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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1562656
A story about a faithful boyfriend, a peaceful girlfriend, and love shattered in violence.

First Class

It was only another day for Vilks. He woke up in the morning, got dressed, went to school. It was his sophomore year, and he was already looking towards the end, to the beginning of vacation. It was a short walk to school from his house in the suburbs of southern California, and he was there about ten minutes before the bell rang.

His teacher greeted him when he walked into class. “Good morning Vilks!” She said enthusiastically. Vilks replied dully.

“Morning.” He sat his books down on his desk and walked over to his girlfriend Amore. He wrapped his arms around her for a bit, and then let go for fear of being disrespectful. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, my Vilks.” She looked up at him from her diminutive frame. “How did you sleep?” Her eyes clouded for a second, and then returned to their normal appearance.

“Fine. Are you okay?” Vilks’s own eyes were never as dull as they sometimes appeared. He put his hands on her shoulders, and just let looked at her, something he never got tired of. She was short, a bit taller than five feet, and was as slender as a flower that hadn’t bloomed yet.

Her skin was pale, almost perfectly white but for a tiny hint of color. Her hair was a contrasting black curtain that hung to the center of her back, falling in perfectly straight lines that made it appear as though it were a solid cloth rather than individual hairs. Her eyes were... Vilks had never been able to decide just what color they were. They were almost blue, but looked like diamonds sparkling in the light of a joke he never caught.

“I’m fine, just...” Vilks looked at her expectantly. “No, I’m fine.” Her eyes clouded once more for just a fleeting second.

“If you say so. Just remember that no matter what, I will try to fix it.” He dropped his hands again, and just looked straight into her eyes. It was a stare she both hated and loved, and it seemed as though he could see everything about her, could see not just what she seemed on the outside, but the thoughts and feelings of her mind, and the inner mechanics of her heart.

The bell rang, and Vilks walked back to his seat. As he walked away, she mumbled a sentence just too faint for Vilks to hear. “That’s what I’m afraid of...” She sat down as well, and took out the myriad of books and papers she would need for class.

The teacher stood up at the front of the class with a pile of papers in hand. “Now that hopefully we’ve all finished reading Doomed Lord’s Passing, you will be writing today’s response to the question on the board.” She took out a marker with a free hand and wrote the question on the board.

The question was to analyze what Elric’s sword symbolizes in our world. As the class began to write, she spoke again. “Here are your essays. I’d like to congratulate Vilks for once again writing one far beyond expectations.” Everyone glanced back at Vilks for a second while he started writing, never once acknowledging their sometimes praising, sometimes envious stares.

The class passed quickly for an English class. After two hours of discussing the terror of Elric, the use of his terrible sword, and the nature of terror in general, all achieving little or nothing by the end of class. He packed up his things and walked over to Amore.

“Ready?” She looked up at him.

“For what?”

“You still need to tell me what’s bothering you.” She shook her head.

“It’s nothing you need to know about. But if you need something to do, Ami called me a whore.” She said jokingly.

Vilks laughed in return. “Yeah, right. You going to walk with me?” She shook her head.

“I promised Jen I’d help her with her Bio homework before her test next period.”

“Alright.” Vilks walked her to the door, then hugged her a quick goodbye as they walked in separate directions. He walked into the bathroom after that.

He walked into a stall, did his thing, and walked back out to wash his hands. He looked at himself in the mirror as he did so. Vilks was a tall kid, standing at about 5’11”, with a lean frame that always seemed to be coiled up for something, like a snake before striking. His eyes were a pale blue, a remnant of the stormy skies of his homeland in Eastern Europe. His face was hard and straight, but seemed to contain gentleness in the eternal smile he carried.

As he was leaving the bathroom he saw Ami. “Come here.” He waved to Ami as he walked towards one of the shadowy corners of the school. Ami came, as Vilks had known him for a long time. “I heard you called Amore a whore! Is that true?” He said in a terrible whisper.

