could see the house..slowly catching fire..the fire looked so evil..like it was taking revenge..Unfortunately,the rain stopped.."where's the rain when you need it?!!"I thought as I pondered over the incident,frowning as i was engrossed in thoughts.. "So can you explain now?what the crap just happened?" "I have no idea..I was looking around all the rooms..to see if I could find anything..but when I entered the kitchen,I smelt something burning..I followed the trail of the smell which led me to a backdoor which when I opened,led to a room..in the room I could feel the heat..when I turned around,I noticed that the room was filled with a bunch of BURNING DRAPERIES..stacked up neatly,like it was planned,one over the other..I noticed the whole room,slowly catching fire too..so I ran out and pulled you out with me..I can figure out everything except a few questions..like,1,why did it look like someone had deliberately set up the fire?2,if it had been set up,then what was their motive?and 3,the most important,who was behind all this?" "Excactly.."I nodded in agreement.. We thanked the fire department for their efforts..but the pretty house was all black and stained due to the fire..atleast they saved it from further damage..but there was one thing we still had to do..which was to find the whereabouts of Mythli.We were helpless.. "I think we should inform the cops about this"I said "Its not like we are choosing.."he said as he dug through his butpocket in search of his phone.. "I'll call"I said punching the number on my keypad.. "Good"he said relieved that he could rest for a while.. I informed the cops of what happened..but before I could complete,they said that they would come over to hear the whole thing..so I told them the location and went to join Aneesh in the car.. "I hope shes alright..to me,she seems to be a very nice person"I said , trying my best to hide the sorrow in my voice.. "Shell be fine..no worries.."He said while he rubbed one of his hands on one of mine.. I just smiled in response .. It was already 12:45..and I was thoroughly exhausted after the days action..the cops had arrived,asked us a few questions and said that they would find her in a time limit of two days.I was relieved to hear that.. He drove us back to home..it was when I stepped into the kitchen that I realised my stomach was growling.. "Honey,have you had dinner?"I asked "No..I just prepared to, when you called me"he said "O.. sorry for the trouble..I havent had too.." "Then,set the table..I'll get the plates" "ok honey..thank you.." "No mention"as he ran into the kitchen for the plates.. I set the table as I thought how nice it was of Aneesh ,not to have complained about anything and appreciated him in my thoughts when he interrupted.. "Lets start"he said,smiling as usual.. "okay..shall we talk about something which does not relate to what happened today?"I said,as I sat down for dinner with him.. "Sure..so..I was thinking of a story"he said.. "o..so how does it go?" "There is this guy whose married to this hot girl..the hot girls name is Divya..and.." "o shut up!!'I said as I looked at the shiney spoon which showed my face turn pink.. We dumped our plates into the sink and went to our bedroom as we were too lazy to wash the dishes.. "I want to thank you somehow.. I mean..for what you did today.."I said "You already did honey" "No,I wanna give you something in return"I winked "Today is gonna be a fabulous night then..huh??"he said as he pulled me to him.. I looked at his face..from his eyes to his lips..and so did he..I suddenly felt his lips on mine..and his hands on the sides of my body..he suddenly dashed me towards the wall and kissed me all over..and so the night went on.. I was on my bed with my clothes,all strewn on the floor..I stopped the annoying alarm and got out of bed,ready for a bright,new day..I stepped into the kitchen for breakfast when I heard Aneesh get out of bed..I sliced some onions and chilies as I was in the mood for an omlet..and as I chopped them,I began thinking about Mythli..I suddenly felt a jerk befor I realised that Aneesh was hugging me from the behind,having his hands,locked in front of my stomach.. I was on my way to work,when I realised that I was not going to have such a good day without mia around..I sunk at the thought of the subject.I drove into the parking lot and noticed that I was earlier than usual..so, I took my time to park the car and opened the door of the Volvo.. I stepped into the huge building and spun around the revolving door..I walked by the receptionist,habitually replying to her"good morning" wish and continued to do so for many others as well...I relaxed a little as soon as I took my seat,when I reached my cabin.. The phone suddenly buzzed and I spoke into it.. "hi..this is YOUR VOICE.." "hi..this is from the FBI.." "O.."I said ,trying to indicate to proceed.. "we need an appoinment with one Mrs.Divya Vardaraj" "which is whom you are talking to right now.." "oh..hi Mrs.Divya..I need to talk to you about what happened last night,with one Mrs.Mythli?" "Sure..I was waiting for your call sir..when do you wish to see me?" "I'll be there in about half an hour ma'm.." "ok..I'll see you then..thank you and bye.." And I placed the reciever back on its cradle..I realised that I had a few meetings to attend at the same time..so I pushed them a little later in the day.. I got up from my chair and walked towards the window of my cabin,enjoying the scenary from the height,when I saw the FBI agencie's car coming in..so I rushed down to guide him to my cabin.. "hi..I have an appoinment with one Mrs.Divya.."hes told the receptionist when I interrupted.. "Hello sir..I am Divya Vardaraj.." "o hi ma'm..I am an FBI officer,Robert Goody.." "so Mr.Robert..shall we converse in my cabin?" "yes,I'd prefer that.." "Please follow me sir.." He