Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1558993-Nightmares-Chap-6
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #1558993
Chapter 6. Warning for erotic content and some foul language.
         Chap 6.

         At least it wasn't a nightmare this time. The dream was strange, tense and incredibly awkward, but at least it wasn't scary and for once I slept all night through. But when I woke up I was wet with perspiration and heat seemed to vibrate in the air around me. It was almost a miracle the fire detector hadn't gone of yet. I stayed put on the bed, my covers in a crumbled up heap at my feet, and just tried to steady my ragged breathing. I tried to shove the memories of the dream away, I was embarrassed just thinking about it, but no matter how hard I tried the pictures still popped into my head. In the end it got so frustrating I knew I needed to talk about it to get some of it out of my system and I dressed hastily in the new clothes one of the nurses had left me. Typical hospital clothes since I hadn't any extra of my own. It was a pair of soft, thin, light pink scrub pants, a white t-shirt and a soft gray cardigan. When I'd quickly brushed through my hair just using my fingers, I rushed down the stairs to Frayda's office.          
         “Dr. Winters?” Frayda raised her eyebrows in a chocked expression.
         “Yes,” I squeaked. I held my face buried in my arms on her large desk. This wasn't the office where she normally treated her patients, but rather a smaller paperwork-only office. There were no large couch to slouch on, only a small chair in front of the desk for temporary guests.
         “And you had sex with him? There was only him?”
         I nodded, still embarrassed.
         “Do you know what might have brought this on?” I could feel how she stared at me.
         Of course I knew where it came from, at least I thought I did. The way he'd run his finger down my nose yesterday had been much to intimate for a normal doctor-patient relationship. At that time I'd felt sickened by his behavior, but tonights dream had pushed other feelings into motion and now it was hard for me to think of anything else than his hands on my hips as he'd forced himself inside me. A chill made it's way down my spine and I felt a surge of heat gather between my thighs. Not even here in my therapists office could I stop the memories!
         I just shook my head at her question. I couldn't possible tell her that! The doc would probably loose his license if this got out, or at least get suspended for a while. I couldn't have that on my conscience.
         Why do I  even care?
         I didn't know the answer to my own question. I wasn't even sure if I did care! But I thought I was... maybe... or was I?
         Gah! I felt so dizzy from all the confused thoughts swirling around in my head.
         Why is this happening to me?!
         I ate my breakfast in silence, not conversing with the other patients, in fact, they all seemed to inch away from me, their chairs scraping on the linoleum floor. They clearly didn't like the fact that I was back, no matter how brief my stay was. I ignored them, scooping spoonful after spoonful of cereal into my mouth. Someone pulled out the chair to my left, I didn't look to see who it was, it was obvious when he ruffled my hair and greeted me happily.
         “Good morning, Keily. Sleep well?”
         Njor... Sorry again, Dr Winters, right?
         Sleep well? Hmm, depends on how you see it, I guess. I thought to myself. As an answer I just gestured vaguely with my shoulders, as I couldn't really find my voice. I started shuffling around the cereals, now soggy from absorbing to much milk, in my bowl. I couldn't eat another bite. I wasn't exactly full, and I hadn't really lost my appetite, I just couldn't eat when he was near. I was afraid I might choke on it or something.
         I kept my head bowed over my breakfast, but my eyes drifted to the left, watching how his brown hands moved. I noticed how young they looked and realized that he couldn't be much older than Dan. Perhaps only five or six years older. How old did that make him? I occupied myself by trying to calculate his age in my head. I remembered vaguely that Julie had told me Dans age when she told me about his birthday... what was it?
         And all the while I stared at Njors brown, long fingered right hand from the corner of my eye. How his fingers lightly encircled his glass of orange juice, the colors look stunning together, and bringing it up to his mouth, disappearing from my view.
         Dan is 28, right? Add a maximum of six years, thats 34. That's only ten years my senior... I hadn't realized I'd stopped moving, sitting still and silent as a statue, until the hand I'd watched so intently the last couple of minutes touched my shoulder, squeezing carefully.
         “Are you alright, Keily?” Is there actual concern in his voice?
         Of course there is! He's my doctor, he's supposed to be concerned for me.

         I only mumbled something incoherently, I doubted he heard what I said, I wasn't to sure of it myself. I had to stop thinking about him like this! It didn't exactly improve my metal condition, did it?
         “Sweetie, you should finish your cereal. You need to eat properly, remember?” he said as I started to rise to leave the table. I needed an excuse, I simply couldn't eat anymore right now.
         “I need to pack...” I mumbled, allowing myself to steal a quick glance at him.
