Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1559382-silentwolfs-story
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1559382
My first story, about a person name silentwolf and his life.
To all readers before you read the story. This story is not completed yet but chapters are posted when i can. Book 1 is done while book 2 is in the making. This is my 1st story. I'm not so sure how my grammar and spelling is. Just a quick note for all of you reading this story.(it is being edited still on grammar and spelling if needed) Anyone that notices mistakes please help me out lol.

Book 1

Chapter 1

The start

I don't remember much about what I said or saw or even how I felt much, though I can tell you the story of what I do remember. Keep in mind I can’t say I remember all my details from older events but as I get closer to the present I can show you more. I was on the run from an organization that wants me dead for not following their orders...Wait that's a bit too far. I better go back to the day that changed my life forever.

I was just six years old when it all started. I went home after school, hoping to be welcomed in the arms of my family. When I arrived, I found was my family dead. No one knew how they died or when. All I remember was that I wanted revenge, no matter what the cost. A strange man, dressed in a black suit, came up to me. He said he could help me achieve the revenge I desired. I said “yes” to his offer before I thought it over. The rage boiled in my blood at the thought of my family murdered. For this, I was willing to do anything to get vengeance for them. He took me to his car and when I slipped in, he took out a can of nitrous oxide. He put a mask over his mouth and nose quickly. He threw the can down before it burst into a cloud that swirled me and, in seconds, I was out cold.

I woke up in what felt like moments later. I was in a completely different room with these snowy white long cloaks on. I saw a piece of paper at the end of the bed that I was on. I decided to read it and see what it said. I could possibly find out where I was being held. I read the paper and saw today's scheduled training exercises. Today's date was also on the paper. It was now two days after my parents’ mysterious death. I had no idea where I was, but all I knew is that I wanted out of here so that I could find out who killed them. Just as I put the paper down, and was about to find a way to break out, the same man from the car came into the room.

The mystery man said, "My name is John and we will be spending a lot of time together, now what do you want your new name to be?"

I said, “What do you mean by what do I want my new name to be?"

John said "We can't use your old name because then people will find you and place you in an orphanage. If this happens, you could not train for your revenge."

I said "Well I would like to be called “Silentwolf” if that's alright with you...What do you mean by training?!" My eyes widened.

John said, "Well if you want revenge for your family’s death Silentwolf, you need to learn to fight correctly."

I said, "Fine then. When do we start? I want to get done fast so I can get out of here and find my family’s killer."

John said, "I was hoping you’d say something like that. By the way, we already know who killed your family. That's why we are training you. This way you can have the pleasure of killing them yourself. Now if you follow me to the training rooms we will get started." Filled with rage that they knew who killed my family, I charged at him. I reached as high as I could for his tie, yanked him down and started hitting him…asking him over and over who killed them. I wanted more information about my family’s death and the killer. John just looked at me and smiled. Then he grabbed me by my collar and threw me at the bed.

John said “Save your anger for the training that is coming.” After I calmed down a bit, I decided to follow him.

He took me through many hallways with twists and turns. None of the rooms we passed were labeled or numbered. He soon stopped and opened a door. He pushed me inside. As I stumbled in I heard a slam behind me. I turned around to see the door was closed. When I tried to open it, the doorknob broke off and rolled across the floor. I slumped to the floor and put my back against the door. As I sat there, I looked around the room. It was enormous and filled with unusual gadgets. There were also two people in lab coats with these dark tinted masks that hide their faces.

They started walking towards me saying “Everything will be fine, just come with us.” One thing I felt for sure is that everything was not going to be fine. They grabbed my arms and dragged me to the other end of the giant room. I struggled, but it was useless. I was could not escape their strong grasp. They forced me into a chair and strapped me to it. I continued struggling.

They said, “The more you struggle, the more painful it will be, but the less you struggle the less painful it will be.” I was able to slip a foot out of one of the straps. I kicked one of them in the leg with all the anger and strength I could. I heard this big cracking sound like someone snapping a stick by my ear, soon followed by a surging pain in my foot. The person I kicked chuckled.

