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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #1556629
A continuation of The Key series. Things look bad!
The Key Part VI

Morgan was about to lose consciousness when there was a sound of the cell door being open and footsteps coming toward the two.

“Let go kid and back up. It looks like solitary arrangements for you now.” yelled the officer as he grabbed the young man and started dragging him away.

“The man drove me nuts. He kept on talking and I told him to shut up.” yelled back the kid as he struggled to get free from a tall policeman.

A second policeman ran over the Morgan and assisted him to the bed in the cell.

“Mister, are you all right?” he asked as he looked at the neck and face of Morgan.

Morgan fell back into the bed and slowly moved his head back and forth. His eyes fluttered and he seemed to lose consciousness finally, slowly open his eyes.

“Help me.”

“It’s all right. You now have a private room but I need to know, are you all right?” he asked slowly.

“Head hit the floor. Pain. Must see Beverly.”

“Beverly? Is that your wife’s name?” asked the policeman as he motioned to a third policeman to come inside the cell.

Morgan’s head fell to the side and his eyes closed. The policeman rushed to get some medical help.

At the house
Jessica and the two neighbors were about to lift up her father when they heard an ambulance’s siren in the neighborhood. It’s sound became louder until it made a stop in front of her house. There was a loud knock on her door.

“Mother! Quick! Let them in.” she shouted at her mother as she closed her back door.

Two big paramedic men and one woman entered the kitchen area.

Jessica let her mother describe what happened to Gregory. One paramedic had checked Gregory’s eyes and pulse. Gregory had not regained consciousness. He was still limp and cool.

“It looks like a stroke. Has this man every had any stroke before?” asked the first paramedic as he moved the stretcher closer to the unconscious man.

“No. Not to my knowledge.” replied Marilyn with a trembling voice.

“How long has he been like this?” asked the second paramedic as he got ready help lift him.

“For about 10 minutes. I called 9-1-1 and she sent you. Please time is important.”

“Yes madam. Will you move aside and give Tammy the other important information while we take him to the ambulance?”

Jessica nodded for her mother to go ahead as she thanked her neighbors for their offer of assistance.

“Jessica, call us if you need anything.” shouted the Arthur. He closed the door and walked out with Warren. They got into the car to move it out of the driveway.

Jessica grabbed her purse and hurried over to where her mother and the lady paramedic were talking.

“I have enough right now Mrs. Young. Why don’t you and your daughter follow us in a car to the hospital. “

The last paramedic walked quickly through the house and out the front door. Jessica closed and locked it as she turned to tell her mother to get all of her things and get into her car. She was at the door in the kitchen area when an old lady walked up the sidewalk to her house. She rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Jessica and her mother were already in the car and had turned the opposite way to follow the ambulance.

At the jail:
Morgan was rushed to the clinic area by a gray headed policeman and a nurse on a stretcher. He kept mumbling “Head hurt. Must talk. Don’t shoot. Run.” Then Morgan seem to ease into a sleep.

“My goodness this man has not stopped talking since we picked him up. I wonder what happened before he came here?” asked the nurse.

“I think the report was that he was involved in a shooting. Some man got killed and a policeman was wounded also. They call him dangerous so don’t turn your back on him for a minute.” warned the man.

They got into an elevator and went down to the clinic where the doctor was picking up a form that was sent down about his new patient. He looked at Morgan’s face and then the two people.

“The officer from upstairs said that he started a fight and a kid had to beat him up to defend himself.”

“No, I think that the kid attacked him because he has been talking too much. He has said almost the same things over and over again since we have been with him. There is not much blood on him but I think that I saw a big bump on his head.” replied the nurse.

“Okay. Let’s put him on the exam table but I want you to remain here while I examine him.” said the doctor to the officer as he put on some gloves. “Nurse please take his blood pressure and get ready to get a blood sample. We might as well see if he has been on any drugs.”

“Yes doctor. Oh by the way, the coroner wants you to sign the death certificate and send it right up so the family can take the last patient to the funeral home. Do you want me to tell them it is on the way now?”

“Hey you see I have someone here now.” replied the old doctor in a sneering manner as he snapped on his gloves. “One man is gone, dead and we just sent him up. They will just have to wait because I need to get this man diagnosed and out of here before the next shift comes. I have a very important event tonight and my wife told me under no circumstances to be one minute late.” He spun around and went into exam room B where he continued mumbling to himself.

The young policeman who was in the clinic with Morgan laughed a little under his breath. The nurse rushed to the phone as it rang.

“Hello. Clinic. You have what? No. I’ll tell the doctor but this is going to really make him mad. I hope you have a good excuse,” she said as she slammed the phone down. “I think the doctor’s wife is going to divorce court after tonight.”

Could there be any more problems? Who was at the door? Is Morgan unconscious for long? Will the doctor get out on time or will he give his wife another excuse?
© Copyright 2009 Dorianne (jumacu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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