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A conituation of the Jennie & Julie's giant gal pal's gargantuan rampage |
JULIE, THE GIRL NEXT DOOR “What is that noise?” Mrs. Jones asked of her husband, the elderly couple pausing from their newspapers to listen to the commotion next door. Mr. Jones rose from his recliner to peer out the window. “Call 911!” The sight of the house at 435 May Street was shocking; the roof began to expand, shingles raining to the ground with the force of an avalanche, the walls cracked and windows shattered. “I hope Julie is OK!” Mrs. Jones inquired in a panic. A human form rose over the Jones’ house like a tree, a massive shadow blocking the sun that shined into Mr. And Mrs. Jones’ window. WOW, I CAN SEE FOR MILES…AND THEN SOME MORE MILES AFTER THAT, Julie marveled as she scanned the horizon, now completely unobstructed, feet having crushed virtually everything left standing in the yard. Julie giggled, smiling ear to ear. It was a giggle people did not want to hear, but they probably did since it seemed to echo over the landscape at her bare feet. OH…………MY……..GOD! Laughing some more as she reached down and picked up a car from her neighbor's driveway, examining it before putting on the flat roof of the neighbor's house. I’M GONNA BE…SUCH…A…GIANT…. BADASS CHICK! The now 130-foot Latina beauty began the trek out of her yard, a giant-sized beach tote in tow, into what now seemed a whole new world to discover. Having completely stepped over her house, Julie struggled to plant both her bare feet within the width of the street. UGH! Julie groaned as she pushed several parked cars aside with her toes, gently curling the balls of her feet, nudging the stubborn vehicles onto sidewalks and front yards. More often than not, the vehicles tipped onto their sides or Julie simply reached down and moved then with her lanky fingers, leaving distinct and massive fingerprints on the cars. Julie ambled happily down the street, contentment filling every inch of her formerly 5’2” tall body, more than delighted to assume the role of a mischievous giant. As she passed the tiny houses, Julie waved to awe-struck residents, now weary of more oversized people in their midst as they scampered behind closed doors. They could only wonder if there would be more. Julie was still in an isolated area, and save for a few residents, no one had paid much attention to her yet, the talk of the town was still Jennie Ramirez. As Julie came to a bend in the road just at the top of a steep embankment that sat above a freeway, she gazed out into the distance, admiring the tall buildings, roadways and factories that dotted the landscape heading into the central city area. Still gazing, Julie sighed at the feeling of power she possessed, reaching into her oversized tote bag, eyes widening in delight as she plucked some grapes she had packed. WOW! THESE GRAPES ARE GIANT, TOO! Julie blurted out loud, quickly cupping her mouth for discretion. All the fruit in her bag had mutated, the grapes having ballooned to the size of an average refrigerator, accompanying Julie’s growth spurt. Looking just down the embankment, the giant couldn't get over the extent of the traffic that was heading away from downtown on State Freeway 909, clogging all eight lanes in both east and west directions. The tightly spaced vehicles maintained an orderly speed of 50 MPH. "Look at all the people running away from Jennie. I am so jealous. They’ll be running from me next." Julie cooed as she studied the eight lanes of highway traffic, dropping a grape into her right cheek, her short soft black hair jostling in a soothing breeze. MMM, the fruity juices burst as they refreshed her mouth, the Latina beauty savoring the flavor as she watched the world go by. As she popped another giant grape into her mouth and began to bite down, Julie's giantess-fueled imagination struck like lightning, the birth of a lighthearted thought forcing her to hide her delightful smile, seemingly out of fear someone would spoil the surprise she had for people. "What a deliciously naughty idea. Wicked!" Julie thought. Taking measure of the highway below yet again, Julie positioned the grape in her mouth at the top of her now-curled tongue, focusing her big brown eyes on the two closest center lanes as she took in a deep breath, maintaining her concentration as she pushed her diaphragm down, releasing a massive gust of wind that launched the