Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1557541-Im-in-love-with-fuzz-Part-3
Rated: E · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1557541
hey i hope you guys like this one i finally figure out i realy like kurt
I awoke in the middle of the night, by being poked severel times. I grunted at swatted in the direction of the poker. It didnt do anything. A couple seconds passed when I finally sat up and stared and the attacker. It was Kurt. "What do you want?" I hissed. I was very irritable when woken up. "I vant to talk." Kurt said in his cute German accent. "We can talk tomarrow!" I told him and I layed down. " We vont have much privacy, ve'll be at the mall." He said, making me sit up again. I forgot about going shopping...I thought about it for a second. After a few seconds of thinking, I sighed and moved over for Kurt to sit down.

He smiled and jumped onto the bed. "So what is so important that you had to wake me up?" I asked Kurt. "Vell, i dont know much about you." He said. I sighed and told him how Logan put me in an orphanage and what Steve did to me. Kurt talked about how his mother, Mystique, threw him over a waterfall so she didnt get caught by other mutants. He said a German couple found him and raised him and he joined the circus. We talked for about 2 hours when i was realy starting to get tired. I told Kurt i was tired and i would see him in the morning. He said goodnight and teleported away. The smell he left behind was sulfur....my fave scent! I shook my head and went back to sleep.

I woke up to MORE poking! I sat up and saw who else? Kurt. "What is it this time?
I hissed. He smiled and plopped some clothes on my head. " These are some of Jean's clothes that she doesnt vear anymore. Logan thought that you could vear them." He said. I took the clothes off of my head, and looked at them. They were pretty nice. Kurt said that they were leaving in 1 hour, and that i had to get ready. I shoved him out of my room, and put the clothes on. They fit perfectly and i went to brush my hair and teeth. I put my crappy shoes on went to the kitchen.

I walked in and grabbed an apple. I was about to bite into it when somebody grabbed it out of my hands. "What the?" I exclaimed. I saw Logan take a bite out if the apple and he threw it back to me. I looked at the apple in discust. "Why the heck did you do that, Logan?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrows.He looked at the cieling like he was thinking. He laughed and looked at me. " I dunno, i felt like it, i guess." He said. I grunted and turned around to leave. Logan out his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to look at him.

"Why did you call me Logan?" He asked. "Uh..thats your name, isnt it?" I asked him, puzzled. "Well, most kids dont call thier father by there first name." Hexplained. "Sorry, im just not used to it...can I still call you Logan? Im not realy comfortable saying "Dad"." I asked him. He nodded and turned to leave himself. He then stopped. "Oh, Sam. We will be leaving in about 10 minutes so go to the garage. Go out the front door and go to your right, and youll find it." He said, and left.

I went out the front door and turned right. I saw a little building, and a huge black hummer coming out of it. That must be the garage. I walked over to it, and saw Scott sitting on the hood of the hummer. He saw me and smiled. "Hey guys, Sam's here!" HE yelled into the garage. The next thing i knew i saw Kurt in front of me. "Hallo' Sam!" He practicaly screamed. "Um..Hi." I said laughing. Kurt grabbed my hand and pulled me into the garage. I saw Jean, Kitty and Scott. Wow...a crowd. Jean saw me and walked over. "Hey Sam, im glad my clothes fit you." She siad smiling. "Ya, me too. Im so tired of wearing the same thing." I told her. She nodded. A sound made me look away. I saw Logan opening the driver door. "Come on guys." He said, sighed. Kitty squeeled and jumped in the back. We all got in, a little squished. Kitty sat on the left side, I sat in the middle, Kurt sat on the left side, and Scott and Jean sat up front with Logan. It only took a minite or two to get to the Bayville Mall. We all jumped out. Kitty Squeeled even louder and ran inside.

We entered the mall and saw Kitty looking at a pink dress, shaking all over. "Im buying this! Its so like, AWSOME!!" She looked around and saw another thing and ran over to it. She saw another and another...Logan went over to a wall and started to bang his head on it. "This is going to be a very long day." He mumbled. I snickered and started to walk. The first place i wanted to go to was Hot Topic. We shopped and shopped and finally we dropped. (Haha i made a funny!) The whole time we were there, Kurt was with me. Everytime i saw something i liked, Kurt said it looked awsome on me. We went into a jewely story. I looked for something that would go with my new corset-like shirt i got at Hot Topic. I was looking at necklaces when something in the ring shelf caught my eye. It was a blue diamond ring. I looked at the price. $150. Crap. I only had 50 dollars left. Kurt came up behind me and saw what i was looking at. "Hey, i like it! Why dont you get it?" HE asked me. I told him the price and i didnt have enough. I walked away dissapointed. 4 long hours later we finally got home. We all went to the kitchen. I went for another apple.

I was about to grab it, when my hand touched Kurt's, who's was also grabbing that apple. We smiled at eachother and he let me have the apple. I then realized i had feelings for Kurt...*sigh* Hes so cute when he mumbles something German, and he is so fuzzy! *squeel* I think im going to like it here!
© Copyright 2009 Amelia Berkett (fuzzy_dude at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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