Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1550770-Nightmares-Chap-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #1550770
Chapter 2. Warning for some minor language.
Chap 2.

         Starting school in the middle of the semester was a nightmare.
         Juliana had led me to the three hour long art class that was my first, and only, period before lunch and then continued on to her own destination with a promise that she'd meet me outside the cafeteria at lunchtime.
         Well, it was now time for lunch and I was lost.
         I discretely held a small map of the university campus pressed against a book of art history, trying to figure out where I was and where I was going. I silently hoped Jules would come find me.
         This must be how a lost sheep feels, I thought.
         All alone, away from the safety of the pen and its friends. Possible danger lurking around every corner.
         Keeping my eyes locked on the map I almost crashed head first into another person but his or her hand against my shoulder saved us both the potential pain. I jerked my face up to look at whoever it was that had stopped my blind rampage and almost immediately took a step back.
         Not only were his eyes green as summer grass and his skin copper brown, a druid, his expression turned from amused to furious as realization dawned on him and his hand gripped tightly on the thin fabric of my t-shirt.
         “You're dressed awfully light for the cold weather. You should try to fit in more.” He gave me a hard shove which made me stumble several steps back.
         “I have no busyness with your lot. I don't want any trouble, just leave me alone.”
         Damn country is crawling with shapeshifters nowadays. It irritated me to no end but I tried my hardest to keep my calm around them. This one was surprisingly rude though.
         “If you'd tried to fit in I might not have noticed you, but you screwed up, little witch.”
         Try calling me that again, freak, and I'll gladly set you on fire.
         “What do you want?” I asked, a hint of anger slipping through my careful facade.
         Generally I was a quiet and sort of kind person, if I was allowed to say so myself, but I simply had no patience with druids. I was also awfully aware of his three friends, also them russet skinned and green eyed, closing in on me, creating a circle.
         “Your kind is not welcome here. Leave or I'll throw you out myself.”
         “I applied to this school in earnest and got accepted. I have every right to be here!” I hissed at him.
         How dared he?
         “Not as long as I'm here.” he made a disgusted face. “I refuse to suffer a stinking mage under this roof!”
         I made a choice then. Juliana would yell at me for this... but I guess it was worth it.
         I stuffed the book and the map into my book-bag, not caring if the papers got wrinkly, and prepared myself for the power that always came boiling to surface as soon as I got angry.
         I could feel it tingle in my hands, wanting to burst forward. I was utterly grateful I had learned to keep it under control. I pushed away thoughts of the consequences that would follow if I accidentally managed to burn down the entire building.
         “I tried to be polite and stuff, but I guess it didn't work.” I said in a nonchalant manner. “And I kinda have a low beasty-tolerance!”
         I mentally opened a small crack in the barrier I'd built up to control the magic and let a tiny amount seep out into the palm of my hand.
         The tingling feeling got worse. I could feel how the power wanted to break free of the shackles I'd put on it and turn the man in front of me to a mere smoldering pile of dust. Luckily my self control was strong. For Jules' sake I wouldn't do anything stupid. I'd just gotten out of that damn facility, I sure as hell wasn't going to let some stupid druid get me back in.
         I noticed with satisfaction how the four men around me took a cautious step backwards, their eyes intent on the flame I'd summoned. It twisted and twirled around itself, creating a small sphere of fire.
         I was prepared to throw it at him, it wouldn't hurt him much, it held to little concentrated magic to be truly useful. But hopefully it would shock him a little. Perhaps give him a small scar.
         It would satisfy, for now, I concluded.
         But I never got the chance.
         Juliana shoved past the druids and clamped a hand around my wrist, careful not to burn herself in the process.
         She was a couple of inches taller than me and easily blocked my view of the green-eyed beast.
         Her eyes locked with mine.
         “No,” she said simply but with a strong tone of authority and my focus was broken. The anger quickly slipped away in her presence and I suffocated the fire by shutting my hand around it. I wouldn't disappoint Jules.
         I saw her relax and she gave me a grateful smile before she released my wrist and turned around to face the man behind her.
         “Finn, what are you doing?”
         She knew him?
         A friend of her fiancĂ©e perhaps?
         I'd only met her beloved Daniel once and I'd been forced to agree that he actually was a druid worth knowing. Not only was he a certified doctor, like most of their kind – their healing arts were known to be the best in probably the whole world – but he was also the nicest man I've ever met. He was kind, caring and not full of prejudice against someone like me. Like the idiots present for example.
         “So this little scum is with you, Julie?”
         I gritted my teeth at his words.
         “Her name is Keily, and yes she's with me. She's the friend I told you about, remember?” I didn't see her face but I clearly heard her soft smile. “She's living with me now.”
         I envied Jules her calm.
         She was just so harmonious. It was always a pleasure to be around her. It seemed that not even Finn was immune to her soft smile and sugarcoated words.
         “Yeah. The one you kicked out Dan for, right? Never said she was... like that, though.” He growled low in his throat when he said those last words.
         “Behave yourself.” A scorn pulled her perfectly plucked eyebrows together as she turned around to me again.
         “I'll try.” He sounded honest enough. Sullen but honest. But I heard his low follow up behind Jules back. “Can't promise anything though.”
         She took my hand and dragged me with her towards the cafeteria.

          End Chap 2.

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