He said “Man this kid will put up a fight to the very end.”

The other doctor said “Yes, he is putting up a strong fight. He will surely help our cause and get his revenge in no time. He needs to learn to work with us so that we can help him. It is time for the nitrous oxide for this fighter.” I struggled even more guessing that I’d be knocked out again. I thrashed around trying to not let them put a mask on me for the sleeping gas. One of them held me still while the other placed the mask over my face. It seemed to have no use. The room and doctors were going black and the last thing I heard was their laughing in the distance.

I woke up with my arm stinging from an intense burning sensation. There were patches all over my arm. I was still strapped in a chair, but it was different from the other one. I looked around the room and was shocked at what I saw. There were other kids of various ages in the room. Some were strapped to chairs like me, while others were just sitting there. Nothing was stopping them from running away, yet they just sit there. My face was partly covered by some kind of cloth and I could not speak. All I could do was sit and listen. Everyone was facing toward the front of the room. I noticed that John was setting up a projector. A white screen rolled down and a menu for something showed up on it. I could not read what it said from where I was sitting. A group of people in lab coats and masks went up to John. They were talking among themselves and looking at the screen. I also looked at the screen and saw all sorts of graphs and numbers. I could not figure out what was going on. Just as I was trying to make sense of the graph, a scream broke the silence around the room. A girl that was strapped in a chair rocked until both her and the chair toppled over and started screaming. She looked like she was in a lot of pain. John and the other doctors ran towards her. They tried to figure out what was wrong. She continued kicking and screaming. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the sound. All of a sudden I heard dead silence and I thought I really did it. I looked towards the girl again and saw her lifeless body. I am certain that those doctors had something to do with the pain that girl was feeling and now.

I decided to try and listen in as they were talking. John said “The tests on the girl failed.”

One of the doctors said “Yes, so we can delete her information and act like she never was here.”

John said “No one will miss her because her family is dead and she was a no-body. Keep an eye on the other test subjects and get them ready for the next set of injections.” As I thought to myself, injections?! So that is what they probably did to me while I was knocked out. My foot is no longer in pain either. I thought I broke it when I kicked that other doctor. I’m not sure if they really are going to help me get my revenge now. I think I’m just an expendable test subject like everyone else here. Wait, how did I just think of that? Could it be a side effect from the injections that they been doing to me? I need to find out more information if I want to find out the truth. I heard John again, John said “Ok put the rest of them to sleep and do the final set of injections and wait a week to see who survives.” Survives?! My choice in following John has turned into a nightmare. The doctors were putting masks on all of the kids. One by one I saw heads falling. A doctor came and put the mask on. I started to see blackness again.

I awoke in the original room and I was wearing the same white clothes. The only difference was that I was strapped down with needles in my arm. I saw a few cords running to a sort of IV looking thing. A doctor came in the room and was startled to see me awake. The doctor said “Well, looks like your body is recovering much quicker from the sleeping gas. I will make note of this for sure. By now I’m pretty sure you noticed some sort of changes about yourself?”

I said “Just that I’m thinking of things I never knew of. What are you doing to me and everyone else in this place?”

The doctor said “I can tell what is happening to you, but the others I’m not so sure of. All I’ve been doing to you is injecting some never before seen drugs into your system to enhance some abilities of yours. Everyone reacts differently, so that is why I said I’m not so sure about the others. Those that live through them will be trained on fighting. This is all to help you get revenge on those that killed your family.”

I said “I’ll take your word for that.” I never did believe him about helping me get revenge. I am pretty sure we are all just test subjects that no one would miss if anything happens to us.

“Time for you to go back sleep”, said the doctor. “It will help the drugs to take better affect.” He reached over and grabbed a mask with a tube attached to it and placed it on my face. I already knew this feeling. I am really starting to hate this place when it comes to sleeping gas. Everything started to fade to blackness again.

