Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1558341-Plans
by nibiru
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1558341
A story of a bank robbery get-a-way.
              Fall 1957 South Eastern U.S.A.

        "What do you mean the spare is flat?” bellowed Meech

        "Just what I said, the damn thing is flat.” simpered Bones

        "Well we have to do something and real fast, or the cops are gonna be on us like white on rice. We'll drive her up this old road on the left and run her into the bush and hide her,  then we'll have to hike it out of here. "

        "Bones you were in charge of making sure everything was OK with the car so how come we end up with a flat for a spare? That's BS and you know it. I should slap the shit out you right here and now. What the hell did you do anyway? "

        Obviously afraid of the much bigger Meech the now trembling Bones responds "I’m sorry Meech I just never thought about the spare, I checked everything else but never thought about the spare."

        " Well now ain't the time to fight about it we have to make tracks, so get your shit together from here on or there will be hell to pay." menaces Meech.

        Meech swings the Plymouth onto the old dirt road and carries on for a mile or two until he finds a place that looks like a good location to hide the automobile. He drives it straight off the road and into the willows until it's hidden from the road.
        "Alright let's pile willows around the car so it's not so obvious, then grab the pack and start hiking the hell away from here." orders Meech.

        "We’ll go over the hill in front of us here and see if we can stay out of the cops net. We might have to camp in the woods for the next couple of days until they think we made it out of the area and then we can try to get out of here. We are going to have to steal a car as two guys hitch hiking wouldn't be cool." grumbles Meech like he was in a mood to hit Bones at any time.

        Meech realizes that Bones was real good back there at the bank and he couldn't have pulled it off with out his help so he figures the best approach is to try and keep a cool head. That was his down fall, he would let his temper get the best of his judgement and he would do something stupid. Best just keep a cool head and work together and try and get out of this mess they were in. They at least had some food and blankets so a couple of nights hiding in the bush wouldn't kill them.

      "O K then Bones everything looks fine here now so I guess we should head out now and put some distance between us and this place before dark. If we head in that direction towards the south the hill slopes down a bit and it won't be quite as hard a climb to get over to the other side. Once we get on top we will have a good view of the area and it will probably be getting near dark so we can camp there for the night, how does that sound?"  Says Meech attempting a smile, trying to make Bones feel better knowing he would definitely need his help in the bush.

      The going was good in the beginning and they made steady progress. At first there were only a few willows and not much else but it eventually grew into solid buck brush and their pace slowed. It tore at their faces and arms and the pack on Meechs back and made every step an effort then finally they came to a small creek. Once they were across this they would be at the foot of the hill. The creek wasn't too wide, but it was fast and it was difficult to tell how deep it was and because of this it was cause for some concern.

      "What do you think Meech? Looks like we should be able to just about wade thru huh?"  declares Bones. Bones thought they made a good team and wanted more than anything to look good in Meech’s eyes. Back at the bank everything had gone like clockwork just like they planned but that tire incident was bad and somehow he had to make up for it. From here on in no mistakes or Meech would probably kill him.

    Meech looks up and down the creek and replies " Let's just take a quick look and see if we can find a better place first and if we can't I guess this will have to do, I'll head down this way and you can check the other, don't go too far though cause we don't have much time before dark and it'd be nice to get to the top of that hill."

        Bones didn't have to go far just around the first bend and then he could see that the creek was straight and full of rapids for as far as he could see so he went back and waited for Meech to return. While he was waiting he figured he might just wade out a little bit, test it for himself. As he got about four feet out he heard a loud scream from upstream and a splashing sound. Almost at once he could see coming towards him but a little further out Meech pack and all, thrashing about for all he's worth. Without a thought about anything Bones dove towards the floundering Meech and drug him right across the creek and onto the bank. Not the way they had planned as they hadn't planned anything but now they were across.

        "Well Bones I guess that makes up for the flat thanks Pal." mumbles a rather sheepish and definitely worse for the wear Meech. "I thought I had found a good place but the rocks on the bottom were slippery and I wiped out half way across."

        "Now everything is wet, the food, the money our blankets everything damn it!"  Meech curses at himself. "And we still have to get to the top of this here hill, Let's just wring the blankets out and then we might just as well get going maybe that will help dry us out a little."

          The hill wasn't too demanding as it was covered with cottonwoods and grasses and it wasn't too steep. After about an hour and a half of steady going the two were at the top and considerably dryer as well. The sun was just above the horizon so they had about another forty minutes left to set up some kind of camp for the night and maybe hang out the blankets and get them dried in time to use them.

