Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1559278-The-Demo-story
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1559278
This is a sample story. Written mostly to show my writing style.
Note to reader; I originally wrote this as just a sample. But more and more ideas came and I couldn't stop writing on it. As I add
Part I will book mark them for any of you returning. *-------

                                            Chapter 1 The bloody begining

         In the land of Demo nestled in the foothills of vast tall mountains is a kingdom built on strong morals. The people of this land are hard working and loyal. They have a tradition to build a stone house as a wedding present. They’ve made this a part of the ceremony the entire community raises it while the newlyweds relax at the inn. The castle stands tall on a hill in the center of Quartzshire, the largest town of this land. Made of strong granite from the mountains, Quartz castle is like a great three story wall wrapping around a beautiful courtyard. The throne room lays on the edge opposite the gate its’ colored glass roof and windows making it blend well with all the flowers grown in the courtyard. The colored glass depicts a vast mural of the lands rich history and constantly bathes the throne room in a rainbow of light. The two thrones that sit on a large platform resemble huge velvet pillows attached to form chairs. This kingdom has seen many kings and queens but their greatest story begins under king Jered and queen Sheela. King Jered was an athletic man with shoulder length grey hair and a long goatee connected to a round face. Queen Sheela was a thin woman with a long face, small round nose and thick lips. Her long red hair is always braided in elaborate patterns. Once it was fashioned into a cage that held a flying squirrel. The heirs of this time were Prince Mathew and princess Aylony. They both stand thin with broad shoulders yet their faces share little resemblance. Mathews’ long freckled face is framed with curls of red hair. Aylonies round face and short hooked nose gave her the resemblance of a small bird. However it was Aylonies large green eyes that everyone admired, they seemed to catch everything.
         The time of their rule and when this story begins was full of large beast franticly trying to continue their existence. Swords and shields were a large part of the military, and people had to work hard to have the basic thing that you barely have to think about on a daily basis.  This story begins with a young teenage girl that is very familiar with all the things they had to do day to day. She did them for herself and the princess. One fate filled night everything turned upside down.
         Helena awoke confused, her head spinning as if she were drugged. Before she could raise her head it was full of questions. She was in a strange place and couldn’t remember any events of the previous night.  As she tried to lift herself from the ground waves of pain overtook her. Every muscle in her body felt as though it was severely beaten. Helena was barely able to sit on her knees. The distraught young lady buried her face in her hands.

          “This is horrible! The sun is already above the trees and I haven’t done a single chore. The princess will be furious! I don’t even know where I am.”  As she removed her hands to survey the land a gruesome truth was revealed to her.  Splatters of blood covered her entire body. Helenas’ hands and arms were almost completely covered. The young panicked girl quickly absorbed the landscape.
         She was in a large clearing with tall grass, flowers and many weeds. Surrounding this was a dense forest of white oak trees. A stream could be heard trickling in the distance. The hills of this land were steep and full of large stones.  Knowing her options Helena struggled to her feet and moved painfully to the stream. The blood splattered girl didn’t hesitate to immerse herself in the cold water. All the pain seemed to melt away as she rubbed the blood from her arms. Just as she finished with her arms an all too familiar bay echoed through out the wood. It was Blains hound Scruff. The king must have sent the scout to find her.

         With a burst of new found energy fuelled by panic Helena flew from the stream taking buckets of water with her. The bays grew louder and in no time Scruff was in view. Knowing how excited the dog gets while hunting Helena quickly curls up on the ground. Her strategy pays off when Scruff reaches her. The hound sits and howls to signal that he has her. Soon a young man wearing a brown cloak embroidered with green leaves moves into sight. He’s tall and thin, his short black hair and grey clothes are soaked with sweat. Helena was right, it was Blain, his thin nose, square jaw and thick lips were unmistakable.

         “Helena! What did you do!? They woke me in the middle of the night screaming and handing me some of your clothes. They said if I returned without you it’d be my head! Why in blazing skies would they care about a hand maid?  What did you do?”

         Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I don’t know I can’t remember a single thing.”

         Blain took Helenas’ hand.  “Well it doesn’t matter lets get back to the castle.”

