Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1553340-SPECIAL-DELIVERY-Contest-Entry
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1553340
Ashley Finds Out How Deliciously HARD A Day Can Be...

         Ashley hated Thursdays. 

         Actually, she hated Mondays but  it wasn't Monday so a Thursday dragging on a little too long would suffice.  Today had been exactly that,  Ashley was working through a Thursday bent on tacking more nuisance hours onto the established twenty-four.  From her desk she kept finding herself looking up, trying to will the clock to jump ahead to five. 

         Five o'clock.  Today, it would be both quitting time and starting time.

         Ashley had gotten a very special call during her lunch break.  Though lunch was nearly an hour past, Ashley knew her skin was likely still flushed--- radiant, even--- showing the impact Joshua's voice had on her.

         Not just her skin either.  Her nipples were tight now, swollen inside the cups of her bra and so sensitive the lace felt more like sandpaper.  Every breath treated her to delicious agony as the thick buds strained outward, eager to be cradled not by the sheer material but instead by the skin of His hands. 

         Out of sight between her crossed legs, the plump lips of her slice of Heaven were slick with feverish arousal and thoroughly soaking the cotton crotch of her panties.  She hadn't expected the call but her body was screaming out just how badly she had needed it, how badly she needed Him.


         The phone's trilling hit her like an arc of electricity.


         It couldn't beIt hadn't been Him those other 11 times, why was she still hoping?!?


         But what if it was...? 


         Trembling, she snatched up the handset and tried to sound more calm than she felt.  "Thank you for calling Trans-World Info Systems, how may I help you?"



         "You may help me by picking up on the first ring, understood?"  The voice dripped across her like melted chocolate, hitting every ache, every desire, fanning her flames to a free-ranging inferno.

         "Yes, sir.  Yes, I understand...  I...I'm sorry."

         "I know you are, and we will see how much soon enough..."

         "Yes, sir.  Soon."

         "VERY soon."  That hung between them for a moment before the line clicked and he was gone.  Her mind swimming in the feel and sound of his words, Ashley was suddenly very thankful for her wraparound desk and the way it didn't expose her legs or feet.  It wasn't exactly...professional the way she was scissoring her thighs back and forth against one another.  Well, not for this profession, anyway. 

         Five o'clock seemed farther away now than ever.  While the clock dragged ass like a geriatric tortoise, Ashley managed to reinsert herself into her work.  Tasks presented themselves in sufficient quantity that her next break arrived before she realized it.  Entering a sequence into her console that would reroute incoming calls to another desk she spun away, ready to head for the bathroom.  She was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

         "Excuse me, could you sign for this?"

         After moving interminably slow all day, Time suddenly stopped.  Ashley's mind---outdone only by her heart---raced.  She was afraid if she looked down she might even see the floor falling out from beneath her. 


         Ashley turned, letting out a measured breath before she was facing forward again, her eyes coming to rest on a face she hadn't--- except in her burning dreams--- seen in months.  It was Him!  He was here!  Here, at her job, at her desk!  Dressed in the brown uniform of the parcel service, he stood there, a box under his arm and his bright eyes shadowed by the brim of his cap. 

         Ashley just stared, shocked by the turn of events.  Biting her lower lip, she dropped her chin slightly, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.  The air was already laced with the subtle flavor of his cologne, that sexy smell she had become intimately familiar with.  He had shared a shirt with her, a button-down he had worn when they'd met that she kept in a special spot in her closet at home.  The aroma she was savoring was identical to the smell of that shirt, the smell she liked to get lost in on nights when she'd slip it on and roll around in her bed, imagining it was Him that was wrapped around her body. 


         "Phone," he said.  "I bet it isn't me."

         Ashley punched the button and picked up the phone; only one person could get through to her desk right now.  Only one, and she was in no mood for him. 

         "Can't we just go out once---"


         Some people still didn't get that no meant "Hell no!" but Ashley didn't have time for anyone's fantasies but her own. 

         "Told you it wasn't me.  Now, I have this package here..."

         "Uhm, yes.  Yes, I see your---  The package!  I see...the package."  She cleared her throat and blushed deeply.  "May I ask who it's for?"

         He bent forward at that, leaning close.  "You can ask," he whispered, "but I won't tell you...until I'm ready."  He straightened, raising his voice to normal.  "I can carry this to your storage room for you, save you some trouble.  It's a little heavy, a tiny thing like you doesn't need to be straining."