Chapter 2

New Gifts

I knew I was out cold but I was still able to think to myself and hear some things. Now I have to get things straight in my mind so I know to plan for the revenge I want. First of all, I’m getting nowhere if I’m being put asleep all the time. So I need to avoid that at all costs. The doctor said I was waking up faster after every time they do that to me. So maybe it will not be able to affect me anymore after a while. I also need to find out more about this place. Like what is the real purpose of it? Also how long have they been doing this testing, as they call it? I also wonder if they really do know who killed my family. I need to get some information. First I need to complete my training so I can defend myself if I get caught.

I woke up before the new injections took effect, so they keep putting me back asleep. This time when I woke up all that stuff was gone. I found more patches on my arm and I noticed another paper at the end of the bed. It’s been 5 weeks now since parents died, at least that is what the date says on the paper. Feels like I’ve been stuck here for all my life but I knew that was not true. All those memories with friends and family were true, weren’t they? I heard a knock on the door and John came in.

John said “Well looks like you made it to the training stage. Not everyone could be helped.” I held back from what I was thinking about saying and instead I said “Well that’s a shame. Less people to worry about I guess.” I needed to earn his trust, like I was one of them. Than I can get to the information I desire. John said “Well looks like you are a fast learner. Good. Keep acting like that and don’t ask questions and you will get far here.” I said “I will do anything to get the revenge I desire. When do we start training anyway?” John said “Follow me and we will start. Also I notice you gotten a lot smarter after those drugs we injected into you. I wonder what other side effects they gave you.” I said “You and me both. I wonder about that as well. Let’s just get the training over with. I’m tired of waiting.”

We walked down a few hallways. As we were walking John said “You will be training with an instructor and other students.” I said “Sounds like fun. I can’t wait to start it so I can finish and achieve my goal.”

After the twists and turns of all these endless looking hallways, we finally stopped and opened a door. I walked in on my own and once again the door slammed shut behind me. There were panting and punching sounds. No one talked. Everyone was just focusing on whatever they were doing. The trainer had a whistle, clipboard, and a pencil. He put his head up and looked at me. He pointed at a punching bag with instructions on the wall. I walked up to it and read the instructions. Pretty simple, just punch the bag. I tested on how hard it was with a small tap. It flew back a little and swung right back into place. The instructor walked over and angrily pointed at the instructions. I looked the part he pointed at. It said to hit it with all your strength. I gave him a nod and he walked back to the middle of the room. I swung with all the force I could give it. Upon impact with the bag, I felt a lot of pain in my hand. I felt a big vibration, with a loud sound. I looked at the ground, while holding my hand, and saw the punching bag lying there. A dent, in the side of the bag, was the size of my fist. I also noticed a pencil rolling across the floor. I turned and saw the trainer. His jaw had dropped. Nothing was in his hands. He was in shock. He reached into his pocket and brought out a control looking thing. He pushed a button on it. A red flashing light filled the room. I think I may have just caused a lot of trouble. I heard footsteps in the hallway. I saw John, with a person in a medical suit and mask, bust in the door. The trainer pointed at me and the punching bag. The medical person grabbed me and forced me out the door. John was following behind us. They put into a blue room with a bed and posters of the human body skeleton on the wall. There was also a weird looking machine next to the bed.

John said “Get him ready. We need to see if his hand or arm have been damaged and we need to see if any changes took place.” Doctor said “Ok, you kid…” I said “My name is Silentwolf” Doctor said “Fine, Silentwolf lay down on the bed so I can get you ready for some x-rays.” I lay down on the bed and they put a blanket thing over me. I held still. I was waiting for this to be over with. I moved my head and my eyes a bit to see what the doctor and John were doing. They were in another little room next door with a window between them. I could only see their mouths moving. I wonder what they are talking about. I noticed the doctor’s hand moving towards something out of view. A few seconds later I started hearing some sounds. The sounds did not last long. They came back into the room and the doctor removed the blanket.

