Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1561779-FreE-WriTIng
Rated: · Other · Other · #1561779
sO now as thE word caN seE i'M a veRy dePreSSed laDY at A tender youNg age of 24 i'M feEL sO thAt i'm IN wOrd oNlY I kNOW aboUT i have so maNY diffeReNT mIxed eMOtIoNS my mINd iS jusT reADy 2 resT.... i havE a yoUnG daughTER by dA namE of maTayJA shE jusT tUrnED 5 not evEn 2 weEks whEN anD AM dowN shE sEE's my woRRy aND sHE seemS 2 jUSt taKE oveR anD lay arOuND lateLY i'vE beeN sO freakING streSSed I feEL sO tHAT my placE aND heaveN BESiDe My GRANdMa IS JUST CALlinG mE... i'VE reAD WHEre PEOPle TAke THere On LIVEs ANd BE LABELEd as SELFISH PEople... WHY IS THis? BUT UnLIKe Me IF I WaS THinkINg If i ToOk MY LIFe ANd Ak FOr GOd 2 FOrGive Me in Da PRoCResS N My MInd He'lL FoRGiVE ME For BEInG GAy ANd LET ME BE WITh Me GRANdMa CAUSe THAts WHEre I WAnna Be n A BEtTEr PlaCE STREss FRee... I REAd A PEoPLE MaGAZine WHERe 2 LITTLe BOYS WAs TEASEd in SChooL WEnt HOme And HUNg ThEre SElFs COmmITIng SuciDe Is SIn So DID God Take THEm 2 heaVEn ARe LEt THem PASs On 2 HElL
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1561779-FreE-WriTIng