         "The...storage room."

         "Yeah, it's humid as GUATEMALA out there, I don't mind spending some extra time in here,  in the air conditioning."  He fixed her with a stare that said what he wanted had nothing to do with cooling off.

         "Uhm, the storage room.  Right...right.  This way, please,"  she said, rising from behind her desk.  Stepping out in front of him she slid a hand slowly down along the swell of her ass, smoothing out her skirt and giving his eyes something to follow.  Rounding a corner, it took everything she had to keep from running to the storage room.  She giggled lightly at the fantastic absurdity of him actually showing up here dressed as a deliveryman.  Nobody looked twice, nobody knew who He really was, nobody knew what was about to happen once they reached the end of this hall... 

         Ashley hoped Joshua, trailing just a few steps behind her, was enjoying the view as much as she was enjoying being seen.  Thinking about that almost made her forget the storage room's key code... almost.  With a furtive glance left then right, she entered the eight-digit sequence into the pad and turned the handle when the light flickered from red to green.  Beyond the doorway the room's interior was dark, narrow, with metal shelving along the back wall and boxes clustered on the floor. 

         Not allowed to turn on the lights, Ashley felt his hand at the small of her back, pushing her forward.  Following quickly, he stepped in and was on her by the time the door shut behind them.  The latch clicking seemed louder than it was in the cramped space, her excitement only adding to her sensitivity.  Reduced to silhouettes in the darkness he explored her knowingly, his right hand parting her blouse, groping her breasts before moving up, fingers closing tightly around her delicate throat.  His other hand had dropped the box and was now between her legs, tracing the sumptuous curve of her inner thigh until her steamy mound was seated in his broad palm.  When He pushed--- using the heel of his hand to grind against her clit----she almost wept

         "OHHH," she cooed.  "Ohhhh God!" 

         Smiling at her wanton noises he then choked tighter, demanding silence.  Gasping, struggling for air, Ashley stifled the other cries begging to come out.  His left hand continued its work, massaging her, torturing her until the first climax erupted in her belly.  While those tremors fanned outward, Joshua's fingers clutched, twisted, then tugged.  Ripping along the seams, Ashley felt the thin lace of her Tanga-cut panties pulling away from her skin exposing the clean-shaven flesh beneath to the cold, conditioned air.  He didn't ask her a question, he didn't allow her to speak; Joshua took the torn panties, wadded them up and pushed them straight into Ashley's open mouth. 

         "Make me do more to keep you quiet and you might not enjoy it as much," he grunted, lips maddeningly close to her ear.  She bit down on the material she had been personally sweetening all day and reached boldly for his crotch.  With familiarity and skill rivaling his, she had his shorts open and sliding down around his ankles quicker than it took to think about it.  She would have appreciated being able to see him there, like that, watching his shaft thicken and curve upward guided by her touch.  Yes, she would have appreciated that a lot... 

         Eyes shut, she focused on the texture of the shaft of meat she was caressing; the way the veins twitched and pulsed when her hands glided over and around them, the way the plum-shaped head bloated whenever her hands closed on his heavy sac.  She slumped into him, twisting and pulling his dick while he countered, slipping three fingers up into her.  Her knees went weak and her tunnel clenched only to be tested by a fourth finger, inserted alongside the others, all of them sawing into her until she could feel the ridge of his knuckles.

         "Mmmmmmmmnnnnhhhhh, " she moaned, giving muffled voice to her need in spite of the wadded panties.

         She expected punishment but didn't get it, Joshua was...preoccupied.

         "A watched pot always boils," he said, corkscrewing his hand a little deeper.  "Always." 

         She nodded, hers certainly did.  Dragging his thumb around and over her clit, her dark deliveryman made her that much wetter before pulling his hand back.  Hearing the moist sounds of suction accompanying his withdrawal would have embarrassed her before she became his but not now.  Now she was proud, her pussy sounding like a nursing infant an expression of her sincere passion for him. 

         An expression He hadn't missed.

         Licking the tips of his glazed fingers, Joshua savored her like a delicacy.  "You taste," he said, "like Wild Honeysuckle in the summertime."