          The view from the hill was great, the  town they had just robbed could been seen about ten miles off and once the sun went down a person should be able to see all the lights from there as well as all the rural areas  and that is what Meech was much more interested in. Once the sun was down it would be time to check out the surrounding area and pick out some prospects for closer inspection. But first we have to find a campsite for the night.

          "Look over there Meech where those two little ridges meet, we could set up in there and maybe even be able to light a fire. There's all sorts of dead wood and we could even cook something even if the bread is gone." Bones offers feeling real good about things now after the creek and all.

          "I don't know about a fire, we'll have to see how hidden we are first but......, well let's just go check it out."  agrees Meech reluctantly. He didn't like when people try sticking ideas into his plans, it made him feel like he was losing control and that didn't usually end well.

        As they approach the two ridges the ground slopes down as the ridges come together and form a very secluded spot to make a perfect camp for the night, small fire and all. Two points for Bones, who by now was flying high. Meech took it sombrely but inwardly he was pleased about the small fire. He was hungry and starting to get a bit chilly so for the first time in a while things were starting to go his way it seemed.

        As the last of the light faded away they hauled enough dead wood into their hideaway to last them for the night and proceeded to get a small fire going. Meech then started in on the pack. He pulled out the blankets and handed them to Bones to spread out on some willows to dry. He pulled out a few canned goods that they could eat and threw the soaked loaves of bread away. Next came what it was all about, the money, time to count it and see how they did, and of course the bottle of rum to celebrate. Even if they were hiding out in the bush they hadn't been caught so all they had to do now was play it smart and they could still pull it off. As far as he could tell they hadn't had a tail from the beginning so it was just a matter of keeping it that way.

        "Here Bones you count this pile and I'll count the rest here, and have a shot of rum while your at it, it'll warm your innards”

        "I could use a few shots, today was something huh, Meech?"

      Meech didn't answer, just started to count the cash and to think. If I could have only made it across the creek back there I would have left the jerk behind but that would mean a loose end and that wouldn't be good at all mused Meech. I can't forget what my daddy always told me that once two people know something it's not a secret anymore and that creates a little problem here. Gonna have to do something about it later on. After when we're drunk, that'll be the time; I'll have the nerve to shoot then. One shot to the head and no more problem, no more loose end.

      "I come up with eighty-five hundred here Bones what you got?” enquires Meech feeling the rum starting to warm his insides.

      "Pretty close to the same I'd say, bout eight thou give or take."

      "Not a bad take from a little no-name town like that, that's for sure. Now we got make some plans on what to do next."
      He throws Bones a can of sardines and rolls open the lid on a can himself.
      "You know what you did at the creek back there, that was pretty good and at the bank you were pretty good there too" and it was true. Maybe he was selling this guy short, either that or he was getting soft. He wasn't so sure now about himself and he didn't like it.

      "I guess that's my way of saying thanks man" mumbles a slightly confused Meech but thinking that the only thing that had gone according to plan so far was the robbery and the get-away up until the flat tire. Now it's a matter of staying out of the net the police must have set up and getting food. Bones can live as long as he's useful, I just can't let feelings cloud my better judgement. Mustn’t drink anymore rum tonight, gotta check around later on and see if there are any neighbours nearby. I need a vehicle to get out of this place.

      "We did good didn’t we?" beams Bones the rum going straight to his head along with the compliments.

      "I think we make a pretty good team” he elaborates.

      "Hold your horses pal we gotta get outta this mess first, and it ain't gonna be easy" snorts Meech

      " Later on I'm gonna have a look around and see if there is anyone living near here that we can steal a car from, you can just stay here and keep the fire going."  At that Meech grabs the pack for a pillow,  one of the now dry blankets and lays down to sleep.

        Bones on the other hand didn't feel sleepy at all, on the contrary, he felt or rather never felt so alive in all his life. The thrill of the robbery and the get-away was something he would never forget. Nor would he forget the look in Meech's eye when he told him the spare was flat, that too was unforgettable. Meech seemed to have forgotten a few minutes ago when he said thanks so I guess everything's OK but I can't have anymore mistakes that's for sure. This rum is definitely hitting the spot right now; too bad we don't have some music. No maybe not, I'd probably start singing and that might not be good. Hell if I drink the rest of this I might start singing anyway. Singing to my mother when she was sick with the cancer and how she loved it. Tears in both our eyes, what ever happened? That was only ten years ago and now I'm a bank robber. He loses himself to his fantisys for some time letting the rum take over and do its thing. It's always been his soft spot, any kind of booze but rum in particular, he just loved it. Thoughts coming to him now in waves, memories from his past and big dreams for his future, alcohol has a way of doing it to him, making him feel omnipotent almost. As he finishes the last of the rum his thoughts turn to his plans for his share of the money as slowly his eyes close and he slumps over.

