Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1554213-Indicision-of-Pyrrhus
Rated: E · Script/Play · Drama · #1554213
Pyrrhus tries to make up mind
The indecision of Pyrrhus

Could she be trusted? She’s always at the center of attention.
If she suffered a change of heart would that pass unnoticed?
No! It would beg questions. First she would want to see the boy.
Could she hide her happiness? I don’t think so. Not on this ship.
Ignorance frets and snores, but it’s a light and restless sleep.
I don’t suffer fools for Captains. How would it seem to them,
Hector’s wife warming to me and making much ado over the baby?
No woman’s that fickle and Andromacha’s not just any woman.
How long will it take someone, who’s a little smarter than the rest,
To recall the plague and how my son “miraculously” recovered?
While noting her change of temperament and inexplicable behavior?
And what does he say as awareness conjures up the naked truth,
And his jaw hit’s the deck? “Ahhhh Hahhh!“ that’s what he says.
We’ve been fortunate so far. Three with a secret’s two too many.
Andromacha, would push our good fortune right over the edge.
© Copyright 2009 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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