         “Really?” He raised an eyebrow at me, eying my borrowed clothes and obviously not believing a word, then turned to look straight ahead of himself and taking a sip from his juice. “As far as I know, you don't have anything To pack.” he continued In a casual tone.
         I didn't answer. I just shoved my chair in to the table with a small bang and left. Before I exited the dining room I shot a quick look back at the table at which he sat and saw how my red-haired therapist had taken my seat, and was now locked in conversation with the doctor.

         Well back in my temporary room I didn't know what to do. I made my bed, like I had always done when living here, and sat down on it, facing the lonely window. Gray and white clouds chased each other over the winter sky, a crow flew past the window, on it's search for food I guessed, and snow lay in large soft sheets over the grounds. Pine Peak Asylum. My home for the seven years after I'd got transferred from a juvenile ward in a neighboring city. After that, about only a week ago, it felt much longer, Id' been discharged and had went to live with Julie at her place in Kachada. The asylum was located about a fifteen minutes drive from there, nestled on a hill, surrounded by a large forest mainly consisting of pines, thereof the name Pine Peak.
         I knew that, if you followed a narrow road that led east, straight in to the forest, there was a small village inhabited by druids. My thoughts drifted back to Njor and I unconsciously wondered if that was where he lived. He was always quick to get here when something came up.
         Stop it! I shook my head, my white hair flying around me, as I tried to push the disturbing pictures of my doctor out of my head.
         I want to go home, I groaned to myself. I missed Julie and it felt like an eternity before she would come get me this afternoon. I pulled my knees up to my chin, hugging my legs and trying to find some comfort in my own tight embrace. I wasn't sure how long I'd been sitting like that, wrapped in my own arms, starring out the window at the gray sky when a soft knock on the door made me spin around, my embrace broken, one hand splayed on the bed behind me as I awkwardly twisted around myself to see who it was. Dr. Winters' brown faced, black haired head peeked around the door, his green eyes searching.
         “Ah, there you are.” he smiled and entered the room, closing the door behind him. He walked over to where I sat and I turned from him to once again wrap my arms around my legs.          
         I didn't look at him directly, but stared in direction of the window. But I didn't see much of the window now. He was there. He was in the way. My eyes wouldn't stay where I put them, the same gray skies I'd been looking at for a while now. Instead they were drawn towards where his hands were, shoved deeply into his white lab coat pockets. Unfortunately for me, his hidden hands were in the same visual area as the upper part of his dark blue jeans, with everything that included.
         “Urgh!” I shut my eyes tight and buried my face in my knees as forbidden thoughts entered my head, weather I wanted them to or not.
         I've never seen one up close... wonder what it looks like... Shut up! I wonder if it's as good as people say it is... is it like when you do it to yourself? And so on and so forth.
         I heard the bed squeak and felt it give way a little when he sat down next to me and I couldn't help but to feel how the muscles in my jaws grew hard as my whole body tensed. Why did he have to sit next to me?!
         “What's bothering you today, sweetie? You're more quiet than usual.”
         I simply shook my head and pressed my forehead harder against my knees.
         “Wow... Nothing?” he said with mocking surprise in his voice. “You're not even giving me the evil eye today. Something is definitely bothering you.”
         He continued when he realized I simply wouldn't answer. “Dr. Gunner told me about the talk you two had this morning. About that dream of yours...” His voice was... probing, I decided, and I looked at him with a half angry, half anxious expression. My eyebrows were drawn down, my mouth set into a grim line and I could feel a tremble working its way to my lower lip. And he just sat there, leaned back, his arms stretched out behind him and his hands planted firmly against the bed-covers. His long, jeans-clad legs were stretched out in front of him, his feet crossed. And he just looked at me. In that exact way I both did and did Not want him to look at me. He'd narrowed his eyes and a smile grew widely on his face as I felt my own face grow hot with humiliation. How much had Frayda told him exactly?
         You should talk to him about it. Her voice echoed in my head. I had protested loudly at her suggestion earlier. Talk to him about how I'd dreamed about him? No Way!
         His next line hit me like a punch in the stomach.
         “It's not so strange,” he began, “ A girl your age, despite the fact that you have a mental illness, you still have needs and...”
         He can't talk like that! I shut him out by covering my ears and again hiding my face in my knees. After only a couple of seconds he removed my hands that were covering my ears and I looked at him with a dreading feeling in my chest. My breathing grew uneven when I saw how close his face was, his emerald eyes locking with mine.
         “I think, all you need, is to blow off some steam.”