         The return to castle Whinheart was surprisingly short and uneventful. As they walked through the courtyard everyone whispering to each other made it painstakingly obvious that Helena and Blain was the only people in the castle that didn’t know what had happened.  The young hand maiden entered the throne room with half of her sopping wet plain dress dragging on the ground and all of her black hair dripping in front of her. The typical mid-morning scene was waiting for Helena.  The king contently paced on the throne platform while listening to the announcer droll out a list of this day’s business.  The queen sat on her soft red velvet throne while whispering orders to servants. Five long tables on each side of the large room were filled with servants eating, courts men watching the king, and hope filled villagers in awe of the king.
         A wave of silence rushed through the room as Helena stepped onto the dark blue carpet that ran from the throne platform to the door. As she walked every eye in the room fallowed her. Even the king speaking didn’t avert their gaze. “What were you thinking running off like that young lady? I had to waste the time of my best scout to find you. Your actions have caused a big stir in this castle.  Many believe you to be mad, or possessed.  I would like to know what you have to say for your self.”

         Before the king was finished speaking Helena was on her knees just before the steps with her hands on the first step, her head resting on them. The wet battered hand maid raised her head the instant the kings’ mouth closed. “Sire I beg of you to understand. I can’t remember a single thing that happened last night.  When I heard Blains hound I ran to him. I throw myself at your mercy sire. I only ask that you tell me what I did.”

         There was a great amount of whispering behind Helena that died out with a wave of the kings’ hand. “The gossip can wait until we are finished.  From the accounts given you had pulled a sword from a display and sought Athone Bradis. When you found him you accused him of high treason, claiming that he was to kill the princess. To the guards surprise he drew a weapon and attacked you. You showed an amazing amount of courage and skill. Then once you defeated the traitor you dropped the sword and ran. The fact that he bore a weapon alone was enough for the guards to investigate. And they found irrefutable evidence to support your claims. But now the question is what to do with you.” The king began pacing again, stroking his long grey goatee.
         During all of this the kings grand father, former king, ghost Ravn Spyulle was standing behind the kings’ throne quietly listening. As the king paced back and forth in front of the thrones the spirit appeared in front of Helena. The ghosts of the castle made her nervous.  The spirit spoke with a cracking throbbing voice similar to quiet thunder. “Helena Finsh, you have done a great service to our kingdom. For this you are granted knight status. Continue serving us well and you shall be recognized accordingly.”

         As the spirit moved back to his usual perch the king stopped and turned to Helena. “I have decided, raise Helena.” As she stood the king continued to explain his decision, “you shall be guardian to princess Aylony.  Your duties will remain the same. However you will retain the authority to investigate any occurrence that could prove a danger to the princess. If that is you can investigate before attacking people, in this land we do not kill first and ask questions later. Now go make yourself presentable and get on with your chores.”

         Helena was immensely relieved. She quickly gave a curtsy “thank you sire I promise to serve Aylony as best I can.” She then hurried from the room to begin her destiny. The rest of that day was mostly uneventful. Helena began her chores as soon as she was presentable. On a normal day Helena would feel invisible, often having to repeat herself to get peoples attention. This day was immensely different. Each person she passed would greet her by name and commend her. In the kitchen while preparing Aylonies dish Helena was spotted by Kathlyn her best friend and room mate. Kathlyn was short thin, and her dishwater blonde hair was braided and fell down to her lower back. All the maids wore a type of uniform dress that was very plain with short sleeves covering them from neck to ankle. Kathlyn had modified hers, the front hung just below the knee and tapered down toward the back. She had pleated the dress at the waist so that
It wrapped tight around her legs. She was also wearing a vest with long tails that she had made herself. Most of the servants believed Kathlyn was disrespectful. But the royal family enjoyed her style and since she wore green as she should being a guest servant they allowed this to continue.

         Kathlyn walked strait to Helena “do you know how many stories are floating around this castle about you? Even the guards are talking about what happened last night. If you don’t fill me in tonight you won’t get a moment of rest.”

         Helena smiled as she placed a slice of roast on the elaborate plate. “Well I can tell you all I know. Don’t you have a guest to serve?”

         Kathlyn sighs as she picks up one of the plates etched with a silver falcon, the symbol of Demo. “Yes, the king of Corithan, who absolutely needs five baths before dinner.” Her complaints continue as she spoons food onto the dish. “Being a maid for guests really shows me how fortunate we are to have the royal family that we do.” The thinnest slice of roast gets splattered on the plate as she continues. “If I have to explain that the servants are not required to perform sexual services I’m calling the guards.”

         Helena picked up Aylonies crystal studded pewter chalice and examined it closely before moving to the door that connected the kitchen to the throne room. Kathlyn snatched one of the glass chalices and followed Helena. Once Helena was in line she felt comfortable continuing the conversation. “What would the guards do about that?”

