Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1556697-Harry-P-Meets-Lilly-Ps-Daughter
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1556697
Harry has a sister? Since when?

Chapter 1
“Mixed Houses”

The fifth year or 15th year of young Harry Potter began on this lovely breezy Monday morning. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were just sitting down at their assigned house table. The headmaster Dumbledore spoke “Good evening children; now we have two changes in starting this year. We’re pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank” “Who will be taking care of magical creatures, while professor Hagrid is on temp, Relief. We all should wish to welcome our new defense against the dark arts teacher” “Professor Dolores Umbridge, I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. As usual our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you…”
Dumbledore stopped and looked over to where Professor Umbridge sat in all pink. As so did the others teachers; to look that is. Her hair was brown and her eyes were a moonlit blue it seemed. She had a smile on her face but it’s what others call a fake or a creepy smile. She had placed her pink purse which was at the time by her feet on the table. Umbridge had now stood up from where she sat and began walking towards Dumbledore. “Thank you headmaster for those kind words of welcome and how lovely” she faced the students at each of their house tables.
Umbridge spoke on “To see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I’m sure we’ll all be very good friend.” Umbridge still had that smile on her face. Fred and George Weasly; who sat next to each other, were known as the Weasly twins. Spoke at the same time just for their friends near to hear. “That’s likely” And spoke with a hint of sarcasm in their voices. But Umbridge heard that and also seemed to ignore it. “The ministry of magic has always considered the education of the young witches and wizards to be a vital importance”
“Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school” bows her head a tad in respect to Dumbledore as so he did back. “Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Prefect what can be perfected. And prove practices ought to be prohibited.” Umbridge spoke with a smile of hers at the end and a small as anyone would call it, a giggle. This of course would surely suit her for her taste.
As she began to walk away the doors that led to the hallway had opened up so suddenly by Mr. Filch himself. Ms. Norris was next to him so close. Someone knew, someone unexpected had walked though the doors and started down the long path to where the headmaster and professors sat. She didn’t seem like any ordinary girl or wizard. Or witch as in others use for simple-ness. She walked standing up straight as she continued her way down the aisle.
She had short red hair with a dark shade to it pulled back into a high ponytail. She had blue eyes with a green mixture that stood out among her emotionless face with her pale skin to match. She wore dark blue jeans with what it looked like, paint stains and paint drops. She also wore white sneakers and a black short sleeve shirt that had a smiling cartoon bunny saying “You’re so dumb” on the front.
“Heh, don’t make me laugh Umbridge” The new girl spoke from the bottom of the steps in front of the headmaster. “What did you say” Umbridge replied not sure if she heard correctly with this girl’s tone of voice. “Your tone is most unappreciated young lady” The girl with short red hair looked to her as if nothing had happened. “Honestly, do you think I care?” “Tell me now” Umbridge spoke with annoyance it seemed.
“Tell you what? Be more specific when you ask me things” The girl replied but with a bit of an attitude. Dumbledore spoke before Umbridge could and said “Would you please come up here and tell us your name?” Dumbledore was being polite. So the girl used magic to lift herself barely up in the air and on top of the steps near Dumbledore.
“My name is Kate” The girl spoke. Umbridge looked at her “what is your last name dear” “That’s for no one to know. Well not you anyways. I don’t give out my last name. My own reasons, we have free will you know” Kate spoke back to Umbridge. Kate had added “Oh and another thing. I am now a student here after we figure out what my house will be. May we?” Everyone had looked at her as the old sorting hat that flew out from the hallway and down the aisle.
The sorting hat got a nod from Dumbledore as the hat sat gently down on Kate’s head. “Ah! I see now. Yes, yes family stays a secret. Great talent, bravery, and knowledge far beyond anyone in this room; she almost surpasses the teachers and headmaster altogether…” he didn’t exactly get to finish what he was to say because in Kate’s mind she was telling him to “say no more” So that’s exactly what he did.
And the sorting hat’s final judgment of where she would be seated was “Hm…Either Slytherin for greatness or Gryffindor for courage. Which one, which one should I chose. Hm…” the sorting hat was having trouble choosing so he asked Kate “would you like to chose my dear” She thought about it in her head and spoke out loud in words for at least the teacher’s to hear. “Slytherin” and so the sorting had repeated nodding “SLYTHERIN” And with that
Dumbledore took the hat off her head as she fixed any loose hairs in place. And before she could go and take her seat she spoke “Just because you’re now a teacher here doesn’t mean you’ll ever get any sort of respect from me Umbridge. All else will but never you.” When Kate sat down so did Umbridge who was very unsatisfied with what just went on.
After everyone ate and spoke and Malfoy staring at Kate who just rolled her eyes to herself towards him; they went to their common rooms. When Harry entered the room and walked even a bit past a few. Others began to whisper things that seemed to have followed some rumors. Kate snuck in while another boy, Ron, and Harry were arguing about if Harry had seen the dark lord himself.
And that the daily prophet had spoke some things about Dumbledore as well. Kate walked in front of them and stood near Harry. “And what do you want” the boy asked Kate. “You don’t think the dark lord isn’t still around? Or still trying to kill the two of the same blood who he could not kill years ago? Then you need some serious help.” Kate was already in the girl’s uniform but she hated it as it showed.
“You honestly believe that he only goes after Harry and no one else. What makes you both so different?!” the boy had asked already getting mad. “You really want to know. Then fine. I will put this in simple words. Harry has a lighting bolt on his forehead. Isn’t that right” Kate asked waiting for an answer. The boy spoke “So what, he lived by the dark lord who tried to kill him. What does this have to do with anything…” before the boy could speak on Kate interrupted him.
“This is what it has to do with” Kate took off her shirt revealing a black spaghetti strap tank top and pointed to her left palm. There was a lighting bolt like Harry’s there. There was another one on the side of her neck and over her heart. “Unless you have anymore questions that needs to be answered; I will only say this last thing and it’s off to studying for me.” Kate put her shirt back on and spoke.
“The same dark lord who cursed Harry; he had cursed me times three as well. Harry’s mother, Lilly Potter is my mother as well. I was the first born but forgotten or as she thought. Hidden away so I may live without harm; but we don’t have the same last name nor father. And my father never married Lilly. Just as in dating and if I hear any rumors about our family I will personally end it. Understand.” The boy nodded as Kate turned to Harry. “If you need anything let me know. Okay.” And then Kate had left to go back to the Slytherin rooms.
She spoke to no one and went in her room to find Dumbledore there standing by her window. “Can I help you?” she spoke in a calm but tired voice. She sat on her bed and took her hair down to brush it out. She was getting a headache from having it up a lot and needed a brake. “I hope so. Can you tell me about your family?” Dumbledore asked. Kate picked out her brush from her duffle bag and looked at her bed not making eye contact as usual.
“I will if you don’t say anything to anyone at all. Especially my father or to Harry” she spoke brushing out her hair from side to back to side. “Always as a treasure never to be unlocked” Dumbledore answered. “My mother is Lilly Potter and my Father is…” she explained everything to Dumbledore and why she wanted to come to Hogwarts in the first place since any school would take her.
After Dumbledore left she stayed in her room all day; even though they needed their schedules. She was staring out her window into the view. As an envelope magically appeared on her bed; she walked over and picked it up looking at it. She opened it as a small note said “Enjoy your rest from your long journey” and another paper read her classes. She had all the classes her brother Harry had. But there was room for improvement and she needed some help in certain areas.