        Meech rolls over and is immediately awake. What time is it? he wonders, hoping he hasn’t slept too long. His watch tells him it’s two a.m., just about perfect time to go scouting for signs of life. Bones is snoring softly, empty rum bottle clutched to his side. Meech walks over a gives him a couple shoves with his boot.

      “Time to get up, too bad if you don’t feel too good. You can keep an eye on the fire and the money til I get back.” snaps Meech.

        A very groggy but fully compliant Bones  begins to stoke the fire with the little wood right at hand. Meanwhile Meech checks out the pistol and puts some extra shells in his pocket and watches Bones for a couple minutes still undecided about what to do with him. This was his first job and he did real good there but the flat spare could have been our end and that can’t be overlooked. I’ll have to come to a decision today and that’s all there is to it. Lord knows what he will do after we get out of here and are free to spend the money. He’ll probably attract more heat than a hooker on a street corner and who knows if he can keep his mouth shut. Nope, no sir, it don’t look good for Bones.

      With those thoughts running through his mind he sets off to find his way out of this predicament. The moon was out and provided plenty of light to find his way through the woods which was only about one thousand yards across on top. When he got to the opposite edge of the hill there were a few lights at various distances but one was close not more than five hundreds yards he figured from the bottom of the hill. The descent on this side is a bit steeper but it shouldn’t be a problem, I’ll go get Bones and we can check this out together, no point in climbing this hill twice. Meech makes his way back to their camp to find Bones flat on his back sound asleep again. A couple more kicks and Bones was upright and staring with semi-focused eyes at Meech who had decided on the walk back to play the good guy role so as to keep Bones off guard, totally unaware of what was likely to be his fate in the next day or two. It wasn’t going to be easy because Meech had to admit it to himself, he just wasn’t a friendly guy, never had been, it wasn't in him,  so the next day or two would be a trial on him as well.

        “So how are you feeling Bones? I spotted a house just over the hill here that looks promising so get your head together and we’ll go and see what  we can find out.” stated Meech with what he hoped would pass for a smile.

        “You know Meech I’m real sorry about the flat tire back there I just never though about it and I admit that was real stupid but at least we didn’t get caught.” replies Bones.  He wanted it out in the open now and settled once and for all so they could get on with things.

        “Don’t worry about it Bones like you said we didn’t get caught and that’s the main thing and besides  you fished me out of the creek and who knows you might have even saved my life so as far as I’m concerned it’s all water under the bridge.” allows Meech .

          “Here’s another can of sardines and a can of soda, we’ll chow down and then head out and see who our neighbour is.”

          They ate in silence, each lost in their own thoughts which were, if it were known to them, the complete opposite of each other. Ten minutes later they were up and on their way through the trees and brush. The moon would periodically go behind a cloud and then they would have to wait until it came out again so they could see their way. Their progress was slowed somewhat because of Bones and the rum he had drunk but he wasn't trying to talk to Meech so Meech was willing to put up with the situation without losing his temper.  Finally they came to the top of the hill and could gaze down at the light that was from here on nothing more than a target.

          “OK Bones you can carry the pack from here and I’ll carry the gun. Once we get to the house we can see if there is a car we can grab  Maybe living out this far from town people don’t take the keys out and we can roll it out of the yard and then be on our way. Otherwise we might have to get up close and personal with our new friends and persuade them to hand over the keys. We will have to tie everyone up and if anyone tries anything stupid their going to get it, if you know what I mean.” Meech explains to Bones.
      “Now just a minute you didn’t say anything about shooting anybody, you said the gun was just for scaring folk, that’s what you said.” spits out Bones, realizing for the first time that he was in over his head.

        “Now you look here you little shit I’m looking at the bitch here if I’m caught and that’s life at hard labour so I ain’t going down easy so your just gonna have to deal with it. We’re here because of you so quit your whining and get your shit together; as long as everyone does as their told no one gets hurt. This ain’t no game this is real life so don’t let me down, you got it?” bellows Meech unable even to attempt a nice guy role at the moment. This ass was gonna be trouble but I’m gonna need him especially if there are a few people in that house.