         Kathlyn took her place just behind her. “Oh I’m sure the guards would have a lot to say if I’ve been thrown across the room.” The conversation was ended as the thin messenger wearing his stations black coat and pants with the white undershirt rang the dinner bell. As with every other meal the maids entered in order. First was Bethine the oldest of the maids wearing the kings purple. Next was Denise a twenty year old wearing the queens red. In front of Helena was Mariad hand maid for Prince Mathew the same age as Helena and in the same blue clothes. This was the standard order for serving.

         The only thing remotely worth noting during that dinner was the king of Corithan requesting to buy Kathlyn. This shocked and appalled most of the people in the throne room. Of course king Jered informed him that slavery was not allowed in Demo and therefore no person could be purchased. As I wrote earlier the day was mostly uneventful that night however was a different story all together.

         It was late Helena was in the small room that she and Kathlyn shared.  The quarter moon was nearly visible from the narrow window shining a pale light on the deep angled sill. Under the window five candles burned upon a small square table. Next to the table was type of fountain that would pour water from the roof into a basin and drain down a hole near the top of the basin. Helena and Kathlyn appreciated the basin. The water was never drinkable but it certainly made due to keep them and their clothes clean. Helena was soaking her clothes and washing herself with a cloth standing close to the fire to keep warm. The door to the room burst open causing Helena to clench in a state of shock that immediately dissolved when she saw Kathlyn closing the door and bouncing toward her bed.

         Kathlyn threw herself on the plain tic bed giggling “I did it! I actually did it!”

         Helena finished with her scrubbing pulled the chair from under the table close to the fire and sat combing her hair with her fingers. “What are you talking about? Should I expect guards to come and bash down the door be…”

         “No no nothing like that, I called the guards on that ass it was great!” Kathlyn rolled over and sat up giggling.

         “Blazes what did the guards do?” Helena began wringing her clothes out.

         Kathlyn bounced from the bed with her newfound energy and began gathering her dirty clothes. “Well they said ‘we can not allow you to harm the servants.’ And of course that scummy king told them he didn’t do anything and his guards agreed. But the castle guards said it doesn’t matter no one was in trouble it was just their job to protect me. Oh you should have seen the look on his face. Yeah he didn’t get in trouble but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted him to know what happens when a maid screams here. After that he was allot nicer to me. But you said you would tell me what happened so start talking.”
         Helena told her story as Kathlyn washed her clothes and herself. After Helenas recounts the two young ladies tossed around fantasies of becoming the greatest maids the world has ever known. Keeping the linen clean would be nothing for these two they would also keep the family safe and show the best countries to align with. They would date the best artists and jewels would find their way to them like lost puppies find a home. After a while of giggles romantic ideas and berries Helena snuck from the kitchen the ladies retired to bed.

         That night Kathlyn awoke in a state of panic. Something was very wrong the room was far too bright. It seemed to Kathlyn as if the moon were trying to squeeze into the room with them. She could see every detail in the room. To her right a small spider was crawling down the wall just out of reach of her hand. That was when she realized, she was not in bed. She wasn’t even on the ground. Somehow she had managed to wedge herself in the corner of the small room. With her feet and hands pressing against each wall Kathlyn was suspended higher than she believed jumping could reach. The room was as cold as a winter morning just before sunrise, and being in the spring made that very strange. Every hair on Kathlyns body was standing on end. Kathlyn wanted to crawl back into bed but she was frozen with fear.

         Helena sat up rubbing her eyes. “What do you need?” Then she held out her hands as if receiving something and simply stared quietly at nothing for several moments. Kathlyn was sure a ghost was in the room she had heard stories like this. She could only assume that Helena was talking in her sleep. Then Helena said “thank you sire” and the fear ran from Kathlyn like water. The room warmed considerably as Kathlyn dropped.  Helena let out a yelp and pointed an empty fist at Kathlyn “who’s there?”

         Kathlyn moved to the small fireplace “I thought you were asleep.” She began throwing sticks onto the glowing coals.

         “No the king woke me, would you mind lighting a candle or two I can’t see a thing aside from the window the fireplace and you.” Helena made a motion with her hands as if she was sheathing an invisible sword.

         “How could the king wake you when he’s asleep in his chamber?” Kathlyn says as she pokes the fire with a stick.

         “No not king Jered it was the ghost of king Ravn. And he gave me this sword.” Helena held up her empty left hand. “He said it was special and it would help me protect the Princess.”

         Kathlyn stood in amazement staring at Helena with the burned stick in her hand. “You saw the ghost of king Ravn?”

         “Well yeah he’s been standing in the throne room every day for the last month. He even knighted me earlier today. You had to have seen it you were there.”

