Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1560752-Food-for-Thought-or-Thoughtful-Food
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1560752
The hunger of some is often death for others.
“Hey, Professor Zeklos, wait up!” He turned around at hearing this loud female voice. Running toward him, he saw one of his students, Lacy Braun. Her long, blonde curls bounced around her shoulders, and Professor Zeklos couldn’t help smiling at her.

“Lacy, slow down.” Anton Zeklos was a tenured professor at a small city university. His class in mythology consisted mainly of impressionable young women. It wasn’t what he taught that drew them to his class. Professor Anton Zeklos, besides being the handsome owner of dark brown hair and soulful blue eyes, also spoke in a deep, mesmerizing voice to his students.

“Professor Zeklos,” Lacy said, when she finally halted in front of him, “would tonight be a good time for me to come to your place?” Seeing the puzzled look on his face, she quickly continued, “Remember? You said you would be willing to tutor me on the more unfamiliar women in Greek mythology. You know, the ones you’ve been teaching us.”

Anton nodded. “Ah, yes. Now I remember. If you come by around six, we can start with Andromeda. I’ve taught others about her before, and even have props that will help you understand better.” He looked at his wristwatch. “I’m so sorry, Lacy, but I’m late for a meeting. You know my address, right?” Seeing her nod, he turned back the way he originally had been heading and hurried away. Calling over his shoulder, he reminded her, “Six sharp. I’ll be waiting.”

Exactly at six that evening, Lacy knocked on Professor Zeklos’s front door. His large home, located a mile from the university, bordered the edge of a national forest. With no nearby neighbors, the home provided him with quiet and privacy, two elements his lifestyle and various hobbies required.

The door opened to reveal Anton dressed in tight black slacks and a dark purple shirt. “Come in, come in, you’re right on time. I like that.” He stepped aside, and Lacy walked into what appeared to be a dungeon. She looked around, seeing familiar items recently discussed in his mythology class.

“Um, Professor, is that a rock?” Lacy pointed to a large boulder in the dark shadows.

“Please, outside of class, just call me Anton. At least for now. Later, I might share my other names with you.” Seeing Lacy appeared ready to bolt, Anton went to a small table and picked up two glasses. He filled them with liquid from a beautiful crystal decanter and handed one glass to Lacy. “Here, sip this while I get my class material on Andromeda.” He took a sip from his own glass and returned it to the table. “I’ll be right back. Feel free to look around.” With that, he left the room through a doorway covered by a black curtain.

When he returned a few minutes later, he saw Lacy still hadn’t finished her drink. She appeared dazed and didn’t resist when Anton led her over to that large rock. She only hiccupped and almost dropped her glass.

“Relax, Lacy, finish your drink.” He held the glass to her mouth and waited until she swallowed the remaining liquid.

“Anton, I feel funny. No, wait, what are you doing?” She tried to push his hands away, but he ignored her and continued unbuttoning her blouse. “I’m not sure I want to learn about Andromeda after all. Oh, my legs. What’s happening to my legs?” Lacy slid down to the floor and leaned against the rock when her legs gave out from under her.

Anton knelt on the floor and finished undoing her blouse. After slipping it off and throwing it carelessly onto the floor, he followed this by removing her plain white bra. Almost as an afterthought, he took off her sandals and tossed them over his shoulder. “Now, let’s get those jeans out of the way.” He worked the front zipper down and effortlessly stripped Lacy down to her panties. “Oh dear, those will have to go, too,” and he pulled them off.

Lacy tried to stand, but found the weakness in her legs now extended throughout her body. When she tried to speak, Lacy discovered even her vocal cords were paralyzed. Only her eyes moved, but she was unable to stop the tears flowing from them.

“Upsy-daisy, you’re about to learn about what Poseidon almost did to Andromeda.” He lifted Lacy to her feet and forced her to stand with her back against the boulder. When he pushed her even closer, she felt the jagged rock digging into her naked skin. Anton held her in place with his own body while he attached heavy chains to her wrists. The chains came down from the top of the large boulder and held her upright. Anton reached up and pulled on the chains, forcing Lacy to stand up on her toes. “There, that should do it.”

Anton smiled at the frightened girl, all the while removing his own clothes. “I’m so sorry I don’t have a sea monster to eat you, but I think you’ll like the alternative. First, I must ask you a question. Just close your eyes twice for no or once for yes.” He watched her face. “Did you tell anyone where you were going tonight? Good, twice. That means nobody will miss you for a while.”

He pushed her legs slightly apart after kneeling in front of her. “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I first saw you in my class.” Anton leaned forward and began eating her. Literally!

Her soundless screams continued as the thick stream of blood from her thighs’ arteries spurted out onto Anton’s face. Every now and then, he would spit out the less tasty chunks of her flesh, until he finally undid the chains and let her drop to the floor. After straightening her body to a more accessible position, Anton gently moved her legs apart.

He said, in a cheerful tone of voice, “I’m here to rescue you, my little Andromeda, just like Perseus did.” Anton next examined the blood-covered area between her thighs. “Yes, you look ready.” He moved closer and slowly inserted his penis through the blood. “Oh, that feels good, doesn’t it?” For long minutes, all that was heard in the room was the wet sound of Anton’s busy penis in her bloody crotch. By the time he climaxed, Lacy was losing consciousness from the loss of blood.

Pulling out of her, he shrugged and picked her up in his arms. “Females nowadays just aren’t as strong as they used to be.” Still naked, Anton left his home through the back door and continued into the forest. When he reached his destination, Anton placed Lacy on the moss-covered ground.

He squatted close to the barely breathing girl and waited. His smile at hearing a howl somewhere off in the distance would have terrified Lacy, if she were still able to see him. As the howling came even closer, Anton nodded his satisfaction and got back on his feet.

When a large gray wolf made its way into the clearing, Anton lowered his head in reverence. “Master, she is yours. I’ve eaten my share, but left enough for you to claim the kill.” The wolf growled his approval, and Anton watched his master morph from lupine to human.

Anton’s hunger returned at seeing the other feasting ravenously on Lacy. Soon, only bones and hair were left as evidence of a beautiful girl who became a delicious meal. In his overwhelming need for more food, Anton’s racing thoughts remembered all the other tasty females who came each day to his classroom.

© Copyright 2009 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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