freakishly oversized fruit. She sent it careening through the air for a good half-mile, where it landed squarely on the highway with a SQUISH right between two cars as they hurriedly barreled down the road. The grape exploded its juices all over the thoroughfare before one car skidded on the slippery, ooey surface, catching grape and its gooeyness in its wheels and axles, causing it to lose control as it flipped catastrophically several times, landing awkwardly on a center median, where it broke in half. The car behind it skidded, swerving into the adjacent lane, side-swiping an SUV that lost control because grape had smeared onto the windshield, obstructing the driver's view. Before Julie could even place a soft, delicate long finger into her tote for another grape, she was the witness to a jaw-dropping 50-car pile-up…and counting. She cringed instinctively as the horrific sounds of skidding, horns blasting and metal objects colliding crammed the air like a foul stench. An 18-wheeler blasted its baritone horn before plowing into a line of cars. THIS IS WHAT BEING A GIANT WOMAN IS ALL ABOUT! Ginormous Julie oozed aloud as she laughed with a long sigh at the end. AAAH…..THAT WAS SUCH AN AWESOME CAR CRASH! It was the worst traffic pile-up in Centertown history, only a giantess could appreciate…and top. Smiling like a girl who tasted candy for the first time, Julie gasped to herself, "I can't believe I just did that! That was just soooo not nice. Oh well, Uh! this is just too much fun to stop! I’m a giant woman now and my sworn duty is to toy with puny people and their itty bitty cars" she coached to herself as she poked another green grape into her cute mouth, taking in the continued squeal of tires and crunch of metal on the highway. Julie took a moment to savor the wreckage she wrought. Tiny people crawled out of crushed and overturned cars strewn about the highway below the embankment on which she stood so statuesque. "Wow, playing with my brother's Hot Wheels cars was never this much fun." Julie contemplated cutely to herself. With another grape lodged in her cheeks, scheduled for take-off, Julie blew it a farewell kiss, the scary-sized grape arcing high in the sky, landing on the roof of a car in the eastbound lane, leaving no more than a large saliva slick on its roof, bouncing up again, landing unharmed in the as-yet untangled westbound highway lanes. An 18-wheeler attempted to swerve the errant gargantuan grape, but smashed into it head on, sending a rain of grape-ness into the air where chunks landed on other cars, on the road and splattering across once-visible signage. Five cars and a pick-up truck spun out of control and collided with each other in an array of metal madness, one car bursting into flames before…BOOM!…its gas tank exploded. CLEAN UP IN LANE TWO, Julie called down toward the road, voice booming as dazed people on the messy roadway meandered mindlessly amid crunched up cars. Clusters of people gathered on the paralyzed highway to consult with one another as to what had just occurred. Good Samaritans helped battered and bloodied drivers out of over-turned cars and others directed traffic. “Aaargh! Aaaaa!” a woman on the highway screamed at the top of her lungs, pointing with a trembling finger up the steep embankment. People stopped in their tracks to look. There stood the marvelously mischievous gigantic Julie giggling and waving sweetly down to the mortified masses in nothing more than her birthday suit, beautiful short black hair tangling in the soft breeze. People ooh’d and ah’d as they pointed in her direction. Julie waved her fingers back at them like a woman would flirt with a cute guy, eager to address them. HI YA, PEOPLE. THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOMEST CAR CRASH I’VE EVER SCENE. THERE MUST BE LIKE, I DUNNO, A HUNDRED CARS OVERTURNED, SMUSHED, CRUSHED AND JUST PLAIN DEMOLISHED. I GIVE IT A 4.5 OUT OF 5 STARS ON THE ENTERTAINMENT SCALE. IT WAS SO CUTE TO SEE THOSE GINORMOUS GRAPES LAND IN THE ROAD. "Ahh, that was too easy," Julie sighed as she actually swallowed a grape instead of using it as a bomb. Julie primped her gorgeous hair and picked grape from between her perfect teeth as she turned to head toward Centertown, fanning herself of the early afternoon heat, feeling ever fresh from the bubble bath from which she had recently emerged. OUCH!