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by Tynan
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Death · #1550629
Meet the Doctor.... Chapter 2
Chapter 2

The Elm facility rested at the outskirts of town in the middle of Crystal forest, the facility was a laboratory made popular by the fact they had a cure for almost every disease know to man. What the public didn’t know was that it was run by the government and had created some diseases to keep the population down and to help control their enemies in other countries. Among the diseases they had created and had cures for are: Aids, Cancer, and Anthrax; the cure was only available for the ones that could either afford it or were infected accidentally.

The man behind everything that went on in the facility was Dr. Hall, he was the lead scientist and had done most of the work with diseases and cures. At the time he was hard at work at a cure for the Ebola virus when he discovered a certain strain of the virus reanimated dead corpse’s moments after their “death”, but also caused the corpse to die again shortly after. He began to wonder if he could somehow manipulate the strain into one that was like a “Zombie” virus like in the movies, if he could make such a virus he would be able to make plenty of money off of it by selling to the highest bidder in the world.
The only problem he ran into was the government not allowing him to have human test subjects for his experiments on the Ebola virus, deeming it inhumane and completely illegal. He could not run the risk of exposing his true intentions to anyone but his trusted lab assistants, whom he had worked with for many years and had helped keep many situations from the government and the public’s eye. The animal subject did nothing to help him with his experiment, the strain of the virus he was using didn’t affect the animals the same as it might a human and had different affects on each animal species he tried it on. That is until one night when it all changed.

Dr. Hall sat in his office running the numbers over and over through the computer. Each time he came up with negative results. Frustrated he slammed his fist on the desk and shouted,” I need human test subjects, these animals and tissue samples are getting me no where!” Suddenly a panicked voice came over the intercom from the lab down below.” Dr. Hall I think we have a problem down here.” Jumping out of his seat and rushing to the window he looked down into the lab to see that one of the primates they had used for experiments was loose and trashing the lab. As one of the lab techs tried to contain the beast his ear was bitten clean off and his face had gotten completely scratched up. Yelling in pain the lab tech collapsed to the floor, blood pouring from his missing ear. Dr. Hall smirked as he walked out of his office onto the walkway above the lab; he reached into his lab coat and pulled out a magnum. “Take him and throw him into the containment area now!” He commanded the other techs around the fallen man. He then pointed the gun at the monkey and shot it in the head, flinging brain matter and blood all over the floor. “Clean up that mess while you’re at it.”

Dr. Hall began experimenting with his new test subject by taking blood samples and mixing them with other strains of the virus and sample from the animal test subjects to try and come up with one that looked at least a little different than all of the others. One night his work was interrupted by a high ranking government official bursting into his lab and demanding to see the results on the cure he was developing. “Where’s the cure Dr. Hall? It was supposed to be completed a week ago, now where is it!?” the man yelled slamming his fists on the desk Dr. Hall was occupying. Dr. Hall stood up and calmly replied,” These things take time, you cannot rush a cure. Cures take a while to fully test and make sure it works before being able to distribute it,” he smirked lightly” maybe if I could use a human subject to test the final results on it would go a lot smoother and be out faster than it’s taking at the moment.” He could see the rage building in the mans eyes as he once again slammed his fist on the desk, toppling a beak that was full with a gooey red and black liquid. “You know the rules Doc, no human subjects and that’s final. I want that cure now! We need it for our troops; we are planning on releasing the virus upon an enemy encampment at noon tomorrow. So I think you better get that cure and get it now!” Dr. Hall’s face returned to a straight business type mood upon hearing this,” Calm down, I have the cure. It may not be fully prepared but it should work perfectly, step over here would you?” he pointed to the big glass window that separated his lab from the containment room.

The officials eyes widened as he took a glimpse in the room, a man had been chained up and looked as if his skin was rotting right off of him.” What is this Hall? What have you been doing down here?” he turned to face the doctor and the last thing he saw was a syringe imbed itself in his neck and a bag placed over his head.” That my good sir is what you are going to become within a few hours, enjoy your stay at the Elm facility as my new test subject.” He smirked as he opened the door to the containment room, the creature inside jumped spontaneously and moaned deep and loud at the intruder. Dr. Hall placed the ban opposite of the monster and smirked” you must be hungry my little pet. I’ll see what I can scrounge up for you. But that will have to wait I have many plans tonight that will change our world and how we continue our work.” He laughed lightly as he walked out of the room, closing the door tightly behind him, he sat back down at the desk and continued his work.