         “I would remember my best friend getting knighted by a GHOST. No one saw that Helena except for you.” Kathlyn took the smoldering end of the stick and rolled it on the top of a candle, then lit the stick with the fire. “I really don’t understand why you want me to light the candles it’s almost like day in here.” She then touched the wicks of three candles with the flame on the stick.

         “Wait, I can see ghosts? I thought every one was seeing them.” Helena stumbles out of bed and moves toward the fireplace reaching for her dresses. “Well I think we’ll be up for the day.”  She takes hers and Kathlyns’ clothes down and begins walking to the wardrobe between their beds to put them away. When she glances at Kathlyn the clothes fall and Helenas’ hands fly to her mouth.

         “What’s wrong?” Kathlyn says nervously.

         Helena moves her hands. “Your eyes are glowing like a cats eyes.” She picks the clothes back up and continues putting them away. “We need to speak with the queen as soon as we can.”  Helena pulls one of her dresses on and sits on her bed.

         Kathlyn looks at Helena, and a sly smile grows on he thin lips. “I’ll come with you to see the queen if you allow me to modify one of your dresses.”

         “Oh here we go again, fine but the first words from my mouth will be that you did it.”

         “Good I take pride in my work.” Kathlyn began working immediately. In no time Helena was wearing the new dress. It had a wide arched slit on each side that ran up to the knee. On the waist of the dress was a wide blue cloth tied in a big bow on her lower back. Kathlyn stood with her hands on her hips looking Helena over. “Stylish and practical it looks good on you. Of course blue really does suite you.”

         Both of the ladies realized that sunrise was to come soon. If they intended to speak with the queen their morning chores would need to be finished very soon. Their morning hustle paid off for them. Princess Aylony and the king of Corithan were both clean and dressed before the sun was completely up. The two young maids entered the queens’ chamber to find the queen was being bathed. Denise poured a pitcher of water over the queen and picked up a razor “how would you like to be shaved today madam?”

         Queen Sheela raised one of her thin long legs. “I liked Jereds’ reaction to the last shaving. I would like to see if he has the same reaction this time.”

         Denise rubs a cream on the leg, and then begins shaving the hair off. “You are truly fortunate to have a husband as passionate as the king madam.”

         “No dear my fortune lays in the fact that he’s passionate with me. Most other kings would have moved on to his servants as soon as an heir was born. But do try to focus dear I really don‘t need to be cut.”  As the queen enjoyed her bath Helena and Kathlyn surveyed the room. It was entirely decorated in red on the south wall was an enormous window covered by heavy velvet drapes lined with gold and tied back with silver ropes. The colored glass roof of the throne room below seemed to reflect a rainbow in the bottom glass panels. Just under the enormous window stood a large elaborate white oak desk with several drawers, and on either side of the desk were great shelves filled with books. The rest of the walls were covered with paintings of Demos royal family. The queens’ bed was large enough to fit six people with tall post holding drapes identical to the ones on the window.  In the center of the north wall sat a fireplace big enough for Helena and Kathlyn both to sit in. A fire heated a kettle of water on a swinging hook. The beautiful queen looked over as she had water poured over her. “I see blue and green in my red chamber. I do hope this is important. Helena you finally allowed Kathlyn to alter one of your dresses it becomes you.”

         Helena gave a blushing curtsey “thank you madam. We came to inform you of strange things we have noticed about ourselves.”

         Kathlyn was bobbing with excitement. The dress she wore that day had overlapping gently tapered sections causing it to resemble an upside down green water lily. Her bobbing gave the appearance of her dress attempting to chew her legs. “Helena can see ghosts and I can see in the dark and smell everything I can even smell all the ingredients of that cream two of them are from distant lands but you have some of them in one of the drawers of your desk. Helena was even knighted yesterday by king Ravn.”

         The queen steps out of the tub allowing Denise to dry her with a linen cloth. Her body was breathtakingly beautiful her stomach was well defined and her bosom held high on its own.  “Well these are exceptional things. I know you are both the same age, Helena how old are you?”

         “We are thirteen madam.”

         “I see, always a momentous year for a person. Aylony becomes thirteen this summer. Well I will bring this to the kings’ attention and arrange an appointment with the physician or the priest, perhaps both. I can assure Helena that your place will not change. But we might have more for Kathlyn to do. Now I believe there are things you should be doing in the kitchen. You run along while I converse with the king.”

