Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1555048-the-five-people-you-meet-in-heaven
by Star
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1555048
Abiut when someone dies the five people they would meet in heaven
Jordan had had her whole life to look forward to. She was just about to start year ten and GCSE’s and then go to college and train to be a teacher, but then her life was ripped away before her. She was on her way back from school and she was listening to her iPod, chatting with her ‘so called mates’ and they were crossing the road and Jordan looked the opposite way at the totally wrong time. Then bam a big black Jeep Compass came rushing down the road and hit Jordan at ninety miles per hour.

“AHHHH! W- W-W-What happened?” Jordan queried to anyone who could hear her, she stood up and looked around. “I wonder what this place is, I mean there’s loads of people going to some school called erm St.Helena. Wait a minute this is  exactly like Colchester, this is extremely weird because I remember vaguely being hit by a jeep!”.

But what Jordan didn’t know was that she was going to meet five people. Now let’s see what her dead great aunt Nancy who died at 15 from TB wants to say to her. But what Jordan needs to work out is why she is here to talk to her. Then she will get to stay in heaven otherwise she will have to go to Hades as a punishment.

“Hi I’m Nancy.” Nancy mentioned.

“Yeah hi.” Jordan replied.

“Do you not know who I am?” Nancy requisitioned to Jordan

“Yeah your name’s Nancy you just said that. ”Jordan replied in a demeaning manor while sitting down on a nearby bench.

“ Right but I’m Nancy Clayton you idiot!” Nancy said

“Really! Wow!” Jordan pronounced.

“Yeah Eric and Jim’s sister.” Nancy confirmed.

“Anyway how did you get that TB that killed you?” Jordan queried.

“ Well I guess it was because my friend Elizabeth had TB and as it is obviously contagious I got it.” Nancy answered.

“How did you feel about dying because of that and at such a young age?” Jordan asked her.

“ Well I felt cheated, angry and terrified because I wasn’t going to get to see my brothers grow up and see my family ever again and because I was only 15 and I didn’t know what was going to happen to me,” She told Jordan.

“I know what you mean I’m blooming terrified,” Jordan  exclaimed.

“Hey you see that house number 417, could you go inside and grab me my scarf please as I’m very tired,” Nancy asked of Jordan.

“Yeah sure I’ll be right back;” Jordan told her.

She walked towards the door, though she knew nothing about the house or the people who supposedly live there. When she got to the front door she saw that it had ivy growing up the side of the red house and tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside and wondered whether or not she should knock on the door. She decided to try the door again- no luck.

“Hey what’s Nancy told you?” A mysterious voice asked

“ Err that she didn’t like dying and she misses her family, why?” Jordan said uncertainly.

“ Good she told you the right stuff so you know who I am right?” The voice asked.

Jordan turned around to see if she could see who it was and it was her best mate Megan

“Hey, I know you  Megan, what are you doing here your not dead, are you?” Jordan queried.

“No I’m not dead don’t worry and why I’m here is none of your business at this moment in time ok,” Megan told her.” Try the door again!” Megan carried on. Jordan tried the door again and amazingly it worked.

Jordan walked on through to the house and stood before her is the iconic legend MARILYN MONROE! Marilyn is sat behind an Oakwood table on a chair in the kitchen

“ OH…MY…GOD!” Jordan screamed not believing her eyes.

“Is that really you?” Jordan asked her.

“Yeah it’s really me the dead but alive in Heaven Marilyn Monroe!” Marilyn replied

“But I thought people who committed suicide went to hell?” Jordan asked innocently.

“Well I never committed suicide  did I!” Marilyn said

“You didn’t! Then what happened Marilyn?” Jordan asked

“Well I was murdered by a hitman hired by the American government you see you can’t believe everything you hear!” She answered positively.

Oh I must go I’m so sorry,” Jordan retorted grabbing the scarf Nancy had wanted. Ran to the bench Nancy had been sitting at excited to tell her all about Marilyn Monroe but when she got there Nancy was no where to be seen. She then saw Megan again and asked her if she knew where Nancy was but Megan knew that Nancy had gone back to Heaven and told her where Saling was instead. So Jordan ran to the town hall where Megan had told her but Nancy wasn’t there but a man was and called her over to him.

“Hello my name is Saling Schiff how are you,” Saling asked politely

“Erm I’m fine thank you, you’re really the person who came all the way from Prussia to England?” Jordan asked

“Yes I am!” Saling answered properly.

“Why did you come over, I mean it was such a risk for the whole family you could of died?” Jordan asked positively

“well it was because we are Jewish you know and so we would have been persecuted had we not come over to England where I’d heard that they didn’t do that sort of thing and I’m very glad that we did!” Saling replied with a tear to his eye.

“Oh my God that’s really quite bad, I’m glad you did though as I wouldn’t have been born otherwise.” Jordan told him. “Erm excuse me Saling you don’t by any chance know where Nancy Clayton is do you?” Jordan also asked.

“Sorry I don’t know who that is I’m afraid,”

“Okay don’t worry about it.” Jordan replied as she left and went back outside and saw Megan once again. Megan then told her to go back to where Nancy had been sitting before and when she got there Ruth Jones who’s writing Jordan loves.

“Hi….” Jordan says bewildered.

“What’s occurring?” Ruth says comically.

“Oh I’m just looking for my great aunt Nancy,” Jordan replies

“Well have you time for a chat because I’m quite bored,” Ruth asks pleadingly.

  “Yeah sure,” Jordan affirms “why did you actually decide with James Corden to write and make Gavin and Stacey?”

“Well I guess it was because we knew it was a gamble but it was a good gamble and we needed money as well and you don’t get anywhere without a bit of a gamble!” Ruth replied.

“Hey Jordan !” Megan screamed trying to wake her friend up.

“What, what happened?” Jordan asked.

“You fell asleep you dopey cow while crossing the road and you got hit by a car that’s all!” Megan replied

“Really so I didn’t die and I’m not going to heaven OR hell!” Jordan affirmed.

“Yeah and now can you stop being a fake and come back to your old friends and not try to just fit in with everyone else  PLEASEEE!” Megan asked tear-eyed.

“I guess I’ve learnt something from this- keep your real friends closest it’s so much safer!” Jordan said and they both burst out laughing 








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