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second section of ch.2

====PART 5====

City of Rila

A light mist covered the field as night came. Azarkin’s army lined across the gates of Rila. He looked ahead at the city walls, and saw no phalanx out in front it, no army, only crowded arches atop the wall. Greatly outnumbered and tired of the previous battle, the city fought defensively, relying on its archers and fortifications, hoping to last until the morning.

Listan and Doria hurried through the hall as a high ranking officer came toward them.

"My King, My Queen," He was noticeably out of breath, "You must leave the city. We will not be able to hold them back." The officer led the King and Queen to a long dark tunnel, where the rest of their family waited, before the officer left to assemble the city's defenses.

Listan directed his family them into the tunnel. After they disappeared in the narrow passageway he took Doria's hand to lead her into the escape tunnel, "I need you to go."

"No! My place is here with you."

"Doria, I have to stay here. Go take refuge with your brother in Illyria."

"I have made my life here. And I intend to see it through."

"I am sorrier than you will ever know."

"Listan, we were young and foolish then, but indiscretions of the past will not conquer us. If this is to be our fate, then let us meet it together." She kissed him and pushed the heavy wooden door shut.

They made their way out onto the wall, among the faces of the battle weary soldiers that stayed behind so as many civilians, as possible, could escape. Listan and Doria sat on their respective thrones, overlooking the misty battlefield. The distance they could see the faint line of Azarkin's army, blurred by the fog. He held her hand in his.

Azarkin climbed of his horse as he joined his army. He put on his helmet and drew his swords. He looked back at his army and raised a sword in the direction of the town - signalling a charge. A section of his army charged ahead, knelt to the ground and fired their arrows at the top of the wall.

Once the soldiers established proper cover, Azarkin gave the signal for his battering ram to attack the gates. This was simply the combination of two large, heavy logs securely tied together. The battering ram itself was slung from a wheeled support frame by ropes and pushed along on wagon wheels by fortified soldiers. Wet animal hides covered the roof of the support frame, to prevent from being set on fire. Its support frame allowed for its uniquely massive size and also the ability to be swung far more easily against its target. Its design was certainly ingenious and its efficiency was devastating.

As the battering ram broke through the door, Azarkin led the remaining sections of his army into a full attacked. They ploughed into the guards at the gates, annihilating them, and flooded the vulnerable city.

He walked into the city as his men overran the streets, storming into the buildings. He took off his helmet and handed it to one of his men. he put his sword back in its sheath and spread his arms open, raising his head as he took in the mist.

He headed headed toward the castle, passing by the corpses that lined the street now. He bent down and stared at a woman that lay face down and picked up some of her hair. He whiffed it and let it fall back down. It smelled of a heavy sweat. Azarkin stood and continued on. He rubbed his fingers together, breaking up the dry blood that was on them, walking up the castle steps.

He came up behind a kneeling young guard trying to get back to his feet. He crossed his swords on boy's neck, pushing it slightly up.

"Where is your King?"

"Please - I don't want to die." The guard's voice trembled.

"Where is Listan?"

"I don't . . ." the guard begged as Azarkin severed the boy's neck. Blood splattered on Azarkin's face but he was not bothered by it.

"Find Listan!" He barked his orders, disappearing into the hallways of the palace. His men were scattered throughout the palace plundering what they could and killing what lived. He walked into the throne room. His men were taking turns sitting on what used to be Listan throne. They were quick to stand up and salute Azarkin as he walked over to them. He stood and stared at the empty throne taking a deep breath.

“Take what you want. It's all yours.” He instructed the men, “I am going to walk out of this room. When I return, I want this...chair turned to rubble. There are no thrones in dead cities.” He walked out of the room.

====PART 6====

City of Illyria

Rambis arrived at the back of the castle, underneath it. He climbed down his horse and walked up the stone steps of the cobble stone back patio, greeting Thracians and Illyrians alike along the way. He entered the main gala, looking for Bresia and saw the group somewhere by one of the walls. He picked up a cup of wine as he made his way over to the group.

"Did you just arrive?" Rono asked as Rambis came up behind Aertenia, hugging her.

"The cup is still full." He said as some of the wine spilled on the floor.

"If you spill wine on me, you will not see the morning." Aertenia said seeing the wine hit the ground and managing to break his bear hug.

"Is she like this in bed, Rono?" He turned his attention to his brother-in-law

"Thracian breeding...it is a sacrifice."

"Rambis I suggest you teach my husband how to sleep outside." She said.

"How often do you sleep outside, Rambis?" Duncan asked only be met an icy look from Rambis.

"Last night?" Bresia asked.

"We should talk." He went to take her hand but she pulled it back.

"Should we?" She began walked to the end of the patio alone intending for him to follow her.

"That is always a good start, Rambis." Duncan commented.

"Thank you for the observation." He replied as he followed her toward the back patio.

"And I thought the supper might be dull." Rono quipped and was met with a hostile look from Aertenia.

"He is your brother." Rono defended himself from her stare.

Bresia walked out into the fresh air. The patio overlooked the charming castle gardens. The clear night sky gave an uncompromising view of the starry skies and developed a rather quaint atmosphere.

"It's a good night." He stood behind her as she looked ahead into space.

"I suppose."

"I usually attend these evenings for your company alone."

"Is this where I am expected to stand on my toes and kiss you?" She said as he slightly smiled approving of her observation.


"I want you to give it away." Her feet remain firmly on the ground.

"Done." He continued, "I gave it to a farmer."

"What was his name?"

"That I do not know. But whoever it is, now they have a reason to continue going to the temples."

"All of it?" She debated whether to trust him.

"All of it."