@! WHAT THE..? Julie stubbed her toe on a small rock at her feet (actually, it was a boulder the size of a king size bed and weighed two tons.). DAMN IT! WHO LEFT THIS STUPID ROCK HERE? The cute giant blasted as she knelt down to pick it up. Standing to her full height with the rock in her right hand, Julie couldn’t resist the temptation. She tiptoed back up to the edge of the embankment and rolled it down the hill on to the traffic jam on the highway, biting her lip as she girlishly scampered off before the boulder came to a stop with an ugly chomp. CENTERTOWN POINT AMUSEMENT PARK “We ask that all guests remain calm. Please evacuate through the posted exist signs…there is no need to panic.” THUD…THUD…THUMP…. “We need all people off the rides. Now!” the chief of operations ordered over the phone on a joint call to all the rides’ operators. “She’s headed in this direction fast!” The news of a giant woman lurking was slow to reach guests and staff at the Centertown Point Amusement Park, a massive amusement and water entertainment complex located at the outer edges of the city, only three miles from downtown Centertown and which sat on the banks of the Center River. People quietly milling about the park’s grounds slowly began to take notice of the giant Jennie approaching in the distance; the lucky few having received advanced warning from friends and relatives via calls early over cell phones to warn them of the giant. Some people received text messages that read, “OMG! Giant Woman..Run!” or “Attack of the 50 Ft Woman..for Real! Get the fuck out!” Rumors of a second giantess were spreading as well. A steamy summer day had beckoned some 4,000 people to the amusement park to ride the ten famous roller coasters and relax in the water park’s Lazy River. But what was earlier a fun and festive atmosphere, was quickly descending into chaos and mayhem. The scene was mind-boggling; while some people looked on bewildered at the growing chatter among other amusement park patrons, others ran in all directions, not knowing whether to head for the exits for their cars in the parking lot or jump the fences in an attempt to flee in the opposite direction. As people lined up like cattle at the turnstiles on the way to the parking lot, they could see off in the distance the 125-foot Jennie approaching. And as she did, a light tremor could be felt under the feet of the frightened patrons, some people spotting ripples brewing in their soft drinks from the feminine tremblers. The mile-high Jennie lightly ambled down Lush Avenue, having adorned the two lengthy grappling ropes that previously contained her around her waist, their hooks stylishly draping at the hips. The improvised wrap-around belt looked rather fashionable with its black shiny rubber material glowing in the sun, accenting the giant’s colorful bikini in just the right hue. Jennie might have set a new fashion trend, no doubt thousands of women watching the news coverage would try to copy the giant woman’s chic. In fact, US Magazine was already printing a feature story on Jennie, with particular attention to her “look.” With the amusement park squarely in her sights, Jennie ambled down the streets with the sway of a fashion model; pretty face set with a contented expression, the woman giant taking in the hum of the pursuing helicopters buzzing in her ears. For kicks, Jennie unwrapped one of the ropes from around her waist and tossed the attached hook onto a building roof just above her. With the hook securing onto a vent, Jennie spanned the rope over the street, quickly fastening its opposing end to a flagpole on another building across the street. She slowly ambled off. The tense cable now spanned Rotman Avenue some thirteen stories up. KARBLOOM! Eeer! Crunch! One of the pursuing helicopter’s whipping blades tangled with the woman’s fashion accessory, the rotor shattering into countless pieces, piercing windows and raining glass all around. The helicopter twirled and twisted around the rope like a toy before crashing to the street with an ugly chomp onto cars. The chopper burst into flames, killing the pilot and a passenger. Jennie never turned to look, continuing her confident catwalk in the direction of panicked patrons at the amusement park, only casually smiling from out of the corner of her pursed lips in acknowledgment of her wicked wardrobe malfunction. Long dark hair looking salon fresh and shiny as it danced in the sweet breeze, floral bikini showing no signs of wear were a steep contrast to the state of the