Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1550601-The-Last-Dracolith
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1550601
Rhyina meets up with the last Dracolith, now he must help him in his fight.
Looking out across the field, the young girl groaned as the far group of sheep slowly moved their grazing closer to the river. She was a middle aged teen with dark curly hair that swayed over green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. She was well built for her age, with narrow shoulders and a curvy physic. *Why did I have to end up as a farmer. The highlight of my life is our annual trip to Mertaj to sell our crops. I'd love to be... I don't know, a merchant or.. or... a Royal servant. At least they go interesting places and do interesting things. Maybe when I'm older, I could get out of here and move to the city*
"Rhyina, the sheep" Turning, she looked across to see his farther leaving the hut. It was a small, wooden shack with half the roof missing. She had made it with his farther when she was a small child. She could distinctly remember making the roof. It took them a year and a half to complete the house, but it after is was finally done, they could move out from her brothers and into their new home.
As Rhyina paced across the field, she watched the cows scatter as she got closer. Climbing over a fence, she ran towards the sheep, ready to scare them from the river. Around fifty meters from the river, Rhyina stopped as the sheep turned and ran towards her. *That was easy. Normally I would need to get behind all of them and forc...* A jet of flames erupted from behind the trees on the other side of the river. Rhyina stood motionless for a few seconds as a black wing came into view, then she ran. Running through the field, she overtook the few sheep that move this way. As she reached the fence, she jumped onto it and leapt over. She shouted to her farther but, to her dismay, he couldn't hear here. Gripped in the air, Rhyina felt the air ripped from her chest as she was hurled into the air. She watched as the ground shrank before her, her home, her farm and the part of the world that she grew up in disappeared before her. As the air thinned, she felt herself loosing grip on reality. Eyes blurring, a single thought crossed her mind *He won't even know I'm gone. He'll think I fell in the river and got swept away. I'm never going to see him again* Her eyes closed as her mind slipped away.

The images span in front of her as Rhyina came to. A throbbing filled her skull whilst the rest of her body remained numb. Pushing herself up on one elbow, Rhyina gazed round at where she was and gasped. Before her sat a drop of around five hundred feet into what looked like a forest, hills jutted out of the mountain side where before none where. Crawling to the edge, Rhyina looked down to find herself on top of the mountain that she know could only be Dragonspire Mountain.
Good, your awake . Rhyina slowly turned, dreading what stood behind her. Looking up, her gaze fell on an towering monster. Its huge body, a full six foot long just from back legs to massive shoulders, each muscle visible under its scales as it shifted slightly, Its scales glistaning against the moonlight. Its tail, thick and enormously powerful with a full eight feet long, lay across the ground. Its neck, rested heavely up on the perfectly built chest, supporting a head that could only be described as regal and proud. A crest of spikes running from head to tail all along its back. Deadly sharp looking claws rested upon each of its hands, flashing light in every direction. Finally, those massive wings of its. Streached out, they easily spanned at least the height of its body, huge spikes from each of the joints situated two thirds along the front edge of each wing.
Greetings human to Dragonspire Mountain My name is Xiellion, I am seventeen hundred years old and the last of my kind. I am, a Dracolith. Rhyina stared at the beast, unable to believe what she was hearing. *The last Dracolith, me, Ok wake up. I'm a farmer, this is... hust not happening*
And now that I have introduced myself, I would like one good reason why I shouldn't kill you. Your kind has hunted mine for over twenty millenniums. Thanks to your kind, I am the last and the Dragons are thinning. Now state your reason or perish
"I...I... haven't done anything" A simple sentence but it effected Xiellion in a large way, but not for the good side.
YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING. MY RACE WAS OBLITERATED BECAUSE OF YOURS Anger filling his eyes, the Dracolith stare bored into Rhyina's skull. Towering over her, Xiellion grasped Rhyina's leg and hoisted her into the air.
"Arrrgghhh, my leg... your crushing it"
YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT ONE HUMAN AFTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME. YOU TOOK EVERYTHING! MY HOME, MY FAMILY... my family The anger in his eyes turned into dispare as he relived the most painful memories he had
Clarisa Dropping Rhyina, Xiellion walked to the ledge and stared over. The five burnt in his eyes the same as i burnt through the Valedy forest on the day that he lost everything.
"CLARISA, RUN!" The flames swept over the trees like a wave over a rock, engulfing their home. The screams of warriors approached, drowning out the dying cries of his friends.
"RUN" Diving through the flames, Xiellion escaped the cave cave behind him. Turning wildly, he turned for the hut in which the only person that truly cared for him lived.
"RUN" Storming towards it, Xiellion barged through a group of mercenaries as they burst through one of the few spots not aflame.
"Are you OK?" Turning, Xiellion stared down at the girl that was stood next to him.
They took everything from me. I will make them pay Now standing, Xeillion looked down at Rhyina as she looked up at him.
Why are you concerned about me, not but a few moments ago I was going to kill you Confusion covering his face, he eyed the girl that stood before him.
"Wel...I..." Unable to give what she though would be taken as an acceptable answer and instead simply shrugged. They stared at each other for a few moments, a mix of hatred and curiosity in their eyes until the silence was finally broken as s roll of thunder echoed through the sky.
A storm is coming, it is not safe to be here. Do as you will Turning, he stormed away up the mountain side, his scales glittering against the flashes that filled the sky. Drumming her fingers across the rock-face, the gazed around for cover. *Great, a steep drop in front of me, a mountain behind and thunder everywhere else* Racking her brain, a glazed look covered her face. A roar from the sky brought her back to reality. *Well I guess theirs only one way to find out* Hurrying up the mountain, she broke into a quick run as a bolt of lightning struck just of to the side of the mountain Up, up, up the winding path she ran, panting heavily as she turned onto the plateau of the mountain A low pitch growling erupted from the small cavern on the far side of the peak.
"I.. "Cut off, she stepped back as a roar exploded towards her. Most would have taken this and run but Rhyina wasn't the type to be cut off
"Now you listen here, you brought me here so until I get back, I'm staying. Got it?" The entire mountain went silent and the sound of the wind howling through the forest could heard in the distance.
Enter Half smiling, she paced into the blackness.

(Not finished yet but please still leave a comment to help me improve)
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