         Ashley hiked her skirt up, wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist and climbed him like a squirrel on a tree.  She was still leashed by his left hand but she didn't let it slow her.  Temperatures rising, it felt like Summertime in there as they began sweating together, grinding together, torridly seeking the same denial-ending oasis.

         "YESSS," she hissed, spitting the panties out and gulping the now-humid air.  If Joshua saw the cloth fall he was too busy to care. 
         Starving for more and liberated by ecstasy Ashley dropped her hips, impaling herself gladly on his pistoning length.  Jaw clenched, muscles of his shoulders and back knotted Joshua's once wet fingers now dug sharply into the soft flesh of her ass while he tore into her with everything he had.  Each time he sheathed that glorious chocolate spear into the heart of her, she undulated with the same wild abandon a condemned man devoured his last meal.  She felt each inch as Joshua slowly withdrew then counted them again through every grinding thrust.  He stirred her depths like he were churning butter though Ashley's cream was sweeter by far... 

         Joshua kissed Ashley with hot urgency and came hard, his throaty growl smothered in the seamless press of their lips.  His release felt like spurts of quicksilver splattering her pink interior, repainting the snug walls in cool, pearlescent white.  That flood triggered her own and she was shaken, overwhelmed like she were caught in the path of a tsunami.

         "That's it baby, that's the way," Joshua said, lowering her small, dangling feet at last to the floor.  "You take it in, you let it out..." 

         One hand against the wall, he let go her throat to steady Ashley who hadn't quite gotten her equilibrium back.  Straightening, she finally looked up at him, eyes glazed in the post-climax, opiate-like high that had her literally sex-drunk.  The usual flat smell of paper and cardboard filling the confined space of the storage room had been sublimated by the vibrantly animal musk of their joining.  She wondered offhandedly which of her coworkers would notice it first.

         "Lose something?" He asked her, pulling up his shorts.  Eyebrow raised, he held up his hand revealing the wet tangle of her panties.  The ruined lace had been her gag, He had put it there and only He was to have removed it.  Through several frantic heartbeats she tried to think of something to say that wouldn't sound like disobedience or a lie but to no avail and her guilty silence proved answer enough. 

         She swallowed, nervously licking her lips just as he leaned in, kissing her with an inspired hunger and gentle intimacy that was anything but angry.  His hands migrated south along her arched back in slow figure-eights until his fingers passed the gathered band of her skirt, finding her tail bone and the delicious cleft dividing her ass cheeks.  Dipping between those creamy globes his fingers skimmed down the satiny divide.  Ashley broke their kiss, shuddering, and Joshua knew he'd found the tender ring he was searching for.

         "Nnnnhh..." she gasped, rolling her hips backward to welcome his probing fingers.  The more he toyed and teased, the more heated she became.  When she was excited enough to jump him all over again he eased away, his tongue swiping her lips once in parting.  Tingling and a little flustered Ashley could only watch him step back, straightening the rest of his clothes. 


         "Yes..?" Joshua asked, noting the thinly veiled pout spreading across her face.

         "Oh, ah, nothing...  I was just...  Uhm, what about your delivery?"

         "The delivery was for you.  After I'm gone, take a moment to check it, I believe you'll appreciate the privacy in here."  Ashley looked around, wondering where in the tumble of boxes he sat the package he'd brought along.  Then, squinting to be sure, she spotted it topping a nearby pile. 

         "Is that it?" she asked before the lights flicked on and Joshua stepped out, his goodbyes given.  Well in excess of her break time, she shook her head and hurried to peel the tape off the mysterious box.  Pulling open the flaps, her eyes brightened at what she found; the contents weren't heavy but Joshua was right, she was glad for the privacy...

<<<<    <>    >>>>

         With no room for further complaints about either the time in particular or the day in general, Ashley managed to stay quiet and busy, avoiding eye-contact as much as possible with her passing coworkers.  She was afraid that if anyone got a straight look at her they'd know immediately that something was up.  More accurately, that something was up her

         About the size and shape of a medium egg, the seamless, lavender-colored toy felt more like a JUMBO once stuffed inside her.  She felt like a perverse hen and was enjoying each and every second of it.  Hanging from the egg was a black, five-inch silicone-sealed cord with an easy to grasp rubber ring about as big as an old fifty-cent piece at the end.  The ring kept the egg from getting inconveniently "lost" in some nook or cranny, but the cord itself served another purpose entirely.  Amazing as it felt already, she wondered what the egg would be like if it could vibrate...