Dr. Hall sat there, finishing the experiment he was working on before that man had so rudely burst into his lab when he quite suddenly burst into a fit of maniacal laughter. He had done it; he had finished the virus it took him so long to create. He picked up the intercom,” All Lab assistants report to Dr. Hall’s lab immediately, I repeat: report to Dr. Hall’s lab immediately.” After about fifteen minutes the six assistants that he had trusted with his big secret were standing before him.

“Everyone, this is the moment we have all been waiting for; the Virus is completed, and we now have two test subjects since the government so graciously provided us with a new one.” He smirked as he said this and all of the assistants were congratulating him and discussing the future with one another.” Now is the time to we take our plans to the next level, tonight me get rid this lab and go to my personal underground laboratory. That way we can further the experiments and make plans with leaders around the world to sell the virus.”

Moments later the lab techs and Dr. Hall began packing up everything they needed and placing them in a van they were using to transfer the equipment. This secret lab was deep in the middle of Crystal forest, next to Myers Lake but still nowhere near the town. It looked as if it had been an old missile silo that had been converted to a lab over the years; after about an hour of moving equipment everything had been transferred successfully, except of course the test subjects. Pointing at two of his assistants the Doctor commanded,” You two, I want you both to go and transfer my new experiments to me. Be extremely careful I believe one bites, the other is still unconscious.” The two nodded and headed for the van, when one stopped to ask,” Sir, how are we going to get them into the van? The lab doesn’t have a loading area so we would have to take them through the building. Isn’t that a little dangerous?” Dr. Hall smirked as he opened a box to reveal a small clock attached to a stack of Dynamite. “Blow a hole in the side of the building and take them from there.”

The two jumped into the van was within minutes were outside the lab,” Dan why are we doing this?” the one guy said attaching the bomb to the wall outside Dr. Hall’s lab.” Because we were told to Kenneth, we work for the doctor and have to do what he says, unless you want to become like the two monsters we’re transporting.” Kenneth shook his head hit the timer on the bomb. They both ran and took cover behind the Van they had been driving, after around a minute the bomb went off and sent rubble flying off in all directions.” Let’s get to it man.” Dan said running up to the wall and hopping inside.

Once the two were inside they made their way to the containment room. They had come armed with a sort of muzzle and chains to make sure they weren’t bit and that the specimens didn’t escape. They could barely see two feet in front of the because of the smoke caused by the explosion, but the flashing red warning lights helped more than hindered in their effort to find the room they needed. They finally found their way to the room and opened the door. Glancing inside they could see one specimen chained to the wall and the other slouched over on the floor unconscious, like Dr. Hall had said. “Let’s get the chained one first. We have to get the muzzle on him so he doesn’t try to bite us.” Kenneth said as he motioned to Dan to follow behind him. The specimen jumped up and moved toward the two, grabbing and reaching for them; it bit at the air furiously, the man looked almost like a corpse that had been in the ground for a while now. He was in the first stages of decomposition, dead flesh hanging from his face, muscle showing and the blood had already coagulated in his veins. Kenneth moved toward him with the muzzle, having to dodge his clawing hands and biting jaws; finally reaching behind the monsters head and strapping the muzzle into place, but getting scratched across his arm in the process.” Fuck that shit hurt. Come on Dan let’s get this thing out of here.” He turned around to see Dan on the floor being bit into by the other specimen.” What the hell? You’re supposed to be unconscious!” He reached under his lab coat and pulled out what looked like a long Nightstick. He hit a switch on it causing it to glow a bright green and illuminating the whole room.

Kenneth ran toward the monster devouring his friend and struck it in the back of the head with the stick. The monster recovered quickly and rose to its feet, walking toward him slowly but with a hungry look in its eyes. Kenneth was scared but not scared enough to forget what was standing right behind him; he hit the monster in front of him multiple times in the head and once in each leg. Eventually it fell, unable to pull itself back up. He brought his foot up and crushed the monster’s skull. Looking at his buddies’ corpse he turned to the other specimen and chained its arms up. Eventually he made his way back out to the van, the monster secured in the back and Dan’s body with the other specimen still in the containment room. Every cage with every animal had been unlocked just like Dr. Hall had said; every instruction followed to the smallest detail, except of course the death of Dan and the other specimen.