They moved to another machine a few feet away, after the blanket thing was removed. They grabbed a few blackish papers, but it was hard for me to tell what they were. My sight was a bit blurry after whatever they did. I decided to listen in and watch. John said “Well, what is wrong with him?” Doctor said “He has broken most of his hand and arm bones.” Wow! I broke them, no wonder it hurts! John said “Well, can’t you fix it? He is a strong fighter. We may find his talents useful when it comes to breaking some wills of the other kids” Doctor said “Well, the science geeks are working on some new robotic technology. Its either they can replace his arm or he will be fighting with only one arm. Even if I do manage to repair it, his strength will just break it again. You’re going to need some strong materials to keep him from breaking it all the time.” John said “I will ask around to find out more about this robot stuff you told me about. Meanwhile you better end his pain by putting him asleep for a while. Who knows how long it will take to find this information and to build it for him.” The doctor just nodded and walked towards a cabinet on the wall. He brought out a mask attach to a canister of sleeping gas I’ll bet. Next time I join something, I’m going to get the facts about it and think first. I remained still because I knew if I struggled I would lose again. The room was going dark and the last thing I heard was a door closing with footsteps echoing in the hallway.

Chapter 3

The Training begins

All I could think about is what they are going to do to me. What is this project that they were talking about? Am I just going to be a one-armed kid now? All these questions I want to answers too, but I can’t get them. I need to wake up and get more information still. I don’t know how I woke up all those other times. Was it luck, or was it another ability that I gained from these injections? It could be due to my body becoming more immune to them, so I’m recovering faster. I can’t be sure of any of these ideas without proof. Guess I better just go with the flow for now. If things go for the worst, I can at least take a few of them with me or go into hiding, I hope. I kept on thinking about this for a while.

I woke up and notice my arm was still there. It feels and looks real. Guess I was just dreaming about it. The previous events felt and looked so real. I saw another piece of paper on the bed. I sat up a little bit and grabbed it. I ignored today’s events because so far they never really have applied to me. I was mainly looking for today’s date. I looked at it and noticed it was now four weeks after my parents’ death. Four weeks has already past and I have done basically nothing but get forced to do some tests. I really need to find out more information. There is a catch to this problem though. I have no idea where to begin looking for it! So far what I have noticed is that there are no labels for any of the rooms. How do they remember where everything is? They must have a map on them to know where they are going and plan ahead so we can’t see it.

I heard the door slowly open and I noticed John was there, once again, talking to someone. I could only hear mumbles. John walked the rest of the way in and closed the door. John said “Well you’re finally awake. How do you like your new arm? I’m pretty sure you’ve notice that it’s not real”. I replied “No I have not noticed. I thought it was a dream at first. What have you done to my arm?!” John said “Well, we could have probably fixed your real arm, but with your new improved strength we decided it would be best that we create a better arm for you. Don’t be alarmed by it. You see, if we did manage to repair your human arm it would have just been broken again the second you hit something. Instead we replaced your old arm with a new one. We built it with some new materials that only we have. You still can move it with like a regular arm. I suggest you don’t use your right arm for a while, at least until you have learned to control your strength.”

I was so shocked that I could not think of what to say. I just sat there waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I knew it was for the best, but I was still upset that my real arm no longer exists. John said “Well, we are going to help you control your strength. Once it is under control we can teach you some hidden surprises about your new arm. Now if you just follow me to another room we will begin.”

Follow me, he said. Right, I thought to myself! He grabbed me by my arm and forced me to go with him whether I wanted to or not. I could have struggled and hurt him, and maybe myself, but he had more experience when it came to fighting. He also has an army with gas canisters. He had a balance of brains and bronze. I only had some bronze and very little brains when it came to fighting. It is best to listen and to stay alive, for now.