“No, I swear.” Vilks grabbed the lapels of his jacket and shoved him against the wall, putting Ami’s head at eye level with the taller Vilks.

“And you’re sure about that?” He said in the same angry whisper.

“Yes man, of course.” Vilks released him, and the smile returned to his face.

“Good to hear. See you tomorrow!” Ami walked away fearfully, and quickly.

Second Class

Vilks walked into his math class without notice, ghosting in like an invisible wraith. His teacher greeted him with the usual nod as Vilks walked into the back of the classroom and sat down.

“Hey, can you help me with this Vilks?” A girl sitting next to Vilks asked. He turned his head to face her. His eyes contrasted his gentle smile as he did so; they seemed to contain cold neutrality beatable only by machines without hearts. She was pretty- even more so than Amore, though that thought hadn’t crossed his mind for the months they had been together.

She stared at Vilks expectantly with sea green eyes and pouting lips while he looked at her impassively. Absentmindedly she touched a hand to the curtain of crimson hair that fell to her shoulders, and almost as innocently turned her face to make it just a little easier for Vilks to see the soft contours of a beautiful face.

“Of course Keha.” She smiled, something that would make the hearts of most people stop instantly. Vilks leaned over her desk. “What is it?”

“Logarithms.” Vilks began to walk her through some of the more difficult aspects until the teacher told them to take out the homework. Vilks reached to his backpack and started to sit upright again. As he did so, Keha let her hand brush against Vilks’s, holding it just a little and pulling it away.

The teacher, whatever else one could say about him, was consistent. He went over the homework with the usual dispassionate speed and set them to work on an exercise with the exact same tone he had done so every day that year. Vilks was one of the few that got to work on it without complaint.

“Do we have to?” Keha asked the teacher, almost customarily by this point in time. She leaned over her desk, chin on her hand like she was posing for something.

“Yes Keha. If you really need help I’m sure Vilks would be perfectly happy to explain it to you.” Vilks looked up upon hearing his name, looking first at the teacher, then at Keha, who gave that same smile that she always did.

“Did you need help?” Keha shook her head.

“Not yet. Maybe later.” Vilks turned to face his paper, and noticed out of the corner of his eye that Keha did the same. Thankful for the cessation of interruptions, he began his work again.

For a long time the only sound to be heard in the room was that of pencil, occasionally pen, scratching against paper, or the groans of students wondering just how this work would ever play any kind of role in their lives. Except Keha, who seemed to still herself every time she neared making noise, as though out of respect for Vilks odd devotion to his work.

Before anyone else, Vilks finished the exercise and leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head, and looked around at those who were still working. As he did, he noticed Keha glancing his way. She did it a few times, until she noticed that he could see her, and she smiled yet again and returned to her work for good.

Eventually everyone finished, and the teacher assigned them their homework. “Seeing that class doesn’t end for about twenty minutes, I would suggest you work on it now instead of putting it off.” He walked back to his desk and began to grade old papers, while almost everyone in the room promptly ignored him and began to talk.

Vilks of course began to do the homework, and Keha did the same. Two other girls walked up to her, and were about to begin a conversation when she tapped Vilks on the shoulder. “Could you help me now?” Vilks walked over to her desk and stood next to it while he helped for the final twenty minutes until the bell rang.

“Thank you for helping me. I think I’ve got it this time.” She said with a hint of a smile in even her voice.

“Of course. Glad I could help.” The bell rang, signaling Vilks to walk out the door, with Keha following close behind. As soon as they were both out of the classroom, Keha wrapped Vilks in a tight hug.

“Doesn’t this feel good? I know how you watch me.” Vilks calmly forced her hands off of him.

“It feels very good. But I haven’t watched you for months. I’m with another.”

“So what? She’ll understand you taking a better deal.”

“I would never hurt her, and I will be with her for as long as I can.” Vilks walked away, leaving Keha with a slight tear in her eye.

