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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1556610
best friends discover what they have created is a love they could have only dreamed of
Please read and comment this story has been taken from personal experince and is dear to my heart x

Isabella and James had been friends for years. The very best of friends spending hours each night on the phone, spending all day together in school.
There was something about the two of them they just got eachother, they shared the same interests had the same attitudes to life.

It had been 2 years since they had to leave their old school and now they both went to different schools, but still remained the best of friends.
By now they were both 16 and also had friends of their own, but when they met up it was just like old times. They didnt call eachother as often and didnt see each other as often either but they new deep down that they would be friends forever.

'Hey Bella its James how are you?' he asked as Isabella picked her phone up of her bed he always called her Bella

'James i am fine how are you feel like i have not seen you in ages!' she replied slightly blushing everytime she spoke to him her heart began to beat a little faster.

'I know thats why i am ringing thought we could do something soon? do you want to come around?' he asked sounding a little worried

'Yes sure' she laughed
'I can come and get you now if you are not doing anything?' he suggested still sounding a little worried. It was hard trying to make plans he always thought she might be doing something with her other friends, he didnt want to spoil her plans.

'Yes ok thats great i am just gonna get in the shower then see you soon' she said as she put the phone down and headed for the bathroom

Suddenly butterflies began to fill her stomache, she knew this was stupid James was her best friend he had been for years why was she nervous, maybe because she had not seen him in a while she thought to herself. After numerous outfits she decided to go with leggins and a jumper dress with her ugg boots.

James arrived in his car, he had just passed his driving test, he had a bmw and Bella thought it was really nice

'Hi' he said as she got in the passenger seat beside him
'Hey this is wierd you driving and everything isnt it?' she said trying to make conversation
'Yes i know' he laughed

Then it went silent Bella had never felt auckward around James but this time was different she didnt know what to say to him. After a while he began to talk to her about school and stuff and gradually it felt like old times.

'So what do you want to do today?' he asked as he pulled into the drive of his lovely house

'Dont mind just hang out i suppose' she said as she opened the car door

'Do you want a drink?' he asked as she walked into the kitchen

'No i am ok' she said sitting down

'Hey so your hair looks nice today' he said as he sat beside her. He always complimented her like this, why did he have to do it, it just frustrated Bella even more as she knew she couldnt have him.

'Oh thanks i just washed it before' she laughed of the comment trying not to read too deeply into it

'Yes its really soft' he said as he brushed his hand through her thick shiny brown hair

Butterflies started in her stomache and she blushed hopefully he didnt notice as he walked to the window.

The day passed quickly

'Do you want me to take you home now?' James asked from the other side of the sofa

'Umh only if you are sure' Bella said always trying not to sound rude

'Yes come on you are tired' he said as he picked up his car keys

James always knew when Bella was tired she would go very quiet and her eyes would become glossy


Bella and James did not speak for weeks after that they just seemed to be moving further and further apart from each other

It was Bellas 17 th Birthday and she had not heard from James all day, she thought this was strange as he never foregot her birthday. She waited all day for a text for something, and the next day and the next.

The thing is Bella loves James at least she thinks she does, she can imagine spending the rest of her life with him and being completley happy.

The next week Bella saw James driving home from school only he stopped to say hi.

'Hi James' Bella said as she approached his car

'Hi look i am sorry about your birthday i have your present here' he said handing her a gift bag

'Oh you didnt need to do that' she said taking the bag from him

'I wanted to' he smiled looking into her eyes

'Hey are you ok?' she asked sensing he was not really himself

'Yes its just i mean my dad has not been very well for a few weeks, he is in the hospital and they say he might go into a coma' James said looking sad

'Oh god thats auwful' Bella did not know what to say she felt auckward again how was she supposed to react

'Yes anyway i better get going' he said

'Umh ok take care, thanks for the present' she said as she got into the car

She waited until she got home to open the present she always felt so exposed around her family when it was soemthing to do with James like they might guess that she loves him.