The room we entered this time was made of metal. Seems like the same type equipment from the last room, just upgraded for my level of strength now. I noticed some other stuff in here as well. A chest was one such item that caught my eye. Why would that be needed in here? An instructor, wearing some sort of body armor that covered him from the chest down to his feet, was also in here. I saw no other kids around so I’m guessing that I’m one of a kind.

John said “This is Nicodemus and he will be your new instructor for a while. I am going to leave you two alone while I go get some other work done”. I heard the door slam and lock after he said that. I get closing the door, but why lock it? Nicodemus said “Well it’s time to test out what your arm can do. Let’s see how you can hit on the punching bag over there.” I walked over to it. I remembered what John said about using my left arm instead of my right. I did what I was told and used my left arm to hit it. There was a small dent in it as it waved back and forth. I looked at the instructor and notice he was writing everything down. He put the clipboard on a table and walked over to a wall. He put his hand on it. A green light was popping out from behind his hand. He backed up a few steps and the wall opened. He blocked my view from what was inside. He brought out a regular punching bag. How is that going to help when I will just break it like last time? I moved out of the way and watch him set it up to the right of the other punching bag. I took a quick look at the opening in the wall and saw that it had closed. There was a clock on the wall where the opening was originally. 2:36 is what it said.

Nicodemus said “Use your left arm on the one of the left, and lightly, at first, use your right arm on the other one. I have to see if we can strengthen up your other arm so you don’t have to replace the other arm too”. I hit the punching bags again like I was instructed. Once again I watch Nicodemus write more information down on the clipboard. He lifted his head up again. Nicodemus said “How is your arm feeling”? I said “I feel nothing with my left arm and I felt no pain from my right”. He wrote down a few more lines. Nicodemus said “Well I want you continue doing this to you start feeling unbearable pain in your right arm or till I say for you to stop. Whatever comes first, he said.” I did not disobey because there are secrets in this room and who knows what they are. I don’t want to get on their bad side either. I need to earn their trust so I can find out more information.

Nicodemus said “Stop. It’s time for you to have some food”. I took a look at the clock and it said 8:12. I do not know if it’s AM or PM. There are no windows in the rooms that I have been in. I have no idea whether it is light or dark outside. Nicodemus forced me out the door and down the endless hallways. He pushed me into a room with double doors that open and close, but never lock. Inside were many other kids sitting at tables. They had trays with some pizza on them. I saw a line up at another doorway at the other end of the room. I decided to get in this line and see where it went to. I assumed it was where I could grab some food. I waited in line for a short while until I was able to see the food inside. What I could see was some water bottles, pizza, and some sort of veggies. I waited in line watching one kid after another getting the same food. Every once in a while a kid got something to put in their water or something else besides veggies. It was my turn. I grabbed a tray and a water bottle to start with. When I got up to the pizza and veggies, I gave the ladies my tray. When they handed it back, it had pizza, veggies, and some milk instead of my water. I guess they have a list of who needs to have what food. How did they know who I was though? They never asked for my name and I know I have not seen them before. I did notice a small name tag imprinted on my shirt. I never noticed that before. It makes me wonder when they placed that there. Well, I guess that answers the question of how they know who I am.

I sat at a table with the other kids. A few kids were talking to each other at this table. I decided to be one of the “silent” kids here and eat some pizza. Just as I got done with a slice of pizza a kid asked “Hey Silentwolf, my name is Jacob. How is it going for you?” I said “Um… Hello Jacob. I’m ok I guess, how about you?” Jacob said “Awesome, your not one of the silent kids. I’m pretty well.” I said “Silent kids?” Jacob said “Yea, a lot of kids are very silent and won’t talk. So it’s hard for everyone to know each other because of that.” I said “Well that’s very interesting to know. I wonder why everyone is so silent. I would like to talk some more Jacob but I want to finish my food for now.” Jacob said “Ok that’s fine. I can understand that. One last question though, how old are you?” I said “I’m 6 years old almost 7. How old are you?” Jacob said “I’m 10 years old. You act like you are older than that.” I said “Thanks, I think.” I started to eat the rest of my food. The veggies tasted weird but food is food at this point.

