Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1556756-Dawns-End
Rated: GC · Novel · Horror/Scary · #1556756
Vampire romance, horror, love, hatred, and everything in between.
It was nearly pitch dark a small white, glittering light
shone directly over my head. The moon was a perfect crescent shape, the sky was
littered with stars, each different in its own way. The ground was blanketed in a thick,
shimmering opaque frost that covered the surroundings around me. There I stood,
unnoticed in the shadows of the late evening, the minutes ticking by. My throat
was dry, throbbing, it ached. I hadn't drank in days. The circles under my eyes
were so prominent, that I looked one-hundred and fifty percent scary then I
really was.

I crouched to the ground just waiting in silence as the
night went on. Dawn was just coming over the horizon. I spotted a young female
jogger; she couldn't be more then 15 years of age. Why she was out so late I have
no idea, but she didn't stand a chance. I sighed deeply, but focused my eyes on
her. The smell of her was the best thing in the entire world. I'd say my mouth
was watering, but my mouth can not water. I let my palm carefully leave the
ground, as the balls of my feet rolled upwards; I too was soon off the ground
and in the air in moments. I was silent, sounding nothing more then a gentle
gust of wind in the early morning hours. My hands were around her shoulders, as
I let my feet plant on her hips, letting my body sink into a tight crouch. My
nose found her neck breathing the smell of her in hard, and slow. She was
trembling from my touch, and my eyes moved from her throat to her own eyes;
which were wide with fear. I'd never forget them, they were like bright blue
sapphires in the morning sunlight, but I was hungry I shrugged off all my shame
very quickly. My mouth grazed along her shoulder, moving softly up her collar
bone before sinking my front incisors deep into the hollow of the young girls’
throat, my teeth pierced her vocal cords, stopping her musical voice from
screaming any more.

Her blood was sweeter then most, it was so intoxicating I
wish she had more in her then she did. I was half tempted to only bite her, to
let her suffer a life such as mine, to have a friend to turn to, but I didn't.
I had not fed myself in so long, that I couldn't stop myself from draining the
girl of all her color, and leave her body lifeless in the park.

I licked my lips very slowly, savoring the last traces of
the girls’ blood. I stole every bit of I.D she had on her, softly place my
hands into the pockets of my designer jeans and walked off into the darkness of
the back woods. There would be no evidence of what had just happened, no I.D on
this girl, and not a single soul who had just witnessed what I'd just done.

I was smarter then I'd like to admit, everyone hears about
the myths those have told about our kind. Nearly half of them are wrong,
because a myth is just a myth after all. Sure she would be drained completely
over her blood, but using the venom we contain rapidly heals, no bite marks, no
trace of our kind, and no more ridiculous myths for more to believe.

Only questions would arise from her mysterious death: Was it
aliens? Had someone murdered her else where, drained her blood, and dumped her
to be found? Was she already one of us, the cold ones a blood sucker? No one
would honestly ever find out.

At that thought, a smile spread over my lips, exposing my
fangs. I let the tip of my tongue softly trace the razor sharp picks, down to
my bottom teeth, over my lower lip, and back into my mouths cavity. I could
sill taste her blood within my mouth and it pleased me greatly, but at the same
time I craved for it even more then I had before. I craved it so badly it
enraged me into wanting to find more girls just like her.

I shook the thought from my head. My skin which was normally
a soft porcelain tone was stained with patches of brown from being in the woods
for so long. I smelled of rotting wood, and my normally perfect hair has become
a rats nest.

I sighed, leaping onto my tipsy toes, softly twirling in a
few circles, before racing through the woods smelling the air as I moved as
fast, and as graceful as ever. I could smell the fresh mountain stream as I ran.
It was less then a mile away, it was early spring the water would be cold and
refreshing. I placed the ball of my left foot carefully at the streams edge,
slowly stopping myself just before I fell into the stream.

With one gentle motion of my hands my clothing dropped to
the forest floor, I traced my toes over the ice cold water sighing in relief.
"Mmmmmm." I exhaled sinking my right foot into the water; slowly I
let my left foot enter as my body plunged down slowly into the streams dark blue

I scooped the water up, dropping it over my head; it felt so
nice. I sank slowly to the bottom of the stream, leaving my eyes open to
explore. I saw the baby trout already hatched, getting bigger by the moment,
tadpoles had been laid, and ferns were starting to grow. It was an amazing
wonder. I slowly stood finally feeling clean. I had let my guard down while I
was examining he underwater world in the stream, which I have to admit was
utterly unlike me, and stupid of me.

I smelled the air slowly, freezing in place. I couldn't pick
up on the scent, I had no idea if it was human or not. I didn't dare turn to
see, I was naked after all, and I'd prefer who ever was watching did not get a
peek at my tits.

I wrinkled my nose sniffing the air around me hard, but I
paused for a mere moment. The scent, I was starting to recognize it. I felt a
sharp pain in my throat, as my lips curled over my top teeth exposing my fangs
just as a loud snarl ripped through the quiet morning forest.
“WHAT—DO—YOU—WANT?” I made sure each word was defined, and loud.

