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Rated: · Novella · Fanfiction · #1561221
Star Trek Fan fiction
*Third Person Point of View*
*Year: 2264*

  It was said that the planets were aligned perfectly and in perfect harmony, including the sun, the day that Aloura Wionna Kirk was born. The always pitch black space was clouded by a thin haze of dark purple, symbolizing something much more that was about to happen. And the stars were out of sight, but not eliminated, only dormant which was very strange and unusual. But then again, it just wasn’t any ordinary day.

  Breathless Mary, with her face covered in sweat, laid upon a long surface that was to be a bed. Her slim legs were spread apart wide, taking in the position to give birth to her and her husbands’ very first child. Jim stood (half-leaned) at the foot of the bed, his strong warm and now gentle hands rested on the surface where his wife’s feet were infirmly planted. He watched her as she took deep heavy breathes and with difficulty pushed out the baby that the both of them conceived.

  And having no doctor available (due to a crisis), Jim found himself to be the one to deliver their baby which was something he had no experience in so he was not any kind of doctor expert in it, nor did he want to be.

  With pain, Mary groaned and yelled out as she continued to push with Jim feeding her encouragement which only seemed to irritate her.

  “Keep pushing, honey. I think I see its head.” He lightly encouraged her. He was right: the baby’s head was starting to come out. Mary continued to push with all her strength, determined to get it out of her. It did a minute later.

  The baby came out covered in a thin layer of blood-which Jim cleaned off-and cried even as Jimmy wrapped up the baby in a towel and held it in his arms. Securely holding his newborn child, he looked down and saw the sex of his child. He leaned down, kissed his newborn daughter, and smiled.

  “What is it?” Asked Mary, smiling too.

  “A beautiful girl,” Answered Jim handing their daughter over to her. Mary held her petty daughter in a welcoming embrace, the baby still crying. She rocked her back and forth softly to calm her down.

  “Hey baby. Welcome to the world. I’m your Momma and…” Mary then pointed to her husband for their child’s reference. “…and he’s your Daddy.” She cradled the baby close and that’s when the newborn baby looked from her mother to her father, understanding who was who to her in relation. Then, she stared at her father with big adorable, puppy-dog like eyes and cried again, reaching out towards her father.

  “Jim, I think she wants you.” Mary happily said. Jim took his daughter from Mary and held her with affection. The moment she was in his arms was the precise moment she grew quiet.

  “You’re already a Daddy’s girl, huh cupcake? You’re so gorgeous, just like your mother. Mary, what do you want to name her?” He laughed with happiness, his blue steel eyes never leaving his daughter.

  “How about Aloura? What do you think?” Suggested Mary.

    “Sounds beautiful, just like our little girl.” Jim agreed, the baby snuggled up against his strong chest. “Aloura,”

*In Aloura’s Point of View*

“Are you sure you want to go through with this? What if your dad comes busting through the door?” Jason questioned me, pushing me down on my bed and straddled me.

“Of course I want this. I’m serious about it, this time. And no, my father’s not going to burst into here. He’s on a space mission and he won’t be back for a few days. He had to join my mom or something.” I explained, squirming underneath him. I ran my fingers down the sides of his neck slowly and kissed him. Jason wasn’t exactly my boyfriend, though. We weren’t even dating. We were more like partners.

“He’ll kill us,” He kissed me back.

“No, he won’t kill us. He’ll kill you but he’ll ground me.” I smirked deviously, slapping the side of his face lightly.

“And how’s that supposed to make me feel better, huh? He’ll kill me but not you?” He snorted.

“It’s not. Just relax cupcake.” I laughed.

“Cupcake? Where’d you hear that from?” He was bewildered. Cupcake was something that my father called me for he used it to mock people.

“Never mind, Jason.” I rolled my eyes at him.

In no time, he had both our clothes off except for his underwear and my panties and bra. He kissed every inch of my body as if he had extreme passion that wasn’t covered, causing me to arch my back and moan. His creamy, smooth hands pinned my hands to my sides as he kissed me seductively. Usually, I never let it go far enough where we were tearing each other’s clothes off (and with the fact that I’m still a virgin), but this time I was going to let it go farther than that because I wanted to. And besides, my father isn’t home so he can’t stop me.

Jason reached back behind me and started to unhook my bra. But before he could even try, the door to my bedroom suddenly opened. The instant I saw the door open up, my heart nearly stopped. Standing there in the doorway was my father (who I may add wasn’t even supposed to be home!). Both Jason and I stopped dead in our tracks.

“I thought you said he was off planet?” Jason whispered fiercely into my ear.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Sorry. He’s early, I guess.” I said in an apologetic tone.