They paused for a moment. Unexpectedly, Rambis pulled a violet lilac flower out from his shirt and handed it to her.

She took it and lowered her head, looking at the lilac. In part it was because she did appreciate the gesture and it part because she wanted to stay mad at him. She did not want him to see her smile this easily. She sighed

"Give the girl a flower. . . "

"When she has no equal ." he interrupted, leaning away from her.

She looked past him, at the gala inside. The torches that lit the room were moving in sync with the guests. She could see her friends enjoying the evening.

She went closer to him and took his hand.

"We should go inside." She said as she started back toward the gala.

"I wonder what would have happened if I gave you the flower at the beginning." He asked as they neared the castle.

"Try not to ruin the moment." She did not bother to face him.

They entered the main gala as Glaukius rose and the room grew silent. The guests turned their attention over to their King who was holding up his cup.

"I wish to first acknowledge Rambis who has apparently not yet begun drinking." The room burst in laughter as Rambis slightly bowed his head in the King's direction, acknowledging him.

"The festivities of the night are a direct result of your hard work. Specifically I want to acknowledge Lord Rono for both his endless dedication to this city and his leadership as a general when he has been called upon to lead the Illyrian army into combat. It is in times of peace, especially, that we should remember the heroics of the men that you lead so admirably in the service of this city. As you and Aertenia embark on your lives together, May the Gods shine upon you both. With that said, The night is brisk, the wine is fine, and the food is plentiful. Please, eat and drink to your heart's content!"

The night continued as the guest ate, drank, and chatted. There were entertainers that played tricks of all sorts, juggling to breathing fire. Eventually Duncan, Rono, and Aertenia went out into the the gardens. Rono motioned for Rambis and Bresia to follow them.

Aertenia walked on the pebbled grounds over to the horse, and untied a leather bag from the saddle, pulling out a securely tied pitcher of raki and brought it back to the group.

The five of them stood around and held up their cups "We toast to the future and drink to the past!" Duncan toasted.

They gulped the intoxicating drinks. The raki was potent enough to force Aertenia to cringe as she swallowed the drink and forced Bresia to squat as she fought to hold it in.

"Whoo!" Aertenia shook her head.

"Hold it, darling. Hold it." Rambis cheered Bresia on as her veins bulged out of her neck.

"Nothing is easier." Aertenia encouraged Bresia, as she finally stood up, triumphant.

"The second is always easier." Rambis said, filling their cups once again.

"To what do we toast this time?" Aertenia asked.

"To the berries and grapes!" Rono replied.

"To the berries and grapes!" They joined together.

Momentarily, Glaukius came down the cobblestone patio steps and joined them.

"I wanted to bid you all good night." The King announced.

"But the night is young." Bresia pleaded for the King to stay.

"The night belongs to the young." He smiled kissing Bresia and Aertenia on the cheek.

“I have something for you.” Rambis announced as he went over to the open leathered bag that lay on the ground and pulled out a second small pitcher.

"I thought you would appreciate this." He handed the bag over to Glaukius who examined it in his wrinkled hands.

“I suppose I should not ask about its contents.” He said as Rambis only smiled, "You are a good man."

"Only a man?" Rambis' eyes widened, but the smirk still very much on his face.

"You can be more, but for now, yes, only a man." Glaukius put his hand on Rambis shoulder, “Good night.” Glaukius went back up onto the patio, and into the castle.

"I should choose a larger pitcher next time." He took a sip from the cup.

“Well I think the raki is godly.” Bresia said rubbing his back.

“It is your likeness that inspires me.” Rambis threw his arm over her shoulders and kissed her.

“You have used those same words since you were fourteen.” Duncan argued.

“That is a gross exaggeration. I could not read until I was sixteen. I am a savage, after all.”

“As your sister, I was reading at eight.” She put her fist up in the air.

“One has nothing to do with the other.” Bresia seemed surprised.

“I, for one,” Rono looked at Aertenia and then at Rambis and smiled in relief, “am very happy you two are nothing alike.”

“Because, when Aertenia was drawing on her scrolls and dreaming of you,” Rambis looked at Rono, “I was exploring the sciences.”

====PART 7====

City of Rila

"My Lord, we may have found his body." A soldier approached Azarkin in the hallway.

"Show me." He followed the soldier into a large parlor room, adorned in statues of Illyrian Gods. He took off his helmet and handed it to the nearby soldier. His long curly hair was slightly matted on his head from the weight of his helmet. Among the corpses of royal guards, a woman lay face down. Her dark but graying hair stained by blood. Azarkin stepped over her body and walked over to that of an elderly man. He looked down at the sword that lay beside the man.

"Decrepit fool." He brushed the sword aside with his foot as if it were an insignificant object. He walked over to one of the large marble statues that lined the walls of the room.

"Bring these statues down." He turned to one of his soldiers, "Break them and send the parts to our largest tribes, whether or not they have joined us."

"My Lord, they will have to be transported back by our men." The soldier was caught a bit off guard by Azarkin's demand.

"We have sacked Rila in a night. We can spare a few soldiers for their transport. These tokens will add to our ranks. Do you not agree?"

"Yes, My Lord." The soldier complied with the order.

"Take what you will and bring the king and queen outside." He said, making his way out. "Burn the city."

An officer followed him out, "Burn the entire city? My Lord, is that wise?"

Azarkin turned, faced him, and placed his hand on the soldier's shoulder, "We did not come here for the backwoods of Illyria. Our intentions are in Illyria itself. The Gods are smiling over us. They would not have sent me, if Illyria was not within our reach." He smiled at his soldier, "Burn it all down." before walking away.
© Copyright 2009 tylerdurden (thetylerdurden at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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