Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1552341-Night
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1552341
Based on a soon to be Manga.
  -The Introduction to Hell-


         Thunder claps off in the distance while the rain starts to pour. Bodies lay scattered throughout the field, lying limply by their sides, swords; each broken in two while covered in blood. The battle that had just taken place was not just some usual battle, nor was it anything to take lightly. This was the first step of many in the plan of the over-throwing of the system in which governs the lands. If the system lays defeated then the chaos lurking in its shadow will shows itself, to feed on the helpless that stand in awe of the wake. Everyone is governed by some sort of system. They run their daily lives based on a system that they had picked up some time in their life. May it be by their parents or what have you. We'll rewind to the battle, to see what truly went on....

-Chapter One: Feeding the Flames-

         "They've broken through the blockade of the 9th squad! Order all troops in the Western Check Point to immediately help the wounded! We cannot let them pass on up in to the Center Power Core. The CPC must be protected or all else is lost!" The words spoken were from High ranking officer Oryan Mckein Jadeel. He is in-charge of the troops out of and during battle. What's happening is that the rebel group known plainly as 'The Group' has launched an all out attack on the head base near the Jhio Mountains. As the orders were given, the messenger from another base arrived with some highly classified, highly important information for the Officer. A tone of the up-most importance was lingering in his voice as he spoke the words that would change everything forever. "Sir, our scientists have been working on a secret project funded by the one known as 'Head Captain' He asked us to tell you so that you may can finally use it in the battle. It wil--" He was interrupted by the Officer quite quickly." Will what!? Hurry yourself up why don't you!?" The Messenger replied to him with...,"It's magic, sir. We've discovered a way to use Magic, and the first experiment was a huge success. We can create and use Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind, and Earth against the Group...”

"Wha--what do you mean!? We've the ability to now use Magic!? Did you ever think that it will drop out of our hands and be used by the enemy!? Just make sure that it's safe and have an -officer- trained for this start to send it over our way!" The Messenger turned away from him and began to leave, right towards the exit tunnel created; it connects all of their bases together; "Yes sir, right away sir!"

Chapter One: Part Two

         The Messenger that left the Mountain Base is now already nearing the under-water Base of Darme. This base is where the experiments for Water Magic is taking place, and while the Messenger is nearing the North Gate entering from the Tunnel, crashing waves can be heard off in the distance, and voices of men and women can be heard yelling orders and status reports. One thing is easily noticed. That being -level 9- wave is being yelled quite a bit. An alarm can be heard, which is a sign that someone is approaching the base's gate. The North Gate starts to slide open, and the Messenger enters and begins to speak out loudly; "Report coming from Head Base Jhio. They need the Magic ready and locked up for transfer in three days. I'll head from base to base picking up the Capsules in which they will be carried in." Without any silence the head water scientist spoke up.

"The Messenger...is the one picking up the Magic of highly dangerous weapons meant for War? Well, if you say so, we'll let you do it." The messenger turned slightly towards him and had a look of pure contempt upon his face. A dark wind will blow, and it will be shown to flicker in his eyes. “Thank-you sir; you won’t regret it. I will make sure all is carefully transported to its desired location.”  He started back out towards the tunnels, towards yet another base. “There is something odd about that messenger. An oddly aura is surrounding him; a darkness shines in his eyes. It is a scary feeling.”

        The idea that evil is hiding about every corner, lurking in all darkness, readying itself to attack scares even the manliest fellow; those that you cannot see is that which is the scariest of all. Death: The Angel of Neutrality; It sneaks upon us, like a cold chill, like a shadow upon a camp fire. We await our fate, even if it scares us, to pass on like all others. But there are those who refuse to accept it, and will fight it, only to become demons of life, instead of Gods of the new world.

    “The Messenger has arrived, lord; shall I point him towards your direction?” A voice in the darkness is what’s being heard; Spoken so well, yet deep and dark. It’s storming pretty heavily and you can hear the rain drops hitting the roof of the building; besides that, it’s dead silent. No response from this so called lord. Not so much as a grunt let alone an order. The one who’d asked the question was just standing there, not moving, nor was he barely breathing; and then out of no-where he finally replied with a deep, meaningful reply (well, it’s meaningful to the one asking the question) “Do as you will, for I will judge you by your actions. You needn’t be scared unless you harm all of us and halt our operation; which if that’s the case, I’ll be the executioner and the undertaker! So, please, do what you think is best for us. Think of myself and your one-thousand brethren!” So with that he took his leave, to go get the messenger. He returned several minutes later, along with the messenger. “Sir, I need only your presence here at this time. It’s a rather important conversation needing to be had.” The Lord signaled for everyone to leave; the messenger commenced with his needed conversation. “I went along and gathered up the Magic as I said I would do, Zack, and no one suspected a thing. I told you that I’m rather good at acting…even though I hate playing a part of such a low-life piece of scum. A MESSENGER! Come the Hell on! I am the greatest Warrior and actor of all time! Why should I play out the role of such a low being!?” his voice would continue to rise to the point nearing a nuisance. “Reiyu, you need to calm down. If you get any louder, the people will hear you. Remember, we’re trying to use them so that we can use the Magic. So please for the love of God…calm down. We don’t need you ruining things just because you’ve been given the role that you hate. Suck it up and get the job done.” A knock was heard at the door, following a questioning voice of the Chancellor.” S-Sir, are you ready for us to enter the chamber? We’ve serious business that only you, the Lord, can decide on.”

© Copyright 2009 John Thomas Lunsford (thiamor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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