        Bones already shaky as hell from the rum the evening before almost fell to pieces from this verbal blast from Meech. He stood frozen, powerless in front of this man. He couldn't even think of one thing in his favour. Even if he could have thought of something he doubted he could have trusted his vocal cords to work. Besides something told him an answer wasn't required.

        “OK so let’s get down this hill and get busy.”
                    The going was slow because it was steep but the moon gave them plenty of light so they could easily see where to place their feet. But this wasn't enough Bones was just putting his weight on his left foot when his footing gave out and he was airborne, landing five feet down flat on his back. His breath was knocked completely out of him and he lay there thinking it was the end. Meech made it over to him and looked down at him and at first thought maybe he had hit his head and was going to die right here and now and solve his dilemma for him. Not to be though, Bones eventually moaned faintly and started slowly to breathe again, shallow at first but within a few minutes was no worse for the wear.

            "You had me wondering there for a minute Bones, you OK to go now?” inquires a much calmer Meech trying on his nice guy role again.

            "Yah sure let's go." replies Bones thinking He'd pull that gun on me I bet if I said no. He said nobody was going to get hurt, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into this thing. Now he's talking crazy. Bank robbing is one thing but I can't add murder to the list. I'm going to have to find a way to keep him in a better mood if that's possible.

              Fifty feet later they were on flat ground and the going was only interrupted by a few groups of buck brush and sparsely scattered poplar trees. It was getting on to four in the morning now so they were going to have to be quiet on their approach to the house.

              "OK Bones" whispers Meech "From here on in you just stay behind me and do as I say. When we get to the house you check the vehicle for keys if there is one and I'll check the house and see if anyone is up." Meech holds his finger to his lips indicating from now on there is to be no talking, and then he turns around and heads off in the direction of the light.

              After about ten minutes of steady, forays from shadow to shadow they were at last to the final hiding place before the house.  Meech studies the place for a considerable time and it appeared that no one was about so he whispers over his shoulder. “Remember what I said  check out the car for keys and I'll check out the house, got that?”  Meech turns and takes another look at the place and turns again “When I turn around and give you the thumbs up we run across the road do ours things OK?” And that was that the plan such as it was, set in place. There it was the thumbs up time to move.  OK legs go. Boy oh Boy thought Bones it just ain’t the same anymore I don’t want anybody getting hurt. Twenty more steps and I’ll be at the car. The door opens, great beautiful the keys are right here too. Unbelievable, too good to be true; Bones was ecstatic. No one has to get hurt now and they could get away before anyone was the wiser. Bones forgets he was to meet Meech at the back of the house and is trying to wave at him to come over to the car that; he had the keys and they could go. It took Meech a moment to realize what Bones was all about waving like a lunatic instead of meeting him here like he was supposed to do. A split second  later everything changed as a set of headlights appeared coming right down the driveway, and a cop at that! Meech was plastered against the back of the house and Bones had dropped to his knees in front of the car using it to hide behind. Both of them stock still; hearts pounding in their chests.

              The patrol car parks amid a cloud of fine dust which the officer waits to settle before exiting his car. Then walks casually to the front door and knocks.  In a few moments there are sounds inside. Someone moving about coming to the door, and finally the door swings open and a little old lady in a house coat and slippers appears and eyeing the officer remarks “What the hell brings you out here this time of night Harvey? I've been a good girl forever.”

“No your right Mavis, those are the old days and they’re over now, no what I came about is a couple of hoods held up the bank in town today and we haven’t caught them yet so I just wanted to make sure you were OK being that you’re on the end of this old road here.” 

“We have a road block set up but so far nothing. A lot of the guys think they got away and maybe they did but I’m going to keep it up for another couple of days just in case.” 

Meech is able to hear all of the conversation and this is all good to know. Sounds like these two must have known each before cause they sure talk friendly. That’s good, just keep on talking. Meech looks over to where Bones is hiding and he can’t believe what he sees, a full grown black lab looking for all the world as if it wants nothing more than to play fetch. As he looks on the dog sticks its muzzle in Bone’s crotch and gives him a good solid nudge, enough to knock him forward and headlong into the grill of the car. The noise wasn’t much but old Harvey heard something at least he thought he did.
“You hear that Mavis?”

“No I didn’t Harv, don’t go spookin me now”

“I’ll take a quick look back here, just be a sec. You may as well wait inside out of the cold.”