         Is he saying what I think he's saying? I swallowed heavily with a very visible gulp and he chuckled quietly.
         I felt so confused. What was I supposed to do in a situation like this? Well, I did know one thing I Should do, but I wasn't sure I wanted to. He on the other hand, seemed to have a very clear picture of what he wanted. He leaned in on me and I felt his lips softly brushing against mine, I couldn't do anything else but stare, unbelieving, at him with wide open eyes. My legs grew weak and soon I found myself in a normal seated position as Njor cupped my face with his right hand, holding My right trapped on the bed with his left, and deepened the kiss.
         This is wrong, I thought, over and over again. I hate this man, don't I? Then why couldn't I stop the ecstasy growing in the pit of my stomach? Why did I suddenly crave him? Allowing him to do this? Then I froze. I more felt than heard the low rumbling growl of disapproval emitting from the doctors chest as he felt me tense up. I tried to push away from him, resisting the urge to mold myself into his strong chest, but his right hand wandered to the back of my head, his fist balling up around a generous collection of my hair.
         “What now? I thought this was what you wanted.” His lips moved against mine as he spoke and he eyed me with a hint of anger. “You need this, Keily. Trust me for once, or would you rather I used this?” The hand that had clamped my wrist let go and I heard how he ruffled around after something in his coat. I looked a little to the side and saw the sterile wrapped syringe, without a doubt containing some sort of tranquilizer. I breathed a denial, I wasn't very eager for a needle in my neck. He smiled a ravenous smile and sensually caressed my slightly parted lips with his tongue. His kisses then left a burning trail down my neck and my resistance went up in smoke. I exhaled loudly, the breath ending in a small whine and his kisses got more vehement in response. His hand tugged on my hair, making my head dip backwards to give him easier access to my throat. His free hand touched the small of my back, pressing me closer to him and he nibbled lightly on the exposed skin just above my t-shirt.
         “So, do you want to relive those wet dreams of yours?” He murmured. “Let's release some of that tension, or what do you say?” He looked me in the eyes again and I could see how my own desire reflected in him. His eyes, normally green and glittering like emeralds grew dark with unbridled passion and he suddenly yanked me up on my feet. I was pulled over to the window where he turned to stand behind me. I was uncertain of what he wanted me to do, I was new at this after all and I definitely couldn't think straight with his heavy breathing in my ear and one of his hands that sneaked in under my t-shirt, gripping one of my breasts. I gasped and my hands clenched on the windowsill, my legs shook, hell, my whole body trembled as one hand fondled my breasts and the other moved downwards from my flat stomach to nestle itself in my pubic hair and all the while he kissed and licked everything from my neck up to my ear. I couldn't help but to let out a moan as one of his skilled fingers reached the most sensitive part of my body, stroking my clit gently.
         Shit! What's he doing? Is it possible to feel better than this? I groaned in my head. I wanted to doubt it, but I've always heard that foreplay was only a shallow taste to what would come later and I found myself thinking that I could hardly wait.
         Damn, this isn't right! Again I felt doubt about our actions rush over me like a tidal wave, and I tried to turn around, to stop him from what he was doing but he removed his hand from my pants and locked it around my throat. This scared me. My breath quickened and I could feel the usual tingle in my hands. Was he going to force me now? Couldn't he stop himself, so he felt the need to use force? I whined a little, twisting under his firm grip, trembling.
         “Don't back out on me now, sweetie.” he growled in my ear. “I remember what you said at the meeting yesterday. You wanted that guy to hit you. I'm sure you'll find a little roughness to your liking.” He forced my head to the side and attacked my lips with his, locking us in a heated kiss. He pressed himself against me and I felt how he'd grown hard and was now poking me in the small of my back. The windowsill on the other hand ground into my hipbones painfully and it was my turn to growl at him and I caught his lower lip between my teeth. He backed away a little, still caught between my teeth, and I had finally room enough to turn around to face him. When I let go he just chuckled and licked his lip to assuage the pain I'd caused.
         “There's the spark I've been looking for.” He pulled me close again, using his nose and lips to softly caress my face while his hands wandered down to grip my butt cheeks, pressing me tight up against his hard bulge. My head swooned and I reached up to bury my hands in the thick lushness of his black hair. He moved us back towards the bed and first I thought he would lay me down on my back and then get on top of me. Wasn't that how it worked?
         How very wrong I was.
