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Rated: GC · Chapter · Tragedy · #1560761
A work in progress. Let me know what you think.
"How i loved you Belinda." Henry whispered as he jerked the ax out of her body. Standing over their bed, he looked for any signs of an escaping spirit as he watched his wifes body convulse. Finally the body lay still. He cursed her for being so sneaky. He hacked down with the axe a few more times, yelling at the evil that he knew was in her to show itself. He hacked her chest, nothing. With a final chop he separated her head from shoulders. He picked up her head and looked up at the gore. No sign of the filthy monster. He licked the arteries hanging out of the flesh. He couldn't taste anything evil. He took a big mouthful of flesh and bit. Tearing the flesh from the corpse he chewed, Swallowing he grimaced. Nothing. Desperately he put her severed neck up to his mouth and sucked at the blood and gore. Nothing.
Screaming he pulled two clumps of her beautiful blond hair off the scalp. "Where are you!?" He threw her now useless head. It smashed into the window, shattering the glass and falling two stories to the lawn below. He sat down on the bed. Putting his confused head into his hands,he began muttering to himself. Where had he went wrong, when had he missed it. What had he done to deserve this? He sniffled, It was so unfair.
Down the hall, the baby start to cry. Pausing in his musings he cocked his head listened. Grinning he realized he wasn't defeated. He would find the demon yet.
He left their bedroom and headed towards Justin's room, ignoring the screaming baby for now. Sweat poured off his pounding head. He would have to check the air conditioner tomorrow.
Justin. Poor Justin. His first born. His only son. At ten years old the spitting image of him. He beamed with pride at how well his grades have been. In his feverish mind he was thankful that his dear Belinda was now gone. That she would no longer be suffering, and wouldnt have to see the horrible things his family had become. His lovely, lovely family. His horribly wicked family, oh so horribly wicked. The devils in them. Oh yes he knew. Every single one of them. Well, daddy was here to help. Daddy was here to help every single one of them.
He saw the light on at the end of the hallway, Justins head and upper body peering out of the doorway.
"Daddy?" Justin asked, eyes squinting into the gloom. "I'm scared dad, i heard something."
Henry cackled, this little monstrosity pretending to be his innocent son. He wouldn't be fooled. Oh know, he knew what he was. He wiped the sweat out of his eyes and held the axe behind him, the blood soaking through his clothes into his lower back. He cleared his throat.
"Its OK Just" he called to this monster who used to be his son. "Mommy has a bug, but don't you worry one second for it, its all going to be OK now. Lets get you tucked back in, then i will go check on Tiffany." He cackled again, knowing he had the upper hand against this evil.
There was a moment of sadness thinking about his Tiffany. His beautiful daughter. Only 8 months old, and she had been possessed also. He didn't know why or how, but that little bitch screaming from the nursery wasn't his daughter. He shook his head, trying to clear it. Oh his poor kids. He wouldn't let them be used this way. Oh no, Daddy would help. His resolve steeled, he entered Justins room.
He noticed the thing that used to be his son eyes went wide and wild when he brought the axe out from behind his back.
"Its ok buddy, Daddy is here to help."
In one quick movement he pushed the brat down and brought the axe over his head.
The monster screamed, but the axe was already swinging downward. Cutting it blissfully short. He wept as he fell to the floor next to his dead son. He screamed in agony as he produced the pocket knife. He would cut every inch of the beast till he found the evil that was lurking in the shell of his son.


The first thing officer Ryan Ramirez came across responding to the call, was a severed head under the broken window.
The report had come in just after one am. Reportedly hearing screams and broken glass a neighbor had called the police. Fighting down the urge to vomit, he left his partner to call in back up. Immediately upon entering the house, he hit the stairs two at a time. Towards the sound of the babys screams. He came upon Henry leaving Justins room. A bloody axe dangling from his hands. It was reported he had yelled at them, saying he knew they were not there to help. The man had screamed that the whole world was infested. They had drawn on him and ordered him to drop the axe. His fevered eyes swept from one to the other, they knew he wouldn't. He screamed that he had to help his daughter. They fired 10 shots at him as he charged him. Killing him instantly. What they found in their subsequent search would be in the headlines and neighborhood myths for years to come.
The only bright spot of the night, was they found a beautiful baby in the nursery, blessedly screaming her little lungs out.


Officer Ryan held the baby in one arm. His cell phone clenched in his hand. The block bracelet on her tiny wrist told him her name was Tiffany.
Sister Ramirez answered on the third ring.
"Ryan?" Her voice concerned." Is that you, whats wrong."
Ryan squinted his eyes, holding back unchecked tears. The events of the night burned into his memory, flashing through his head like a movie constantly rewound and played again.
"Sis, I'm in the River Brooke neighborhood. I need you here" his voice cracked. "Oh God, We need you here."


"Oh God honey, hurry hurry!" Lisa Blake said on the night she would die. She leaned back against the door of the f150 truck, staring up into the night sky, raindrops falling on her head.. Her husband, Tom, fumbled with the keys. With a grunt of satisfaction, he finally selected the right on.
"Ok baby, here we go." Unlocking the passenger door, he helped her ease herself down into the seat. He thought of fastening her seat belt. Her very pregnant belly made him discard the idea. Her water had broken, their baby was coming now. He would get her to the hospital safely and fast. He'll overlook the seat belt this one time. He rushed to the drivers seat.
"All aboard!!" He bellowed throwing her a sideways smile. "The baby express leaves now."

Frank stumbled up the hill, dragging his fishing pole behind him. Burping, he collapsed in a fit of giggles. Maybe i shouldn't have had those last few beers he thought. Getting to his feet, he made his way the last hundred feet to his jeep.
How he loved his midnight fishing. And it was only twenty miles to his house. He knew better, but just this one time, he told himself. Just twenty miles. He stowed his fishing gear and got behind the wheel.

© Copyright 2009 Rantingwarrior (shannonewolfe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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