         As they were instructed Helena and Kathlyn continued their chores. They served boiled eggs berries ham and bread. Then they ate berries and oatmeal. After eating they lined along the wall with an immense hope that the king would address Kathlyns new found abilities. To their great disappointment aside from the daily trials and disputes only one thing happened.  Bradone Fisher an ambassador sent to the furthest eastern land known had returned. He was accompanied by two men wearing the most beautiful fabrics that seemed to shimmer in the rainbow of light that cast down from the ceiling.

         Bradone was wearing a simpler version of the foreigners’ clothes a pleated purple skirt, a thick grey vest a white shirt with very long sleeves and a wide purple belt that wrapped his waist several times.
The foreign men had much more elaborate skirts with blue and red vertical stripes that seemed to be part of the fabric. Bradone walked to the first step and bowed to one knee. The foreign men followed side by side two arm lengths behind, and then got on their knees placing their foreheads on the floor.

         King Jered was beaming he always enjoyed learning of new lands. “Tell me Fisher what news and trades have you brought from the far land of Jandas?”

         Bradone stood “I have great news sire. I have learned a great amount of their language. They are very interested in our iron even willing to trade silk and gold for it. The lord Hashumaki has sent Maiaku Toru a man hat has been working with me to learn our language and teach me theirs.” Bradone gestures to the thin balding man on his left. Toru sits upright to show his thin mustache and wrinkled brow. “The lord has also sent his best warrior Koraito Hanzo.” Bradone gestures to the heavily scarred man to his right.
The foreigner sat up to show that his clean shaven face was more scar than skin.

         The king addressed the thin foreigner first. “I’m very glad you are visiting my land I will expect you to teach the members of my court as much of your language as possible during your visit.”

         Toru placed his head on the floor again before speaking. “Thank you, lord Hashumaki has sent a gift to show his generosity.” At this four guards went outside and carried a great bronze bell in setting it just inside the door. The bell had a scene of a beautiful landscape being farmed by villagers wrapped around it. On the top was a wingless dragon breathing water down that poured into the river on the scene. It stood almost as tall as the guards carrying it. Near the top on either side were rings allowing poles to be slid through for carrying.

         The king laughed “That truly is a remarkable piece. Now for the greatest warrior your lord has to offer. You are in luck for our previous guest left this morning. You shall be served by my greatest guest maid Kathlyn.” The king gestured to Kathlyn and she gave a curtsey.” The rest of the day was tediously filled with tales of Jandas. The bell was placed in the courtyard.

         Later that night Kathlyn entered her room took one of Helenas’ dresses and her sewing basket from the wardrobe and sat on the chair to decide how she’d alter it. Helena walked through the door soon after closing it behind her. “I don’t understand I was sure the king would address your new duties. Do you think the queen didn’t talk to him?”

         Kathlyn sighed “I don’t know maybe they’re right. Maybe I’m too independent and outspoken. What if they heard about last night and they think I’ll just cause problems. Maybe I should have just done what that king wanted.”

         There was a loud knock on the door that startled both the maids. One of the guards shouted on the other side “Kathlyn the king is requesting your presence lets not keep him waiting.”

         Kathlyn gets up from the chair and walks to the door whispering “see I’m in trouble.” She opens the door “I’m ready.” As the guard led her to the kings’ chamber he mind reeled with possible punishments for upsetting the king of Corithan.  First she’d probably be forced to wear the same bland green dresses the other guest maids wear. Then she’ll likely get half the meal everyone else gets and be forced to eat last. They’re likely to put her on hall floor duty for a year. Or worse she could get thrown out of the castle. When the kings’ chamber door was opened tears were rolling down Kathlyns’ cheek. The kings’ chamber being directly across the hall from the queens was almost a mirror in decoration. Everything was oppositely placed compared to the door and it was all in purple.

         The king was sitting at his desk under the great window. When he saw Kathlyn he immediately rose and rushed toward her. “Oh my you think you’re in trouble. Don’t be alarmed dear that couldn’t be further from the truth.” The king gently took her hands with his soft and aged guiding her to his bed. “Sit and relax, I assure you everything is fine.” King Jered stepped back placing those aged hands on his hips. “Well I am very surprised to see the strong Kathlyn sitting before me in tears. Tell me young lady why are you so worried.”

         “Well,” Kathlyn struggled to speak between sobs. “I was sure you had heard of what happened with the king of Corithan. And I was going to be punished for upsetting him.”