         His hands stroked my arms, sliding upwards until he reached my wrists. His fingers locked around them like iron shackles and he looked at me with a mischievous grin. I didn't understand. I only stared at him with an unspoken question on my lips. He yanked my hands free of his hair and spun me around, pushing me forward so I landed on the bed on all fours and I looked at him over my shoulder uncertainly. There was a hungry gleam in his eyes and his white teeth showed in a bestial grin. I cowered where I stood on the bed, afraid of the pain this would likely cause me, but I didn't dare move when he climbed up on the bed. He took position behind me, snuggling close against my butt, sending strange shivers up my spine, stroking my back and neck. He let out a loud ragged breath as he ran his fingers through my long hair, I'd never realized he liked it so much. Had he always been like this? He'd always been, well, not clingy really, but intrusive, and it'd always repulsed me, him being a druid and all. But now, at least in this very moment, I was more turned on than ever before and I felt myself get hot and wet. I shivered more with every stroke from his hands, every slow grind of his hips and my breathing came in short, strained pants. He shoved up my t-shirt and cardigan up around my shoulder blades and placed sensual kisses on my back.
         “Damn you're pretty...” came a mumble between the kisses as they traveled lower and lower to end just above my butt cheeks. “Wonder how good it gets...” He swiftly pulled down the elastic waistband on my pants and panties and obviously stared straight at my naked behind.
         I gasped in embarrassment. “Don't look at me like that” I squeaked, hiding my face in the bed cover. He only chuckled lovingly at my discomfort, the way you did at a child or a puppy that had just done something cute for the first time.
         “But you're so pretty. And pink. Makes me drool.” Came the murmuring answer. “White like an angel... except for here...” What he did next caused me to loose my breath in one sudden huff that made my head spin. His fingers spread the inner lips of my sex, exposing it to the hotness of his breath and then he ran his soft tongue along my slit to finally plunge it deeply into the wetness.
         “Mm, even tastes heavenly,” he expressed with a smile in his voice and went back to the sweet torture.
         I gasped and couldn't help myself from letting out a loud groan.
         “Hush! Do you want people to find us!?” He bit one butt-cheek, making me utter a low cry of pain. I growled and swung my right arm in his direction, aiming for his head, but he easily caught it and twisted it up behind my back and I felt my shoulder protest painfully. I whimpered a little at the harsh treatment, but he only laughed.
         “Well well, aren't you an impudent little witch?” He gave me one last lick that made me gasp and sent all reasonable thoughts flying from my head. I couldn't think straight anymore. It was impossible. All there was now, was his tongue and an incredible pleasure.
         I dimly heard the unmistakable tangle of a belt being unbuckled and as he pressed his naked hard shaft against my opening I started shaking. I couldn't quite tell if it was fear or excitement though, but Njor guessed at the first. He still held my arm in a tight grip and as he moved it up above my head, joining it with my other, trapping them there, he leaned over me and breathed in my ear.
         “Don't worry, sweetheart. You're so wet you put a waterfall to shame, this wont hurt much.” All I could do was moan, my sex throbbing, longing for something to touch it again.
         He got into position and I could feel my muscles tense up as his tip penetrated me slowly. I steeled myself for the pain but I hardly noticed when it came. Everything went so swift and smooth. There was a faint pain, not more than a pinch, but it disappeared almost instantly to get replaced by the most intense feeling I'd ever felt. If I couldn't think straight before, then I was probably brain dead at this point.
         His hands squeezed my wrists painfully and I heard the low strained groan that spilled from his lips as he slid all the way in, settling himself deep within me. He panted heavily in my ear and I felt his thighs tremble against mine.
         “Damn you're good...” he croaked and shakily kissed my shoulder. “So fucking tight! And warm...” he continued in a trembling whisper.
         We stood like that for a while, both of us trying to get used to the other. When I felt how he stopped shaking, relaxing, and slowly starting to move backwards, I whimpered in pleasure to only gasp in shock as the next thrust came swift and hard, his hips colliding firmly with my butt. It took all my remaining willpower to keep my tingling power at bay, but despite that I felt myself grow warmer with every commanding stroke he made. At last he released my wrists, straightening his back. He put one of his hands on the high center of my back, pressing my chest down into the mattress, and there was a rustle of fabric as he searched the pockets of his lab coat. I was to focused on trying to keep a hold on the fire in me that wanted to explode, to notice what he was really doing until I felt something cold slide around my neck. I jerked and gasped as the cold metal touched my skin and tightened. Njors hands laid themselves on top of the collar, making sure it stayed until the fusing was complete. Suddenly I felt weak and it was an unfamiliar and scary feeling.
         What are you doing, you bastard? I couldn't do anything, I could hardly stay up on my knees and I let out a low pained moan to show my discomfort as my magic slowly trickled away. One of his arms snaked around my waist, supporting me, holding me up so I wouldn't collapse of the sudden lack of power.