When I finished I looked around the room. I noticed where all the other trays were being placed. I got up with my tray and walked over there. When I got there John was standing there. I put my tray in the pile. John said “Ok Silentwolf, come with me.” He grabbed me on the arm and he forced to come with him. Even when it seems like I have a choice I never really do. I looked at the other kids as I was being pulled out of here. I saw Jacob waving goodbye. I waved back with a sad look on my face. I never did finish that chat with him.

He took me down some different hallways this time. These rooms had numbers on them. 8569 was the room he forced me into. John said “This is where you’re going to be sleeping from now on. So might as well get used to the number on the door and memorize it so you can find it yourself. If we catch you not in this room, you will be punished. Do I make myself clear on that?” I said “Yes.” John said “Good, now go to sleep. You’ll have a lot more training to do from now on as well.” He exited the room and locked the door from the outside. I sat on my bed looking around. I saw a ventilation shaft on the wall. There was nothing else in the room besides that, a light, and the bed I’m on. I wonder why the walls are white in here though. It’s starting to scare me a bit. No way to tell what’s going on outside this room. I wish there was clock or a window so I can get an idea what time it is. I better put my mind at ease for now and get some sleep. I lay down on the bed and just started to doze off for the night, or day.

Chapter 4

New Toys

I woke up to a high pitch sound. I covered my ears as fast as I could. The sound stopped after 10 seconds and I took my hands off my ears. I saw John with a weird looking whistle in his hand. I noticed he had a tattoo that looked like a big red snake in an S shape around a sword. John said “About time you woke up. Everyday I’m going to do that till you wake up on your own around this time. Come with me to your training room again.” I got up and was grabbed on my arm again. I was forced out of the room and into the hallway. We went to the right and into a room labeled 8600. John pointed at the number and said “Remember this number because you will be coming into here everyday.”

He pushed me inside the room. The door was closed behind me. It looked just like the last training room I was in. Nicodemus was standing there with a clipboard in his hand. Nicodemus said “Same thing as last time.” He pointed at the punching bags. Well I’d better get this over with. After a few hours, the skin on my left hand ripped open. No blood came out of it and I felt no pain. I look at the hole and notice the metal underneath it. It looked like human bones but they were painted silver. Nicodemus said “Don’t worry about that for now. Just continue till I say stop.” I continued again with the training.

I got thirsty after a while of continuing punching. I said while panting “Can I get…a drink...please?” Nicodemus said “Fine, let me go get some. Meanwhile, I want you to stay in this room or else.” He set down the clipboard on a table in the far corner. He went to the door and left the room. When I stopped hearing footsteps, I hurried over to the clipboard. I looked at it seeing what he had been writing down. It had a few notes on it “6:55AM: Test subject Silentwolf arrived for training”. “8:57AM: He ripped the skin on his left robotic arm. Seems like he is getting even stronger than before. Too strong for the fake skin so I’m going to have to ask what to do about that”. “11:28AM: Seems like he is running out of energy. He asked for something to drink. I left the room to go get some energy drinks.”

Well at least I have an idea on what time it is for now. Seems like he is taking every detail that is happening to me. I went to a bench that was attached to the wall. Well at least I can’t be yelled at for moving. All I did was take a seat next to the punching bags. A few minutes later I heard some footsteps in the hallway. Nicodemus came in the room with some drinks in a glass. He handed me one of them and put the others on the table. I finished it pretty fast. I got up and put my glass on the table. Nicodemus said “Ok you had your drink, now get back to training.”

I was hitting the punching bag some more. I hit a bit too hard with my right arm. I started to feel a lot of pain in that arm. Nicodemus brought out a walkie talkie. He said “We need some medical crew ready. Yes, he broke another arm I think. Medical room 4, got it.” He grabbed me by my left arm and darted out the room. He did not even bother to close the door. I struggled trying to keep up. He slowed his pace a bit so it was a bit easier to keep up now. We went through a door numbered 9147. I swear that there must be a map somewhere in order to memorize all these doors.