Bones could see the look in Meech’s eye from here even in the dark, and he knew what it meant now. He didn’t need any gun stuck in his face to get the picture; it was clear as a bell. The stupid dog is just standing there looking at him like it wants to play; what the hell? The sound of Harvey’s footsteps in the gravel were getting closer every second and Bones couldn’t help but think Meech would shoot first.  This is insane. As suddenly as the dog appeared it was gone, a new friend found in the Sheriff, almost knocking him down in its enthusiasm. “Whoa girl slow down there, you scared the hell out of me”  blurts Sheriff Harvey regaining his composure as best he could. “I only have a couple of years until retirement and I don’t need to have a heart attack now.” Good old Sheriff scratches the dog behind the ears and pats her on the back a couple times. “Let’s go tell the boss everything is alright; she just forgot in her old age to bring you in for the night.” The sheriff turns and the two of them head for the front door to reassure Mavis. The sheriff climbs the stairs again and knocks and this time it’s answered immediately.

“No reason to worry yourself May it was just your friendly old dog romping around outback”

“I forgot you had yourself a dog. You’ve had her a long time and that’s good a person needs company living out here alone like you do.”

“You sure have that right Harv she’s been with me close to twelve years now and she’s still going strong. Who ever said that a dog was mans best friend only got it half right if you ask me.”

“I hear you May I hear you” chuckles the sheriff. “Well I should be off now breakfast should be just around the corner by the time I get home.”  With a turn on his heel he let himself out the door and with the same casual stride as before, made his way to his car. He backed out in the same cloud of dust he arrived in and it was all over.

        Meech waited until the tail lights were out of view and then motioned for Bones to come over. Bones was catatonic unable to move even a muscle. The look on his face one of total incomprehension. Meech waved futilely a couple more times and now only seeing red himself crossed over to where Bones stood.

        In more of a hiss than a whisper Meech utters “We’re gonna have to hole up here for a couple of days until the road blocks come down then we’ll be home free, so snap out of it cause the next time anything happens your dead meat, you got it?”

        Well it was the slap in the face that accompanied the threat that really served to set things right and Bones came too suddenly and completely. Aware that this man now held his life in his hands. Things just have to go right from here on in they just have to.   
        “Ok Meech I’m alright now no more screw ups I promise; that dog came out of no where.”

        “Listen up we’re gonna get in there and grab her and keep her quiet for a couple of days and once the road blocks are down we can leave her tied up and take the car and get the hell outta here.” proclaims Meech.

        “You let me do the talking when we get in there and don’t use any names if you do talk for Gods sake.”

        “Remember Meech you said nobody was going to get hurt.” inserts a very timid Bones.

          “Like I said I ain’t going down easy so you do as you’re told and the old lady does as she’s told and nobody gets hurt; simple.”

          Meech again puts his finger to his lips and motions for Bones to follow. He skirts the side of the house where there is grass to soften the sound of their passage and makes his way to the front door steps.
He mounts the stairs tries the door knob and it opens. He swings the door open slowly and the living room is empty but there is a light shining in from what must be the kitchen. He turns to Bones to make sure he’s still with him. They make their way to the kitchen doorway and there’s Mavis standing there staring at the coffee pot totally lost in her own thoughts.

          Yes she’s thinking those were exciting times. Always just a step ahead of the law. That was the fast life that’s for sure. Running moonshine and racing from the sheriff and his boys. They never did catch me and I always seemed to be taking a load somewhere. Good old Harvey, just a rookie with county then but always telling me when he saw me in town that he was going to get me one of these days and make a name for himself. Those cars we drove they were fast though and not many of the county cars were up to the challenge.  Yes she’s thinking those sure were exciting times not like now and it was now Meech speaks up not too loud but throatily “Just be calm and don’t move and we won’t hurt you, you  understand?” He moves over to where Mavis is standing and grabs here by both arms and gently directs her towards a kitchen chair and sits her down in it.

            “Look we just need a place to....“starts Meech

            “I know who you are. You’re those two who knocked over the bank in town.” accuses Mavis

            “Let me start again. I’ll do the talking for now and you’ll do the listening. We need a place to hide out for a couple of days until it’s good to leave and then we’ll go. All you have to do is what you are told and you’ll be OK.” We know you live alone out here so everything should go real smooth the way I see it. All you have to do is be a good girl. Now that we have become acquainted is there anything that you didn‘t understand?”

              “What’s your next move hotshot? You going to tie me up? For some reason she just couldn’t help provoking him.