After a while Kenneth found himself back at the secret lab, getting out of the van he saw the other assistants waiting on him, with Dr. Hall standing right in front of them all.” Where’s Dan? And what took you so long?” Dr. Hall questioned while the others stared at the both of them curiously.” He’s dead, the other specimen decided to have him for dinner. You said it would be unconscious! Not that it would eat one of us if it got the chance!” Kenneth yelled at the doctor, doing so shocked the others. No one ever raised their voice to the doctor, not without there being consequences. “I said it would probably still be unconscious, not that it would. It is remarkable how short of a time it took for him to turn though. You brought both of the experiments right?” Dr. Hall smirked, playing with the magnum he had in his pocket in case the boy gave him the wrong answer.” I killed the one that ate Dan; it deserved it and if I hadn’t it probably would have killed me as well.” Kenneth took a step back, knowing that he would probably pay for his mistake, but not exactly sure how. “Well that’s a little too bad for you now isn’t it? Now I need a new specimen and since you destroyed my last one I believe you’re the best choice.” Dr. Hall took the magnum out of his pocket and fired at Kenneth, landing a clean shot in his throat.

“Clean up this mess and get the specimens inside, Do it fast unless you want to join them!” Dr. Hall yelled as he pocketed the magnum once more and walked back into his new lab, he smirked at the thought of what was going to happen next and the fact that Kenneth probably left Dan’s corpse perfectly capable or being reanimated and wreaking havoc upon the unsuspecting town in the distance. Now he must plan for the day to come, and find some food for his little pets to munch on.

The next day the Facility had news reporters, police, and federal agents crawling all over the place. The news reported that a hole had been blown in the side of the building and that experiments had been released into the surrounding forest, all residents of the town had been cautioned to stay away from the Facility and the Forest until everything had been cleaned up and disposed of properly. They also reported that no human remains had been found within the lab so no foul play had been suggested, yet none of the lab assistants or the doctor himself could be found.

Dr.Hall sat in his lab contemplating his next move carefully, there was no room for error at this point and he must think every little step through. After a few hours of this process he emerged from seclusion to address his trusted assistants with new orders. Pointing at the two nearest him” You two, go find someone, anyone and bring them back here as food for our little pets.” He ordered as the two assistants hurried to the van and started it up.” Now the rest of you, since the lab is all over the news right now you are all forbidden to leave this location for any reason, we cannot be found out. Anyone caught breaking this rule shall be shot on sight, or used as a new specimen like your dear friend Kenneth.” The list of rules and regulations continued for a short time, in the meantime the two assistants he had assigned to get food for the experiment had found their first victim.

Marie sat in the car, unable to believe what she had just heard from her newest boyfriend. ”You cheated on me? We haven’t even been going out that long, and even worse it was with my best friend?” She slapped the guy and exited the vehicle; he followed and tried to plead with her not to go.” Baby, I’m sorry. I just can’t help who I like. I just kind of thought of you more as a friend.” She turned toward him, tears streaming down her face, “how can you hand me that line of shit? I’m out of here, just leave me alone!” she ran off as fast as she could down the road, leaving him behind. The road was dark and quiet, all except for the usual forest sounds. Marie was saddened deeply and completely unprepared for what was about to happen to her that night.

The two lab assistants sat in the woods waiting on someone to just stumble by, “Here comes someone!” Nick exclaimed as he saw Marie walking down the road. Jack smacked him in the back of the head.” Keep it down you idiot!” Marie didn’t even notice the two men as she walked straight past them further down the seemingly endless stretch of road. The two jumped up, both equipped with the same weapon that Kenneth had used, Marie didn’t notice them sneak up on her until it was too late. She screamed, but no one was around to hear it, they both whacked her hard on the head knocking her unconscious. They proceeded to load her into the van and called Dr. Hall to let him know of their progress.

Dr. Hall was overjoyed to hear that his assistants had gotten some food for his little pet. Looking down into the containment pin he smirked,” Soon my little friend, Very soon.” He turned away to sit and plot out his next move and how
exactly he was going to go about feeding the specimen. Should he just throw her in and let the beast have his fill? Or maybe chain her up above it and let him slowly gnaw at her flesh. Or perhaps he would feed her to it piece by piece, only time would tell and the good doctor had plenty of time at his disposal, and many methods to use, as long as the supply of fresh bodies kept coming.
© Copyright 2009 Tynan (clown069 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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