doomed helicopter and its crew. Already light brown skin increasing its tan complexion. NO ESCAPE The parking lot at the entrance to the amusement park looked like a day in hell as it cooked underneath the hot summer sun. Hundreds of people milled in between parking lanes in a frenzy to locate their cars, while a backlog of vehicles lined up in the exit lanes. Horns honked in greater intensity as the towering Jennie approached. The ground rumbled and car alarms sounded with the THUMP…THUMP….THUMP of gigantic female feet making quick tracks in their direction. Some drivers stuck in line to exit were so freaked by the sheer magnitude of the woman they saw through their windshields, they instinctively backed up, bumping into other vehicles behind them. The traffic jam caused people to exit their cars and join countless others running in any number of directions. WOW, THAT ROLLER COASTER MUST BE FUN! Jennie exclaimed, pausing to scan the theme park scene. MMM, THE COTTON CANDY SMELLS SO INVITING, Jennie moaned as she tilted her nose skyward, her nostrils flaring as they captured the sugary sweet aroma basking in the air. Jennie formed a relaxed pose, placing a hand on her hip, twisting her hair playfully, and sighing at the fun to be had. FIRST, I’LL HAVE TO TRY THE TINY BUMPER CARS HERE IN THE PARKING LOT, Jennie teased down to the fleeing and chaosed crowd. All 125 feet of the beautiful woman stood just at the main entrance to the park, the parking lot spread out before her like a massive area rug, toes planted just under the large welcome sign, each shiny and buffed toe acting as pretty soldiers blocking any cars and people from proceeding any further out of the lot’s only roadway. DID YOU PEOPLE HEAR? A GIANT WOMAN IS ON THE PROWL. THEY’VE DECLARED AN EMERGENCY. A GIANT WOMAN EMERGENCY. Jennie giggled. She was beside herself with enjoyment, watching with anticipation as people dashed, darted and scurried in every known direction but up. Jennie’s big brown eyes fancied the phenomenon of people scaling over cars and trampling each other, cries for help ringing out from under mashed up piles of people. CREAK…CRUNCH! The giant lifted her right leg and scaled the twelve-foot high barbed wire fence, placing her right foot down on two cars, inside the fenced-in lot. She repeated the action with her left foot, her entire body now within the parking lot’s boundaries, Jennie carefully maintaining her balance as her larger-than-life feet mingled among the masses, toes wiggling cutely. The parking lot was so crowded and people so freaked, Jennie gasped when she witnessed several people actually dart across the tops of her feet, the funky sensation causing the gargantuan gal to giggle. Several more people pitter-pattered across her toes, when Jennie snapped her foot into the air, flinging three people twenty feet in the opposite direction, where they collided with the windshield of a pick-up truck. Jennie slowly began making her way through the bevy of humanity toward the amusement rides. Jennie started off nice, stepping where she could see people were fleeing and leaving a vacant space for her feet to touch down. Groups of people seemed to part like waves in a stampede, the unfortunate few being pummeled as patrons trampled each other to get out of the way of the fleshy stompers. But as the giant stepped more frequently, luckless people got caught in Jennie’s toes, nestled in their tight grip, along for the ride of a lifetime. After a few steps, Jennie reached down and plucked out one of her toes’ captives with her long fingers, rose to her full height as the woman screamed in the giant’s grip. GOSH I’M HUNGRY, Jennie quipped before devouring the woman with a simple curl of her shiny lips and a nosh of her pearly teeth. Jennie had paused smack in the middle of the parking lot, a sea of people milling about her. The four remaining people lodged between her toes hemmed and hawed to break free, but the pedicured patch of femininity would have none of it, seemingly constricting tighter the harder the people fought. It was a ghastly calling card to the fear-struck people running about. So many tiny people in such proximity served to stir Jennie’s inner giantess/Godzilla even more. The Latina beauty parted her feet wide over countless rows of parking spaces, her legs arcing over innumerable cars and people. She then bent her knees, curled her fingers, clawed her long pretty nails and grimaced menacingly