Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1562654-The-Fairies-Golden-Dust
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1562654
A story about how fairies managed to hide their magic dust from a group of wicked humans.
Chapter One

Elianna gazed at the magical glade in front of her. The sunlight danced through the trees like a million tiny rainbows and reflected of the pond set in the center of the trees. She sighed with happiness; it was good to be home! She could hear small woodland animals like squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks with her keen fairy hearing. They chattered happily as they gathered their food for the coming winter.

Elianna turned to her new best friend, an elf named Kaelin. "I told you my home is a paradise!" Elianna said with pride. "It is breathtaking! I love it!" Said Kaelin as she looked around her. "No wonder you and your family keep the location secret. It's a good thing that I rescued you from that group of humans when I did."

"Yes, if humans knew where to find Blythswood we would have no peace," Elianna said as she fluttered to a nearby rose bush. Her wings glittered like tiny sapphires in the bright sunlight. Kaelin watched her friend enviously. "I wish I could fly like you do, Elianna," she said wistfully.

Just then a very small fairy flew up to Elianna. Her emerald green eyes widened with excitement as she squealed, "Elianna, you're home! Who is the elf?"

Hello, Magdalan! This is Kaelin, my new friend from Silvania. She saved me from a group of humans a few days ago," said Elianna. "Where are Mother and Papa?"

"Welcome to Blythswood, Kaelin!" Said Magdalan. "I'm Magdalan, Elianna's youngest sister. Mama and Papa are at a meeting with the elders of the council, Elianna."

"Thank you for your kind welcome to your home, Magdalan. Blythswood is a beautiful forest," said Kaelin. "You are so lucky to have such a peaceful place to live!"

"How did you save my sister from humans, Kaelin?" Asked Magdalan. "That is a story that will have to be told to Mama, Papa and the elders of the council first, Magdalan," said Elianna. "Well then we better get to that meeting before it's over," replied Magdalan.

The three started into the woods. Sunlight filtered through the leaves which were just starting to change from green to the vibrant reds, oranges and yellows of the coming fall season. The closer they got to the trees, the more fairies Kaelin saw. She looked around her with amazement; there must have been hundreds of fairies living in Blythswood! They fluttered around like colorful butterflies.

As the three of them continued into the forest, Kaelin saw that each tree was actually a house for the fairy families and in the center was a huge oak tree covered with hundreds of carvings. Animals, flowers, birds and the fairy gods were all over the trunk of the trees. "That's the council hall, Kaelin," said Elianna. "I thought so; it's much to grand to be anything else," Kaelin replied.

The doors of the hall creaked slowly open. The room was brightly lit with five hundred blue and white candles scented like lilacs. In the center of the room, seated at a low table, were the King and Queen of the fairies and the council elders.

"Elianna, you're home! When did you get here and who is the elf?" Asked Queen Kirsten. "What is going on?"

"One question at a time, please Mama!" Said Elianna. "We, Kaelin and I, got to Blythswood about an hour ago. I met Kaelin two days past. She saved me from a group of humans."

"Humans!" The Queen gasped. "What did they want with you and so close to Blythswood?!"

"I heard them mention our magic dust and then when they saw me; they saw an easy way to get what they want," answered Elianna. "Luckily, Kaelin came riding by on her horse, scooped me up and we galloped away from them."

"I had heard about their plans and I knew that I had to help, no matter how dangerous," said Kaelin. "The humans must not get their hands on the fairy dust."

"I agree, we must stop these wicked humans!" Said King Ian. "We will have to come up with a plan." Elianna looked at her Father. "I don't think we have much time to plan anything, Father. The humans were only two days away from Blythswood," she said. "Maybe we should just take the fairy dust and move to a different..."

"No! Blythswood is our home, Elianna! We can't just leave!" Said the Queen, pacing restlessly around the room. Her outburst startled everyone in the room: Queen Kirsten was usually very level-headed. Elianna wasn't sure what to think, she would have to speak with her Father.

An elder fairy named Alisdair spoke so softly, everyone had to strain to hear him; "My King and Queen, we have seen this in the past. All we have to do is make these humans think that we have left. And then we hide underground and use the fairy dust to make Blythswood look like a normal forest."

"What a great idea, Alisdair! I had forgotten all about hiding underground. We have to get every fairy down in the caves, we don't have a lot of time." Said the King. "I'll go let everyone know about our plan, Papa." Said Elianna. "I'll help you, Elianna." Said Magdalan.

"What do you want me to do, King Ian?" Asked Kaelin. "You are our honored guest, Kaelin. My wife will show you where your rooms are. When we are no longer in danger, we will have a feast in your honor. Thank you so much for saving Princess Elianna." Said King Ian. "If you will follow me, Kaelin, I'll show you to your room," said the Queen. Now that they had a plan, the Queen was much more composed and her natural demeanor was back in evidence. Kaelin followed Queen Kirsten down a set of stairs.

As soon as Kaelin and the Queen were gone, Elianna turned to King Ian and said; "Papa, what's wrong with Mama? I haven't ever seen her so distressed."

"Ever since your brother, Prince Ethan, was killed by humans your Mother has been acting very erratically," replied King Ian. "She jumps at the least little noise and clings to me, Magdalan or whoever is close to her. I'm at my wits end trying to deal with her."

Maybe, now that I'm home, she'll calm down," said Elianna. "After we fool the humans, I'll go and speak to her."

"I don't know if it will do any good but you're welcome to try." Said the King. "Now let's get all the fairies underground and protected."

Elianna and her father left the council hall with Magdalan. The walked out into the woods to find all the fairies and get them underground to the caves. The three of them used their telepathic skills to send a message to all the fairies. 'Get to the underground caves. There are humans close and we have to get everyone underground,' the three of them thought to all the fairies. Suddenly the forest was a mass of movement. Fairies everywhere were fluttering around the King and the two Princesses. "Why are there humans so close to Blythswood?" Asked one very young female fairy. "They want our magic dust," replied Elianna. "Don't worry, we will protect all of you and the dust also."

"We have a plan that will stop the humans but we need every fairy in Blythswood underground first," said King Ian. "Please hurry and get your families to the caves underground."

"Everything will be alright," added Magdalan. "But what about our homes?" asked another fairy. "How are you going to protect our homes?"

"We are going to use some fairy dust to make Blythswood appear like a normal forest. That will fool the humans and then they will leave," said the King. "Please, you have to hurry. We don't know how close the humans are to Blythswood."

So without further argument, the fairies started to the council hall and then down to the underground caves. Elianna, Magdalan and King Ian watched them go. Hopefully, the humans wouldn't catch them by surprise.

To be continued...Chapter two coming soon!

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