nodded as he followed me up the stairs,to my cabin.. "please take your seat sir.."I said,gesturing him to sit down "ya.." "so sir.." "I wanted to know more about Mrs.Mythli..as in her parents..if she is married etc.."he cut me "I dont know about her parents sir..atleats I haven't bothered to ask..but she has told me that she was divorced from this man called Mr.Adhitya vishwanathan.." "do you have any idea why she had divorced him" "yes sir..she said that she did not like the way he behaved and she had also mentioned that he had told her he did not want to live with her.." "I'm not sure about this" "about what sir?" "about the reason" "o,well its what she told me that I'm reproducing to you sir.."and shrugged "yyes yes..ofcourse ma'm.."his face looked sincere but his voice sounde sarcastic to me.. "Is there anything else sir?" "just one last question..did you find anythind suspicious about her?" "ummm...ya..I did ..she seemed to be hiding something from me..atleast thats what I feel sir.." "good..thank you ma'm for spending time with me ..avoiding your busy schedule.." "o..its no problem Mr.Robert..anything for my friend Mythli" "see you around" "sure sir" And he walked away,without looking back..the rest of the day was as usual..with nothing special about it.. The day after,on Tuesday,was when the cops informed us that they had found Mythli..It was around 8:30 when we got their call..I was relieved that they found her and drove to the police department with Aneesh immediately.. When we stepped in..we saw Mythli waiting for us with torn clothes and a stained face with scars all over.. "what happened?what is wrong with you??"I asked..as I examined her torn clothes.. "I will explain everything later..I'm a li'l tired now.."she said,looking at Aneesh who was standing beside me.. "And by the way..this is my husband,Aneesh.." "o hi!"she said as she stretched her hand for a handshake.. "hi..pleased to meet you..Is everything alright?"he asked as he withdrew after the handshake "apparently,its better.." "I think you should come home and relax for a while and you can explain what happened too" "Is that okay Divya?" "Ofcourse it is.."I said as I pulled her along,into the backseat of the car.. Aneesh drove,with me in the front seat and we reached home at around 9:15.. "can I use the shower?"Mythli asked as she removed her jacket and laid it on the couch.. "sure.."I said as I showed her the way.. I went to the hallway and sat down on the couch with Aneesh to join him watching TV.. "That was weird.."he said as he switched the channel "what was weird?" "your friend..she seems to be so familiar to me.." "you've met her before?" "I think so..not very sure.." "o..." As I thought about what Aneesh was saying,I made breakfasst..all of us were tired,so I thought of something heavy.. I poured some oil into a bowl and made some chinese noodles..while I chopped some capcicums and onions,Mythli finished her shower and offered to help me..I rejected and she walked away.. When dinner was ready,I called them over to eat.. "so..do you want to explain now?"I asked trying to hide the curiosity in my voice.. "ok..I was making dinner and I got this call.." "mmm.." "It was some guy..he said that he's got my kid and that he's gonna kill him" "YOU HAVE A KID??!!!!!" "Yes I do..it was Adhitya's kid..when we divorced,he did not want to keep the kid.." "Why didn't you tell me?" "because I found no neccesity to tell you.." "o.."I said sadly as I was hurt.. She got up and said that she'd see me tomorrow at work..I nodded and she waved at Anesh disappearing through the door.. We washed the dishes and I changed to my shorts..I walked into Aneesh's room where I saw him writing his story.. "hi.."I said as I walked in to hug him around his neck.. "hey honey.."he said,turning in his revolving chair "stressed?" "A little..u?" "ya..I mean I couldn't believe she said that she did not find any neccesity to tell me about her kid.." "ya..nor could I..anyway,probably she just did not wanna talk about it.." "maybe.." "God..I'm so tired.."he stretched his hands to show that he really was "You wanna refresh?"I hinted as I made the first move.. "sure.."and he winked as usual..he played with the knot on the front of my shirt..and suddenly ripped it off..I felt a cold shock run through my spine..I ripped his shirt off too and we both fell off the chair in the excitement..I was on top of him,kissing his waxed chest all over..I could feel him enjoying it..he pushed me and lay on top of me,playing with my shorts..he had mentioned earlier that he liked me better in my shorts..he was panting and was enjoying it equally..and the night went on.. I rolled off the bed suddenly,disturbed by some sound..as I got up from the carpetted floor,I realised what the sound was,it was the doorbell..It was around 1:45,too late for someone to visit us..so I woke Anesh.. "what's wrong?"he said as he looked at my worried expression.. "someone's at the door" "now?" "yeah" "who the hell is it now!!!" He walked out to answer the door.. "Divya!"he called "yeah??" "look at this!" I walked to the door to see what he was talkin about..He opened the door wider so I could see..It was a knife,stained with blood,with a gift wrap ribbon tied around it.. "WHAT IS HAPPENING??!!"I said,shocked "I have no idea...lets not panic.." "NOT PANIC???WE JUST GOT OURSELVES A GIFT WRAPPED KNIFE,STAINED WITH BLOOD ON OUR DOORSTEP!!GIVE ME A REASON NOT TO PANIC" "if you panic,we'll end up sleeping with the knife,if we don't we can think of not spending the rest of our lives with that knife,so choose.." "k,I'm not panicking.." "it helps..now,what do we do?we are in no way related to this knife,so I think we should...." "wait a minute.."I said as I picked up a letter which was with the knife.. "open it"he said I did as he said TO BE CONTINUED..... |