Chapter 2
“Painful penmanship”

The next day came and it was time for the Dark Arts lesson. Everyone was there and a girl even made a bird like origami using magic to make it fly. Other boys tried to knock it down but missed as everyone chatted amongst themselves. That is until it made it back to the girl and incinerated in front of her disappearing. And the students fine themselves faced in the same room with Professor Umbridge.
“Good morning Children” Umbridge spoke as the class kept speaking and settling down. “OWL” “More commonly known as OWLS. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be severe.” With that Umbridge flicked her wand as books were being magically passed out. “Your previous instruction this summer has been disturbingly uneven” “Pleased to know from now on you will be following a carefully structured ministry approved course of defense of magic.” “Yes?” Umbridge called onto Hermione.
“There’s nothing in here about using defensive spells?” Hermione spoke. “Using spells” Umbridge giggled a bit. “I can’t imagine a reason why we would need to use spells in my classroom” “we’re not going to use magic?” Ron asked confused a bit. “You’ll be learning about spells in a secure, risk free way” Umbridge answered. “What use is that; if we’re going to be attacked it won’t be risk free” Harry spoke out loud.
Umbridge added “Students will raise their hand when they speak in my class” she walked turning around up near the board and table which held the books again. After she gave her “view of the ministry” as she called it. Everyone did bookwork and then left for their next class but Harry had detention for “interrupting” the class with so called “lies” Kate took on extra book courses and stayed after in potions so she could keep changing them around.
But she accidentally dropped one making her fall backwards from the explosive wave. “Damn, I don’t get it; how the heck did I drop it so easily?” Kate spoke to herself not knowing Snape looked up from his desk at her. “What did you do now” Snape wasn’t asking her. It was more like don’t let it happen again kinda line. “Sorry…” Kate went to clean up the mess with her hands as usual but Snape walked over and held both of her hands within one of his to stop her from making a mistake but at that instant some kind of energy was felt between them and they let go in an instant.
“Sorry I’ll clean up and go back to my room” Kate spoke using a cleaning spell and leaving. Snape said nothing. For weeks things got worse and Dumbledore disappeared. Umbridge was in charge now and everything seemed to fall apart. Kate went on with her normal days but refused to speak to anyone. That’s until Umbridge decided to call her up from eating her dinner with all the other houses.
“Please stand there and tell us your full name” Umbridge spoke. “Kate” Kate spoke out. “Now your last name” Umbridge spoke with curiosity but Kate didn’t reply. Umbridge used a spell on her but Kate took it in because if she moved another would have been hurt. She felt electricity run through her veins and then stop slowly. She could still feel it. “Last name now” Umbridge spoke with annoyance now.
Kate spoke “No” Umbridge shocked her again and then asked one last time. “Snape” Professor Snape replied. “Well I know that’s your name but what’s hers?” Umbridge replied. “He’s right” Kate spoke adding “My name is Kate Lillian Snape and I am the daughter of professor Snape and Lilly Potter before Lilly dated James. Anymore questions and no I don’t have a birth certificate”
© Copyright 2009 Angelaria (angelaria at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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