         King Jered let out a laugh. “Oh goodness no in fact that is one of the reasons I have decided to give you new duties.” The king snapped his fingers. Bethine placed a bolt of black silk and the best shears Kathlyn had ever seen before on her lap. “I believe you could use this in your new duties. You will be my castle spy. Watch any guest in your charge closely. Make an outfit that covers your entire body with that material. Wear it anytime you watch someone that you would not normally be around. Like in the middle of the night. Report anything odd to me. Do you think you can do this dear?”

         Kathlyn stood and curtseyed low “yes sire. I can begin as soon as you would like.”

         “You already have begun. I don’t trust this warrior. Watch him like a cat.”

         “Yes sire.” she could barely contain her excitement. She felt as though her wildest dreams were coming true. Kathlyn turned and walked to the door.

         “Oh and be sure the outfit you make with that is not a dress. If you happen to be seen I intend to excuse it as another country spying on us.” The king contently went back to the work on his desk. Kathlyn ran to her room like a great cat chasing prey taking the turns on the walls.

         Once in her room she instantly spilled out everything the king said to her barely taking a breath. She had to repeat some parts due to the speed of her recantation. Not long after she was working on her outfit. Throughout the night Helena would look at her and smile. She too felt as if all their wildest dreams were coming true.
         The next day Helena was walking along the first floors’ west hall. She had just finished washing Aylonies’ clothes in the well room. The hairs on her neck stood as she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. As her head turned to see who was there she froze at the flickering image of a guard covered with blood. His chain shirt and undershirt were both tore at the chest. In the opening was a gaping wound showing bones and veins. Blood was pouring out of the wound in a fast steady rhythm. The guard stood there with one hand reaching out to Helena while gasping for air. Strange sounds filled her ears sounding like something metal scraping a great bell. Then the image disappeared taking the strange sounds with it. Helena shook the feeling off and went on with her daily chores. Later with no amount of surprise Helena heard that a guard had been found dead early in the morning.

         Later that night Kathlyn was trying out her newly made outfit. It was all one piece held tight with draw strings at the ankles, wrist, waist and on the face leaving the rest to flow loosely.  The only places not covered, aside from the slit that allowed her to see, were the palms of her hands and feet. She leaped about for a few moments. Content with her new creation Kathlyn began filling a large sack with ashes from the pot that sat next to the fireplace. “I’m going to watch the foreign warrior. Please don’t start a fire while I’m gone.” Before Helena could ask Kathlyn was crawling through the fireplace.
         Soon Kathlyn was on the roof moving quietly through the chimneys. She found the chimney that led to the warriors’ room. Earlier that night she had stacked his fire in a way that would burn fast leaving very few coals and her efforts were very worthwhile the chimney stood empty. Kathlyn gently poured some of the ashes down the middle to be sure, and then slid herself down with the bag dangling below. Once she climbed out of the fireplace she began looking round. All his possessions came in a large ornate wooden chest that depicted a very gory battle. She found it sitting at the foot of the large plain bed. Rummaging through the chest only revealed the typical traveling things so Kathlyn moved on to the desk. She only found more disappointment. It was obvious that the desk had not been used, except to hold a very well crafted sword. Kathlyn drew the blade and took in every detail. The blade wreaked of oil, no smell of blood was on any part of the sword. She returned it to the scabbard and placed it back on the desk. Kathlyn stood there for several moments watching the sleeping foreigner trying to gain some insight into what she should do. Her only idea was to hide in a corner waiting to catch him in the act.

         Kathlyn stood in the corner waiting for what seemed to be all night. The moon was now filling the room with light through the glass panel window. The empty silence seamed to amplify every sound. The sleeping warrior sounded like a runaway carriage even though he wasn’t snoring. A sharp metal grinding sound came from the window just before it opened. A man wearing cheap black clothes with a large black rag tied over his mouth and nose swung into the room with cat like reflexes. His clothes were loose, except on the forearms and shins where he had wrapped black cloth tightly. And he was wearing strange sandals that seemed familiar to Kathlyn. She soon realized they were the same kind worn by the foreign warrior.
This man must be from the same country. The dagger in his right hand suggested his intention. The man moved silently to one side of the bed. Kathlyn lunged forward like a cat silent and swift reaching for the dagger.