         “Don't worry sweetie. I'll take it off when we're done.” he panted.
         “B-but, why did you...” It's was hard for me to even form a simple sentence, and my voice was barely a whisper. But he heard me and answered with a hint of humor in his low voice.
         “I'd rather not get burn marks on my dick, sweetcheeks.” I felt my face go red from humiliation. I hadn't controlled the powers to well after all, had I?  He laughed quietly and patted my rump in an affectionate way before he started to move again.
         “Ah,” he sighed contently. “Perhaps not as hot and intense as before but still really fuckin' good!” His fingers dug into my hips, That's gonna leave bruises, I thought dimly but couldn't help but to get even more aroused to the thought and feeling of the man I'd hated, with the intensity of a thousands burning suns for the past two years, dominating me so completely. There was nothing I could do, I was just a normal girl now, without any way to get out of this, no matter how much I wanted to or not. I could finally relax and I felt how the steady way his thick shaft caressed me inside drove me closer to the peak with every thrust. But then it stopped. I simply wouldn't get closer to the release I craved so badly and I uttered whining noises in frustration, trying to move in rhythm with him to get closer. He noticed my dilemma and moved his hands from my hips to the front of my sex, one index finger lifted the small cap of flesh covering my clit while the other rubbed the hard little knob in slow gentle circles only to speed them up as he heard my breathing get quick and shallow.
         Suddenly my world exploded as he drove me over the edge and I felt how I clamped around him in an intense, mind-boggling orgasm. I heard his gasps and he pressed himself hard against me and waited for my orgasm to ebb out before he continued to his own release. I was spent both mentally and physically and Njor had to keep a steady hold on my hips as he pounded into me with quick steady thrusts, faster and faster until he slammed into me a final time. As I felt his member moving rythmically inside me I realized what was happening and panicked.
         “Don't! No!” I pleaded, trying to twist away from his spurting orgasm. “Not inside!”
         He didn't answer my terrified requests, but instead covered my mouth with one of his strong hands and simply held on to me tightly until he was completely empty.
         Tears spilled over in my eyes and sobs hitched in my throat as he slowly slid out of me and backed away to button up his pants. I lay sobbing on the bed as the most recent minute played in a loop in my head.
         How could he!? Why? Why hadn't he pulled out? Why hadn't he used protection? These were all thoughts that swirled in my head as I lay frozen in horror on the bed. I might have been a virgin, but I wasn't stupid. I knew very well how babies were made and I definitely didn't want one. I couldn't move. Not even to pull up my borrowed pants to preserve some dignity. I just lay there, feeling lonelier than ever. Njor did what I could not and made sure both my panties and pants were properly on before he sat down on the bed beside me, dragging my shaking frame up against his chest, holding me in a soothing embrace until I didn't have any more tears to share. Silently he made sure the magic-suppressor was removed and I felt the power rush into my veins, spreading in my system like wildfire and I finally had strength enough to get angry.
         I pushed out from his arms with a furious shove and stumbled away from the bed on shaky legs. I wanted to confront him. No, that wasn't quite right. I wanted to scream at him. Shout obscenities in his face, but all sounds I could muster up was a series of strange, whining wails. I paced back and forth in front of the window, my hands clawing convulsively at my stomach. I shot an angry glare at the man sitting on the bed and he met my stare with a calm expression on his face.
         It infuriated me.
         Two steps was all it took for me to end up standing in front of him. And only one simple command from my subconscious was needed to make my palm impact hard with his cheek, flinging his head to the side.
         It felt good.
         In slow motion he turned his face back, meeting my furious glare with storm clouds in his green eyes and he rose slowly to his feet. He towered over me with his huge body, looking like a demon from the depths of hell. Unwillingly I took a step backwards but he followed. A second step placed my back against the wall and I inhaled nervously.
         Oh Shit, oh shit, oh shit! I've really stirred up a beast now, haven't I?
         Seemingly calm, he placed his hands on the wall on either side of my head, leaning forward until his nose almost touched mine. He stared me straight in the eyes for a long time until I twisted nervously under his green eyes, trying to push myself further against the wall.
         “I know why you're scarred. Don't be, I'll take care of it before you leave.”
         I thought he would walk away then, but instead he grabbed my jaw in a painful grip. “And if you tell anyone about this, I'll make sure you never leave this institution again.” His menacing words lingered in the air as he turned and left me alone in the room.

         End Chap 6.

© Copyright 2009 Morosan (morosan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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