After buying a sandwich and a soda Vilks met Amore to eat. He hugged her tightly for a few seconds, and let go. “Are you going to tell me what was bugging you earlier?” Vilks asked.

“You’re never going to let that go are you?” Vilks shook his head.

“Anything that bothers you bothers me.”

“I’ll tell you, but only of you promise you won’t do anything about it.” Vilks nodded.

“I promise.”

“I walk home, you know. For the last few days Feind has been a little annoying. You know, just joking around, a few rude comments.”

“And you’re sure you don’t want me to talk to him?” Her eye’s clouded until she finished answering.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll be fine.”

“How about I walk home with you today? Maybe he won’t do it while I’m there.”

“I guess that would be okay. But you can’t do anything if he does.”

“I promise.” Vilks took out his food and began to eat, while Amore did the same. They talked the lunch half-hour away, until the harsh bell rang again, with its magic power to make teenagers all move at the same time. “Come on, let’s go.” Vilks picked up both his own backpack and hers, and they walked hand in hand to their history class.

Last Class

They walked into their history class with no comment on the part of students or teacher. Unfortunately, the two sat on opposite sides of the class, and the two said short goodbyes as Vilks walked over two a seat in the back corner, while Amore sat down a seat near the door.

When the bell rang yet again, the teacher stood up and greeted the class. After a short time of catching up on weekend events he explained a new project they would be starting today. When he was finished, he told the class to find a partner and start working. Instantly, Vilks stood up and walked over to where Amore was sitting.

Amore stood up, originally intending to meet Vilks halfway. As she stood, however, Hass knocked her over so that her head hit the desk, and she just barely missed hitting the ground hard. Vilks rushed over to her, but not before shooting a glare of absolute hatred at Hass.

“Let him go, it was an accident.” Just after that, Vilks caught something Hass wouldn’t have wanted him to hear.

“Clumsy bitch, isn’t she?” Amore didn’t seem to hear, but Vilks forced his face to be calm.

“You okay?” She stood up and nodded. They got to work together on their project at last, burning the remaining hour of class very quickly.

“Remember, this is due the Monday before school gets out. It will look very bad on your final report card if you forget, so please don’t forget.” The bell rang, and the students milled out of the room, happy that the school day was over.

“When do you want to start home?” Vilks asked, holding his hand in hers.

“I need to go see my chem teacher. I’ll meet you at the stairs at three.” She let go of his hand reluctantly and started to walk away. “Bye!” Vilks waved and started to walk towards the main quad, a place he knew Hass hung out at.

“Hass! Why did you say that about Amore?” He shouted angrily as he strode into the group of five in which Hass stood.

“Come on, it was just a little shove. She didn’t have to fall down like that.” He said while laughing. Vilks stood close up to Hass, and even with his own height Hass towered over him.

“Not with my Amore. Never again!” He said in an angry snarl.

“I do what I want, you little jerk. There’s nothing you can do about it.” Vilks didn’t even bother to respond. Before anybody knew what was happening, Vilks had set his right foot back then shoved that same knee into Hass’s crotch.

Now that Hass was bent over, emitting a pathetic little whine, Vilks crashed his elbow into the center of Hass’s face, and shoved him down hard enough that his jaw cracked against the cement floor.

By now the other four had figured out what was going on, and started to crowd in on Vilks. The first one to reach him got the worst of Vilks’s rage. Vilks punched him in his soft stomach with a nearly instant thrust, and then grabbed the teen’s head and drove it against a nearby wall. The cracking of bone and a slight sucking sound accompanied Vilks’s pivot to face another.

Vilks rose up on one foot, and came down with a cruel kick to someone’s kneecap, breaking something and bending the leg backwards. This was followed by a strange half-fisted strike to his neck, and he was able to move on.