I recognize this room. It was the same room I was in before I lost my real arm. I hope I don’t have to lose both arms to robotic technology. It’s a nice upgrade, but it’s just not the same without being able to feel stuff. I laid down on the bed again with that weird machine above me. This time they brought out the sleeping gas before they started anything. I had a mask forced on my face. I started to see room fading into darkness yet again. I am going to make a note to destroy that stuff when I get the…

I woke up in a chair this time. I was still in my room that I slept in last time. I noticed my right arm was in a cast. John came in the door with that whistle in his mouth. He grabbed it and put that away. John said “Well you’re awake on time. I’m sure you noticed your right arm is in a cast. Also, we added some metal outlines on your bones this time. This is so you won’t break it very easily.”. Great, so I’m becoming more robotic now. “Today you are just going to be visited by a few doctors for a while. They are mainly going to ask how you are feeling and what you notice about your left arm so far. I need to go talk with a few other kids. Just letting you know so you won’t be that alarmed.” He left the room. The door slammed shut and the footsteps echoed in the hallway. I looked around the room for a paper that could tell me today’s date. I saw the paper on the floor. A folded paper was a few feet away behind the door if it was open. I got up and carefully grabbed them both and sat down at the bed. I looked at the date. It was October 23. That was 2 days after my birthday. I lost track of how long ago it was when my parents died.

I put that paper down on the bed and brought up the other one. When I unfolded it, I found out it was a diagram of some sort. When I read the title on the top of it, I found out it was a map to this place! I heard some footsteps echoing in the hallway so I quickly placed this map between the mattress and the frame of the bed. I got back on the bed and a knock came on the door. It was one of the medical staff members that I had seen in the other room. He had a tray with some food on it. He placed it on the table next to the table. He left the room without a word and slowly closed the door. I looked at the tray and saw some eggs, a glass of milk, and some sort of paper. I got up and carefully moved the table to the bed. Once I was ok where I sat and where the table was, I decide to look at the paper first. I read the paper: “Silentwolf, add the contents in the bag attached to this message into the milk. It will help you heal faster. I’m not sure if you still feel pain but if you are feeling pain this will also ease it. From your trainer Nicodemus” Hmm strange, never knew anyone cared for the kids in this place. I guess I can trust Nicodemus but I can’t be that sure yet. For once I have a choice to do it or not. Well I should listen to the message. The faster I heal the faster I get out of here. I started to pour the contents in the bag. I notice some writing. WARNING! Side effects may include sleepiness, headaches, temporary loss of memory and other side effects. Well that’s just nice. Side effects that are not even listed completely. Contents in bag are still in testing. Do not attempt to use unless address by a doctor to. Well, guess I’m a test subject for another item. Might as well try it and hope for the best. Better than sitting here taking the long road to recovery. I had my breakfast and my drink. Everything tasted normal so I guess I’m still good for them. I moved the table away from the bed and started to relax by lying down on the bed. I started to feel sleepy. I closed my eyes and decided to rest for a while.

I woke up with some pains throughout my body. I got up and stretch the best I could without that much pain. Wait a minute, I just used my right arm and no killer pains. I started to walk around to stretch my legs. I slipped to the ground hitting my head on the bed frame. My back and head were in pain now. I stayed still for a while. Once the pain decreased I decided it was best to look around. I got up and looked for what I slipped on. I saw a paper on my foot. I got back on the bed and removed the paper from my foot. I just looked at the date and ignored the rest. Today’s date was December 16. Wow, I was out for a while. I wonder how I survived without food or water. Maybe the doctors had something to do with that.