              “If that’s what it takes grandma I’ll tie you up faster than you can blink and don’t you doubt it. I think your just talking tough cause you sure don’t look it. And you listen to me sister I’m the boss here and you do what I say and that’s the way it is period.” By now Meech had his mind made up they both have to go because even if he let the kid live that would be a loose end that he just couldn’t have. He just didn’t trust the kid and what it came down to was a matter of trust.

              “Just pulling your chain there sonny don’t get your nose outta joint” Mavis has a bit of a feel for this guy already and takes him for a hard timer that doesn’t want to go back. She knows his type. Knows what’s at stake for them and understands how desperate it makes them. I’m no angel but this guy could blow anytime and I don’t want to be in the middle when it happens. There’s time to come up with something before the road blocks come down a whole lifetime you might say.

                “You have any bacon and eggs around here?” pipes in Bones finally his generous portion or rum last night leaving his stomach in desperate need of some attention.

                Meech throws Bones a glare then it dawns on him he has needs of his own.

                “Yeah good idea and where’s the bathroom? You can keep an eye on her while I’m gone. Just make sure she don’t do anything stupid got it?

                  "Yah Yah don't worry." submits Bones.

                “It’s the second door on the right down the hall; the light switch is on the outside.” answers Mavis.

                  Mavis heads to the refrigerator and grabs the eggs and bacon and starts breakfast. It’s been a long time since she’s cooked for more than one. In an odd way this is just like the old days. I and a couple of the boys would have just hauled a load and then we would go back to my place and I’d cook bacon and eggs. We would have our share of the take and we would head to town to spend it; sometimes there would be a fair in one of the near by towns and we’d go to that. This is sort of exciting like that in a weird and unexpected kind of way. There almost seemed to be a thrill in the air and she could sense it. Refocusing she notices the bacon getting crispy so she pulls it off the grill and puts it aside then plates up the eggs, butters up the toast and serves; not a move out of place from the old days. Her mind it seemed was stuck on the past for the time being.

                  The two men ate like wolves the meagre amount in the past eighteen hours no where near enough.  Bones is the first one to break the silence.
                  “You got any booze in the house?”

                  “Absolutely young man plenty of moonshine just go on down stairs and you’ll find all you need.” cutting off Meech who for some reason seems willing to let Bones go after the booze.
                    “You two can call me May and a drink sounds delightful; it’s been a long time since I had company and you two do take me back.” declares May slightly intoxicated by everything already.

                    Bones appears back with the moonshine and plants it on the table. “You’ve got a ton of this stuff down there how come so much?” Before May has time to answer he cracks it open and takes a shot.  That was more than he could have expected. He started wheezing and coughing and his face turned a very dark red. He had heard of moonshine but he had never tasted anything stronger than whiskey or rum. This stuff was dynamite! Warning bells should have been going off for him but like all true alcoholics he was deaf to them.

                  “You have anything to mix with this stuff?” croaks Bones to a highly amused May.
                    “And how about a deck of cards? I sure wouldn’t mind killing some time playing solitaire.” It'll keep me out of Meech's face at the same time too and that's where I want to be he thinks to himself. One minute he's a nice guy and the very next he's off his rocker, damn scary. Yes sir I'll just mind my own business and let them two entertain themselves.

                    As she rises from the kitchen table to fetch the items Bones asked for she explains with a smile “I’ve all that stuff young man. When you live alone like I do you tend to make sure that you have all the things you need.” You know this one isn’t the same as the other one. He doesn’t have the killer in him like the other one. She returns to the table with glasses, juice and a deck of cards for Bones who with practised hands had a drink mixed and a game dealt in what must have been close to record time. Amusing she thought that he could so easily put his immediate situation so completely out of his mind as if it was of no concern. Maybe she thought he really wasn’t playing with a full deck. In the mean time she figured it would be nice if the big guy would talk. At least that way I can tell where his head is at.

                    Like a mind reader Meech reaches out a fills up a glass for himself and bluntly requisitions “Who are you May?”
“Why I’m just an old woman now. Of no concern to you or anybody. But I was a somebody once.” She thought she could see an idea coming to her now. One that would out do anything she had ever done.
The pay off will be to live life again; the money will be a great big beautiful bonus. As long as they think I’m a harmless old woman I’ve got the advantage so this isn’t really anything new; I’m just back in the game.

“Yah so what did you do when you were a somebody? Smirks a sceptical but for the time being bemused Meech.

May looks over to see what the kid is doing and he’s lost completely in his card game. His drink almost done.  That’s good. That’s just about the right pace junior keep it up. She looks back to the big guy and finds he’s working on his second half so these two are heading on a course with destiny. 