No reply, just a snicker, I felt him getting closer. I let
another angry snarl rip out from my quivering lips, which exposed my fangs

“My god” he chocked out between laughs. “Calm yourself

“Zaric Dostrae—“I breathed “You fucking little shit!” I’d
had it I was spun around in a heart beat, my tits bounced which he seemed to
love seeing as how when I looked at him his eyes were glued to them like they
were his metal and I was the magnet. “ZARIC!” I snarled making sure my fangs were
exposed fully; that got his attention his eyes shifted from tits, to face, to
tits again, before settling on my face.

“Yes my love?” He spoke with a snicker. “You seem—as lovely
as ever Nikolai, but—“he paused for a brief moment to once again fixate his
eyes onto my tits. “The ladies seem to be, I don’t know—not as high as they
were a while back?” he more or less asked his grin widening so the tips of his
fangs were showing now.

“You fucking useless, heartless, slab of nothingness!” I
shrieked before charging him full on, the shoulder to his chest made the
loudest crack, as his body slammed into a tree a few hundred feet over the
stream. “HMPH!” I declared proud of myself for sending him that far.

I spun around more cheery now then before, as I started to
get myself dressed—that thought was short lived. Zaric’s elbow slammed so hard
into the nape of my neck that my head thrust forward snapping on impact; which
then I just crumpled to the forest floor in one slow snake like movement. Zaric
nestled his feet on each side of me, his hands sliding down my thighs, gripping
them forcing my legs open as he did. I
snarled as loud as I could manage. I
slowly started coming around just as the tip of his finger ran down my lip
making sure he dug in as he traced my curves. He was totally absorbed,
distracted in his perverted thoughts. I twisted my front around gripping his
ear, twisting so hard he snarled like I’ve never heard him snarl. I pulled so
hard it pulled him off balance.

“You sick fucker—“I snarled sliding onto my feet swinging my
foot at his ribs “Do not ever touch me again.” I said just as my foot met his
ribs, the snapping, and crunching was disgusting—but I smiled with absolute
delight. “Fucking disgusting snake. “ I giggled letting my foot connect with
his gut in the same swinging motion as before. He groaned in agony as my foot
came to a firm rest on his well defined abdomen. I was smiling like a little
child, who just got a present for her Birthday. “So—Zaric, how are you feeling?”
I grinned madly at him, giving a quick almost unseen wink with my left frost
blue eye.

“You fucking bitch, I am going—“he chocked out the words, as
he scrambled to his ungodly, large feet.

“You’re going to what? Does the cat have Zaric’s tongue?” I
taunted him.

“KILL YOU!” He bellowed out, rising to his full stature;
which let me remind you, he is a big, big boy. “Yes, kill the little, petite girl before me.”
He grinned at me, stepping closer.

“Tsk, tsk, have you forgotten our last run in?” I reminded
him cold heartedly.

“No.” He said flat out, as his hand cupped my chin, while
his other ripped my shirt open. “I most certainly—“he continued slowly, as the
tips of his fingers ran over my tit, tracing my nipple. “Have not.” He finished
his sentence just as he cupped my left tit hard within his hand gripping it
tightly. “Mmmm, you smell intoxicating.”
He whispered into my ear, grasping the lobe hard between his teeth.

“And you smell like a dead donkey’s ass.” I exhaled slowly.
“Now if you’d be so kind as to remove your hands from me, we’d be on our lovely
little ways.” I spoke between gritted teeth.

“You make things in me grow when you get feisty.” He smiled
letting my ear go as he spoke. His hand traced down my bare stomach, just as
his finger tips dug into my flesh.

“Let me go!”

“Why, we both know you love it.”

“ZARIC!” It was the last words from my mouth, before I knew
it, we were in the air, my feet on his chest, my nails tearing into his neck,
my fangs were bared, and we were snarling up a nasty storm.

“OW!” He exclaimed. “That hurts you fucking bitch.”

I glared at him, my normally sweet disposition flipped so
fast, the blue in my eyes flickered out, and nothing but pure blackness was
left in them. I opened my mouth as wide as I could, even letting my jaw
unhinge. I lunged my entire face at him, hooked my fangs on his shoulder, and
bite down full force.



“Nikolai please let me go!”

“Fine, but don’t you ever start with me again Zaric.” I
snarled releasing him in mid-air. We
both fell landing on the balls of our feet.

He let out a loud snarl glaring at me. I suppose it was a warning snarl.
I knew not to test my luck with him, I might have won this time, but he was going easy on me.

I just rolled my eyes at him, before darting off into the wilderness, alone.
It's how I liked it, I never liked being with anyone. I was a loner; plain and simple.
I'd only traveled twenty miles, give or take a few. I stopped counting after I hit ten.
© Copyright 2009 Lady Lecter (ladylecter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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