         Kathlyns mind was working faster than ever. She was aware of every movement in the room as she flew through the air. She landed with surprising grace grabbing the dagger wielding hand. Not sure what to do Kathlyn wedged the fingers of her right hand behind his then grabbed the pummel with her left hand and sprung backwards. The foreign spies’ grip did not falter. With his free hand he grabbed her right hand twisting it counter clockwise forcing her to release him and bend forward with her arm painfully locked. He was twisting her arm to the limit. She was sure he would break it soon. Her left arm and shoulder were the only part of her body that was mobile, moving it down seemed to relieve part of the tension on her arm. Trying the only thing she could think of Kathlyn rotated he upper body counter clockwise. To her relief this unlocked her arm allowing it to be pulled free of the foreign spies grasp. The man instantly leaped backward toward the window pointing his left hand at Kathlyn. White smoke flew from his hand to her face blinding Kathlyn. When the strange smoke filled her nose and intruded her mouth the taste told her that it was ash and not smoke. As any servant then would she knew exactly what to do. The young spy refrained from touching her eyes and headed to the tub. Once she poured the water in the pitcher over her face the pain was gone.

         The warrior began to stir in his bed. Kathlyn didn’t want to take any chances. She flew to the fireplace climbing up to the roof as swiftly and quietly as possible. Finding the kings chamber was easy for Kathlyn. The large fire that was burning forced her to climb in through the window. The king was alone reading translation notes at his desk. He was so involved in his work he didn’t notice the spy crouching an arms length in front of him. “Sir, I have a report.”

         The king jumped in his chair. “Oh it’s you Kathlyn, Toru has gotten me all worked up about these spies that live in Jandas. Apparently they are sorcerers able to breathe fire and disappear in a cloud of smoke. He claims that the guard was killed by one of these. However I am eager to hear of your findings.”

         “Well there were only old splatters of blood on his clothes. He has cleaned his sword very recently. I have the impression that he does this daily. While I was investigating I stopped a spy from killing him. I believe that spy was from Jandas.” Kathlyn waited desperately for approval.

         The king nodded “well it seems clear to me that all this is simply a Jandas affair. The guard Randol Mason probably found his way in the middle of a skirmish. I still want you to keep your eyes on Hanzo. I believe it would benefit you to learn about these people tonight.” The king spent a great deal of that night explaining what he had learned of the Jandas language.

         Meanwhile Helena decided that she would be far more useful searching for a ghost that knows what happened. With a large candle in her hands she began wandering the halls looking for an apparition.
Every guard Helena passed walked ready to draw their weapon. The air was thick with tension. For well over half the night she roamed the halls only finding spirits with nothing to say. Dawn was approaching and Helena had gained nothing. She was grilling a ghost she suspected was a thief in life when a strange sound came from around a corner. Sure that anything would be more helpful than the spirit she was interviewing Helena followed the sound. Once she rounded the corner a tremendous wave of fear crashed over her. Only an arms length away stood a guard with blood draining out of a massive wound. He was nearly split in two standing with the gapping wound exposing every rib on his left side and many organs. His left shoulder and arm covered in blood dangled held only with the muscles and skin of his torso.

          Helena struggled to find word that would reassure the spirit “it’s alright we’ll find the person responsible. Return to the creator…” Her stomach wreched and heaved. She couldn’t hold it back. She had butchered countless chickens, rabbits, and even pigs but this was too much for her. As the contents of her stomach spilled all over the floor footsteps grew louder. Soon two guards were panicking beside her.

         “By the blazes what happened!?”

         “Look at this mess what should we do?!”

         “Run and get the physician even if you must drag him from bed!”

         One of the guards ran down the hall with all his speed. Helena looked up struggling to tell them she was only in shock. Her eyes grew to the size of coins, and her head spun in confusion. The guard that remained in the hall was franticly trying to hold the wounded guards shoulder together. “Don’t worry Tomas help is coming. Take gentle breaths CREATION HELP MEEE!” The realization that the guard was alive was more than the maid could handle. The room went black all the sounds echoed in the distance then disappeared.

         Helena woke with a cold cloth on her forehead. Two different guards were standing over her talking. “Ok what I want to know is how did a kid end up guarding the castle? I went through three barbarian raids before getting sent here.”

         “Well I’m sure you remember when king Jered took the throne he decreed that all men would be trained as soldiers and any woman could volunteer. They decided to start training at the age of ten. Normally the training would take about 5 years but some took it in fast. Once they finished training they’re allowed to join the guards if they want. The fast learners were usually just happy to be done with it and they’d go on with their lives. But last year five boys and one girl passed all the tests at twelve years old. Then all six of them insisted on becoming guards. They were all sent to Stag Ville the quietest town in the land. And you know what being fresh is like. Mostly polishing, mending, cleaning, if you go on patrol it’s with a seasoned guard. No one expected the town would be attacked. Two months ago barbarians attempted a raid there. The barbarians went between to bigger towns to get to Stag Ville. Those six kids were the only surviving guards there and they defeated the barbarians. The king decided that they were more than worthy to guard here.”