He turned to my father who was just staring at the two of us, disapproval and anger towards me and hatred and murder towards Jason. Jason smiled up at him and tried to ease him up, as if we hadn’t been caught,

“Hello there, Mr. Kirk. Beautiful evening, isn’t it?”

My father returned the favor and gave him a fake smile. “Yes Jason, it is. Now, why don’t you get off my daughter and put your clothes on.” He then looked at me. “You too,”

Jason and I didn’t hesitate. Once the two of us were dressed, he walked out of my room and out of the house. I would never see him again, I knew for sure. I sat down on the bed and looked up at my father, meeting his mad gaze.

Oh yes, I was in for it.

“Aloura Kirk,” He said aloud, his voice firm. He stood straight and strong, acting strict and like a martinet, but I knew that he was only faking it. He peered down at me, his blue steel eyes piercing my ice blue eyes with madness. Served me right, I guess.

“You’re home early, Daddy.” I spoke.

“What the hell is going on here? I come home early and what do I find? I find you in your room, practically naked with some nearly naked guy. You barely know him and this is like the fifth guy you’ve been with in two weeks, five guys in which you have not gotten any action from or close to their nude bodies.” He lectured me.

I had a feeling he wasn’t finished yet.

“I haven’t gotten close to any guy because you keep barging in and scaring them off.” I huffed, trying to explain to him, or at least I tried to.

“Your mother is off planet and I was left in charge of you. But then I got called off to join her for a few days because there was a problem. I thought that since you were seventeen years old, you would be old enough to stay by yourself for a few days but turns out, I was wrong,”  Oh no, he wasn’t done yet.

“And didn’t I tell you no bringing guys back, let alone trying to copulate with them? Especially when you’re home alone?” He continued.

“You did say that,” I hated admitting that he was right. He was always right.

“Then why didn’t you listen to me, Aloura?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. I was bored….”

He raised an eyebrow at me, questioning me. “You were bored? That’s why you’ve been with all these guys?”

“Well, not really. I just…I don’t know…don’t like being….alone, I guess?” I had no idea of what I was saying or if I made sense.

Sighing, my father sat down on the bed next to me. By now, the anger was flushed from his face. I sighed as well. We were going to talk, about my problems and maybe he was going to give me a talk.

“Look, Aloura, I realize that thanks to me you haven’t done anything with any of these guys but what’s with them, huh?” He asked, smirking at the first thing he said. I huffed.

“I wanted a boyfriend but they wanted sex first so I thought that you know…but now after you scared them off  none of them want to bother with me again.” I was frustrated.

“You’ll probably find one, eventually?” He exaggerated on the word eventually. I only glared at him.

“Oh yeah, eventually, huh? I don’t think that’ll ever happen. I’ll probably be stuck with farm animals.” I was being sarcastic.

“Well, not only.” He smirked. “You have me,”

“Marry you, Dad? I used to say that when I was little.” When I was little I was a Daddy’s Girl (and I still am) and everyday I would say to him how I would marry him one day. I loved him so much, more than my mother ever can, and it’s still true.

He gave me a look. “You don’t want to, anymore?” He was sort of teasing me, I knew, but why did he sound at least a bit hurt? I thought for a moment and then realized that it was because of what I said.

“Of course I still do. I think that’s one thing that hasn’t changed.” I quickly added before he could say anything else. As I did so, I hugged him. In response, he wrapped his arms around me like he has done more than a million times before.

“You’re right about that, cupcake. I also know another thing that hasn’t changed.” He smiled, hiding a devious smirk.

“What’s that?” I looked up at him.

“You’re grounded,” His smirk came out. I pulled away from him.

“Seriously?” I exclaimed.

“Well, it’s like you said: ‘He’ll kill you but he’ll ground me’, remember cupcake?” He stated. He must’ve overheard me a few minutes ago. Eavesdropper. I rolled my eyes.

“What? Why?” I asked in disbelief.

“You disobeyed me, sweetheart. Maybe next time you will listen to me when I tell you something, like when I say no guys.” He seemed to enjoy enforcing this rule, although I was seventeen.

“That’s not fair.” I pouted.

“I’m the boss and you live in my house and besides I’m your father. What I say goes.” He firmly stated. “And if I wanted to, I could deny you the right to go on that space expedition.”

“You wouldn’t,” I warned him.

“Oh really? I believe I can. I’m your father before I’m your captain.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Fine, then. For how long?” I hated how he had this power on me.

“As I see fit.” He stood up from the bed and before he walked out of the room, he turned around and said, “Oh and Aloura?”

“Yeah, Dad?”

“That’s captain to you,” He winked and smiled at me. I couldn’t help but smile back.”

© Copyright 2009 Christina Kirk (trekchick at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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