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From George Ulrich Britz of Germany to John W Britts of Virginia |
Samuel Frantz Britz Samuel Britts--could be Britz or Britts prior to 1900--was a deacon in the Christian Church. He was an election officer and elected election commissioner of the Confederate States of America. In the Civil War, he served in the 28th Virginia Regiment Volunteer Company B, CSA. After having many children, his first wife Elizabeth Elmore, died of tuberculosis. Samuel was 38 with six minor children, so he married soon after her death a young woman, aged 15, named Mary Campbell. She gave him ten children, one of whom was John William Britts. This was my grandmother's father. Mary's mother, Elizabeth Campbell, was a widow who nursed Elizabeth Britts in her illness, and cared for the children. She came to live with them, bringing young Mary with her. One source claims Mary was married for six months, was widowed, then married Samuel 3 months later.This source has not been verified by any other sources. During the war, son George by the first marriage, was too young to fight, so he enlisted as a drummer boy. He was with Company A 60th Virginia Infantry. He was wounded and came home to heal from those wounds. While he was there, the rains came and muddied up the territory. 3000 Yankees, led by Brigadier General Averell, were trying to march through the area in the flash floods, and had already lost four men. The general decided they should camp out until the rain stopped, and the roads cleared. So they spread out over Samuel's farm and the neighbors' fields and woods. They took whatever supplies they needed from several of the farms. {info from journal of Gen. Averell} Mary Campbell had recieved the warnings of their coming, so she set out to save young George, fearing he would be arrested by the Yankees. There was inside the house a drying loft where they dried apples, vegetables, and berries. She got him up into the loft and concealed him, thinking it would be over in a few hours. Since it turned into days, the teenage boy became hungry. For days George kept the family on pins and needles as he whispered down through the cracks between the boards, "I'm hungry." There must have been a few Yankees inside the house. They finally left, and George was safe. In 1864 Samuel was elected magistrate of New Castle. In his final will, he left his real estate and livestock to Mary, "his beloved wife", to be held until her death, then passed to her children. To the 6 children of his first wife, he left a sum of money, about $100 each, including sons-in-law not daughters-in-law, and one slave to each one. The remaining 7 slaves went to Mary and her children. This is from the probate record at the courthouse, one year after his death, in 1899. There is no striking out of the slaves, which is odd, since slavery was illegal years before his death. The courthouse certainly wouldn't have allowed the transfer of slaves. Mary's parents were named William and Elizabeth Campbell. Some details: .Samuel Frantz Britts (mother's maiden name is Frantz) born about 1820 Botetourt died 1898 Craig County, Virginia USA marrried Elizabeth Elmore, 1818-1856 (par: James & Mildred Elmore) married Mary Campbell, 1831-1914, mar. 9-7-1856, Craig, VA Ch by Elizabeth: Jenette Almeda - b 1841 or 1845, Craig sp William Goode b sbt 1837, nickname Nettie had child six years before marrying Goode. To this day his descendants do not know the identity of the father of that child/ancestor. Dexter Snow b 8-14-1844 sp Martha Leffel on 11-27-1877, sp#2 Elizabeth Ann Givens George M b 1848. sp Mary S. Eliza b 1850 Martha A "Mattie" b 1852, d 1941 sp John Lee Margaret V-Maggie b 1854 d 1941 sp Francis Marion Caldwell 1878-1926 Ch by Mary: John William - b 12-25-1861 Craig VA (Botetourt had broken into 3 counties by then) sp - Jailey E M Brickey, Craig See separate list of 14 children) Nancy b 1854 d 1858 [or Naomi] Catherine Elizabeth b 1860 d 1879 Frank O b 1863 d 1883 Fannie Adeline b 1865 d 1958 sp Albert Webb (Robert L, Kenneth, Harold) James Ballard b 01867 d 1940 MO sp Louella M Anderson (Sarah Britts, Robert, Nelson) Gertrude Susan b 1871 d 1935 sp Ballard Wade Carper, (Violet, Myrtle, Daisy Carper Damewood, Rosemary, Lilly, Grace, Oscar, Ashby, Elsie Mae, Ruth, Gordon) Lillian May b 1874 d 1930 sp Francis Leighton Abbott (Raymond C, Frankie M) Stewart Adam b 1877 d 1942, sp Mary Steele Roanoke, VA Samuel Peyton b 1881 d 1941 sp Maggie A Minter one unnamed infant, died before 1858 Samuel's father Henry Britts 1781-1845 Botetourt County, VA USA mother Mary Catherine Frantz, 1782-1870, born PA, died Craig Co, VA Mat gfat Michael Zug Frantz, 1753-1843 (had cousin named Michael Frantz, they cause confusion)** Mat gmot Elizabeth Sollenberger Frantz,1753-?, born in Switzerland, died PA Pat grandfat Johan Adam Britz (Johan is like Mr. or Sir) born Germany Pat grandmot Margaret Stover (her father and brother are ancestors of Pres. Eisenhower) Great grandfather George Ulrich Britz Great gramdmother Catherine Werner Britz {The children of Samuel Britts were recently updated for me by a descendant of Samuel's daughter Gertrude.