She sat on her bed and opened the card

'Dear Bella happy birthday sorry its late! hope you had a good day love James x'

Bella broke down in tears, so typical James always caring about others especially at this time when his dad was ill, she felt so guilty she had been annoyed at him for missing her birthday.

More weeks passed and Bella text James every so often to see how he was and how his dad was doing, James just always said it wasnt good, she decided not to press the issue thought he might not want to talk about it.


It was the day before Bella went back to school after half term she was sat in the corner of her room doing her Maths revision. She had been doing maths all morning, but she was kind of enjoying it.
'Bella' her dad called up the stairs
She didnt answer him and he began to make his way up the stairs, she thought this was unusual he would not usually bother coming up to her room.

'Bella , James just wrang, his dad died this morning' Bellas dad said as he walked into her room

Bella stood up she was not sure she had heard correctly

'James Dad' she repeated

'Yes James dosent want to speak to you he didnt want to upset you' her Dad told her

'You ok?' he asked

'Yes' she lied through her teeth she was definatley in shock

She just walked over to the bed and sat their in silence trying to process what she had just been told.

James her Bestest Friend in the whole wide world, the one person she could trust the one person she loved and would die for. His Dad has died she told herself.

Bella began crying and could not stop it was not just the fact that his Dad had died it was the fact that someone she loved was going through so much pain, and she felt sick sick with pain and there was a burning hole in her heart, she swallowed and everytime she did the pain was there.

The first thing Bella did was to call Amy her best girlfriend. As soon as Amy picked up the phone Bella broke down she did not know what to do. Amy just listend and then Bella said goodbye.

Bella wanted nothing more in the world than to ring James and just cry just tell him how much she loved him and that she was here for him no matter what. She couldnt do it though she figured he may not want to speak to her not so soon. After at least 3 hours of crying in her bed, Bella decided she needed to communicate with him somehow to let him know she was thinking of him to let him know she cared. She felt so distant from him sat alone in her room his Dad had died and she hadnt even spoke to him. She decided a text would be best. She picked up her phone and wrote the message

' I am sorry i am texting you James, didnt know if you would want me to call you. I am thinking of you x Bella' it took her about 10 minuetes to send the message she didnt know if he would want to hear from her, but she knew she had to send the message she knew she had to be strong for him.

Her phone beeped she felt to sick to open the message straight away
Finally she pucked up the courage

' Thanks Bella i know that it must be hard what to say or do. I dont know what to do either x'

This alone set Bella off crying again James always seemed to amaze her his Dad had just died and he was still being so strong.

Bella felt sick she didnt know what to do, she loved him so much.

The next day after school Bella decided to ring James

'Hi Bella' he said picking up the phone 'Are you ok?' he asked
God there he goes again being strong asking me if i am ok Bella thought to herself

'Yes, i just i dont know what to say to you' she said as the tears started to fall down her cheeks

'Hey Bella dont cry i know its ok' his soothing voice calmed her down the phone

'Yes i am just so sorry' she cried
'Hey you dont have to be sorry for anything' once again he reassured her

The conversation was auckward to say the least but not an unpleasant auckwardness an understanding one.

The Next day Bella went to see James she was so nervous as she pulled into his drive, what the hell was she going to say to him.

He stood there on the drive, she had never seen him look so upset. She walked up to him and he pulled her in close to a hug she lay her head on his hard chest.

Then he pulled away and took her hand between both of his and held it there it felt like an eternity as he held her hand and looked into her eyes. As if looking for help but how could she help what could she do. They never usually hugged or anything Bella knew that this was going to change as he needed her more than ever before now. Everything they had ever been through all of the good times came down to this she was so upset.

She sat at the kitchen table with him in silence and suddenly the tears came and she cried and cried.

'Im sorry' Bella said as she settled the tears and looked up to him

'Dont be sorry Bella' he said his hand stretched out to hers


To be continued

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