before slowly, purposefully leaned down and clutched a car in either hand. Maintaining her best intimidating giant woman pose, Jennie lifted the two cars in her “claws,” holding them high above the humanity at her feet. ROAR!!!! AAARRrr!! Jennie crooned as she pretended to be Godzilla, waving the cars high above the screaming people on the ground. Next, she held the cars up to her face, examining the occupants of each vehicle, smiling as they screamed. Jennie then girlishly tossed one of the cars over her shoulders, rolling her eyes dismissively. She held the remaining car, a late model Mercedes in the soft warm palm of her hand. With the lanky fingers of her free hand, she peeled off two of its doors, dropping them with reckless abandon on the ground 120 feet below. LOOK HOW SMALL YOU ARE, the giantess mocked melodically to the fear-struck passengers as she adjusted her grasp so that the car dangled precariously on its side in the air within the grip of her thumb and index finger. As the car teetered 120 feet up, two of the people in the car slipped out, swaying in the sky as they clung for dear life to the doorframe. People on the ground were mortified to see the two people suspended like rag dolls as the giantess held their life in the balance. “Please help us,” the two people begged of the giantess. Jennie’s big brown eyes examined the people in her frighteningly fearsome fingertips. HELP? Jennie laughed silly. I KNOW IT MUST TOTALLY SUCK TO BE LIKE …SOO SMALL, BUT THIS IS WHAT BEING A GIANT IS ALL ABOUT. HELP? (Laughing with a long sigh) PUH-LEASE, MY PUNY PEOPLE. HOPEFULLY THEY’RE FILMING THE NEXT ‘ATTACK OF THE 50 FT WOMAN’ RIGHT NOW. …AND YOU LUCKY PEEPS ARE EXTRAS, Jennie added for good measure as she smiled big at the dangling car. OK, MY UNDERSIZED FELLOW CITIZENS, Jennie rang out with sweet feminine fancy down to the masses at her toes. THIS IS JUST LIKE IN THE GODZILLA MOVIE WHEN GODZILLA HELD THE TRUCK IN THE AIR AND THE DRIVER…”Put them down! Put them down!” a group of four people chanted in a not-far-off section of the parking lot. Jennie smiled. OK, I’LL PUT THEM DOWN. Jennie lightly tapped the late model Mercedes’ frame with her index finger, the dangling people’s tight grip no match for the power of the giant lady, both passengers sent cascading to the ground. OOPSY, Jennie commented as she watched the poor people plunge to their demise. Jennie lightly tossed the Mercedes over her shoulder, waiting in anticipation of the gruesome crash that would greet her ears. REALLY, PEOPLE. YOU DON’T MAKE DEMANDS OF A GIANT WOMAN, Jennie spoke softly as she stepped leisurely forward without regard to where her immense feet landed. It didn’t take long for several people to get squished under Jennie’s feet, the contact of the giant’s silky soft soles on top of several people registering with an eery “kerphlump,” the sound registering with all the qualities of the squeeze of a giant ketchup bottle. Jennie’s attention focused on the offending group of protestors’s who had now packed themselves into an SUV and started heading off. Jennie pursued them with the ease and casualness of a woman perusing through the cosmetics counter at Neiman Marcus, helpless people at her feet screaming as they clamored to get out of her way. The SUV was headed in the direction of another tall fence that separated the parking lot from The Log Cabin, the largest wooden roller coaster in the world. Jennie stopped in her tracks as her eyes followed the SUV. She watched as it plowed into a group of people, knocking them over like bowling pins and sent others into the air. OUCH! Jennie cringed. The SUV careened through the fence, resting at the base of the wooden coaster. The four people in the SUV were trapped, dazed and confused, the sickening sound of THUM…THUMP…THUMP causing their stomachs to churn. Jennie strolled carefree up to the vehicle and sat down, finding room for her mile-long limbs amid shrubs and in between rollercoaster support beams. She peered into the automobile, her long hair smothering it from view. Jennie smiled cutely inside at the bruised and battered people. OOPSY, YOU REALLY NEED TO WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING, ESPECIALLY IF A GIANT WOMAN IS CHASING YOU. Jennie then tilted her head and scanned the many amusement rides around her, noticing that her bare feet rested at the base of the large Log Cabin coaster, her silky, shiny soft legs snaking