“You won’t believe this but I used to run bootleg around these parts here. Darn good at it too!”  offers May.

“You’re telling me you used to be the bad guys?” snorts Meech grabbing the jug and pouring a good stiff shot.

“That’s what I’m telling you.” replies May looking slightly offended.

By now Meech was starting to feel the liquor and thought it might be interesting to pull the old girl into a conversation and have a little fun with her. It finally seemed like things were actually going to work out for him after all the problems and close calls. It wouldn't hurt a bit to have a few drinks and loosen up maybe play some poker with Bones and take some money off him. Not that it would matter; dead men don't have a share anyway; but it would pass the time. And the old lady doesn't look like she's gonna be any trouble. Hell she acts like she was in on it for Christ’s sake. Yes I do believe things are gonna be just fine.

“So tell me May are you expecting any company out this way in the next day or so? Anybody we should know about? poses Meech feeling the relaxing effects of the alcohol spreading through his body now.  He sure didn’t need any surprises.

“No sir no one comes out here anymore. Never did have any kids. Never got married. Just wasn’t the kind to settle down I guess you’d say.” May could feel the effects too but she had only one glass so far and from here on in it would be juice for her. “The milkman comes twice a week and the postman comes to the mailbox at the end of the road every other day and that’s about it.”

          Meech liked what he was hearing and for the first time today he was in a good mood. The next couple of days were just gonna be waiting it out and then they would be home free. He was almost starting to like the old lady and even Bones didn’t seem too bad now. Without asking he pours May another drink then himself and slides the bottle over in Bones direction. Killing them later seemed a long way off but he was beginning to have these confusing thoughts running through his mind. He could just get is over with now and be done with it. Then all he’d have to do is wait, but there was the other problem. He needed company. Without it he would just go to pieces and his mind would start to play its tricks again. No, he would just have to put up with things the way they were for now. He grabs Bones by the arm and gives it a shake to get his full attention. “Go get the doe and we’ll play some good old fashion high stakes poker.” Meech glances over to May and she definitely is paying attention with an added sparkle to her eyes. Bones comes back from the living room with the money and dumps it on the table in front of Meech.

          “You know Mee….ah.. I don’t really know how to play poker and my take is only twenty-five percent so why don’t we just play for the hell of it?” Whimpers Bones.  Christ I just need to lose everything to him and wind up flat broke and nothing to show for all this. He had plans, they might not be much to someone like Meech but they were his plans and he wanted to realize them. Meech’s expression remained in the semi-smile it had been in for the past few minutes but he said nothing just looked from Bones to May then the smile got imperceptibly bigger. He slowly divided the loot into three equal piles and passed them around exclaiming “You’re right there, you’re right. What the hell; let’s all play. In the end it don’t make no difference anyhow.”
          The atmosphere while not convivial was indeed sliding futher from the normal that a situation such as this would ordinarily warrant. The boys were on their fourth or fifth drink and it was showing in their every manner. They were both slouching in their chairs and shared the same boozy glow in their eyes. Mavis having drunk one more than she had reckoned on was somewhat light headed also but she still had her wits about her and it was almost time. Soon now these two city boys are going to get hungry and then she'd feed them some of her sleepers, enough to put a horse down, no point taking chances.  They played poker for the better part of the morning with Bones losing a large part of his share and the bulk of those losses going to Mavis.  Without a doubt Meech would have lost his share too as May couldn’t get a bad hand that morning. Meech seemed to sense something wasn’t quite right here and decided then and there that the game was over. He wasn’t going to let some little old lady make a fool outta him in front of Bones. He wasn’t gonna let her know that was why he was quitting either. “How about something for lunch? That’s enough playing for fun.” he orders, abruptly slamming down the cards on the table; knocking over the bottle and startling Bones from his semi-stupor.

          “Well by all means of course, of course. Calm down. Just let me go to the washroom to freshen up and I’ll see what I have in the fridge.”

        “Get a move on then and don’t be long. You ain’t got nothing to get all dolled up about.” snarls Meech but his heart really wasn't in it. Booze always did this to him. All these feelings would come to him and mix him all up. He had to stop drinking, this would be his last one. He'd sober up and everything would be OK again. 