He looked at the other two for a second, and walked away. The final two stood there watching him leave for a few seconds, and did nothing to stop him. Vilks walked into the nearest bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

Spots of blood were scattered across his face, leaving already drying patches of red on his normally fair skin. He held up his hands to see the deep blood red his knuckles had taken on. He looked at his eyes as well. His normally calm eyes were wide open, his pupils gaping holes in his irises. The excited stare was when he thought he looked the best. Amore thought otherwise, so he calmed himself down, his eyes returning to normal size and shape.

He opened his phone to check the time, and found it was already three. He turned the faucet and washed his face and hands hurriedly, wiping the stains away. He took a paper towel and dried just as quickly. He walked out and traded the harsh light of the bathroom for the warm day of California spring.

He found Amore already at the stairs. He wrapped his arms around her like never before, and held on like he was dying. He never wanted to let go, but he did soon anyway. He sufficed himself with a light kiss, one that didn’t imply the same degree of comfort seeking.

“Are you okay?” She asked him.

“Yeah. I just love you, that’s all.” He looked at her with that same stare he had used this morning. “You ready to go?”


Going Home

She started walking out the school gate, and Vilks followed just behind her, soon catching up and walking alongside her, holding her hand fondly. The street that led to Amore’s house was close to the school, in a higher-class section of the town. The area was nice, with trees and grass everywhere, and little trash.

“Hey Amore, miss me?” Feind leaned against a tree that stood very close to where they entered the residential area.

“Go away Feind. I don’t want to talk to you, and I never will.” They walked on, with only a slight tightening of Vilks’s hand to acknowledge the exchange. “Ignore him. You promised.”

“You know I don’t want you to be hurt.”

“I know. You’ve told me. Just please, leave him alone.”

“Come on, I know you dig me.” He turned to face them for the first time. “Well, what do we have here? This can’t be your boyfriend. You look to good for him.” Vilks never even acknowledged the insult to himself. “Ditch him, I’ll show you a good time.”

“I won’t.” She said.

“I could make you, you know.” He started walking behind the couple, just far enough to be out of easy fist range. “I’m sure this guy likes you for the same reason I do. He won’t fight for you.”

“You wouldn’t. You’re a coward just like almost every one else.”

“Did you just call me a coward?” He spoke with an enraged tone now. “I won’t take that. Not from this poor sucker, not from my parents, not from Satan himself. I sure won’t take it from you bitch!” He walked up closer. “What kind of slut do you think you are, to call me a f------ coward!” He made no move to get any closer, but kept up the verbal abuse.

Vilks was now squeezing Amore’s hand for dear life. “Please, just ignore him. He’s like this everyday.”

Feind heard this. “You don’t ignore me bitch. You’re mine, you f------ whore!” Vilks broke.

“You don’t talk to her like that!” Vilks released Amore’s hand and spun around. His face was contorted in a twisted mask of rage and hatred; Feind almost winced at the sight of it. He ran at Feind and tackled him to the ground. An audible puff of air escaped from the poor Feind.

Over and over again he swung punches at the other boy’s face. The sickening thud of flesh clad bone against flesh hung in the air like a leaden weight, or a nauseating filth that weighed on the atmosphere.

Soon Feind’s face resembled nothing so much as ground beef. Vilks stood up and started kicking his side, his crotch, anything soft and exposed. Over and over again, the violence wouldn’t end. It was only a bare minute, but it seemed an eternity before he noticed Amore’s sobs.

“Please, just stop. Please.” He stopped the assault and walked over to her.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t stand hearing that. You know I love you.”

“I know, but I...”

“What? Please, I won’t do it again. I love you.”

“I love you too, but...” She stood up and wiped away a tear. “I can’t take it anymore.” She ran towards her home, sobbing.

“Please...” Vilks stared after her longingly. A tear crept its way down his face as he fell to his knees. He clasped his hands together, looked up at the skies and trembled for endless moments. When he finally spoke, it was with all the love he had felt turned to sadness and pain, all the happiness to rage.

“Please!” The heavens never answered.
© Copyright 2009 Der Alein Wolf (fighter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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