under its tall supports. Peering in through the SUV’s windshield, Jennie simply smirked at the frightened people, before rising to her feet. Looking down, Jennie placed the big toe of her right foot on the disabled SUV and rolled it over. MOTION SICKNESS Jennie now stood within the amusement park itself, a rainbow of colors, festive sounds and, yes, the ubiquitous screams of people not yet having found a safe get away painted the scene. Jennie was in awe at the expansive roller coaster that rested at her side, the giant standing just at the peak of the Log Cabin’s signature hill, the apex level with her stomach, just above her belly button. Jennie felt the ground rumble, the coaster shaking, and the force registering in her feet. The giant woman huffed in awe when she spotted a line of cars barreling down the coaster’s rickety wooden tracks, the coaster’s operator having left a group of people on the ride as she fled in a fret of panic. This ill-fated group of riders had now been on the ride for over ten minutes, five times as long as a typical ride. Jennie smiled as she watched the cars swoop and swerve around the tracks, taking in the sight like a girl watching a toy set. The cars were now approaching the main hill, Jennie standing at its crest. As the coaster slowly climbed the rise, Jennie cutely waved at the passengers, her pretty face coming larger into view. In the meantime, Jennie’s lanky fingers rested on the wooden frame as the giant examined the structure. It seemed to take forever for the cars to climb the hill; as it rose, so too did the level of screams. With the cars halfway up the hill, Jennie snapped off two thick ten-foot long wood beams from the structure and placed one between her lips, letting it dangle from her mouth like a giant cigarette and the other she flicked off into the distance, where it landed on a group of people standing at the park’s exit. Jennie lowered her face to the tip of the hill, greeting the coasters’ patrons with a massive smile and a friendly wave as they rounded the arc before they descended down the other side. As the coaster sped down the hill, the giant watched as the force of the cars jostled the weakened structure. Jennie stood back and marveled as a loud groan grinded out of the Log Cabin, a last gasp as the large structure began to crumple like an accordion, wood piling up like kindling on the ground, dust kicking up like a sand storm and the rollercoaster cars loosing contact with the tracks, launching the doomed passengers into the air, sending them flying into the park’s one-million gallon wave pool that sat next to the formally proud Log Cabin. When the last beam found its way to the ground and the dust settled, only a quarter of the snaking coaster remained standing. HOLY SHIT! THAT WAS AWESOME! Jennie exclaimed as she waved her hands to clear the dust. The giant looked around again, when something odd caught her eye. Two large helicopters hovered over the Center River, a large object hanging from beneath their bellies. Jennie placed an open palm over her eyes to block out the sun for better view. It was a gigantic bright yellow pool raft. AAAH, Jennie sighed. JUST IN TIME. I REALLY NEED TO PAMPER. Jennie stepped forward in the direction of the river, letting her body collide with the remaining section of the roller coaster, her soft skin making short work of weakened two-by-fours, a rain of wood cascading around her. Stepping through the wood pile, Jennie took some more lengthy strides, traveling into the park’s water ride section, splashing up thousands of gallons of water as she sauntered within the depths of the Lazy River Ride, picking up tiny inner tubes and placing them on her fingers like inflatable rings. Stepping out of the watery fun, Jennie found herself amid another fleeing crowd, where she delighted devilishly in throwing the slippery wet inner tubes down on people, giggling as they tripped and tumbled. Jennie’s aim was so good that she was able to toss a couple of inner tubes around two people like rings on a pole. SKY HIGH Jennie was quickly approaching the Skyride, the elevated cable cars that transported park guests around the grounds some 75 feet high on steel wires. Cable cars moved slowly as Jennie approached, the giant wondering why none of the rides or attractions was as tall as she was. FEE…FI….FO…FUM…Jennie boomed to the people in the cable cars. Jennie now stood next to the high wire, its span level