Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1561679-Kiara-Slash-Chapter-1
by Cc
Rated: 13+ · Other · Supernatural · #1561679
Is Kiara the girl in the prophecies that will bring peace to the world again?
Chapter 1

            “Oh come on, Kiara, you’re battling poorly.” Patrick said.
            “Really? I haven’t been practicing with a real person lately.” I panted, I swept my katana over, and as usual Patrick dodged it easily. He stabbed at my direction and I twirled over just in time before bending down. I used my leg and swept over Patrick’s legs with huge force and he fell down. I then kicked his sword away and pointed my katana at him.
            “Yes Patrick, I am battling poorly and you still lost.” I grinned
            “Well, you have an advantage, you’ve learned karate before.” Patrick replied and stood up to shake off the dust on him. I chuckled, “But you’re a man, Patrick, you should be strong.” The reply I got was a ‘hmph.
“At least my mage craft is better than yours.” Patrick retorted. Patrick was a tall and strong 16 years old young man. He has lean black hair that outlines his perfect face, a high and triangular nose and a beautiful rosy lip. His body is muscular and fit, a green sword belt hung at his waist.
            “Tarania has been very peaceful these few days.” I remarked.
            “Yeah. I hope Wendew won’t attack us anymore.” Patrick sighed.
The country Wendew was in war with Tarania for thousands of years now, the two countries are fighting over for ‘Klins stone’. An ancient stone that was rumored to hold humongous power. Actually, Tarania is the country that protects the Klins stone, Wendew is the one who want the power. If the stone was to fall into the wrong hands, disaster will befall on every country.
            A puff of smoke suddenly burst out right in front of me. Both Patrick and Kiara held their weapons tightly and stared at the puff of smoke. A man emerged from the smoke.
            “General Kiara, Officer Patrick, the king has ordered for you to come.” A soldier from the castle bowed before us. We slowly sheathed our swords and bowed back. I looked at Patrick and smirked, he muttered softly “Don’t worry I will surpass you someday Kiara.” We walked towards the soldier and teleported back to the castle with using mage craft. Patrick landed perfectly on the ground whilst I tripped over something and did a flip.
            “Your mage craft haven’t improved yet Kiara?” Patrick smirked. I grinned and slapped Patrick.
            “This is not how you talk to a general!”  I laughed as Patrick faked a glare at me.
            “Ahem.” A low but formal voice greeted us.
            We turned around to see who made that voice and quickly bowed. Because the person in front is King Charles. His body is clothed in beautiful clothes and robes. His body is just perfect and strong. A white beard dangled from his chin, white curling hair above his forehead. Kind blue eyes and a laughing mouth.
            “King Charles.” We said together in unison.