         She appeared to be facing her computer screen but Ashley's eyes were also darting around, keeping watch for anyone approaching her desk.  Thankfully, nobody did.  Staring at the clock in the screen's lower corner, she smiled when it hit 4:55; it was, at last, time to go home.  As she did most days, she began closing down her computer, shutting off open programs and clearing out her recently used documents and Net history folder.  With a whine, her PC cycled off and she moved to get her purse---


         Dammit, she'd forgotten to lock her extension to message mode.  Then another thought popped up, cautioning words echoing in her mind: "You may help me by picking up on the first ring..."


         "Hello, thank you for calling---"

         "I am sure I told you on the first ring, not the second.  In fact, I am also sure I told you that today.  Should I assume that what I tell you isn't important enough to remember...?"

         "No, Sir.  I remembered, I apologize for moving slowly."

         "You're sorry?"

         "Yes, Sir.  Yes, I am.  I'm very sorry."

         "Apology accepted." 

         Ashley's heart fluttered wildly with relief but she kept her voice soft, level.  "Thank you."

         "It's two minutes past five.  I know you are off work now but I want you to stay there another thirty minutes.  Thirty minutes exactly, understood?"

         A half an hour MORE?!?  She wanted to scream "Why?" but knew better than to ask. "Yes, sir, I understand.  Thirty minutes."

         "And the package?"

         "I followed the instructions you included, every single one."

         "Good girl... " The line clicked and she hung up, a smile perking the corners of her mouth.  The last bit of praise swept away her initial reaction to having to wait half an hour longer.  As the last of the office cleared out, Ashley moved about like she was taking care of some final work, dodging any potential questions that might arise over why she was still there.  By the time everyone was gone and she didn't have to keep up the act, she still had eleven minutes left to wait. 

         Eleven minutes.  Instead of frustration, the added time had given her an opportunity to experiment, to test some things with the toy He had left behind.  She'd read that practicing kegels was a way to gain orgasmic flexibility and control.  It was a desired skill, the capacity to raise the intensity and frequency of climaxes and to give her an increased ability for manipulating and stimulating a man "hands-free". 

         Alone, eyes fluttering shut, stomach tensing, Ashley gripped the arms of her chair as she crossed her legs and slowly worked one leg higher along the other thigh, her slit tightening by degrees the further back her knee came.  The sensation of her skin sliding together made her think of Him, of his touch, and that served to make her pussy spasm sharply.  Tingling, she gulped as the tell-tale markers heralded an approaching climax.  Her nipples felt as big as strawberries, her skin was covered in goosebumps.  Digging her fingertips harder into the chair arms, she felt a stream of honey trickle from her petals, tickling her as it slithered between her cheeks.  Like a line of baby oil, it glazed her puckered hole and pooled finally beneath her, soaking through the back of her skirt.

         The funny thing was, right now she didn't care about the sixty dollar skirt or the fifteen dollar panties He had ripped off.  She was in a place where it felt too good to give a damn about anything else but giving Him whatever He wanted.


         Her eyes snapping open, Ashley was startled by the sight of her cell phone vibrating across her desktop. 


         Managing to get beyond the fog of arousal, she realized what was going on.  She had set the alarm on her phone to go off at 5:35, thirty minutes exactly from when He had called.  She sighed, reaching out to quiet the phone; it was finally time to go and she was beyond ready.

         Not needing more than a few moments, Ashley had collected her things and was striding off down the hall to the elevators, glad there was no one to see the large wet spot on the back of her skirt.  The ride down was brief but not brief enough, Ashley exited the elevator with the annoying Muzak still echoing in her head.  Turning left into the lobby, she angled for the front door and realized it was conspicuously dark outside, too dark for this time of---


         Caught off guard, she almost yelped at the explosive sound.  The panes of glass around the revolving entryway rattled and Ashley watched, cursing to herself as the slate gray sky started pouring rain in fat-dropped sheets.  The weathermen had---inaccurately---been calling for a storm all week but the sun just kept on shining in sweltering defiance.  Typical that the day it did storm would be the day she had decided to ignore their predictions, leaving her umbrella at home.