with her stomach. Jennie knelt down and eyed the captive people, grabbing the steel wire to stop the ride. Jennie’s tight grip caused the wire to tense and shake, people flailing about in the cars from the force. HI, PEOPLE. THE PARK WAS TAKING JOB APPLICATIONS FOR GIANT PEOPLE. YOU HAVE TO BE AT LEAST 100 FEET TALL. IT’S ALL PART OF THEIR ‘SCREAM THE DAY AWAY’ PROMOTION, YA KNOW….THEY WANTED TO BE SURE THE THRILLS KEEP COMING. People’s faces turned from fear to revulsion as Jennie paused in laughter. WELL, PART OF MY JOB TODAY IS TO TOUR THE PARK AND ASK PEOPLE IF THEY’RE ADEQUATELY THRILLED AND/OR CHILLED, Jennie asked in a mock professional sounding voice. The silence in the cable cars was only broken by the sound of screams on the ground. HMMM, Jennie pondered as she put a finger to her chin. I GUESS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS IF YOU THINK THAT AFTER I STOMPED THROUGH THE PARKING LOT, ACTED ALL GODZILLA, POSED LIKE A GIANT FROM ‘ATTACK OF THE 50 FT. WOMAN’ AND TOTALLY DESTROYED THE ROLLER COASTER, IF YOU THINK YOU GOT YOUR MONEY’S WORTH TODAY? Again, the riders were speechless. OK, PEEPS, DON’T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE. Then, slowly, hesitantly, a twenty-something woman in one of the cars offered, “I’d love to be a giant.” Other riders looked at her with scorn as the outspoken woman proceeded cautiously, “I think it would be soo cool!” THAT’S THE SPIRIT, Jennie complimented the woman. LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT YOU CAN DO IF YOU’RE A GIANTESS. In an act of kindness, Jennie detached the cable car from the wire the woman rode in and placed it on the ground. Jennie then pinched the steel wires between her fingers and pulled at it like a rubber band. People in the remaining elevated cars screamed in horror as the 125-foot woman caused all the cable cars that spanned the one-mile long ride to rock, shake and bounce ferociously. Jennie spotted several people fall from the rides before the entire span gave way like an oversized laundry line, sending all 25 cable cars along its length tumbling to the ground. The crash was ear splitting. Jennie waited patiently for a pause in the commotion then addressed the wannabe giantess, WELL; IT WAS A LITTLE CLUTZY, BUT YOU GET THE DRIFT. THE RIVER BECKONS Almost to the riverbank and with the tantalizing float in sight, Jennie couldn’t resist a little cotton candy. The giant knelt down between a carrousel ride and the Haunted Mansion and fingered through a small snack shack, her digits, taller than all the people made short work of dismantling the structure, quickly gathering a bundle of the pink fluffy snacks. Jennie munched on the savory sugary treats as she “walked” her fingers among the fleeing people, the pretty ladyfingers pushing, shoving and walking over the panicked patrons. MMM, WHERE IS EVERYONE RUNNING TO? YOU JUST HAVE TO TRY THE COTTON CANDY, Jennie teased before rising to her feet and parading in the direction of the inviting raft. TIME TO RELAX… I’M SO GLAD I FOUND YOU. TRAFFIC WAS SUCH A BITCH! An exasperated giant Julie muttered to the lounging Jennie who now rested luxuriously on the pink raft. . Both giants were eager to enjoy the relaxing confines of the Center River. Both women had settled in on the world’s largest pool raft and basked in its soothing softness, the restful tussle of the river’s warm water ever pacifying their senses. “Aaah, this feels so awesome. Aaaaaah….I’m soo exhausted. I mean, just because you’re a giant…you still have to watch where you step. There’re all kinds of wires, parked cars, small trees that you have to avoid. Shit, I’ll need a major pedicure!” Julie panted to a smiling and contented Jennie. “I notice you didn’t say anything about watching out for people,” Jennie countered. Giggling ensued. Besides its enormous magnitude, this was no ordinary pool raft. Think: Pimp My Raft. Pools, Inc. spent over a million dollars in designing and building the 200-foot long by 100-foot wide shiny yellow watercraft fit for two giant queens. The company used the latest rubber and plastic technology in addition to fitting the raft with a thin hollow layer that they filled with water that provided the sensation of being on a waterbed. The outermost layer was then covered with a thin strip of the softest leather, provided exclusively by the Italian carmaker Ferrari. Designers created contours customed specifically for both giants for maximum comfort and topped off the float with headrests lined with Tempur-Pedic materials. At 12 feet thick, the raft was sturdy enough to endure the roughest waters. “Oh, I brought this.” Julie removed a BMW from her tote bag, its satellite radio lightly beating the latest pop tunes from its interior. The giant placed the car on the raft between their lanky bodies. Leona Lewis’ ‘Bleeding Love’ filled their ears. “I have bananas and other fruit if you get hungry,’ Julie offered as she lightly swayed her head to the music. “Thanks. How did this fruit and bag get so big?