         As the guard explained all of this Helena arose and was listening to the tale. The story had left her very surprised. “I didn‘t know that six of the castle guards are my age.”

         The guard smiled giving Helena the same look a good father would give a child when asked questions that only a fossil could know . “Oh you didn’t, Helena what is my name?” She could give no answer. “Don’t worry we understand. The chain hoods and uniforms make us all look the same. It’s very easy to see us all as simply faceless guards. That’s why you haven’t noticed guards your own age. You haven’t really looked at any of us, and my name is Daniel”
Helena thanked Daniel before rushing to her room. That day was excruciatingly long for Helena and Kathlyn. Both of the maids were struggling to do the simplest things. Once lunch was served the queen sent them to their room for a much needed sleep. Kathlyns studies did help that day. She could only convey the simplest things but even that caused a change in mood with Hanzo. Her attempts to interrogate him were futile. He was very cooperative she just couldn’t understand his responses.

         Helena and Kathlyn awoke in the evening and wasted no time to further their investigation.  Helena decided to look for spirits around the guest rooms. Kathlyn, determined to catch the foreign spy, returned to Hanzos’ room wearing her black outfit. The young spy had realized that moving through the dark hall unnoticed was much easier than she had believed. Prowling through the hall Kathlyn found an empty room close to Hanzos’ then climbed out of that window. Soon she was in the room watching Hanzo sleep. Not far behind Helena walked through the hall. As she approached the room that ambassador Bradone occupied Helena heard an irate woman screaming.

         With an idea in mind Helena knocked on the door. The muffled voice grew louder just before Bradone opened the door. Bradone stood in the doorway appearing drained as though he hadn’t slept in days. Behind him was the opaque image of a middle aged maid continuing her tantrum, “you deserve it!”
You’re scum and I’ll make your life miserable until you get exiled!” The spirit ran into the room and began swinging her arms through Bradones’ possessions causing them to budge.

         “Princess Aylony wanted me to ask if you needed anything.” Helena watched the spirit try to move things.

         “I suppose you could wash my clothes for me.” Bradone grabs his dirty clothes and gives them to Helena. As he closes the door the spirit notices Helena holding his clothes and runs to her. Helena bore the screaming for a moment as she walks down the hall.

         Once they were far enough Helena stopped and looked at the spirit. “Would you please stop yelling you’re hurting my ears.” Having said that Helena continued on to find an empty room.

         The very surprised spirit lowered her tone. “How can you hear me? It doesn’t matter you shouldn’t be serving that traitor. In fact you should go directly to the king and inform him there is a traitor in this castle.”

         By then Helena had entered a doorway and closed the door. She threw the clothes down and began searching them. “What did he do?”

         “He’s trying to start a war with Jandas.”

         Helena couldn’t find anything among the clothes. “How do you know?”

         “He keeps saying that once he gets back to Jandas we’ll go to war with them.”

         “Thank you, I’ll tell the king right away. The king will have it investigated. Can you tell me who has been attacking the guards?”

         “No I’ve been watching that traitor since he’s been here.”

         “Would you try to find out for me please?”

         “Yes I can do that for you.” Both of the maids gave a curtsey and left the room. Helena took Bradones clothes to the well room, and headed to king Jereds’ chamber. Along the way she heard the distinct sounds of swords striking together. The young maid ran around the corner hoping to find the man responsible for the attacks. Once around the corner her jaw dropped. The foreigner Kathlyn had described to Helena was swinging a blade at one of the guards as another guard stood watching and laughing. Both guards had cuts and separations in their uniforms and chain mail. As she watched the duel Helena noticed a lack of blood as though no one was injured. For several moments the guard and the foreigner clashed blades dancing and twisting to avoid the others’ strikes. Soon the spy lands a thrusting strike on the center of his opponents’ chest. To Helenas surprise, instead of sinking the blade in, he leaps back allowing the guard to ready himself once more before continuing their bizarre dance.

         Helenas’ curiosity overtook her caution, “what are you people doing?”

NOTE: I have realized that this story will continue to grow. I'm sure that by the time I'm done It will be a novel, possibly a series. So I've decided to quit posting and finish the book first. I may post it when it's done. I do apologize for leaving so many questions unanswered. I won't ruin anything but I will say that there are several people in that land with gifts. All of them were born in the same year. I am intending all of them to be introduced and adults by the third chapter.
© Copyright 2009 Justin Crisp (jcrisp1369 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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