        Perfect, this is perfect, the pills are in the bathroom so now I can grab them and mix them in with their dinner. Open up the caps and sprinkle on the powder. By the time they notice, if they notice anything at all, it’ll be too late for them. These things will knock’em flat on their backs. She makes her way to the washroom and turns on the tap for sound effects and grabs the bottle. She dumps some into her apron and then flushes the bottle down the toilet. She turns off the tap, leaves the bathroom  heads into the kitchen and opens the fridge door. “What would you guys like? I have roast beef or ham sandwiches and a little left over potato salad. How does that sound?” Without waiting for an answer she starts buttering some bread and preparing lunch for the boys.  Neither Meech or Bones had paid her any attention so that was fine, she could do what she had to do and in another four-five minutes or so these two would be out cold.

          May brings lunch over to the kitchen table, sets it in front of the boys and they get right to work on it. Inside of ten minutes her handy work was eaten and the timer was ticking.  Meech rubs his belly and belches, declaring “Now that was a meal fit for a king, you’d a made someone a real fine wife there May.”

          Meal for a joker thinks May. "Well I'm just going to clean up this mess." With that May rose and gathered the boys dishes and took them to the kitchen. She washed the dishes and fussed about for twenty minutes tidying up and her reverie was only broken when Meech thinking she looked a mile away shouts to her.

          “Sooooo.... you say you know these parts around here reeeal good do you May?”

          “As good as I know the inside of this house. Nobody around here knows them better than me. Why the sudden interest?"

          “I was just thinking you must know ways outta this county that the cops don’t even know about.” That was it,  Meech finally put it together. This woman could be their way outta this mess. “We could cut you in on part of the take and you could show us how to get across county lines.” His words are beginning to run together and his eyes are hooded like someone who needed a good sleep. He just didn’t have the heart to kill an old lady so if she was willing to show us the way out of here maybe nobody had to die. I must be getting soft in my old age he thought, but killings were always messy and he really didn’t need a big mess either.

          This sudden offer definitely had an appeal to May who could envision the three of them sneaking down the old back roads by the light of the moon some jazz issuing softly from the radio. Mays mind kept drifting to her past and back and she was having difficulty separating the two. Unfortunately the time bomb was still ticking and nothing was going to stop that now.  In one of her moments of clarity she understood that all she could do was play along or at least that’s all she could think of right now.

          Up for the part May asks. “What kind of money you talking about? I’ve wanted to visit my sister on the coast for ever now so we might just be able to reach some kind of agreement.” She notices that Meech’s eyes are starting to act independantly now from  the effects of the drugs so she glances over to Bones and he’s resting his head on his hand, trying unsuccessfully to absorb what’s going on and drooling something terrible. One down May thinks to herself and brings her attention back to the big guy.

“I think twenty-five percent each from our shares and I vote for him so it’s unanimous.”  Meech slurs, his head rotating in a  slow circular rythmic  motion as if it were on a spring. “I think that’s pretty fair.” he adds nearly falling over in an attempt to lean his elbow on the table. With this near fall he straightens up in his chair and tries to act like everything’s OK, but he’s too far gone by this time. He just sits there with a thousand yard stare for a few moments until his head falls forward on his chest and he was out.

        Well May this is what you’ve been waiting for these two suckers will be out for hours and you just have to pack a few things and of course leave the boys a map. These patsies are just gonna have to suck it up and deal with it. It’s like they say; not ever hand’s a winner.  May collected all she needed for the trip and the money and she loaded it all into the trunk of the car. She then went back into the living room and found her writing paper on top of the stereo and went back into the kitchen. The boys hadn’t moved a muscle since she left. She hoped she hadn’t given them too much as that would be the undoing of her plan. From the vivid memories of the past May draws a map of the county and on it a number of roads and trails. On it she puts the numbers one thru eight. She turns over the sheet and proceeds to write a short note to the boys.

                                          Good Morning Boys

          Well let’s just start off by saying that you two boys are still in lot of trouble. You will see that I have left you a map of the county and on it are roads and trails numbered one thru eight. There is food in the house so grab enough for two days, that should be enough last you and travel by night.  In two days I am going to phone my friend Harvey and let him know I’m at my sisters visiting for a month or two. I’m going to ask him to check on my place from time to time so you two shouldn’t waste too much time there. I wish you the best of luck I really do. You see this is my big chance to get off the dirt road. Your offer last night wasn’t bad but it was only a temporary break from the monotony of this place and with all this cash I can start over again anywhere I want.                    So Long

          May takes a closer look at the two and satisfies herself that they are breathing then grabs her handbag from the counter, her coat from the closet and looks around the kitchen. She calls her faithful watchdog and rubs its head enthusiastically and with a contented smile declares  “Looks like I have one more load to haul old girl, shall we?”

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