…er..never mind, better not ask too many questions, this is just too freaky cool.” “Soo glad you brought some tunes. I hate to ask what you did with the people who owned this car.” Jennie remarked with mock ruefulness. Julie laughed. “Like so many other car owners I met today, I left quite an impression.” Both ladies sighed in laughter. A warm breeze bathed the ladies as they took in the afternoon sun. The raft rocked lightly as waves rolled caressingly at the floats underbelly. The women paused from the banter as Leona Lewis sang out from the car’s interior. Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love The raft’s soft surface combined with the gentle motion soothed the giant women’s tired limbs and eased their minds. “You wouldn’t believe what I saw,” Julie began. “I’m walking in the middle of the city and I see this huge crater and all this crap blown up, only a few people walking around in a daze. So, naturally, I’m thinkin’, ‘Oops, Jennie’s been here.’ Girl, let’s just say, I was sooo impressed with your work. Then I see this group of five men and women sneaking out of the Apple Store in the next intersection, carrying out a ton of stuff…computers..iPhones ‘n shit. I’m watching as they’re tiptoeing into some get-away car,” Julie continued. Jennie smiled and added, “They probably figured, ‘Shhh, be real quiet, the giant woman won’t notice us’…Please tell me you did something really cool, like eat them” Jennie pleaded. Julie laughed. “No people-eating…yet, but, this is the best part,” Julie assured. “So I’m watching these people drive off, the bitch driving the stupid car squeals the tires, probably because she saw me picking up a tree from the sidewalk. I waited for just the right moment and then I just tossed it in their direction. It landed right in front of the car and the bitch slammed right into it at like 30 miles-per hour. I felt like such a giant at that moment. It was so cool,” Julie marveled. “That’ll teach them not to steal other people’s shit again,” Jennie joked. Both giants scanned the river. Jennie paused, holding in a mischievous grin, looking as though she would burst into laughter any second. “What the fuck is up with you?” Julie inquired anxiously. Jennie was holding a hand behind her back, eagerly waiting to reveal the surprise. Jennie then whipped out the object in her hand. “Tadah!” Jennie beamed. Jennie held in her palm the most advanced camcorder ever produced, designed and built large for the two giants courteousy of Sony Corporation. Jennie handed a laughing Julie the greeting card. “Please accept this gift from Sony Corporation and the People of Centertown.” Julie read from the card. “WoW! Talk about wanting to kiss our asses! Aaw, that was nice of them,” Julie purred. “Gee, I’m feeling a little guilty. I mean, they built us this plush raft and special made this really cool camcorder for us,” Julie sighed as she glanced as Jennie. Both women stared at each other with grim faces, a moment of silence coming between them. Then like a thunderbolt, both giants broke out in laughter. “Uh, puh-lease, girl!” Julie exclaimed with arm extended, palm open. “I was getting a little worried about you, thought you might be getting soft on me,” Jennie replied as she playfully poked her BFF. “I’m thinkin’…home movies…actually..monster home movies,” Jennie suggested with a sigh of satisfaction as both women reclined with their heads firmly planted in the ultrasoft headrests, arms at their sides, legs stretched out and toes pointed into the sky. Their bare bodies added to their sense of freedom and power as they scanned the bustle of activity in the city and on the river in the not-to-far-off distance. The giants floated in a fairly remote section of the water, only the soothing sounds of the tussle of water soothed their ears. The river’s current would soon change that. (Pt 3 up next) |