I heard footsteps in the hallways. The door was opened by John. John said “Hello, glad to see you did wake up. I was starting to worry that you were in a coma. Also, you never had a chance to talk with the doctors. I will go get them while you stay put. Don’t fall asleep this time!” The door slammed shut and I heard the footsteps fading away. It was not my fault that I was given the…um I don’t remember. I wonder what it was that caused it. I heard a few pairs of footsteps in the hallway. I’d better get ready for the questions. Hope I remember enough to answer them. The doctors came in and handed me a few papers and a pen. I looked at the paper. There were just a few simple questions. I quickly filled out the questions about how and what I felt about my arms. I handed back the items and they just left. I was expecting a more complex set of questions.

I got up and walked to the door. I listened for a few minutes and heard nothing. I looked around the room for any hidden objects that could spy on me in any way. Good, there is nothing here. I walked to the bed and started searching. Now I remember, I put it between the frame and mattress. I searched there and pulled out the map. I studied the map and found my room. Hmm… it says there is a vent in my room that connects to all the other rooms. That’s good to know for later on missions. I need a flashlight for the vents. Need to see the map somehow.

I heard some more footsteps. I quickly put the map back and got back on the bed. Nicodemus walked in. Nicodemus said “Ok, now that you’re healed it’s time to get back to training.” We walked down to the training room again. There were no punching bags hung this time. I saw two tables, a chair, and a chest. He handed me a paper with instructions at the top of it. Nicodemus said” By the time I get back I expect to see that open.” He left the room without another word. See what opened? I looked at the paper’s instructions.


Step 1 Slip off the fake skin like a sock on your left arm.

Step 2 Think about using a pick lock with your left arm.

Step 3 Open the chest by thinking to do so with your left arm.

Well, that does not sound that bad. The problem I currently see is that I don’t know where my fake and real skin is in my left arm. I started to feel around for something that felt different and could be pulled off. I noticed an overlap on my skin. There is where the fake skin and real skin meet. It was right on top of my shoulder. I started to carefully peel off the fake skin. I saw my robotic arm for the first time. Now I know more about what they did to me. I stuffed in it my pocket. I’d better hurry before he comes back. I started to think about using a pick lock and my left arm just popped out a pick lock at the end of my finger. Wow, I did not expect that to happen. I moved over to the chest to try to open it. Like what step 3 said, I thought about pick locking the chest. My left arm moved to it and started to move in different directions.

I heard some footsteps in the hallway. I’d better hurry, that could be him! When I thought about that my arm moved faster. A few seconds later the chest popped open. The picklock device went away. Nicodemus opened the door. Nicodemus said “Good you’re done on time. Grab the items and the chest and come with me.” I quickly grabbed a book that was in there. I looked again and saw nothing else. All that work for a book? I hope it was worth it. I followed him into the hallway. He opened a door and pushed me inside. It was my room again. I wonder why… Nicodemus said “Ok now study that book for a while. That’s all you have to do for now.” The door was shut and I heard a locking sound. Once again I heard footsteps on the hallways.

I looked at the book. It had no title on it. I opened it and started reading. This is a book on how to use my arm. Perfect, now I can fully understand it and see what it can do. I skipped through many pages and looked at chapter titles. One chapter caught my eye. A list of what my arm can do. Wow, it can do all sorts of stuff; laser, speakers, holographic projector, flashlight, cooking utensils, digital clock, calendar and many more. It’s like a mega survivor kit. What can a helium pump be used for? Well I guess there are not many things it can’t do.

I put down the book. I reached into my pocket and got my fake skin. It didn’t feel like a good idea to keep calling it fake skin. Felt more like a cover of what’s really under it. Guess I can call it my arm glove for now. Well, time to get some sleep. My eyes closed and my mind drifted off.

The next morning I woke up to a noise that hurt my ears. It stopped when I rolled out of bed and onto the ground while covering my ears. Nicodemus said “You’re late for training. Get up and follow me. It is time to test out what you can do with your arm.”

story not finish yet but good preview...(this is part 1 out of 3. find the others on my profile. to find the rest of book 1 that is. Book 2 still in the making.)

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