Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1552638-SHOP-WITH-CARE
Rated: E · Other · Religious · #1552638
You never know what you may find in an out of the way store!

Several years ago I was driving cross country to my new military assignment at Fort Bragg. Shortly before evening I came upon a small town that looked like a peaceful New England village. As I pulled into a small unpaved parking area I noticed a sign that read, Heaven's Grocery Store.

I thought at the time what a strange name for a grocery store, but I was thirsty and sick and tired of the fast food along the Interstate highway and craved some cool milk and crackers and hoop cheese.
As I entered the small store I saw a host of people dressed as angels. They were standing everywhere. One handed me a basket and said "Gene, shop with care."

I thought it curious that this odd-ball stranger dressed up in an angel costume should know my name, but I quickly noticed that everything a human needed was in that grocery store and what you could not carry you could come back for more. I was completely mesmerized.

First I got a little Patience because I had been running low on it. Love was in that same row so I dropped several boxes into my basket. Further down was Understanding. You need that everywhere you go so I put a lot of it in my basket.

I grabbed a box or two of Wisdom and a large bag of Faith, and Charity I would need some of that, too, so I got plenty.

I couldn't miss the Holy Ghost for it was all over the place. And then I added some Strength and Courage to help me in times of doubt.

My basket was getting full, but I remembered I needed Grace and Forgiveness. I then chose a heaping helping of Salvation, for Salvation was marked for free. I tried to get enough of that so I could give some to my family and friends.

I then started to the check-out counter to pay my grocery bill, for I thought by then that I had everything I needed in order to do the Lord's will.

But, as I went up the aisle I saw Prayer and put that in the basket, for I knew when I stepped outside I would run smack dab into sin.

Peace and Joy were plentiful, the last things on the shelf. It looked as if few people had been selecting either one.

Song and Praise were hanging near so I just helped myself.

As I reached the check-out I asked the angel "Now how much do I owe?"

She smiled and said "Just take them everywhere you go."

With a smile I again asked, "Really now, how much do I owe?"

"My child" she said, "Jesus paid your debt a long time ago." (For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. The Bible - John 3:17).
As I drove away from the small store, I glanced down to see some cheese, a box of crackers and a pint of cool milk on the seat next to me. When I looked back up in my rear view mirror, I noticed that the store had disappeared. I stopped the car, got out, and scanned the horizon. It was totally empty for miles and miles in every direction.

Was it a dream or wishful thinking?

I thought about it for a long time as I casually munched my food and drank my milk and finally decided to keep the experience to myself.

After all, if I told someone of a store full of real angels and wonderful gifts from God, they'd think I was a brick shy of a load or I just escaped from a looney-bin!

I could always pass the extra 'groceries' I got on to needy people! I drove on down the empty highway with a warm feeling inside and a smile on my face.

(Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The Bible - Matthew 6:19-20-21).

This article was also titled "Heaven's Grocery Store"
Original story written by Gene Ladnier
For the Southern Advocate Newspaper,
Ashland, MS on December 15, 2005, Volume 99, No. 52.
Original title: "Always buy enough groceries to give some to needy people.
Placed on line by original Author Gene Ladnier in various places under the
captions of “Unusual Groceries”, "Shop with Care,” and “Heaven’s Grocery
Copyright: Gene Ladnier
Aka Oldwarrior.

© Copyright 2009 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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