         Not that she particularly minded rain or thunderstorms---actually, in the right mood she really enjoyed them---but today was different.  Today she had run late so this morning, instead of her normal spot, she'd been forced to park on the garage's exposed upper deck.  With no promise of ending anytime soon, she knew by the time she got to her car the rain would have her looking like she had been thrown in a lake.  A jagged arc of lightning danced on the horizon followed by another rumbling boom, reminding her that this wasn't going to get any better and waiting wasn't going to bring her car any closer. 

         Kicking off her heels, Ashley picked them up with one hand and barefoot stepped out into the rain.  The air, at first hazy and thick with humidity was now filled with cascading water.  Warm drops pelted her, soaking through her clothes like she had expected.  Her white blouse was now sheer, plastered to her skin emphasizing the slopes of her breasts and showing the darker bra beneath.  Standing there, it was almost like being in her shower at home, the water almost as warm.  Slicking her hair back from her face, she started to run, feeling like a little girl as she splashed on tip-toe toward the garage.

         And then it happened.  Halfway across the visitor's  lot the egg still lodged inside her sparked energetically to life.  Vibrations shot out into her like shrapnel from an exploding grenade, though instead of her flesh, this only shredded her balance...and her SANITY.

         "OHHHH!" she shouted, stumbling and nearly dropping her shoes.  Heart pounding, thighs reflexively closing tight, Ashley  pressed a hand to her crotch as if to reach the thing humming inside.

         That...THING.  That thrumming, motorized thing He had, without explanation, instructed her to insert and leave in for the remainder of the day.  Now, with the wicked sensations torturing her to the point where she could barely walk, she knew why.  More lightning flashed, thunder roaring but it hardly registered.  The rain shifted direction and she barely noticed.  Her clothes so wet they could've easily fallen off her right there, in the middle of the small lot, and all she could focus on was the egg

         With effort she straightened and felt, oddly, that as she did so the egg calmed.  It didn't go completely quiet, but did minimize to a very soothing purr.  In a day already filled with surprises, this wireless vibrator was in the top three.  Wireless...with a remote control that was, like her, in Joshua's hands.

         God, that man and his tricks...


         Feeling the thunder echo in her chest while the rain cooled the hot asphalt, Ashley was again in touch with the fact that she was out in the open, foolishly getting more drenched than she had to.  Picking up the pace and trying to glance around without being too obvious, she got to the garage and took the South corner elevator up.  When she stepped in her nose wrinkled, the scent was a combination of wet dog and old gym socks..  She smoothed her hair back again and waited for the slow-moving elevator to reach the fourth---

         "Nnghhh...!" she sputtered, no better prepared for the egg's effect now than she was the first time it had spiked.  Toes curling she fell back against the wall shuddering as her G-Spot was jolted on turbo.  Through heavily lidded eyes, Ashley watched the doors part, revealing the garage's top parking tier and two vehicles waiting  One, of course, was hers but the other, parked at an angle beside it and facing the elevator was larger, silver, its windows tinted nearly darker than the legal limit.  It was an SUV and---according to the badge on the grill---it was a Mercedes SUV.

         And its engine was running.

         She lurched forward with less than her usual grace, the egg managing to shake something as primal as her coordination.  She leaned against the elevator door, propping it open, not yet allowing it to close.  Silently she watched, waited, and hoped.

         The egg quieted to a purr again.

         "So, it IS you."  She stayed in the elevator, staring out at the rain, conscious of how naked she must look even though--- aside from her shoes and panties--- she was fully dressed.

         The egg buzzed suddenly, quickly, and then cycled down again.  She understood the message.  Stepping out onto the wet concrete, she allowed the doors to close behind her.  If anything, it was raining harder than before with the lightning giving the Fourth of July extravaganza a run for its money.  Squaring her shoulders, Ashley steadied herself and started walking toward the two cars. 

         Why run, she was already wet...

         Closer now, she could see the driver clearly, he had a face that was never very far from her thoughts.  Stopping between her car and His, she imagined how much of an utter mess she must look.  Her hair, her make-up, her clothes...all of it had suffered in the elements.  She was unaware that standing there, the water beading down her skin, fashion pretenses washed away Joshua felt she had never looked more beautiful than she did at this moment.     

         What was He thinkingWhat was He going to do to herWas this some test, how long did she have to stand in the rain?