} Going back further: The children of Henry Britts are: William Britts - b 1804 Botetourt, VA USA sp - Sarah Damewood, mar 2-20-1827, Craig Sarah Britts - b 1805 Botetourt, VA sp - Milkiah Damewood, mar 12-28-1826, b 1804 d ? d - 4-3-1834 Catawba Co, VA Elizabeth Britts - b 1813 Botetourt sp- Adam Cole on 4-13-1834 Adam Francis Britts - b 7-26-1817 Botetourt, VA d -12-17-1891 Tazewell sp - Elizabeth M Cutler ? b 10-3-1819, d 20-4-1879 Tazewell ch: Nancy B Shawyer, Angeline Burner, Alice Shawyer, May France Elja, Mahalia Reynolds, George Britts b 1858 Samuel Frantz Britts - see above for details George Washington Britts - b Botetourt **There is debate over whether Michael Frantz' father was Michael or Christian (mat. great great gr-father of Samuel Britts). Everyone claims to have superior research in this matter, so it's hard to decide. Michael Zug Frantz was a Swiss Mennonite, who came thru the Little Sisters Creek of PA before migrating to Virginia. 13 Frantz family members left from Zimmerhoff in 1732 on ship Samuel. Originally, they came from the Palinate. Elizabeth Sollenberger's father was Ulrich Sollenberger, 1716-1766, and had a brother Joseph, born 1718. He arrived from Rotterdam on 9-26-1737 on the "Andrew" Galley from Rotterdam. He was from Switzerland, probably Appenzell and St. Sullen area. There is a place there called Sollen Tahl (valley). That may be where they derived the name. [from the Shellenber Family History, (c) 1999-2004. [Swiss origin from "Sollenberg Family History", (c) 1999-2004] Ulrich Sollenberger settled in PA and was married about 1742 to Maria, who was born and died in PA. His father was Abraham, from Kappelen Switzerland, and he married Verlena Lerch about 1705. Abraham's father was Joseph, born 3-4-1648 or 49, in Bern; he married a Miss Widmer. His father was Benedict, b 4-21-1605 in Bern. His wife was Christine Jost. Note: there are two Michael Frantz, cousins, of similar background and age, and two Catherine Frantz, two years apart in age in the same areas. There is no concrete evidence that the Mary Catherine Frantz who married Henry Britts is the daughter of Elizabeth Sollenberger. Johan Adam Britz (Britts) Spouse - Margaret Stover Children: 1.John Britts : Elizabeth spouse John Myers Samuel Catherine spouse John Myers (after Elizabeth died) Margaret died young Joel John David George M b 9-11-1812 sp Mary Jane Rogers b 11-27-1820, mar 12-10-1835 Mary spouse James Foster Sarah spouse Allen Harrison 2.Henry Britts (children listed above) 3. Suzannah B, b 1777, mar 3-24-1800 Botetourt, sp Henry Souder (dau Barbara, sp Thomas James, d Ind.) The children of Dr. George M Britts {Adam-John-George}: {moved back and forth from IN to MO} John Henry B b 11-1-1836 sp Annie E F Lewis, Confed Army, surgeon in Montgomery AL after losing leg Susan ElizabethbB never married Sarah Jane B sp Elijah Reid, MO Sophia Alice, sp Herman J Huiskamp, IO Mary Isabel, sp Emerson Harris MO Georgie Ann, sp Frank Taylor MO Note: Dr John Henry Britts became Democratic state senator 1883 in MO. Needing info on Campbells, Sollenbergers, Wermers, and stories on any of the above. Other direct forebears of Samuel Britts included: Shaeffer (Sweedish), Ostenberger, Bauer, ?Kuppinger, ?Stengel, ?Gscheidl. Also, I have photo #1 including among others:Allie CARPER and Ella Britts. Under Ella's name is written "90 years old, Oct. 1961. Ella Britts,it turns out, is Louella Anderson Britts.Her sister, Ann Virginia Anderson, is the mother of two Brickey's in the picture from Craig Co in VA, Coleman Brickey and Bertie Brickey Abbott. Ella married James Ballard Britts, or Bal, brother of John William Britts, who married Jailey Brickey, aunt of the two Brickey's in the photo. [Two Anderson sisters, two Britts brothers, and a Brickey sister/brother married amongst themselves.] I believe Ms Carper is a relative of the Brickey's. The photo is stamped Dec 1961. However, in a cemetery on the Frantz farm in Craig, there is a tombstone for Samuel Britts, and several graves for Britts and Carpers. It is still owned by a Frantz descendant today. Bal Carper married Susan