          “This is a castle and not a playground, I hope both of you know that by now.” He said in a kindly way.
            “You may rise.” He announced in a solemnly voice.
We stood up and looked at the king waiting for orders. Just the minute before we were normal teenagers playing, but now we are generals and officers.
                “Do you know why I’ve called you here?” the king stroked his beard slowly eyeing us carefully.
            “No sir.” I said.
              The king stood straighter and strictly said “Prince Shau was captured by Wendew, and is held captive. I hereby order you to save him. We are not going to launch a war at them in case they’ll kill Prince Shau. You two are ordered to sneak into Wendew and save the Prince, bring him back safe.” The king’s voice wavered for a bit and continued “Who do you want to bring with you General Kiara?”
            “Would it be fine if me and Patrick go? And no others involved?”
              “Certainly, remember your goal is to bring back my son and nothing else.” The king agreed. “You will leave next morning. Dismiss.” The king turned around and walked away, hiding his tears.
            Patrick looked at me surprised “You want me? To go? Prince Shau captured? Save him?”
                “Patrick, you’re making no sense.” I said and started to walk out of the castle.   
            Patrick caught up with me. “Prince Shau is captured and you’re not even surprised? Or worried? He is this country’s prince!”
            “Which is why we were ordered to save him Patrick.” I replied. “Come on, let’s teleport to the stables. We need to prepare our horses.” I held out my hand as an invitation. Patrick grabbed it and we both teleported to the stables.
              We landed in front of the stable entrance, once again I tripped over something, luckily Patrick caught me.
            “Be careful General Kiara.” Patrick laughed.
          I blushed and stood straight again. I walked forward towards the stable door and pushed it opened. It opened with a dissatisfied creak and previewed the stable to us.  Around ten to twenty horses stood on their guards looking at the new comers. One horse at the very end nickered when it smelt the familiar scent. The white pelted horse came trotting over.
            “Good morning, Snowstorm.” I said gently while using my two fingers nipping him gently on his shoulder. Snowstorm nickered happily and nudged me. His pelt is splattered with very faint spots of grey, a very strong and bold horse to have.
              “Hi, Shining Star.” Patrick softly said to his horse. His horse is a golden brown mare, her mane fluffed out as a soft breeze blew through.
                “Let’s take them out for a spin.” I suggested. Snowstorm agreed with an excited neigh. Gently, I took hold of Snowstorm’s mane and hopped on his back. I’m used to ride without a saddle. I trotted over to Shining Star and let Snowstorm have a little chat with her.
                “Are you done yet Patrick?” I asked. I looked over the stable doors; the hills are exceptionally green today.
                “I’m not you Kiara, I need to use a saddle.” Patrick grumbled as he buckled the wrong lock. He fumbled some more before he finally buckled one lock.
              I sighed. “I’m going first, when you’re done, try to catch up with me.” I gently nudged Snowstorm with the tip of my boot, and he trotted out of the stables. When we’re a couple meters away from the stable, I urged Snowstorm into a canter. As the wind caressed my face softly it also gave me strength. Snowstorm veered to the right and we cantered down the hill. Softly and gently, I pulled Snowstorm’s mane, to tell him to slow down. We slowed down to a trot, then a walk. Finally, we stopped on the top of the tallest hill. I looked down at the scenery, down below is a small forest barely covering an acre. Most of the trees there are old trees, like pine. I remembered the time when Patrick found me.

“Help me!” I screamed as a run as fast as my nine-year-old legs could go. The fearsome growling is getting closer and closer. The red fox is starved for food and would do anything to get one bite of … meat. “Help!” I choked, tears are streaming down my sorrowful face. There’s no hope, no hope… The fox pounced and… the forest stilled. Not even a single leaf moved, I waited and waited. Where’s the pain? I peeked open my little eyes and there before me stood a handsome 10 year old boy, holding a dagger.
“Back away.” The boy snarled. The fox snapped, saliva dripped down from its horrible mouth. Then I saw blood, more and more are dripping, from… above? I looked up and gasped. The boy’s hand is injured, huge red gashes gore from his arm to his hand.
“Your hand…” I whispered. When the fox pounced at me… the boy took all the damage for me!
“Run.” The boy told me.
I just sat there, looking at his hand. Tears streaming down, for him.
“RUN NOW!” the boy barked. The fox is circling us, as if it’s wondering which one it should eat first.
“I’m scared…” I whispered.
The fox pounced yet again this time aiming for the boy. The boy kneeled down on one knee and angled the dagger upwards. The fox landed right on the dagger, it screamed and backed off. The boy is waving his dagger everywhere threatening the fox. The fox is bleeding from its chest and is losing energy, it growled one last time before backing off to the forest. 
The boy slumped down. He looked at me with tired eyes. “Are you ok?” I nodded. “What are you doing in the forest?” he asked, lying down.
“I’m lost.” I answered. I looked warily at the dagger and then at the boy’s inured arm. I reached into my pocket and took out my herbs. “Eat this please. This will ease your pain.” I said whilst handing the boy some green leaves.
The boy lifted one eyebrow. “Are you a doctor or a mage?” he asked.
“I’ve learned healing from my Mother.” I said quietly as I look at him eat the herbs.
“What’s your name little girl?” he panted. He winced when I slightly probed his wound.
“Kiara? I’m Patrick.” He smiled at me.
I looked dumbfounded; smile? I forced a smile back. He laughed at my failed attempt. At noon, Patrick took me to his village where I trained to be a warrior. And became a general.

To be continued.........

* If you want to read the rest of the story please e-mail me at crystalleung7@yahoo.com*
© Copyright 2009 Cc (crystalll at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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