Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1551690-Ghost-Bitch
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1551690
A bitch of a ghost who knows how to make mortals suffer
The vase smashed against the wall and sent tiny projectiles of glass flying around the room. I winced in pain as they sliced through my skin and lodged themselves deep within my flesh. "You fucking bitch! I'd kill you if you weren't already dead you ghostly whore!" I shreiked in anger and pain at the empty room. All was quiet Ghost Bitch wasn't one to respond to verbal abuse, it was time to go physchological on her paranormal ass.
"I spoke to a preist yesterday". I said in my most relaxed conversational tone. "He said he would be able to perform an exorcism and get rid of you." Still no response. "He's gonna send your fucking poltergeist ass back to hell you transparent slut!" a door slammed on the other side of the room, she was starting to take the bait.
"I was talking to Casper the friendly ghost last night, he said you were a dead lay" the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by several degrees, she was getting worked up now. "Thanks for turning on the aircon, you frigid bitch"
A chair on the other side of the room lifted up off the ground, hovered for a moment and then hurtled across the room straight at me. I leapt to the side and it smashed into the wall where I was standing. "What's the matter? Reflexes getting slow in your old age" I said sarcastically to my invisible nemesis. "Your piss weak, any freak can throw things around why don't you show yourself. Too gutless I bet." I defiantly said hoping to get the ghost to manfest itself in some physical form.
A faint glow seemed to appear in the middle of the room about 2 feet of the floor and steadily became brighter. As it intensified the vague shape of a human form could be seen. It's features were coming in to focus they were distorted and grotesque, far removed from their human origins. They were a memory of life but defiled and twisted by the evil hate that consumed this vile entity. "Geez, someone needs an extreme makeover. Even the creature from the black lagoon would need to polish off a bottle of bourbon before he'd touch you" I gave a sarcastic little laugh just to make sure I really pissed the ghost bitch off.

"You pathetic little man, who are you to mock me? I have I been on this earth for over ten thousand years. I will enjoy tearing your soul out." a deep gutteral voice shuddered throughout the room seeming to come from all directions at once.

The light dulled slightly and the form seemed to solidify and drop to the floor, with slow deliberate steps it moved towards me. I reached into myjeans pocket and puled out an old metal talism and held it out in front of me.The ghost stopped suddenly "Where did you get that?" the ghost screamed in a high pitch paniced squeal.
"They had on special at Kmart, handy that hey" The talism which was basiclly a cross inside a circle began to glow blue and the light form the ghost began to stream towards it in thin wispy trails.
"No this is impossible, the cross of Sharn was destroyed" yelled the ghost desperately as it continued to be sucked into the cross.
"Yeah about that, seems it wasn't really destroyed that was just a vicious rumour"
There was little left of the ghost just a few little trails of light which were quickly swallowed up by the talism.

Yep, ghosts they're so predictable. But I tell ya, this one was a real bitch.
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