Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1560985-This-is-your-brain
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Experience · #1560985
Not a preachy anti-drug or pro-drug piece,but based on true events
    He stopped and let me out about a mile from the mans house. It was getting dark and the mosquitoes were hammering on me.I wrote him a message:"Hurry up motherfucker! Ill have west nile virus by the friggin time you get back!" I was texting Jake b/c I knew he'd bitch at me if I called.. if he was already in the house.  It was taking longer than usual and I wasnt into the scenery out here in the boonies so I texted again:"You punk-ass bitch! Hurry!" I could hear the door of the car shut when he got in,so maybe I was closer than a mile from the house,hell,I didnt know. I heard him coming down the the road, as he was pulling up when he said"Your bout the biggest pussy Ive ever been around".  "Fuck you, punk bitch".. I said  "You wait till I make you wait one day, youll see what its like.."  " Nevermind that bullshit" he was grinning now,he stretched his arm out and said
"Here!" In his hand lay 14-15 little green-pastel pills..these were the green monsters,Jake loved them. His favorite all-around drug was the watson 10/650's, I prefered the norco 10/325's cause they contained less tylenol....less buffers,it was just a cleaner set to me.. "Cass is coming over later on after she gets off work,I hope yall dont mind...???"Jake was asking "Hell naww,  I dont mind a bit, the more the merrier,right?" "Whatever you say hombre',"Jake was relaxing now..he did that when he felt safe,and you couldnt get much safer than this. "What you say you,me,Cass and Tonya  have us an orgy tonight?"  "Tonight? mWell, hell yea  man,as long as you dont touch my asshole". I was jokingly playing along with his musings. "I can get a lil "X" I think,if yall want some?" 
"What kind of X"? Jake said "if its that speed shit I dont wan any part of it", "No I think its the laid back kinda trippy shit,like those last week w/ the lil mushrooms on em..." I said " Fuck yea,I love those motherfuckers,if theyre the right ones.."Jake was saying, feeling good now,the pk's were 20 -30 minutes gone and I was starting to feel alright too,I looked at the speedometer it was past 80 mph,.."Slow this mother-fucker down man!,your gonna get us pinched"! I was always on his ass about his driving,he just was too damned aggressive."I dont give a fuck,I dont have anything on me" he said," Whats this? "I quipped holding my beer up,"Oh,im sorry I thought this was an open container,and that in this county there are laws stating that open containers of alcohol are illegal..I dont know what I was thinking . maybe I was just being reasonable..helloo?" "I didnt tell you to bring that shit did I,I dont see why ya'll drink that crap anyways,it fucks up the hydro-buzz", Jake was going off in one of his usual  anti-alcohol rants,the only time he drank it was to fend off withdrawal symptoms from the hydro, "Na,it enhances the buzz,this is just where we disagree all the time,ha"..we always had the same argument,"just slow this bitch down,we're almost in city limits" I said pointing at the road sign.. "And try not to run over the mother-fucker!" Jake let out a guffaw at the memory of destroying the "STOP AHEAD" sign earlier.
  Arriving back home I could see a couple of cars at the house,one belonged to my longtime buddy Lance,he liked the crack- cocaine,wouldnt admit it when he was sober but he always went back to it, I was kinda half-assed trying to convert him over to the pk's. That would be at least better than spending all your check in one night and being broke all the time,nothing more pathetic than a broke-ass crackhead begging for a hit.  I said "Come on in,its just Lance," . Jake was gesturing to the other vehicle and said,"No,I gotta go meet Cam,you pay your cable bill, bitch?" . It was the cable company truck parked in my driveway he was pointing at. "Yea, I think thats the "X" factor" I said, hoping I was right, Wait..... DID I pay the cable bill..??? or......."Oh,get me four of em," Jake was saying,pushing $75 bucks into my hand. " I closed the door and told him to call me in an hour.
  Upon entering the house I was hit in the chest by a hurled empty wadded-up cig-pack..with the song "Push-IT" blaring on the cd-rw-rom, I could barley hear the hear the usual shit being thrown at me. "There dummy is"..It was Lance in his usual horseplaying mood,"where ya been,off w/ yer b/f Jake?...ya'll in love nigga?" Tonya fell right in line,they loved to fuck w/ me and call me dummy,that was my name when they got around each other,"Yea,you been in the woods with Jake packing mud"? Tonya jeered laughing "AAhhh-hahahaaa,... nigga packing mud!!!..."Lance teased, and there you had it. They had a kind of an alliance,half-jokingly maybe,but definetly an alliance against me when we all got together. And here was Jerry. Jerry was the "X" factor,Jerry was also black. I didint mind a black guy being in my house while I wasnt around,as long as I had a partner, keeping an eye on him.m He didnt seem to mind the "nigga" banter being thrown around,he was a good sport,never took it to heart. And that was good b/c I never meant anything by saying the "N" word in that context..it was just slang to me,second nature stuff,I never really thought about it. I nodded at Jerry as I walked by "Whats up man"  I extended a hand out,which ge grasped in the homie style shake. "Not a damn thing,just makin rounds," I said "Yall got everything straight huh" I said kinda leading him in the conversation without actually saying what I was talking about. He said " Oh yea,we alright,I gotta gothough,got dinner at the in-laws tonight,cant be late for that" I snickered and offered "Yea,dont want to miss that,Ill holla at ya tho,". He left,leaving only one thing to take care of before i could just relax and kick-back,I motioned to Lance and told him "Yea faggot,get yer fucking feet off the couch,this aint yer home jerky-boy"...I said "Cmon," .. I looked at Tonya before saying "and you too".They both started on me again, "Yea yea"I was saying.
I was kinda annoyed and joking at the same time..I knew they were only playing when they ganged up on me like that,but I couldnt help but get a lil aggravated sometimes,still I never called them on it."when you two get through swappin spit,come in my room,.... niggas"...I was trying to play along,sweepin the bit of contempt under the rug.."And turn that fucking jungle-bunny guinea- nigger shit off,you know that shit dont get no play here!" Whats with the nig-music? I was thinking to myself,shaking  my head. I never could figure out why a white person from the deep south,would listen to this urban-thug shit. It didnt make sense to me,didnt add up.
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