         Joshua stepped from his truck, the delivery outfit swapped for jeans, boots and a black, ribbed short sleeve shirt and grabbed her, pulling her close.  Mouth finding hers, his tongue invaded, their kiss passionate, as natural and intense as the storm that surrounded them.  He tugged on her bottom lip, sucking it between his own, zealously savoring it for the plump, tender delight it was.  She felt his mouth sliding away, moving from her moist lips across her wet cheek to the side of her neck, stopping just below her ear.  Not only kissing and sucking, now he was nibbling and biting, teasing her in all the places he knew so well.  Ashley could only cling tighter, yearning for more.  More... yes, that was exactly what she wanted, more.  Trapped between Joshua's oral caresses outside and the internal assault of the pulsing egg, her hunger was beyond undeniable, beyond an active choice; she needed him the way she needed to breathe

         Ashley was done, she could no longer deny herself the feel of his hot length, coiled and awaiting her in the crotch of his jeans.  Couldn't deny...WOULDN'T deny.

         Hearing his zipper being pulled down only heightened Joshua's urgency, his kisses became more intense as her hands filled with the beautiful weight of his swollen cock.  Pulling it out, she opened her eyes and watched his brown rod get slick under the falling rain.

         Moving away, she eased back just enough to bend at the waist, mouth gaping above his dick as she swallowed first the round, bloated head and then more, inches of him disappearing swiftly into her mouth and throat.  Ashley pressed her tongue against the curving underside of his upright member, sucking him like he was some extra large DREAMSICLE.  He groaned in fierce satisfaction, tangling his fingers in her mass of wet hair to hold her head right where it was.

         Joshua pumped in and out of her mouth, the sounds of slurping mingling with the ongoing patter of rain.  Ashley reached around to grab his hips, surrendering completely both to His desire and her own.  She gulped and gulped as he took her, right there, on the roof of the garage in the middle of a raging thunderstorm.  Smiling wickedly, she wondered if this was how Adam had taken Eve...

         Hot minutes fell away, blurred by an insistent ache that only had one remedy.  Joshua snatched her mouth off and shoved her effortlessly against the side of her car.  Blinking through the rain streaming down her face she looked into the eyes of her Master and found them wild with an almost frightening lust.  He came at her silently, gaze unwavering and reached out, clutching her blouse and yanking, buttons popping and flying all over.  Ashley was panting as his hands went next to her bra, groping her lush breasts through the material before tearing it open as well, baring her nipples to the elements.


         Rolling her onto her stomach, breasts flattened against the wet hood of her car, legs wide, Joshua squatted behind Ashley and forced her skirt up around her slim waist.  She knew then she was in for a different kind of surrender today.  With her face down and ass out, all she could do was cry in delicious wonderment as he sent his tongue spiraling deep into her naked, cringing hole.  The egg just hummed in illicit harmony, forcing climax after climax until she had no idea how many there had been so long as they didn't stop.

         Groaning louder, she echoed the storm in volume and ferocity, the wet, desperate coupling setting her senses on fire.  It wasn't until he had ceased licking and began wedging his dick inside the straining ring of her asshole, splitting her pale cheeks like he was using a crowbar that she knew what He needed.  Clenching and spreading her round ass, Joshua grunted like a bull and stabbed deeper, marking her as His in one of the most absolute ways.  Giving in to an appetite long pent up, she began to beg for every new thrust as though her salvation was encased in those hot, dark inches...

         Whispers at first, her words soon erupted into a litany.  Demands that He never leave her for so long again, that she was His for however long He wanted her and that was all she wanted; to be with Him, to be for Him, part of Him.  Bending Ashley forward as he bucked harder, feeling her rain-kissed flesh tight against his own Joshua twisted inside her velvet depths.  Reveling in the unique grip of her most intimate place, He kissed and bit along the center of her back, pressing her thick-nippled breasts flat against the hot-wet metal of the car.  She took all that He had to give as roughly as he wanted to give it.  Feeling no shame, no remorse, she begged for more. 

         Joshua heard every cry, knew every request and looking down along the back of his loving, obedient one he could do nothing less than reward her lust with his own.

         "Good girl," he whispered, voice all but drowned out by the rain.  "Good girl..."

5151 words
© Copyright 2009 Onyx: a PURPLE MANIAC! (onyxgemini22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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