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Rated: E · Prose · Romance/Love · #1558818
How will the manisfestations of our actions affect our angel? PLEASE R&R!!!
Smoking gun, barrel spinning,
Cross hairs lined up right on the mark,
Trigger tensed had yet to fire,
Waiting for the mark to pull your finger.
Simple words, empty words,
Find their way to open ears,
On the count of three you empty the chamber,
Watch all that's learned to love be defeated.
You see the target before you,
Clear as day and yet clouded through the haze,
Doesn't matter, there's no turning back now,
This is sure to make your pain heard.

Bang bang, that awful sound,
Bang bang, she hit the ground.

No regret, watch the bullets fly,
Watch the thriving spirit before you fade.
Bullseye, right on target,
Never miss with that caliber gun,
You knew right where you were aiming.
With every pull, every bullet,
It's slow motion chaos emptying life,
Explosion from the barrel, dust in the wake,
Look before you and find what's left alive.
On the ground lifeless you find an angel,
Wings clipped before they were given a chance,
Did she know she could fly away?
She didn't even make the effort.
Her chest is red and marred with blood,
She was prepared for the bullets that flew,
Aware her every action elicited a consequence.
Kneel before her, shake your head of its clutter,
“Poor Angel”, you mumble,
“Why didn't you fly when you had the chance?”

Bang bang, he shot me down,
Bang bang, I hit the ground.

In the dust beside her lie the bullets that took everything,
Hollow casings at your feet,
Clean and shimmering in the moonlight.
Bullets filled with lies, fear, words that meant nothing.
Filled with broken promises and broken hearts,
Emptied with a taste for vengeance,
To feel the pain that brought your own.
A single wound bleeds the last of her life,
Into the only thing she knew was certain.
A once magnificent being now lifeless,
A once thriving heart now silenced.
The heart is no place to be singing from,
She sang from her heart too much,
You had to quiet the noise,
It had no bearing in this life or the next.
Her face bears the look of something foreign,
Now pale blue lips curled into a small smile.
Golden hairs cascade down her once fair skin,
And you question the hand that held the gun.

Bang bang, he shot me down,
Bang bang, I hit the ground.

Perfection traces her outline,
She was beautiful alive, had everything she needed.
Smoking barrel, the chamber still spinning,
Your head reels and anger flees,
“What have I done?”
Shot the angel that almost flew,
Shot her before you got to see beauty in flight,
Killed the harbinger of hope,
She was sure to light the way.
Turn the cross hairs on yourself,
Realizations heavy in the slug,
Cold steel against your warm chest,
Is this the end of days?
Finger taught on the trigger,
One last beg for mercy,
One final tear down your dusty cheek,
One final bullet in the chamber.
She forgave you, she already had,
She always would, that angel of mercy.
One last breath, suck it in deep, make it last.
With closed eyes pull that burned finger tight,
A split second before your heart stops beating,
Her blue eyes burst open and watch you fall.

Bang bang, that awful sound,
Bang bang, you hit the ground.
© Copyright 2009 studley (theorigstudley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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