Gertrude Britts. I just don't know how Allie Carper fits in. I also have pictures, # 2 and #3, of Lee family members in Craig from the 1930;s; They probably are related to John Lee, spouse of Mattie Britts, daughter of Samuel Britts by Elizabeth Elmore, first wife, as mentioned above. I have no further info on this family or id's in photo. Photo #4 is dated Dec 61 (date developed) and shows two women, one white-haired with pearls. On the back is written: Sarah Britts, Louella Britts, Kansas City, MO. Sarah is Ella's daughter, and apparently never married. I have no info or other children. This is the same Ella Britts mentioned in photo # 1. I have another article on John W. Britts and the Britts of the 20th century. Marriage Certificate of Samuel Britts: Circuit Court of Craig County of Virginia Marriage Date September 7, 1856 Place Craig Parties Samuel Britts and Mary Campbell His age 36 years Her age 15 years Husband widowed Wife single her birth Craig his birth Craig residence both Craig husband's parents Henry and Catherine wife's parents William and Elizabeth husband's occupation Farmer solemnized minister of gospel A J Elmore filed November 3, 1856 Marriage Certificate of John W. Britts County of Craig Groom John W. Britts Bride Jaily E. M. Dixie Brickey Groom 19 W Single, trade farmer, born Craig, father Samuel Britts, mother Mary Britts Bride 18 W Single, maiden Jaily E. M. Brickey, born Craig, father Jarred Brickey, mother Mary Brickey Deputy Clerk of Court J F Givens Minister A J Elmore of Christian Church Date May 27, 1880 Place residence of Jarred Brickey License issued May 26, 1880 Marriage Certificate of Dixie L Britts County of Louisa Groom Harry J Smith Bride Dixie L Britts Groom 33 W Single, 0 prev marriages, trade Lineman, born Albemarle, father P P Smith, mother Nancy Smith Groom's residence Zion, VA Bride 22 W Single, 0 prev marriages, no occupation, born Louisa, father John Britts, mother Dixie Britts Bride's residence Campbelll, VA Proposed date of marriage November 5, 1827, place Louisa, VA Deputy clerk of Louisa Co Circuit Court J M Thomas, Jr Nov 4, 1927 Minister of Baptist church, S B Overton (authorized in Norfolk Co to perform weddings) {{size:4}b}DNA TESTING DNA testing is available at a reasonable, but not inexpensive, price. You may test for someone specifically, but you may do general testing, or FF DNA (family finder), which will match you with other people who have already tested. From there you discern your common ancestors. It's one way of knowing for sure your family lines. There are Britts positively identified already, I have corresponded with a Britts cousin who claims that of thousands of possibilities he has connected with 23 "cousins", not just Britts but other lines as well. Fitzgerald, Ralph Son of Juanita Faye Smith Fitzgerald, grandson of Dixie Katleen Louise Britts Smith, great grandson of John William Britts Ralph Eugene Fitzgerald Ralph Eugene Fitzgerald, 55, of Scottsville, died Monday, August 25, 2014, at his residence. He was born on November 25, 1958, in Charlottesville, the son of Rhodsey Lee "R. L." Fitzgerald Jr. of Scottsville and the late Juanita (Smith) Fitzgerald. Ralph was employed by Payne Paving of Scottsville for over 19 years. He was also a member of the Scottsville Volunteer Fire Department for many years. He enjoyed helping others, riding his 4-wheeler and scooter, and loved his chewing tobacco. In addition to his father, survivors include three sisters, Kathleen Utterback and husband, Bill, of Richmond, Carolyn Collins and husband, John, and Jacqueline Guthrie and husband, Leslie, all of Scottsville; a niece, Amanda Guthrie; two nephews, Billy Utterback and Travis Collins; and a number of other extended family members. A funeral service will be conducted 2 p.m. Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the Thacker Brothers Scottsville Funeral Home by Pastor Harlin Sykes and Reverend James Jetton. Interment will follow at the Scottsville Cemetery. Harry Gordon "Pete" Gooch Died July 23, 2023, at age 87. He was predeceased by : his parents, Harry Gordon Gooch and Bessie Blythe Britts of Troy; his sister Margaret Turner of Charlottesville; and his brother-in-law William Parker of Scottsdale, Ariz.. He is survived by : his wife Ann Layman Gooch; his children, Della Vache of Frederick, Anita Schrunk (Tony) of Glen Allen and Neil Gooch (Michelle) of Keswick; his sister Mildred Parker (Mickey) of Scottsdale, Ariz.; his brother-in-law Frank Layman of Charlottesville; and his grandchildren, Andrew, Julia Vache, Claire, Carter, Caden Schrunk, Kirsten Frazier, Brooke Deane, Skyler Breeden and Forest Gentry. |